Oak Level Church of Christ Invites Public to ‘100 Women in Red’ Celebration

-Information courtesy Katrina Reid, Christian Women Working Together of Oak Level United Church of Christ 

We extend an invitation to all churches to come join us in celebrating “100 Women In Red” (men and children are also welcome) on Sunday, February 17, 2019, at 3 p.m., 5631 Jacksontown Road, Manson, NC 27553.

Theme: “Boldness Through The Blood of Jesus”

Guest Speaker: Reverend Natasha Lewis from Temple of Deliverance Church, Henderson, NC.

We pray that you will have an opportunity to fellowship with us on that Sunday. We thank you in advance for your presence.
For more information, please contact Sis. Rayenna Wimbush at (252) 915-6316.

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 02/05/19

Vance County Schools 02/04/19

News 02/05/19

Town Talk 02/05/19

Vance County Logo

McMillen: Vance Co. Board Begins 2019-2020 Budget Preparations

County Manager Jordan McMillen was on Monday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss the Vance County Board of Commissioners’ recent two-day planning retreat, held for 2019-2020 fiscal year budget preparation purposes.

According to McMillen, day one of the retreat included presentations by various county department heads, a change from previous years that led to greater clarity on the challenges and needs of each area.

“At this point in the budget process, which is really just beginning, we have a good handle on the needs for the upcoming year, primarily because of that first day of the retreat,” said McMillen.

Many of those needs center around one of the largest budget costs – public safety. With a new sheriff at the helm, McMillen expects one of the requests put forth to the Board this year to include the addition of several staff positions with the Vance County Sheriff’s Office.

Additional big-budget items, such as possible EMS schedule changes and on-going fire restructuring talk also weighed heavy on the discussion.

Part of the EMS restructuring includes talk of transitioning EMS personnel to a 24/72 schedule where a responder works a 24-hour shift, followed by three days off, in a rotation that would see all shifts covered.

Transitioning to this schedule would require the addition of nine new EMS positions at a cost of approximately half-a-million dollars, bringing McMillen back to the “challenges” part of the equation – money.

“Our main sources of revenue – sales and property tax – have minor growth each year,” McMillen said. “We may have $300,000 – $500,000 additional each year, which sounds like a lot, but when you start to look at some of the cost items and expenditures, they take that amount up pretty quickly.”

When questioned on the reported $650,000 in additional revenue available from the roll-off courthouse and jail renovation expenses, McMillen said the money will more than likely be put back into capital expenditures.

“The County does have an aggressive capital improvement plan that has funded projects such as roof replacements and met various needs neglected during the recession years,” said McMillen. “I don’t know that it’s going to help us on the operational side of the budget; we may be able to use some of it.”

At the retreat, McMillen said he cautioned commissioners on the potential perils of juggling so many major projects at the same time.

“I recall, a few years ago, we would focus on one large project at a time. Now we are really stretching and getting into a lot of projects at one time. I think the message for the upcoming budget year is that we need to be careful with that.”

To help narrow their focus, the Board established six goals for the 2019-2020 fiscal year:

  • Move the Vance County Department of Social Services to the former Eaton Johnson Middle School building
  • Provide funding and support to improve fire response county-wide
  • Support existing businesses and market available buildings
  • Improve broadband internet access throughout the county
  • Address littering/trash issues and increase clean-up efforts
  • Address public health issues, particularly substance use and mental health disorders

The first of these goals, moving DSS into the former Eaton Johnson Middle School building located at 500 N. Beckford Drive, is a priority for the Board.

Currently owned by Vance County Schools, McMillen said the Board “hopes to move forward, expeditiously, with acquiring, designing and renovating the former school to include the movement of DSS, and possibly the Senior Center and other departments as space would allow.”

These goals will go before the Vance County Board of Commissioners for approval at their monthly meeting this evening.

To hear the interview with Jordan McMillen in its entirety, please click here.

Perry Library and VITA Offering Free Tax Preparation Services

-Information courtesy Katrina R. Reid, Vance County VITA

VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) is offering free tax preparation services at Perry Memorial Library now through Monday, April 15, 2019, during the following days and times:

Mondays: 2:30 – 7 p.m.
Thursdays: 2:30 – 5 p.m.
Fridays: 2:30 – 5 p.m.

Please bring all income documentation, picture ID, Social Security card(s) for all dependents and health insurance information.

For more information, call Katrina at (252) 432-6642 or stop by the library located at 205 Breckenridge St. in downtown Henderson.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Maria Parham Health’s Cafeteria Under Construction, Closed to Foot Traffic

-Information courtesy Maria Parham Health

Starting Monday, February 4, 2019, the cafeteria of Maria Parham Health in Henderson will be under construction.

During this period, the cafeteria will be closed to all normal foot traffic.

Breakfast and lunch meal service for employees and visitors will be available daily in the Outpatient Surgery waiting area. A variety of hot and cold Grab & Go items, along with hot coffee, tea and bottled beverages will be available.

A menu will be sent out daily to all users and posted on the intranet page. All forms of payment will be accepted.

Hours of Service:

Breakfast – 7:30 – 9 a.m.

Lunch – 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

NC Dept of Agriculture

Applications Being Accepted for Hurricane Florence Reforestation Fund

-Information courtesy NCDA&CS

Woodland owners in 52 counties impacted by Hurricane Florence and recognized as federally-declared disaster areas can now apply for cost-share funding for reforestation efforts. The North Carolina General Assembly approved $2.5 million in time-limited funding for reforestation efforts that will be administered by the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the N.C. Forest Service.

“Hurricane Florence not only devastated agricultural crops, but the storm also caused considerable damage to our valuable forestlands. The Florence Reforestation Fund will help owners rebuild these natural resources,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler.  “I am grateful to legislators for providing funding that will help keep North Carolina green and growing.”

Qualifying property in designated counties will be eligible to apply for the program funding. However, funding requests should be for “shovel-ready” projects and practices that can be completed within short time periods. Funds will be administered similar to other NCFS cost-share programs such as the Timber Restoration Fund that was offered following Hurricane Matthew.

Approved practices include site preparation and tree planting as recommended in the applicant’s management plan. Afforestation of open fields or pastureland is also eligible, however, funding for forest stand improvement practices is not available through this program. To receive reimbursement, at least 4.5 acres of approved, completed work must be documented. The maximum funding allocation will be 100 acres per landowner per fiscal year.

Applications need to be submitted to the landowner’s local N.C. Forest Service office for initial review before they are sent to the NCFS Central Office for final approval. Applications will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis until all available funds have been allocated. Projects should be completed by May 1, 2020.

To learn more about the Florence Reforestation Fund, landowners should call their local county ranger’s office.

NC Coop Extension

NC Coop. Extension to Hold Blueberry Workshop for New & Seasoned Growers Alike

-Information courtesy Paul McKenzie, Agricultural Extension Agent, Vance/Warren Counties, NC Cooperative Extension

NC Cooperative Extension is conducting a blueberry workshop on Saturday, February 16, 2019, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at 2292 US 158, Oxford, NC (watch for signs). This workshop will cover topics such as site analysis and soil preparation, variety selection, proper pruning techniques and other cultural practices used to grow blueberries.

You will have the opportunity to practice your blueberry pruning techniques, so bring your pruners. Bill Cline, NCSU Blueberry Specialist, will present the program and be available to answer any questions you have about blueberry production.

If you have any interest in growing this wonderful fruit in your home garden, do not miss this opportunity to learn how to get started correctly. If you already have blueberry plants, learn how to get the best fruit production. To register or for more information, please contact Johnny Coley (919) 603-1350 or Paul McKenzie (252) 438-8188.