NC Dept of Agriculture

Use care when burning yard debris

The sunny skies and warmer temperatures may be tempting area residents to get outside and burn yard debris, but a local fire ranger urges landowners to use abundant caution to avoid problems.

Just in the last week, fire departments in Vance and Granville counties and the NC Forest Service have responded to 13 wildfires. Of those, seven were caused by debris burning, according to Granville County Fire Ranger Rob Montague.

March through May is recognized as spring wildfire season, and the N.C. Forest Service said that as residents begin spending more time working in their yards, it is important to be responsible when it comes to burning yard debris.

“Every year, almost 40 percent of wildfires in North Carolina are the result of careless debris burning,” Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler stated in a press release from the forest service.  “To protect ourselves and our forestland from wildfire, we have to be responsible and vigilant. Check the weather. Make sure you’re prepared to burn before you do. Never leave a debris fire unattended, and always have a water source and phone nearby in case you need them,” Troxler’s statement continued.

Contact your county forest ranger for technical advice and options to help ensure the safety of people, property and the forest. Visit to find the ranger in your county.

Consider the following factors before burning yard debris:

  • Choose to compost or make mulch. Some types of debris, such as leaves, grass and stubble can be turned into mulch or compost.
  • Check local burning laws. Some communities allow burning only during specified hours; others forbid it entirely.
  • Make sure you have a valid permit. You can obtain a burn permit at any open authorized permitting agent or online at
  • Local fire officials can recommend a safe way to burn debris. Don’t pile vegetation on the ground. Instead, place it in a cleared area and contain it in a screened receptacle away from overhead branches and wires. Keep your pile small, not tall.
  • Stay informed about the weather and possible weather changes. Postpone outdoor burning during high winds or gusts, or periods of low relative humidity. Even if you have a valid permit, stop burning if strong winds develop.
  • Be sure you are fully prepared before burning. To control the fire, you will need a hose, bucket, steel rake and a shovel for tossing dirt on the fire. Keep a phone nearby, too.
  • Never use kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel or other flammable liquids to speed up debris burning.
  • Stay with your fire until it is completely out. To learn more about fire safety and preventing wildfires and property damage or loss, visit

To learn more about protecting your home and property from wildfire, visit

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TownTalk 03-11-21 Monica Kearney, Safe Space Inc.

They may not be on the front lines or in the spotlight as other types of professionals who work to keep the community safe and healthy, but social workers operate across society to provide services to those in need.

March is National Social Work Month and this year’s theme is “Social Workers are Essential.” Monica Kearney, executive director of Safe Space in Louisburg, stressed that social workers are as essential as doctors and nurses, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kearney has a master’s degree in social work and has been director at Safe Space since 2014. She spoke with John C. Rose on Thursday’s Town Talk and said a unique quality that social workers have is “meeting people where they are…to help people have a better way of life.”

Safe Space provides domestic violence/sexual assault services that help families break the cycle of domestic violence and sexual assault. Visit to learn more.

Pandemic restrictions have created challenges, Kearney said, but the non-profit continues to provide outreach and educational resources to reach those who may be in crisis. “Domestic violence is a public health issue,” Kearney noted, whether someone is a victim or someone who has witnessed it in the home. A second social worker at Safe Space helps children who have witnessed domestic violence. The Safe Space mission is “to help people move beyond fear into freedom,” she added.

Social workers serve at the front lines with physicians and nurses, but also are found everywhere from schools to large corporations. Social workers protect children, provide clinical therapy interventions and use evidence-based practices to help others, Kearney said.

Stay-at-home orders, working from home or facing unemployment as a result of the pandemic may put additional strain on families already dealing with domestic violence or sexual abuse, she said. People who have experienced domestic violence, whether they are victims or witnesses, can find help and resources at agencies like Safe Space, Kearney said.

Kearney noted that people who live in more rural counties like Franklin, Vance and Granville already face struggles, but layering the additional challenges brought by the pandemic have only made things more challenging. “It’s easy to say just leave the situation,” she said, but it rarely is as easy as that. More affordable housing is one thing Kearney said would help people who are ready to leave an unhealthy relationship.

Other services that Safe Space offers include a 24-hour crisis line (919.497.5444), a short-term shelter for victims fleeing domestic violence, support groups for victims and children, as well as court advocacy, community outreach and education.

Teenagers may be experiencing challenges because of the pandemic, too, she said. Limiting social interaction can be troubling for that age group, and Kearney said Safe Space can provide information about teens’ social emotional development, as well as other relevant topics such as dating violence and cyber-bullying.

“I was born with an innate desire to make a difference in the world,” Kearney said, “I just wasn’t sure how it would manifest itself.” One of her college professors sparked her desire to make that difference through social work; she currently is pursuing her Ph.D in social work administration and leadership. She has mentored numerous social workers and social work students to help them hone in on their own natural abilities, she said.

Social workers play “an essential role in helping people from all walks of life live life to their fullest,” Kearney said, whether it’s domestic violence, mental health or substance abuse disorders. “We are essential workers,” she explained, “because we are helping people who are struggling.”

Social workers, Kearney said, are a lot like teachers – “we don’t get paid a lot, but we are the unsung heroes in the community.”

In Franklin County, contact Safe Space at 919.497.5444.

In Vance County, contact Infinite Possibilities at 252.425.2492.

In Granville County, contact Families Living Violence Free at 919.693.5700.

For complete details and audio click play.


Cooperative Extension with Jamon Glover 03-10-21 – Uninvolved Parenting

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at at 2 PM Monday – Thursday.

Local News Audio

WIZS Local News 03-10-21 Noon

WIZS Your Community Voice — 100.1 FM / 1450 AM

Click Play for today’s Local News Audio.


Local News Airs on WIZS M-F at 8 a.m., 12 Noon and 5 p.m.

TownTalk” Airs on WIZS M-F at 11 a.m.

The Local Skinny!” Airs on WIZS Mon-Thurs at 11:30 a.m.


The Local Skinny! March 10; Home And Garden Show

Each Wednesday “The Local Skinny!” is the Home and Garden Show, which features co-hosts Wayne Rowland and Paul McKenzie of the Vance County Cooperative Extension service.

Vance County COOP agents and staff can be reached throughout the week locally at 438-8188.

As you will hear in today’s podcast below, listener calls at 492-5594 with questions or comments pertaining to your home and garden are more than welcome.

Listen each Wednesday throughout the year at 11:30 a.m.


Support has been overwhelming for Brent Montgomery fund raiser

Brent Montgomery is in a fight with Covid 19. The Henderson resident and North Carolina State Trooper has been hospitalized with the virus since Feb. 1st. 1st Sgt. Jeff Rowan, who works with Montgomery at the Highway Patrol, spoke with Trey Snide about Brent and a chicken plate fund raiser that will take place Thursday starting at 11:30 a.m.

“He is a pivotal part of our team,” Rowan said of Montgomery. Montgomery is a field training officer, taser instructor and heads up the school safety program with the highway patrol. Rowan also said that Montgomery has “done a lot for the community both on and off duty.” “As you can tell by the outreach from the community, he is well known and well liked here.” Rowan said the support of the community has been overwhelming.

With the help of local businesses who have covered the costs of Thursday’s fund raiser, 100% of the proceeds will go to the Montgomery family. According to Rowan, tomorrow’s goal is to sell 2000 plates at $10 each. The location of the fund raiser is the old Charles Boyd Cadillac building located at 284 158 Bypass here in Henderson.

“All we can ask from anybody is to keep praying,” Rowan said.


Watkins selected for Governor’s School

Isaac Charles Watkins, a junior at Oxford Preparatory School, has been selected to attend North Carolina Governor’s School of 2021.

Watkins, 17, lives in Oxford with his parents Kelly Watkins and Chris Cox. He was selected for the program because of high academic performance in the social sciences, according to Vici Bradsher, upper school director at OPS. He will attend Governor’s School West, held at High Point University, Bradsher noted.

“Being selected for Governor’s School is a high honor,” Bradsher said. “Not all schools have students selected to attend Governor’s School,” she said. He is the first OPS student to be selected to attend the summer program.

“We are honored that Isaac has been selected,” Bradsher said, adding that it is “a testament to the level of dedication with which Isaac pursues everything. Isaac is such a very deserving young man.”

His accomplishments extend into the community as well. He spends time helping others at Area Congregations in Ministry (ACIM) food bank in Oxford and the Flat River Baptist Association Church & Communities Ministries in Oxford. He also achieved the rank of Eagle Scout last year. His Eagle Scout project was the creation of a prayer garden at Sharon Baptist Church, where he attends with his family.

Watkins will be studying the social sciences at Governor’s School, and Bradsher said he excels in history, government and politics. At OPS, he also is a member of the swimming and cross-country teams, and is a commencement marshal for the second year.

His mother, Kelly Watkins, said Wednesday that her son also is interested in philosophy and religion, adding that he has indicated an interest in pursuing those subjects in college.

Music is another passion he pursues. He plays electric guitar in the OPS Jazz band and plays trumpet in the school’s performing Band. Outside of school activities, he co-founded The Palm Trees, a band that has performed for various events at the Senior Center in Oxford.

He performs musical selections regularly at his church, his mother said. His maternal grandfather majored in music in college, and Isaac plays the trumpet that his grandfather once played.

The North Carolina Governor’s School is the nation’s oldest statewide summer residential program for gifted high school students. The 5 ½-week program is located on two campuses: Governor’s School West is at High Point University in High Point, and Governor’s School East is held at Meredith College in Raleigh. Each site can accommodate up to 335 students. The program is administered by the Public Schools of North Carolina, the State Board of Education, and the Department of Public Instruction through the Exceptional Children Division.


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Vance County Goals for 2021-2022

The Vance County Board of Commissioners discussed and prioritized a wide range of goals for the 2021-22 during its recent board retreat, from attracting new businesses to finding ways to lowering EMS call volume.

The number one goal is to retain or create new jobs and attracting $10 million in new investment in the county, according to information from County Manager Jordan McMillen.

Next comes exploring options that will support the county’s economic development efforts. Options include creation of “pad ready sites, construction of a shell building and/or repurposing existing buildings.”

Additional goals, listed in order they were prioritized are:

  • Implement a 24/72 schedule for Emergency Medical Services (EMS), to keep the countywide response time to under 10 minutes. Included in this effort would be having enough staff and ambulances to achieve the response time.
  • Implement a community paramedicine program as a way to “improve community health, reduce frequent fliers, and assist in lowering EMS call volume.”
  • To bring closure to the fire reorganization discussion.