‘Tunnel Vision’ Forum Will Have ‘Tough, But Needed’ Conversations With Young Adults

-Information courtesy Tara Goolsby, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Facilities Supervisor, Aycock Recreation Center

Are you currently worried about the direction a youth/young adult is heading? Would you like for them to interact with reformed adults who have “walked the walk” and “talked the talk?” Would you like for them to see firsthand the effects of negative consequences on their life? If so, register them for the Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Department’s Tunnel Vision Forum to be held Friday, December 14, 2018, beginning at 5 p.m. at City Hall Chambers, 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson.

This forum is an open, interactive program developed to improve the thought process of youth/young adults and warn them of the wrong direction they are heading. These tough, but needed, conversations will be with local citizens who have been on the wrong side of the law and want to share their experience to prevent other youth from taking that same path. 

For more information, please contact Gregory Kelly 252.431.6099 ~ gkelly@ci.henderson.nc.us or Shantel Hargrove 252.430.0382 ~shhargrove@ci.henderson.nc.us.


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