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TownTalk: Oxford’s “The Sacred Witness” Military Art Mural
About half a block off one of the main downtown streets in Oxford is something quite unique – in fact, it’s the first of its kind for the city. It’s a mural with a military theme and it tells a story that artist Aletha Williams wants to share with the community. An unveiling was held
TownTalk: Joint Public Safety And Fire Commission Meeting
Plans should be in place by summer 2025 to send an additional fire department to structure fires in the county, a move that has the potential to save lives and property, not to mention having a possible positive effect on the county’s insurance rating and property owners’ insurance premiums. Brandon Link, president of the Vance
TownTalk: Youth Mental Health First Aid
An upcoming workshop at Henderson City Hall is designed to help participants recognize signs that a young person may be experiencing a mental health crisis, as well as offer ways to step in to connect them to agencies and resources that can help. The all-day mental health first aid workshop will be held Saturday, Dec.
TownTalk: Vance County Board Of Commissioners Reorganization Meeting
The Vance County Board of Commissioners elected Sean Alston to chair the 7-member board and Carolyn Faines was elected as vice-chair at the regular monthly meeting Monday night. In other action, the commissioners added June 19 – Juneteenth – to the list of county-observed holidays and approved dates for its regular monthly meetings, which will
TownTalk: December Events In Granville County
Santa may need to trade in those clunky black boots for some sensible sneakers if he’s going to keep up with all the activities that are going on in Granville County this holiday season. From breakfasts to afternoon and evening parades, Jolly Old St. Nicholas is going to be the man of the hour, and
TownTalk: Alert Christmas Parade Is Coming
Looking for some good old-fashioned entertainment to help get you in a festive holiday mood? Check out the Alert Christmas Parade, set to kick off at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 14. That’s right, A-lert, the community that’s just over the Franklin/Vance County line beyond Epsom. Larry Ayscue is one of this year’s parade organizers,
TownTalk: Around Old Granville – First Families Part Two
Ready to hear how the area now known as Kittrell is connected to the first Thanksgiving? THE first Thanksgiving. The one that happened in 1618, a full four years before the Pilgrims and Native Americans celebrated the first successful harvest in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621. Leave it to WIZS’s Bill Harris and local historian Mark
TownTalk: Arts Council Getting In The Christmas Spirit
Anyone who may need a jumpstart into feeling that holiday spirit need only chat for a moment with Dr. Alice Sallins with the Vance County Arts Council. Whether she’s promoting the upcoming Tidings of Comfort and Joy concert at McGregor Hall or talking up the Henderson Christmas parade, Sallins exudes that excitement and anticipation that
TownTalk: NC House 32 Contest Update
Vance and Granville counties are in the middle of a recount in the too-close-to-call contest for House District 32, which has Democratic challenger Bryan Cohn leading incumbent Republican Frank Sossamon by 233 votes. Cohn led by 185 votes on Nov. 5, but that number grew to 233 following the Nov. 15 canvass to include provisional
TownTalk: Sossamon Calls For Recount
Vance and Granville counties will conduct a recount in the too-close-to-call contest for House District 32, which has Democratic challenger Bryan Cohn leading Republican incumbent Frank Sossamon by 233 votes. Because that margin is less than 1 percent of the voting totals – .53 percent, to be precise – the challenger (in this case, Sossamon)