Volunteers Join Voices To Read Bible Aloud From Genesis To Revelation May 3

About a dozen local churches are taking part in this year’s Public Bible Reading Day. If everything falls into place like it’s supposed to, volunteers will have read the Bible – from start to finish – by the end of the day.

This special day happens Wednesday, May 3 and it is specifically timed to take place around the National Day of Prayer, which is observed on the first Thursday in May.

Lois Murphy told WIZS that the different churches in the area already have been assigned their books of the Bible.

COVID has thrown a monkey wrench of sorts into the plan that organizers have of reading aloud in public, Murphy said.

“We read aloud and we read publicly if we can,” Murphy said. “COVID has shut down some of the public reading, and some churches still have some COVID restrictions in place,” she said.

Because of this, volunteers have the option of reading in their church or from the comfort of their own homes.

“I would like to see people reading…at the plaza at the courthouse, maybe at a downtown location, even in stores or businesses, if they would permit us,” she mused.

The way it works is pretty simple: Each church gets a section of scripture that can be read in 15 minute increments. The whole Bible is divided into 15-minute segments. After a quick calculation, Murphy said it would take about four hours to read Genesis and another three to get through Exodus.

Here is a list of local churches that will be participating in the Reading Day:

First Baptist Church

First United Methodist Church

Union Chapel

Island Creek

Clearview Church

Harriet Baptist

Fuller Chapel

Cotton Memorial

Blessed Hope

West End

South Henderson

New Sandy Creek

Murphy suggested that anyone interested in joining in the read-aloud contact one of the churches listed above to get more information.



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