TownTalk: North Henderson Baptist Church One-Day VBS, Backpack Giveaway Aug. 3, 4

North Henderson Baptist Church has planned two special events next weekend and Pastor Eddie Nutt invites the community to come out and participate.

Nutt joked that he’s trying to keep members of his congregation at church all weekend long, not just in the pews on Sunday but also as volunteers for the one-day Vacation Bible School on Saturday, Aug. 3 and then for the “back to school party” complete with backpack giveaways and a hotdog supper.

The VBS is designed for special-needs individuals and Nutt explained that it’s for all ages. There is no cost to attend the 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. activity, which will include crafts, music, Bingo and, of course, a Bible lesson. The morning will conclude with a meal, he said on Tuesday’s segment of TownTalk.

It’s the first time the church has had a VBS for those with special needs, and it’s an extension of the weekly 9 a.m. service for this population from the community, which Nutt said is “holding steady” with attendance.

“We’ll have plenty of hands-on (from volunteers) to help with crafts, Bingo with prizes for everyone as they learn about God’s love,” Nutt said.

Then, on Sunday afternoon, the church fellowship hall will be abuzz with activity for the back-to-school party, which begins at 5 p.m.

“We’ve had back to school parties for years,” Nutt said, and this year marks the third year for the backpack giveaways. Last year, they gave away more than they had available, but they created a wait list and were able to distribute additional backpacks after making a second run to purchase bookbags and supplies to go in them.

“This year, hopefully we’re prepared for a bigger crowd,” he said.

He does ask that the children who receive backpacks be present at the Aug. 4 event, so Nutt and his church volunteers can share “face to face” the Good News that Jesus loves them.

And be on the listen-out for next year’s “Night To Shine Prom” for special-needs individuals.

It was the first time that the church had hosted the event, so Nutt said they didn’t know how many to expect.

But with between 65 and 70 prom-goers in attendance, along with caregivers and family members who came and stayed for the festivities, Nutt said he was pleasantly surprised at the turnout.

The church applied for, and was accepted, as a site for the February 2025 event, which is traditionally held the Friday night before Valentine’s Day.

North Henderson Baptist Church is located at 1211 N. Garnett St.




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