News 10/04/18

Vance County Schools Make Substantial Gains in 2017-2018

— courtesy of Vance County Schools

(The entirety of this post is also on the Vance County Schools web page – click here – and is published here with permission.)

Vance County Schools showed substantial improvements for the 2017-2018 school year based on accountability data released on September 5 by the N.C. Department of Public Instruction, evidence of the accuracy of the district theme for the year, “Year of Breakthrough.”

The results were made public after the data was presented to the N.C. State Board of Education.

Superintendent Anthony Jackson noted, “It is with great celebration that we announce six Vance County Schools improved their School Performance Grade (SPG) by one letter grade in 2017-2018 and nine schools either met or exceeded student growth standards. The district has one “A” school, three “B” schools, six “C” schools and five “D” schools. We are beginning to see the results of our strategic focus on instruction, leadership, innovation and most importantly, children. The students in Vance County Schools are creative thinkers, have an innovative mindset and have a desire to chart their own course for their future.”

Those six schools improving by a letter grade were Pinkston Street Elementary, L.B. Yancey Elementary, Carver Elementary, E.M. Rollins Elementary, Henderson Middle School and Southern Vance High School.

The 2017-2018 results also show that the district’s grade level proficiency grew by 2.2 percent, continuing the steady trend to closing the gap in grade level proficiency between local students and students across North Carolina. Vance County Schools continues to search for innovations that will enhance opportunities and experiences for students.

The four-year cohort graduation rate for the district also improved to 82.1 percent in 2017-2018 from 81.9 percent in 2016-2017, with over $8 million in scholarships earned by students.

The outstanding student performances last year were the result of a lot of hard work by students, teachers, school support staff, administrators and parents. Academic improvements also occurred because of school administrators and support staff working with teachers to focus on specific areas in reading and math where students needed additional assistance to improve their skills. Classroom teachers used available data to follow the progress of students and provide extra instruction and interventions to help students improve and reach their goals.

For a third consecutive year, Vance County Early College High School earned a SPG of “A” and exceeded growth expectations. Based on the outstanding performance of students at the school, they earned an overall proficiency rating of 91 percent in end-of-course testing in Biology, English II and Math I. For the Biology and English II testing, Early College students were more than 94 percent proficient. The school’s overall proficiency rating was five points higher than in 2016-2017, another major milestone for the district.

Pinkston Street Elementary School led all elementary schools with a 17-point increase in its students’ proficiency in end-of-grade testing in reading and math in grades 3-5. The school’s overall proficiency in 2017-2018 was 74 percent, compared to 57 percent in 2016-2017. The outstanding results gave Pinkston Street a SPG of “B” and increase from the school’s “C” grade the previous year. Pinkston Street students also exceeded growth standards.

L.B. Yancey Elementary School also improved by a letter grade to a SPG of “B” last year. The school also exceeded growth for the year with a nine-point jump in its students’ proficiency on the end-of-grade assessment to 71 percent from 62 percent the previous year. Clarke Elementary School was the third “B” school in 2017-2018 with an overall proficiency rating of 72 percent, slightly higher than in 2016-2017, and its students met growth.

Carver Elementary School had an increase of 10 points in its students’ proficiency in reading and math as it exceeded growth standards and led local schools with a SPG of “C.” The improvements moved Carver up from a SPG of “D” in 2016-2017. Other “C” schools included: STEM Early High School with an overall proficiency of 68 percent; Aycock Elementary School with an overall proficiency rating of 67 percent; Dabney Elementary School with an overall proficiency of 61 percent, up by five points, and exceeding growth; Zeb Vance Elementary School with an overall proficiency of 61 percent and exceeding growth; and Southern Vance High School with an overall proficiency rating of 55, up by two points from the previous year.

STEAM Academy at E.M. Rollins Elementary School had a 13-point student proficiency increase in 2017-2018 from the previous year. Northern Vance High School, New Hope Elementary School, Henderson Middle School and E.O. Young, Jr. Elementary School had increases in some areas. The only “F” school was Eaton-Johnson Middle School.

AdVance Academy, the school system’s alternative high school, is not included in the state accountability report. However, AdVance Academy for the 2017-2018 school year had a very success year graduating 157 total students who otherwise would not have received their high school diplomas. The school’s program is considered to be a successful alternative program in our state’s public schools.

“Data is trending in a positive direction,” said Cindy Bennett, assistant superintendent for Strategic Planning and Student Services. “Continuing the laser focus on strategic planning, training, and instructional protocols will continue to enhance the overall student performance in Vance County Schools.”

“Our final performance results for the 2017-2018 school year derive from the intentional, focused hard work of administrators, teachers, students and parents,” added Dr. Trixie Brooks, assistant superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction. “This past year was a ‘year of growth’ across the district. Many schools in the district exceeded the state’s expectations for growth! I feel great about our trajectory towards a ‘year of breakthrough’ with student performance this year. ‘A Year of Breakthrough’ is this year’s theme and we are on our way! We have revised our Instructional Framework to make sure we define what teaching and learning looks like in our classrooms. We are committed to our students and their academic, social and emotional needs. Congratulations to all schools for a fantastic ‘year of growth!’ I am Vance County Proud!”

Seventh Annual Business Summit Serving Up ‘Recipe For Success’

— courtesy of Vance Granville Community College

The seventh annual Vance-Granville Community College Small Business Summit will offer the “Recipe for Success” for aspiring entrepreneurs, small business owners and non-profit leaders, among others, on Monday, Oct. 15. “Making Your Dreams a Reality” is the theme for this year’s event being held in the Warren County Armory and Convention Center.

Duke Energy is the presenting sponsor for the summit. Local partners helping the VGCC Small Business Center to organize the event are the Chamber of Commerce of Warren County, the Warren County Economic Development Commission and the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center.

Business representatives and interested members of the community are invited to attend the summit, which is being held from 5 to 8:15 p.m. at the center on 501 US Highway 158 Business East in Warrenton. Registration is now open at

The event, including dinner, is free to the first 50 people who register. Prizes will also be awarded.

Martin Brossman, a leading authority on social media and online marketing, is the keynote speaker for the summit. He will explore the topic of “What is Your Digital First Impression Online (and why it is important!).”

(Photo courtesy VGCC Small Business Center and Martin Brossman) — Martin Brossman will provide the keynote address for the seventh annual VGCC Small Business Summit on Monday, Oct. 15, at the Warren County Armory and Convention Center. Brossman is identified as a leading authority on social media and online marketing.

“Your future customers want to know more about you than just what is on your website, and they may trust you less if they don’t,” said Brossman. “We all are looking for secondary validation for everything from credible information for a product, business, person or service. This session is going to show you the free and low-cost ways to make the best digital (web-based) first impression that will lead to more sales and more referrals for your business.”

Brossman, who is a business coach, consultant and dynamic trainer, is known for his insight and humor. A member of the National Speakers Bureau, he teaches at North Carolina community college Small Business Centers across the state in addition to the Social Media Management Certificate program at North Carolina State University. Pici & Pici, Inc. will help you to become a powerful speaker and ignite your team.

Other topics to be covered at the summit include “Stock Your Pantry with the Right Business Resources” and “Top 10 Tips on How to Work with Media.” Tabletop Media Group’s founder Kristen Baughman will lead the media presentation, covering how your brand can help your small business gain more exposure by pitching and engaging with bloggers, media, Instagram stars and more.

Additional sponsors of the summit include the Lake Gaston Gazette-Observer, The Daily Dispatch, The Warren Record, WARR 1520 AM, and WIZS 1450 AM/100.1 FM.

For more information, contact VGCC Small Business Center Director Tanya Weary at (252) 738-3240 or

(Vance Granville Community College is a paying advertising partner of WIZS, and WIZS also partners with other organizations listed in this news release from VGCC.  WIZS is also sponsoring this event.  This story, however, is not a paid advertisement.)

City of Henderson Logo

City of Henderson Land Planning Committee Meeting Cancelled

— courtesy of the City of Henderson, NC

Due to unexpected circumstances, the Land Planning Committee meeting scheduled for October 4, 2018 has been cancelled until further notice.

Granville County Public Schools Public Hearing on Proposed Consolidation Oct 9

— courtesy Granville County Public Schools

The Board of Education will meet on October 9, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. at JF Webb High School, to review information compiled by school system staff regarding the proposed consolidation of J.F. Webb High School and J.F. Webb School of Health & Life Sciences, as well as other topics. During this meeting the Board may hold a closed session pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a).

At 7 p.m. on October 9, the Board will hold a public hearing pursuant to G.S. 115C-72 on the proposed consolidation of J.F. Webb High School and J.F. Webb School of Health & Life Sciences. The purpose of this hearing will be for the Board to receive comments from the public regarding the proposed consolidation. Members of the public wishing to comment on the proposed consolidation are encouraged to attend this hearing. Procedures for the hearing, along with a copy of information provided to the Board regarding the proposal, will be made available to the public prior to the hearing via the school system’s website.

Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Granville Alive After Five, Oct 18th, Jim Quick and Coastline

— courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce

JIM QUICK AND COASTLINE BAND to Perform at Alive After Five
Thursday, OCTOBER 18TH ~ 5:30 – 8:30 pm
Oxford’s Downtown Parking Lot

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the postponed date for the last Alive After Five event of 2018 – Thursday, October 18th – will feature the music and entertainment of JIM QUICK AND COASTLINE BAND. This very popular and well-known group of entertainers is looking forward to performing after the original date was delayed due to Hurricane Florence.

Jim Quick “is the kind of guy you genuinely want to call a friend. With the charm only a true Southerner can possess, he brings his talent to the stage with a quick-witted, knee-slapping sense of humor coupled with the clear sincerity of his love for his craft.

As a child, I was real mischievous playing pranks and makin’ jokes, doin’ stupid stuff you do as a kid. People would laugh. The more they laughed, the more I’d act a fool. It was like applause for more, more, more. I loved being the center of attention. Still do. Add music and, well, that’s spice to the concoction! That’s how I roll.”

And, “roll” he does. Quick’s been touring the Southeast US for more than 20 years, playing nearly 250+ shows per year, and has released more than 11 albums including his newest DOWN SOUTH. Originally introducing their music as the Coastline Band – a band of friends who played the Carolina beach bars day in and day out – the group pushed Quick to the forefront and naturally transformed into Jim Quick & Coastline. Known for his all-out performances and deliberate, off-the-cuff wisecracks, Jim has been a gracious recipient of the Carolina Music Awards “Entertainer Of The Year Award” – sixteen times.

The Chamber’s Alive After Five outdoor event is free to attend. Chamber member concession vendors will be available from which to purchase food and beverages.

Come early, bring a chair, listen to this incredible music, dance and enjoy visiting with friends. The last Alive After Five event of 2018 will be a night to remember as Jim Quick and Coastline Band takes the stage!

Granville Crime Stoppers

Thief Wanted For Taking Pig Cooker in Stovall

— courtesy Granville County Crime Stoppers

Sometime between Wednesday, September 19th, 2018 and Thursday, September 20th, 2018 an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property located off Oxford Street, Stovall, NC and criminally removed one pig cooker from yard of residence.

If you have information concerning this incident, please contact the Granville County Sheriff’s Office at 919-693-3213 or call Crime Stoppers 919-693-3100.


Important Voter Registration/Election Dates

-Information courtesy the North Carolina State Board of Elections & Ethics Enforcement

Important Dates:

Friday, October 12, 2018 – Regular Voter Registration Deadline

Voter registration forms must be postmarked or delivered to your county elections office by 5 p.m. on October 12. Same-day registration will be available in your county during the One-Stop Early Voting period, beginning October 17 and ending November 3.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018 – Start of One-Stop Early Voting

Voters may register and vote at any One-Stop Early Voting location in their county of residence. For locations and hours, check with your county elections office or

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 – Regular Deadline to Request a Mail-In Absentee Ballot

Requests must be received by your county elections office by 5 p.m. on October 30.

Saturday, November 3, 2018 – End of One-Stop Early Voting and Same-Day Registration

Tuesday, November 6, 2018 – ELECTION DAY

Polls will be open 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Locate your polling place at

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

Second Thursday Food Distribution to be Held at VCRFM on Oct. 11

-Information courtesy Betty Boyd

The Second Thursday Food Distribution will be held at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market off Beckford Drive in Henderson on Thursday, October 11, 2018, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. No identification is required.

Participants remain in their vehicles and volunteers place food boxes in vehicle. This is a partnership of St. James Missionary Baptist Church, First Baptist Church and the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC and is offered to supplement the food resources of Vance County citizens.

Please contact Betty Boyd at (252) 432-3967 if you would like to volunteer or have questions.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Warren County Logo

Warrenton Christmas Parade Set for Dec. 8; Parade Entry Forms Now Available

-Information courtesy Butch Meek, Rotary Club of Warrenton

The Rotary Club of Warrenton announces that they are partnering with the Town of Warrenton as civic sponsors of the 2018 Christmas Parade to be held Saturday, December 8, 2018, at 5 p.m.

This year’s theme is “Be the Inspiration.” Rotary is asking parade participants to showcase how their organization is involved with environmental issues that affect health and welfare both locally and around the world. Participants in the parade are encouraged to show how they are providing inspiration in their communities. Cash prizes will be awarded to the best floats.

Entries will be judged December 8 at 5 p.m. The parade rain date is set for Sunday, December 9. Parade entry forms can be obtained from the Town Hall located at 133 South Main Street or from Tar Heel Tire Company, or visit the Warrenton Festivals page on FaceBook.