Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie 03-02-21 – What Works in the Lawn and Garden

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at at 2 PM Monday – Thursday.

Granville County Public Schools

GCPS PK-Grade 5 Students to Move to 4-Day In-Person School Mar. 29

Elementary school students in Granville County will shift to four days of in-person learning at the end of March, but middle and high school students will remain under Plan B or Plan C of remote instruction.

The Granville County Board of Education met on Monday, Mar. 1 and voted 7-0 to allow students in grades PK – 5 to move to the four-day in-person learning, according to Dr. Stan Winborne, assistant superintendent of operations & human resources and public information officer.

Currently, elementary students in prekindergarten through Grade 5 attend school two days a week – either a Monday/Tuesday attendance or a Thursday/Friday attendance, according to Winborne. The two groups attend classes virtually the other three days of the week.

Beginning on Monday, Mar. 29, the two groups will merge into a single group and all in-person students will attend school each weekday except Wednesday.  Wednesday remains a remote learning day for all students.  Currently, the state only allows students in grades PK-5 to shift to Plan A, according to Winborne; students in grades 6-12 are only allowed to attend school under plan B or C.  Plan B  calls for two days of in-person learning; Plan C is all virtual learning.

All families who previously chose to have their students remain in Plan C – all virtual learning – will do so for the remainder of the school year.

Granville County had a mass-vaccination clinic on Feb. 24, when more than 430 educators got their first dose of the Moderna vaccine. The second dose is scheduled for Friday, Mar. 26, which Winborne said will mean the day of remote learning will switch from Wednesday to Friday for that week.

Parents will receive details about this change soon, he added.

The board also approved a 10 percent increase in the daily substitute pay in hopes of attracting more qualified candidates to the pool of substitute teachers. Starting pay is now $90 a day for subs with minimum experience, and can go as high as $116 a day for experienced or licensed teachers.

“If you love children, are 18 years or older, have a GED or high school diploma and can pass a full background check, then please consider becoming a substitute teacher,” Winborne said.  “We need you and will train you prior to entering the classroom.”

Although all schools currently need additional substitutes, elementary schools typically experience a higher demand for substitutes, Winborne said.

Interested candidates must complete an application which can be found on our district website.  Questions can be directed to Kathy Bradley, HR specialist at


American Flag

“The Local Skinny!” Mar 2; Optimist Club Flag Project Supports Community

The Henderson Optimist Club invites area businesses to fly an American flag to help fund club projects as they display their patriotism in the community.

Thurman Murphy was on “The Local Skinny!” Tuesday and told John C. Rose that the flag project is one of the ways the club funds its various community projects. New subscribers pay an initial fee of $60, with a $30 annual renewal fee.

“We keep the flags and put them out ourselves,” Murphy said. About 35 businesses, most of them in the downtown area, currently participate. This project has been in existence since the late 1960’s, he said, the brainchild of founding club member Ed White. The club replaces the flag or the pole when the need arises, he said.

Club members put up the flag eight times a year – Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day, Murphy said, adding that they sometimes get requests from the Chamber of Commerce or other business associations for the flags to be posted at other special occasions.

The mission of the Henderson Optimist Club is to help the youth in the community, and the club does this through various projects and contests, Murphy noted.

The projects help fund two scholarships awarded to two Vance County students each year. The $1,000 scholarships are renewable for four years. Although the student doesn’t have to attend a school in Vance County, the student must be a resident of Vance County, he explained.

“The Local Skinny!” March 2 Podcast with Thurman Murphy

Other annual contests for high school students are the oratorical contest and the essay contest. Local winners advance to the zone level, and from there, district and then national levels, he said. Winners at the district and national levels are awarded scholarship prizes as well.

Murphy said the “Attend and Win,” contest at the eight county elementary schools gives a pizza party to the classroom at each school with the highest quarterly attendance. That contest has been put on hold because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but he said the project will pick back up as soon as it’s safe to be back in the school buildings.

The local Optimist Club also:

  • sponsors two baseball leagues at the YMCA and the Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Department;
  • hosts a Christmas party with gifts each year for children at the Masonic Home for Children in Oxford;
  • financially supports the Optimist Cottage at the Boys and Girls Home of Lake Waccamaw;
  • hosts the “Respect For Law” project each year and names an officer of the year from the Henderson police department, Vance County sheriff’s office, NC Highway Patrol, Henderson and Vance County fire departments and Kerr Lake park rangers.

To sign up your business to display the American flag, please call Thurman Murphy at 252.432.6847 or email

Optimist Club members Dean Thornton and Tommy Farmer also serve on the Optimist Flag Committee.

Local News Audio

WIZS Local News 03-2-21 Noon

WIZS Your Community Voice — 100.1 FM / 1450 AM

Click Play for today’s Local News Audio.


Local News Airs on WIZS M-F at 8 a.m., 12 Noon and 5 p.m.

TownTalk” Airs on WIZS M-F at 11 a.m.

The Local Skinny!” Airs on WIZS Mon-Thurs at 11:30 a.m.

Town Talk Logo

TownTalk 03-2-21 Marijuana Legalization

Host John C. Rose and Co-host Bill Harris discuss recent marijuana legalization bills that have been passed in New Jersey and Virginia and how it may impact drug laws in North Carolina.

For complete details and full audio click play.


West End Baptist

West End Baptist Church Fish Fry Fundraiser for Local Ministries March 15 at 220

The Baptist Men of West End Baptist Church on Dabney Drive in Henderson will be sponsoring a Fish Fry Fundraiser to support Local Ministries.

The fish fry will take place at 220 Seafood Restaurant in Henderson on Monday, March 15th.  It will start at 4 p.m. and end at 7 p.m.

Cost is $8.00 per plate, and that includes a trout dinner with slaw, French fries and hushpuppies. Take out only.

All proceeds will be used to support local ministries including ACTS, Lifeline Ministries, Rebuilding Hope, GRACE Ministries
and others.

For tickets in advance, call Jerry Parrish at 492-6353.  Tickets will be available at the restaurant as well on March 15 during the fish fry.

(This information is posted as a public service, and it was submitted to WIZS by Jerry Parrish.  If your church or civic group would like an announcement on the air and online, please visit and fill out the simple form or email


More Than 1 Million Pounds of Roadside Litter Collected This Year

— press release courtesy of NCDOT

RALEIGH – As part of its litter removal efforts, N.C. Department of Transportation crews, contractors and volunteers have now collected more than 1 million pounds of litter from roadsides statewide this year.

“We are only just beginning this year’s efforts to clean up and prevent litter on our roadsides,” said state Transportation Secretary Eric Boyette. “But we need everyone’s help. We all are responsible for keeping North Carolina clean and beautiful.”

NCDOT reports that the agency and its partners have removed 1.18 million pounds of litter since Jan. 1.

NCDOT’s litter management programs are multifaceted. The department makes use of both state-owned forces and contract services statewide. NCDOT’s Sponsor-A-Highway Program allows businesses, organizations and individuals to sponsor litter removal along roadsides. NCDOT is also proud to partner with the more than 120,000 participants in the Adopt-A-Highway Program, where volunteers pledge to clean a section of our highways at least four times a year.

North Carolinians looking to help keep the state’s roadways clean can volunteer for the upcoming Spring Litter Sweep, which will run from April 10-24.

Litter is unsightly, costs millions of dollars to clean up and can hurt tourism, the environment and the state’s quality of life. The most effective way to aid litter removal efforts is to stop it at its source.

Everyone should do their part by:

  • Securing their loads before driving. Unsecured trash can fly from a vehicle and end up as roadside litter.
  • Trash should be held onto until it can be disposed of properly. Keep a litter bag in your vehicle so you can properly dispose of trash later.
  • Recycle whenever possible. Recycling protects our environment, saves landfill space and keeps the community clean.


Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 03-01-21 – Vegetable Gardening

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at at 2 PM Monday – Thursday.

TownTalk 03-1-21 Robert J. Higdon Jr. from local Police, Sheriff Perspective

Local law enforcement leaders said Monday they appreciate the efforts of U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District North Carolina Robert J. Higdon, Jr. during his three-plus years in office and look forward to further strengthening the relationship between local and federal agencies to reduce violent crime in the area.

Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow spoke with John C. Rose on Monday’s Town Talk and said Henderson has benefitted from what Higdon oversaw in the EDNC.

Higdon stepped down over the weekend, and announced that First Assistant U.S. Attorney Norman Acker will be acting U.S. Attorney until a new chief is recommended and is confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Higdon, who has been a federal prosecutor for more than 28 years,  released a statement last week listing several accomplishments made during his time as lead attorney for EDNC, which covers 44 counties in North Carolina.

Among the programs was the revitalization of the “Project Safe Neighborhood” program as well as the development of the “Take Back North Carolina Initiative,” both efforts aimed at reducing violent crime.

Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow reflected on Higdon’s influence from a local perspective and said he appreciated the effort to build relationships with community law enforcement agencies. Barrow said that under Higdon’s watch, more than 200 people had been federally prosecuted in Henderson.

Barrow said Higdon also was instrumental in the Henderson police department getting a grant for purchase of equipment to take “ballistic fingerprints” of bullets – another tool to catch criminals and reduce gun violence. Whoever follows in Higdon’s position “will have big shoes to fill,” Barrow noted.

The USAO has made a concerted effort to provide support to law enforcement all across the District, Higdon stated. The “Take Back North Carolina Initiative” involved moving attorneys and staff into the district on a daily basis, which afforded the staff “careful listening to and respect for the expertise of law enforcement officials all across the district who know their communities and who know who and what to pursue in order to drive down our crime rates and make our communities safer and more secure,” the statement read.

For complete details and full audio click play.

Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame praised the work of Higdon and his staff as well. In a prepared statement to WIZS, Brame said the USAO under Higdon’s leadership had been an integral part in the success that his department has had since Brame was elected in 2018. Since that time, five serious offenders have been convicted in federal court and another seven are awaiting prosecution.

“The continuous working relationship that Mr. Higdon has provided to the Vance County sheriff’s office has given the agency a sense of hope and accomplishment that we can provide the citizens of Vance County other ways to remove the most violent offenders from our community,” Brame stated.

In April 2018, Higdon held a press conference in Henderson during which he detailed plans to target the worsening opioid epidemic in eastern North Carolina. Violent crime and drug problems in communities are both areas that Higdon said he and his team of federal prosecutors helped to reduce with the use of regional federal prosecutors, whose mission would be to get the worst offenders off the street quickly and to add time to sentences to crimes involving guns.

In his written statement announcing his departure, Higdon said “to have the chance to work with these exceptional professionals and the brave heroes who serve us in uniform has been a true blessing.  I hope that we have served the people of this district, this state, and this country well.  I am proud of the work we have done together.  And, I hope and pray for the continued success of these fine public servants in the years to come.”

“The Local Skinny!” Mar 1; Henderson Tree Protection Ordinance

The Henderson City Council last week adopted an ordinance to protect trees which Development Services Director Corey Williams said will provide guidelines aimed at maintaining buffers for development and tree canopy overhead.

Williams spoke to John C. Rose on The Local Skinny Monday. The new ordinance, 21-06 was adopted unanimously by council members. It replaces a section of city code with prescribed actions and some restrictions, he said. “The intent is to try to preserve the tree canopy and try to leave buffers in place,” Williams said. The ordinance went into effect upon its approval by council on Thursday, he said.

This is a “comprehensive tree protection ordinance that we haven’t had before” he said.

The ordinance replaces Section 17-9 of the City Code “Tree Cutters to Clean up Resulting Debris,” which only applies within the city limits. Although the code protects or manages existing street trees, it does not create a buffer/canopy zone for adjacent property when trees are harvested,” according to the official request to approve the ordinance. The new ordinance serves the city as well as the 2.5-mile extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), Williams said.

The 12-page ordinance spells out situations that require a zoning compliance permit such as listing of all existing and future buffers surrounding a tract, as well as “all work impacting trees on lots designated for non-residential, multi-family residential and mixed use” as well as any impact on trees for single- and two-family residential use where total land disturbance exceeds 5,000 feet.

Podcast of “The Local Skinny!” for March 1 include Corey Williams…Story continues below.

For example, Williams said, a developer who needs to remove a tree or trees may be required to plant trees in the landscape to replace what had to be taken down. There are minimum canopy percentages that apply for different types land use. Multi-family residential and commercial use, for example, have a minimum canopy coverage of 30 percent; industrial districts have a minimum coverage of 20 percent.

Some exceptions to the ordinance include removal of severely damaged or diseased trees and removal of non-native invasive species which are listed within the ordinance.

The ordinance even includes suggestions on choosing which type of tree to plant, Williams noted. Native species such as dogwood, persimmon and pawpaw trees are on the list in the ordinance, for example.

More spelled-out guidance, in conjunction with a comprehensive landscape plan, will help preserve the natural beauty of the area, he said, which makes the area more attractive to folks looking to relocate.

To read the full ordinance, visit and find the ordinance under the link to the City Clerk, Williams said.