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TownTalk: Community Partners of Hope Men’s Shelter 365 Dream Team
Darryl Jones is walking, talking proof about getting – and giving – second chances in life. And just in case anybody wonders about the good things that go on at the emergency men’s shelter and Hope House here in Henderson, Jones is a living testimony. He’s been shelter program manager for just over a month
TownTalk: Hawkins Named Vice Dean of UNC School of Social Work
Robert Hawkins graduated high school in 1981 and he’s pretty much stayed in the field of academia since he left Henderson to attend Appalachian State University as a new undergraduate. His experiences growing up in Vance County, along with his extensive research in the field of social work and especially the effects of living in
TownTalk: Proposed County and City Tax Rates
Now that city and county elected officials have gotten recommended budgets from the city and county managers, it’s time for budget work sessions and public hearings to hear citizens’ comments before the final budgets are adopted. State law requires that local governments must adopt their budgets before July 1, when the new fiscal year begins.
TownTalk: Author Rosetta Canada-Hargrove Publishes Two Books
It was when she first moved to the Henderson area, some 40 years ago, that Rosetta Canada-Hargrove started writing her first book. But, as with so many people, “life” intervened and papers and notes got put away in boxes for later. As it turns out, “later” was during the COVID-19 pandemic, and her husband and
TownTalk: Around Old Granville: A Day At The Lake
Kerr Lake will be the destination for many boaters and campers over the long holiday weekend, but the area surrounding – and under – the man-made lake has been attracting people for literally hundreds of years. Stately homes sitting on impressive tracts of land belonging to families with names like Hargrove and Henderson, made way
TownTalk: Welcome Center Celebrates National Travel And Tourism Week Thursday, May 23
There are nine official Welcome Centers in North Carolina, all positioned along interstate corridors near the borders of neighboring states. But how many of us who live in North Carolina have made a stop as we make our way home from a roadtrip? Brian Fletcher, manager of the I-85 North Welcome Center in Norlina, said
TownTalk: National Police Week
As part of last week’s observance of National Police Week, U.S. Attorney Michael Easley joined U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and others across the country as they paid tribute to all members of law enforcement for their service within the ranks of federal, state, local and Tribal law enforcement. “As our country recognizes National Police Week, the Justice Department
TownTalk: Blessed Trinity Holds Week-Long Revival
Blessed Trinity Ministries, under the leadership of the Rev. Dr. Almice Floyd Gill, is hosting a five-day Community Outdoor Revival at Back to Eden, located at 475 Satterwhite Point Rd. The revival kicks off at 6 p.m. on Monday, May 27 and continues nightly through Friday, May 31. Gill calls it an “old-fashioned” revival that
TownTalk: The Future of McGregor Hall
CLICK PLAY! WIZS Radio · TownTalk: The Future Of McGregor Hall ************************************* In six short years, Henderson’s McGregor Hall has earned a reputation across the area – and region – as a quality venue for hosting concerts, performances and competitions. Executive Director Mark Hopper booked perhaps the venue’s most important act last month, however, when
TownTalk: City of Henderson Budget Prelim
Henderson City Council member Garry Daeke has had a couple of days to review and reflect on the 2024-25 budget that was presented Monday by City Manager Terrell Blackmon. It’s a delicate balance, Daeke said, to create a budget that provides for citizens’ wants and needs – without putting those same citizens in a bind