The Local Skinny Apr 29 YMCA Bike Safety Event

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The Local Skinny Apr 29 YMCA Bike Safety Event Information.

Vance County Sheriff's Office

Three Vance County Deputies Indicted by Grand Jury

In a press release received today from Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame, he indicated three deputies have been indicted this week by a Vance County Grand Jury.

Brame wrote in his press release that one of the deputies had pending charges, and now more charges have been brought against him.

“All three deputies have been suspended from duty with the Sheriff’s Office pending resolution of their charges,” he said.

An internal investigation was conducted, but it was completed by an outside source.  The result, according to Brame, is that “violation of office policy and lack of training was found.”

Brame wrote, “I believe in and support my officers and that protocol was followed.  At this time, I do not have any evidence that would warrant the charges brought against them.

“The Vance County Sheriff’s Office will continue to serve and protect the people of Vance County going forward.”

Dylan Gerard Shares How Simple Things Influence His Musical Style

Sometimes, it’s the simple things in life that bring joy to people’s lives – and Dylan Gerard has created a song that celebrates family and growing up in a small town, two of his “simple things.”

Gerard is an up-and-coming musician whose new single “Simple Things” reached 37th on the Music Row Country Music breakout chart. The 29-year-old Florida native spoke with John C. Rose on Town Talk to discuss how the song and accompanying video came about, artists who have influenced his sound and his appearance on NBC’s talent program “The Voice.”

The lyrics and music came first for the song, he said, and he was just beginning work on the video about the time COVID-19 restrictions locked everything down, so he used the time to go through home videos.

“I thought it was fitting to go through old home videos and just really show people my side of simple things,” Gerard said. “You hear the song and think about your own simple things.”

“On top of it just being something for other people, it was really nice just being reminded of that for myself, especially in (these) trying times…it’s my mom and my dad. It’s my sister and brother, my Granny and Papa,” he continued.

When it don’t make sense and the world’s fallin’ apart. It’s the simple things. I love the simple things.  — from “Simple Things,” Dylan Gerard

Music was an integral part of Gerard’s childhood – both parents sing, his dad plays guitar and mandolin. “I can’t remember a time we didn’t have music going…in the car or the house.” He picked up the guitar in high school and never looked back.

Enjoy the TownTalk Podcast and more below.


He since signed with Nashville’s SSM label and said a follow-up single  – “Please Don’t Let Me” – is set to drop in the near future. There’s an album in the works as well, he said.

Gerard appeared on Season 13 of “The Voice.” “That was something else – quite the experience.” He talked about the fascination of seeing the production of the show and all the behind-the-scenes work required to do it. “It was pretty stressful, pretty nerve-wracking, but it was definitely an experience,” he said.

Getting compliments on his music from the likes of judges Adam Levine, Jennifer Hudson and Kelly Clarkson didn’t hurt, either. “It gives you some validation, some hope, a little more drive and motivation” to continue pursuing music.

It was Clarkson who helped steer Gerard into the country music “lane,” he said. “She said I had a really good country music voice… a voice that’s not necessarily out there, and I thought that was really cool,” he said. “I think country is kind of in my voice,” he added.

Despite finding a spot in country music, Gerard rattled off a range of artists – past and current – whose music has influenced his sound. From Otis Redding and Frank Sinatra to Bonnie Raitt and the Temptations, it’s the soulful sound that he’s drawn to.

“I’ve always loved soul and I love to hear that passion in someone’s voice,” Gerard said. In fact, when he’d finished his audition for “The Voice,” he said judges Levine and Hudson remarked that although they had listened to others perform that day, his audition was the first time they had felt the emotion emanating from his music. “To get that from them was really nice and really rewarding,” he said.

Find Gerard on social media platforms Instagram and Facebook and at to learn more about him and his music. He invites others to consider what their “simple things” are and then share them in a message to him; “it’s the things that mean the most to us,” he said. “It’s interesting and really nice to hear what those things are and how they differ from person to person.”

Kerr Tar Workforce and NCWorks

Employment for Graduating Seniors, Class of 2021 Career Expo

High school seniors who will graduate in a little over a month have choices to make, whether it’s choosing a college or university to attend or beginning a career. A regional career expo targeting the Class of 2021 will be held next week and it is designed with the Gen Z’er in mind.

The virtual event is scheduled for Wednesday, May 5 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., according to Desiree Brooks, business services manager of the Kerr-Tar Council of Governments workforce development board.

Brooks told WIZS News Tuesday, April 13 that several area workforce development boards, along with NC Works and the NC Department of Public Schools’ Career Technical Education (CTE) program have collaborated to put on the event.

“We have been coordinating with the CTEs in the five counties and they are working on getting students ready for the event,” Brooks said. “They are targeting students who are ready to enter the workforce upon graduation – we are all very excited about this event.”

The expo – tagged as the “Gen Z Edition” – will allow students and employers to communicate using a platform that young people are comfortable and familiar with, according to a flyer promoting the event. Students who have developed technical skills, have hands-on experience and earned credentials through their high school CTE program can use the expo as a way to showcase those skills for prospective employers. Employers can share job descriptions and other details of their business in interviews using text or video chat.

“One of our goals is to make sure the parents of seniors see the importance of this so they can encourage them to take part in this event,” Brooks noted. “Another goal is to get employers that are willing to hire graduating seniors with little or no prior work experience.”

Sign up for the event at

More First Shots in the Last Month than in the Month Before

Vance County has 33.4% of its population at least partially vaccinated against covid.  The amount in Granville County is 35.7% partials.  And as of Monday according to information for Granville Vance Public Health, the state is at 48.2 percent of the adult population having received a partial vaccination.

Vance County is lagging about 15% behind the state while Granville County is 12.5% back.

Of fully vaccinated adults, it’s Vance 26.8%, Granville 28.4% and NC 38.1%, which represents slightly smaller gaps.

Lisa Harrison, public health director, wrote in her email update, “We continue to update and shift our approach to vaccination to align with demand and meet people where they are, while working behind the scenes to re-open more of our core public health services and programs in the coming weeks and months. We want to make vaccine super easy for people who are not among the groups we initially vaccinated who were more than willing to come find us wherever we were. Coming up, we will deploy our team in new ways to be available for people at work, at school, and different locations across our communities to reach those without transportation options.”

Looking back at past emails from Harrison, WIZS News can determine 5,280 first shots were given from March 21 to April 26 whereas from February 25 to March 21 there were 3,355 first shots administered in Vance County.  The figures indicate 1,925 MORE people in Vance County received a first shot in the last month than in the month prior.

Looking back at data in emails from Harrison for Granville County reveals 8,660 first shots were given from March 21 to April 26 whereas from February 25 to March 21 there were 3,888 first shots administer in Granville County.  These figures indicate 4,772 MORE people in Granville County received a first shot in the last month than in the month prior.

Vaccine in the health district is about to be easier than ever to get.  Just Tuesday, there was a walk-up vaccination clinic in Townsville.  No appointment was required.

Harrison wrote, “We want to be available to answer questions and make easier the access points for vaccine and are working hard to lead this shift in demand as well as our approach to reach people who want the vaccine. If you have ideas, let us know. Please help us out by sharing our web site information widely where we have lots of good information, frequently asked questions, and ways to schedule a vaccine appointment at GVPH here:

Vance County Schools Arts Alive 2021

— information courtesy of Vance County Schools and Public Information Officer Aarika Sandlin

Arts Alive 2021 was an amazing day this past Saturday, April 24 with Master Classes, the Virtual Art Gallery, along with the Talent Showcase! The district proudly presented our Champion of the Arts Awards to Dr. LaSaundra Booth and Mr. Andrew Markoch.

Dr. Booth, of the Wake Forest Community Youth Orchestra, has been instrumental in developing the Vance County Schools strings program. Her dedication and hard work has allowed the program to continue growing year after year, allowing our students to truly experience orchestra and strings at the elementary level.

Mr. Markoch serves as the VCS Director of Fine Arts and Innovation. He continues to raise the bar in our district for both visual and performing arts. As a fully staffed arts district, we ensure that every student experiences the arts at every grade level. Mr. Markoch oversees all of the arts programs within our schools.

Both of these individuals are indeed Champions of the Arts and make us all Vance County Schools Proud! The excitement doesn’t end until April 30th, as our virtual art gallery and master classes will be available until April 30 at

Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie 04-27-21 – What Works in the Lawn and Garden

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