Warren Parks And Rec Offers Lifeguard Training Program

Warren County Parks and Recreation is offering a training program on Tuesdays beginning in February to prepare applicants for the lifeguard certification course. This free program will provide transportation for instruction and practice. Upon completion of the training, which runs from Feb. 7 through Mar. 28,those who can pass the prerequisites will have the option to sign up for the lifeguard certification course free of charge. The program is open to individuals 15 years and up.

Register online for the academy and choose one of the options below:

Register by Jan. 31 either online or in person:

For more information or to register, please visit the website or call the office at 252.257.2272.

Parks and Recreation welcomes volunteers for this and other programs. Please submit volunteer application and background check online at www.warrencountync.com/345/Parks-Recreation.

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