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TownTalk: Men’s Shelter Closing In On New Home At Former City Road Methodist Church
The nation celebrates Independence Day next week, and just a few days later on July 8, the emergency men’s shelter is planning an independence day celebration of its own – that’s the day the shelter leaves its current location and clients will call City Road Center of Hope home. Darryl Jones, the shelter’s program manager,
TownTalk: GPS In County Vehicles
As of just a few weeks ago, vehicles that are owned by Vance County are now equipped with GPS tracking devices. County Manager C. Renee Perry said installing the devices is being done “as a matter of safety and for fleet tracking.” The cost is roughly $9,300 a year, but that doesn’t include vehicles used
TownTalk: Edmonds Tennis & Education Foundation Honors Scholarship Winners
The 2024 recipients of the Edmonds Tennis & Education Foundation scholarships were honored at a weekend ceremony. Seven recent high school graduates join the previous recipients, bringing the total to 43 the number of young people to benefit from the ETEF scholarship since the nonprofit was established in 2018. The ETEF is for young people
TownTalk: Does Vance County Know Where Its Money Is?
Vance County Manager C. Renee Perry has confirmed that there is an open investigation into the practices of the county’s former finance director after a recent audit found deficiencies in financial processes that involves $1.1 million in county funds. The audit presented at the June 3 Board of Commissioners meeting revealed that the former finance
TownTalk: Juneteenth and July 4th, Vance Tourism
July 4 falls on a Thursday this year, which makes for a long weekend just right for vacationers and campers to enjoy a few extra days in and around Kerr Lake. We’ll turn our attention to the skies around Satterwhite Point on Saturday, July 6 for the annual fireworks show, but come early and enjoy
Vance County Hitting All The Right Notes For ‘Make Music Day’ On June 21
What are you doing this Friday? The Vance County Arts Council invites you to join in “Make Music Day” – performances are popping up all over Henderson and Vance County in celebration of the global event that involves more than 1,000 cities all over the world. The performances are free, and Dr. Alice Clark Sallins
TownTalk: More Information on Revaluation and Tax Rate Increase
Vance County commissioners are divided on the issue of how often to conduct a property reappraisal and revaluation – state law requires the revaluation occur at least every 8 years, but many counties have opted to have them more often. According to Commissioner Sean Alston, only about 20 percent of the state’s 100 counties –
TownTalk: County Budget Deliberations
In a budget work session last week, the Vance County Board of Commissioners worked to reach consensus to raise the tax rate by 10 cents – to 71 cents per $100 property valuation – a move that will provide cost-of-living increases for staff and have funds for capital projects and a possible salary study. The
TownTalk: Around Old Granville: Architects
Lovers of historical architecture could come up with the analogy that if Old Granville County – what is now the four-county area that includes Vance, Warren, Franklin and Granville counties – were an art museum, then all the lovely homes that dot the towns, cities and countryside certainly are works of art to be admired
TownTalk: 8th Annual Bee Jubilee June 22 At Granville Expo Center
The Granville County Beekeepers Association’s 8th annual Bee Jubilee happens Saturday, June 22 and will feature a variety of workshops and demonstrations designed for those with lots of experience handling those honey-producing insects all the way down to folks who want their gardens to be pollinator-friendly havens. “North Carolina really does love their pollinators,” said