Cooperative Extension with Jean Bell 08/03/17

Newly Hired Correctional Officers to Get Training More Quickly

Department Implements New Approach to Correctional Officer Training 

RALEIGH – In an effort to improve safety at state prisons, the Department of Public Safety is launching a new approach to train newly hired correctional officers more quickly. New officers will begin basic correctional officer training at the start of their second week on the job, following one week of orientation at their work location.  By attending basic training within the first couple of weeks of employment, correctional officers will learn the policies, procedures, skills and abilities to help them be successful.

“This new approach to training will better equip newly hired correctional officers so they excel at keeping order in the prisons for the safety of staff, inmates and ultimately the public,” said Public Safety Secretary Erik A. Hooks.

Adult Correction has redirected existing resources to immediately provide this training to new hires and is working to make sure that all officers already on the job have attended basic training. In addition, Secretary Hooks said that he and division leaders are working with managers throughout the state to find ways to improve prison operations.

“Redirecting training resources is important to provide the foundation officers need to understand working in a correctional environment,” said W. David Guice, chief deputy secretary of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice.  “Well-trained officers who are confident working in this environment will enhance public safety.”

The current basic correctional officer training curriculum is under wholesale review and may be expanded. The leaders of Adult Corrections will take a more hands-on role during training to help emphasize professionalism, ethics and the importance of a public safety career. In addition, supervisory training improvements are also being considered.

“To improve operations, we’re researching and analyzing best practices including in hiring, entry and exit procedures and contraband control, and I am committed to making changes where appropriate,” Secretary Hooks added.

Public Health Serving You 08/02/17

ICYMI: N.C. SBI and Virginia State Police Coordinate Marijuana Eradication Operation

RALEIGH – A joint North Carolina-Virginia marijuana eradication operation July 25-26 yielded more than 800 plants seized in Granville, Vance and Warren counties. Two stolen vehicles were recovered as well. On the north side of the state line, the Virginia State Police seized 25 plants and 20 guns. Charges are pending on one individual. 

North Carolina’s State Bureau of Investigation and the Virginia State Police coordinated the multi-agency operation that took place along the border of the two states.

“The partnerships we have at the state and local level and with our partners to the north made this operation successful,” said Lynn Gay, assistant special agent in charge of the SBI’s Capitol District.  “No one agency brought more to the table than another.  It was a group effort, and everyone’s input helped achieve our goal of putting illegal growers out of business.”

The N.C. State Highway Patrol, the N.C. National Guard and the SBI provided aerial surveillance. Other participants included the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and the sheriffs’ offices from the three counties.

“In my years of being with the Virginia State Police, I have never seen a joint eradication operation between the two state bureaus to include local departments on both sides of the state line,” said Fst. Sgt. Tony Barksdale of the Virginia State Police. “I deem the operation a success and praise the efforts put forth by all agencies involved.” 

“The season is not over for the Marijuana Eradication Program,” Gay said. “We have agents trained to spot grow operations from the air and we will be back.”


Town Talk 08/02/17

Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie 08/02/17

News 08/02/17

Taylor New Eaton-Johnson Principal

— courtesy Vance County Schools

Students, parents and members of the community will have an opportunity to meet Travis Taylor, the new principal at Eaton-Johnson Middle School, on August 10.

The school is hosting meet-and-greet sessions entitled, “Tea with Taylor,” on August 10 from 9 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m.

Everyone should plan on attending one of the sessions to get to know Mr. Taylor and meet the school’s two assistant principals, Lemondre Watson and Sandra Byrd.

Home and Garden Show 08/01/17

Town Talk 08/01/17