Vance County Schools Logo

Town Talk 07/08/20: Vance County Schools’ Reopening Plans

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

To hear today’s Town Talk segment in its entirety, go to and click on Town Talk or click the play button below.

Listen live to Town Talk every Monday – Friday at 11 a.m. at 100.1 FM, 1450 AM or online at

To read Vance County Schools’ recent press release for a framework of current reopening plans, click here.

Local News Audio

WIZS Local News 07/08/20 Noon

WIZS Local News 07/08/20 Noon

Your Community Voice

  • Vance County Schools Unveils Framework of Re-Opening Plans
  • Vance Co. Schools’ Free Summer Meal Program Continues Through July
  • U.S. Attorney Warns Public About Fake Mask “Exemption” Documents

H-V Chamber Logo

Reminder: H-V Chamber of Commerce Collecting Items for New Teacher Bags

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce

The Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce is preparing to welcome new teachers to the Vance County area. The schools include Vance County Public Schools, Henderson Collegiate, Crossroads Christian School, Kerr-Vance Academy, and Vance Charter School.

The H-V Chamber is looking for donations from local business owners to pack into bags for these teachers. Needed items include pens, pencils, pads, hand sanitizer, coupons/discount cards, key chains, etc. The Chamber is also in need of a business to donate the actual bags.

Approximately 140 new teachers will be welcomed to the area. If your business would be able to donate an item for each teacher, it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are requested by July 14.

If your business would be able to donate an item for each teacher, or with any questions, please contact the Chamber at (252) 438-8414.

Vance County Schools Logo

Vance County Schools Unveils Framework of Re-Opening Plans 


-Press Release, Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools, along with every other school district in the state, was instructed to develop three plans in preparation for the 2020-2021 school year. Plan A, with minimal social distancing, Plan B, with moderate social distancing and Plan C, as complete remote learning. Our district plans were developed with input from parents and staff through online surveys and on-going discussions with district leaders and principals at each of our schools. 

Having already established Plan A and Plan C, Vance County Schools has worked diligently on developing a framework for Plan B in preparation for the governor’s announcement regarding schools. The Vance County Board of Education reviewed each of the plans, along with the survey data from both staff and our families, approving the district moving forward with the framework planning. 

Plan A permits all students to return to the building, but large group settings would be avoided. Social distancing and face coverings are still required. 

Plan B is the blended instructional model, consisting of two groups. Group 1 includes students in grades K-3 and 9-12, meeting for face-to-face instruction every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with remote instruction on Thursday and Friday. Group 2 includes students in grades 4-8 who will have remote instruction on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, with face-to-face instruction on Thursday and Friday. Classrooms would have fewer students in each room and face coverings are required. 

Plan C has all students engaging in remote instruction, five days a week. 

Our district is committed to ensuring that all students receive instruction Monday through Friday, facilities are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, wellness checks take place daily, face coverings are worn and students receive meals. We are committed to meeting the needs of our students, regardless of the plan our district pursues. 

One school that will not need to await the state’s decision is Vance Virtual Village Academy (V3), our newest Innovative School in Vance County. V3 is a K-12 virtual school, allowing students to complete their education online with a personalized plan developed for each. Innovative instruction, enrichment and athletic opportunities will be available. V3 requires a one-year commitment from those accepted into the school. The design is set to outlast the COVID pandemic and provide another option for our community, meeting the needs of our families. 

Governor Cooper’s announcement will guide the schools as a whole, indicating the least restrictive plan that districts may use; however, individual districts, with board approval, can activate a more restrictive plan based on local health data. Once that information is released, our Board of Education will reconvene to make the final action on what plan Vance County Schools will begin for the 2020-2021 school year.

Understanding the Plans

Plan A – Minimal Social Distance

Plan B – Moderate Social Distance

Plan C – Remote Instruction


Plan A: Bus transportation provided for all students. Required face coverings on the bus.

Plan B: Bus transportation provided at 50% density. One student per seat. Required face coverings on the bus.

Plan C: Remote Instruction – student transportation not needed.


Plan A: Large group interactions reduced. Student movement reduced significantly.

Plan B: No large group interactions. Face-to-face instruction and remote instruction provided on a rotating basis with low-density classrooms.

Group 1: Grades K-3, 9-12
M-Tu-W: Face-to-Face Instruction
Th – F: Remote Instruction

Group 2: Grades 4-8
M-Tu-W: Remote Instruction
Th – F: Face-to-Face Instruction

Plan C: Remote Instruction 5 days a week for all students PK-12th grade.


Plan A: Meals will be provided to all students daily. Students will eat in their classrooms.

Plan B: Meals will be provided to all students daily. Students will eat in their classrooms. Meal packs will
go home with students for remote instruction days.

Plan C: Grab and Go meal service will be provided to eligible families.


All Plans: Outside visitors not allowed in buildings.


All Plans: Disinfecting will occur frequently each day in classrooms, on buses and high touch areas.

Face Coverings

Plan A: Staff and students will be REQUIRED to wear face coverings

Plan B: Staff and students will be REQUIRED to wear face coverings

Plan C: Staff will be REQUIRED to wear face coverings.

Athletics & Activities

All Plans: Activities and athletics will be allowed or prohibited, per guidance from DHHS.

Wellness Checks

All Plans: Wellness checks will be conducted at the entrances of each school daily (and throughout the building during the day as needed).

School Hours

Plan A: Grades K-5: 8:30-2:30 ~ Grades 6-12: 9:00-3:30

Plan B: Grades K-5: 8:30-2:30 ~ Grades 6-12: 9:00-3:30

Plan C: Remote Instruction

Staff Availability

All Plans: Staff will be in the school buildings, providing instruction to students Monday – Friday.

NC Forest Service

Tree Seedlings Available Through N.C. Forest Service

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services

The North Carolina Forest Service (NCFS) is now accepting tree seedling orders from the public, as well as from private entities and landowners. Each year, the NCFS Nursery Program produces millions of quality seedlings for nearly 50 species of conifers, hardwoods and native understory plants, including eastern and Carolina hemlock seedlings, as well as an expanded selection of genetically improved third cycle loblolly pine seedlings.

Genetically improved stock is also available in longleaf pine, shortleaf pine, white pine and other species. These seedlings offer better volume growth, form, disease resistance, straightness, and other characteristics needed to produce quality forest products. 

“Trees are one of our greatest renewable resources, and these tree seedlings help keep North Carolina beautiful and economically viable,” said N.C. Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “Demand for tree seedlings is up, so anyone interested in buying trees is encouraged to order early.”

Tree seedlings can be ordered from the online seedling store at or by phone at 1-888-NCTREES (1-888-628-7337). In addition, a user-friendly catalog is available at the “Tree Seedlings & Nursery Program” link located at or through NCFS offices located in all 100 North Carolina counties. Completed order forms from the catalog may be mailed to: Seedling Coordinator, 762 Claridge Nursery Road, Goldsboro NC 27530. 

Each catalog also includes information about the types of tree species, quantities and costs to order. Tree descriptions provide information about ideal planting locations and whether a species is typically used to benefit wildlife, restore habitats or as marketable timber.

Hardwoods are sold in quantities as low as ten and conifers in quantities as low as 50. Larger orders are also accepted by the hundreds and thousands. Accepted methods of payment include check, money order, MasterCard and Visa.

Distribution of tree seedlings is set for December through mid-April, depending on weather conditions. Seedling orders can be shipped to one of 12 distribution centers statewide for a small fee or via UPS for an additional charge. Orders are also available for pickup from the NCFS Claridge Nursery in Goldsboro or the Linville River Nursery near Crossnore. 

 For information on planting trees or to obtain a current catalog, please contact Granville County Ranger Rob Montague at 919-693-3154 or at

American Flag

Town Talk 07/07/20: American Flag, National Anthem (Call-Ins)

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

To hear today’s Town Talk segment in its entirety, go to and click on Town Talk or click the play button below.

Listen live to Town Talk every Monday – Friday at 11 a.m. at 100.1 FM, 1450 AM or online at

COVID-19 Scam Alert

Notice to Public: Beware of Scams Involving COVID-19 Contact Tracing

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the NCDHHS 

The public is asked to be aware that scams involving COVID-19 contact tracing are being used to gain financial and sensitive information.

According to the NCDHHS, legitimate contact tracers from the COVID-19 Community Team will contact those who have tested positive or those who have been near someone with COVID-19 by text from the number 45394 or email from Avoid responding to unknown calls or emails.

If the Community Team reaches out with a phone call, either NC OUTREACH or the local health department’s number will appear on their phone.

If a member of the Team calls and doesn’t get an answer, they will leave a voicemail. To protect your privacy, the voicemail will not say that the call is about COVID-19.

The NCDHHS website explains that callers will know it is a member of the Community Team calling because they will do the following when leaving a voicemail:

  • Identify themselves with their first name and the local health department they are calling from.
  • Say “We are contacting you about an urgent public health matter. We would like to speak with you to provide further information and share guidance.”
  • Request that you call your local health department at your earliest convenience and will tell you the local health department’s phone number.
  • Tell you the local health department’s website in case you would like to go to the website to verify the phone number.

Additionally, if you are ever in doubt about how to contact your local health department, please use this website for local health department contact information (click here).

Four-County Health Departments:

Vance: 115 Charles Rollins Rd, Henderson, NC 27536; (252) 492-7915

Granville: 101 Hunt Dr, Oxford, NC 27565; (919) 693-2141

Franklin: 107 Industrial Dr, Louisburg, NC 27549; (919) 496-2533

Warren: 544 West Ridgeway St, Warrenton, NC 27589; (252) 257-1185

Local News Audio

WIZS Local News 7/7/20 Noon


Your Community Voice

  • Avoid covid-19 scams
  • G-V Public Health Director Lisa Harrison chosen for national board
  • H-V Rec and Parks Dept
  • Vance Soil and Water Conservation

Vance County Schools Logo

Vance Co. Schools’ Free Summer Meal Program Continues Through July


-Information courtesy Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools’ free summer meal program continues through Thursday, July 30, 2020.

Each week, meals will be available for drive-thru pick up at Aycock Elementary School, EO Young Elementary School, Vance County Middle School and Vance County High School from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

Meal units that are distributed Monday – Wednesday will include two meals – lunch for that day and breakfast for the following morning. Thursday distribution will include two breakfasts and two lunches.

Weekly menus, including hot meal items, are available on the VCS website and VCS social media pages.