It’s Warren County Map Time!

-Courtesy of Chamber Connections, the Chamber of Commerce of Warren County’s weekly newsletter

It’s Warren County Map Time Again! Two Years Since Our Last Update!

It’s hard to believe, but it was two years ago this month that we began compiling our first new Warren County map in several years…and now, it’s time to update those maps! These new maps will be released in early summer for our residents and visitors to Warren County.

As before, the support for this map will come from our great sponsoring businesses. This week, I’ll be contacting previous and new sponsors along with our representative from SouthEast Map Solutions. Once published, we’ll have more than 5,000 maps to distribute promoting our wonderful county.

We plan to include the following features in this year’s map: detailed street maps of Warrenton, Norlina & Macon – detailed road map of all roads within Warren County – update locations of more than 40 sites in the Preservation Warrenton Driving Tour of the County – update locations of the 50+ homes and businesses in the Preservation Warrenton Walking Tour of Warrenton as well as the African American Walking Tour of Warrenton – include 16 additional Rosenwald Schools identified since the last map – designation of the Haliwa-Saponi official State of NC area within Warren County.

If your business is interested in becoming a sponsor, we have a limited number of ad positions available. Each sponsor receives a minimum of 50 maps for distribution in addition to the on-map ad. Please email info@warren-chamber.org or call 252-257-2657 if you’d like to be included in this countywide project.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

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