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Charles Forsythe Receives Order Of The Long Leaf Pine
— information courtesy of the office of N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon Former Watkins Volunteer Fire Department Chief Charles Forsythe is one of the newest recipients of the Order of the Long Leaf Pine, given for more than four decades of service to his community. N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon presented the award to Forsythe on Dec.
VGCC Community Band Winter Concert Dec. 16
–information courtesy of VGCC Public Information Officer Courtney Cissel The holiday season has officially begun, and the VGCC Community Band is back in action this month to present its annual Holiday Concert. This year’s event will occur on Monday, Dec. 16, at McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center in downtown Henderson. The concert will begin at
TownTalk: MPH Cancer Center’s Angel Fund Gets $19K Infusion From Fire Dept.
City of Henderson firefighters know that the next call they get could involve saving someone’s life. It’s what they train for. For the past seven or eight years, however, the firefighters at Central Station One on Dabney Drive have taken to the street – literally – to help fight a different battle, one that can
TownTalk: Commissioners Tap Fund Balance To Pay Overdue Bills, Health Care Overruns At Jail
Vance County Commissioners are tapping the county’s fund balance to take care of a couple of bills – to the tune of more than $822,000 – that involve health care at the local detention center. Of that amount, $352,000 will be used to pay past due invoices, some dating back to 2019, that were not
TownTalk: Farm City Luncheon Held At Farmers Market
The folks who gathered at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market for the Farm-City luncheon were treated to some good ol’ Southern style food – fried chicken, barbecue, with all the fixin’s, but surely the sweet treat came when local historian Mark Pace shared a brief – but comprehensive – history of agriculture in the
TownTalk: Oxford’s “The Sacred Witness” Military Art Mural
About half a block off one of the main downtown streets in Oxford is something quite unique – in fact, it’s the first of its kind for the city. It’s a mural with a military theme and it tells a story that artist Aletha Williams wants to share with the community. An unveiling was held
TownTalk: Joint Public Safety And Fire Commission Meeting
Plans should be in place by summer 2025 to send an additional fire department to structure fires in the county, a move that has the potential to save lives and property, not to mention having a possible positive effect on the county’s insurance rating and property owners’ insurance premiums. Brandon Link, president of the Vance
TownTalk: Youth Mental Health First Aid
An upcoming workshop at Henderson City Hall is designed to help participants recognize signs that a young person may be experiencing a mental health crisis, as well as offer ways to step in to connect them to agencies and resources that can help. The all-day mental health first aid workshop will be held Saturday, Dec.
TownTalk: Vance County Board Of Commissioners Reorganization Meeting
The Vance County Board of Commissioners elected Sean Alston to chair the 7-member board and Carolyn Faines was elected as vice-chair at the regular monthly meeting Monday night. In other action, the commissioners added June 19 – Juneteenth – to the list of county-observed holidays and approved dates for its regular monthly meetings, which will
TownTalk: December Events In Granville County
Santa may need to trade in those clunky black boots for some sensible sneakers if he’s going to keep up with all the activities that are going on in Granville County this holiday season. From breakfasts to afternoon and evening parades, Jolly Old St. Nicholas is going to be the man of the hour, and