Vance Teen Court Club: Adult And Youth Volunteers Needed

The Vance County Teen Court Club is an organization designed to help young people understand the justice system while learning how to take responsibility for their actions. The club is looking for volunteers ages 12 and up to participate. Youth and adult volunteers are needed, according to Tara Goolsby with the Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Department.

The group currently meets at Aycock Recreation Center on Tuesdays at 4 p.m., according to Youth Services Program Coordinator Darius Pitt. The actual court sessions are held at the court house with real judges and attorneys, he said. “We are in the rebuilding stage right now because most of our volunteers have graduated and are gone off to college,” Pitt said.

Participants learn about the justice system through a variety of hands-on activities, and they provide an alternative system of justice which encourages young people to take responsibility for their actions and correct mistakes.

Student volunteers participate in the defense and prosecution of youthful offenders.

In addition to knowledge gained, volunteers also can earn community service hours toward graduation and improve their communication and problem-solving skills with their involvement in Teen Court Club.

Contact Pitt at 252.431.6099 or dariuspitt@henderson.nc.gov.

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