Vance Charter Lottery Mar. 1; Application Period Runs Jan. 21-Feb. 28 For 2025-26

The Vance Charter lottery for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Tuesday, Jan. 21.

Parents of prospective students have until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28 to complete the online application. Find the application at www.vancecharter.org under VCS Lottery Info.

Because there is a limited number of spaces per class, it is possible more students will apply than there are available openings.  If this situation occurs, the school will admit students through a blind lottery.  Each application will be numbered and the numbers will be pooled per class.  Due to using an automated lottery program, the numbers will be generated randomly until all spaces in each grade level are filled.  The remaining students will be placed on a waitlist in order of their number’s removal through the automated lottery process.

The school will host two informational sessions:  Jan. 28 at 6 p.m. and Feb. 13, also at  6 p.m.

The lottery will be held on Saturday, Mar. 1. Attendance is not necessary, as final results will not be available until verification checks are performed.  Likewise, all applicants will receive email/text notification within one week of the actual lottery  to share final results.

Please remember that siblings of Vance Charter students who do not currently attend Vance Charter School must submit an application to be included in the lottery. This includes incoming kindergarten students.


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