Vance Commissioner Carolyn Faines Named Vice-Chair Of Kerr-Tar COG Board

– Information courtesy of Kerr-Tar COG Administrative and Program Assistant Christa Hight

Vance County Commissioner Carolyn Faines was named vice-chair of the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Government’s board of directors at the group’s annual awards banquet Thursday evening.

About 160 attended the event from across the five-county area that comprises the KTCOG. Betty Wright of the town of Louisburg was named board chair and Warren County’s John Alston will serve as treasurer, according to information from KTCOG Administrative and Program Assistant Christa Hight.

The following awards were presented:

Derrick Sims, current chair of board of directors presided over the meeting, which was held at Festival House at the Homestead Steakhouse in Timberlake.


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