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Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Purchase a good soil thermometer
  • Continue pruning.
  • Increase pollination of your garden by purchasing Honey bees or contacting a beekeeper to place a hive on your property
  • Cool season broadleaf weeds are already blooming and setting seed.
  • Try growing a vegetable that you haven’t grown.
  • Frost free date is April 20, plan accordingly
  • Check all Garden equipment have it ready when needed
  • Avoid the temptation to plant tender flowers and vegetables. Trees and shrubs are fine to plant now.

Click Play!


TownTalk: City Council Addresses Attendance Policy


At its March meeting Monday evening, the Henderson City Council voted 6-2 to adopt a policy concerning attendance at council meetings. At issue, among other things, was what constitutes an excused absence versus an unexcused absence and just how – and who – would decide which was which.

The proposed wording didn’t include “work” in the excused list, and it did include the 12 set monthly meeting dates – already on the calendar – as well as any “special called meetings,” which aren’t on the calendar ahead of time.

After a lot of back-and-forth discussion, Council member Ola Thorpe-Cooper made a motion, seconded by Council member Michael Venable to approve the attendance policy, with a revision that excludes the special called meeting wording.

Joining Cooper and Venable with yes votes were Council members Geraldine Champion, Garry Daeke, Sam Seifert and Tami Walker; Council members Lamont Noel and Sara Coffey voted against the motion.

According to City Manager Terrell Blackmon, the policy review came out of the council’s recent strategic planning session. As it stands now, council members aren’t supposed to miss four meetings in a single calendar year.

However, if they are unable to attend a meeting in person, they can join virtually and cast votes remotely, as long as their absence is considered an “excused” absence.

Noel did not agree that fellow council members be the deciding body to determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused; individual council members are supposed to inform the clerk when they know they will be absent.

Mayor Melissa Elliott offered an example to the group, saying that she had been able to vote when she was out of town for work, but she was not able to vote when she joined virtually while on vacation.

The council agreed to fall back to Robert’s Rules of Order and handle the absences procedurally when the roll is called at each council meeting, at which time the clerk would inform the council of the reason for a member’s absence.

Discussion about special called meetings included comments from Council member Noel, who said those meetings, usually held during normal business hours, shouldn’t be part of the attendance policy.

“Some of us are working,” he said.

Daeke acknowledged that daytime meetings “may be a bit much for some folks.” He said he used 42 hours of vacation time last year alone to satisfy council attendance policies. “Not everybody has that capability,” he said.



The Local Skinny! Council Tables Formation Of Separate Main Street Advisory Board

The Henderson City Council discussed forming a separate advisory board to support Main Street Director Tracy Madigan in her efforts as a city employee to ensure that the city doesn’t jeopardize its designation in the national program, but decided to table a decision until council learns more about the job description and purpose of the board.

Council member Garry Daeke asked City Manager Terrell Blackmon for more information about the formation of the advisory board, as well as what its job would be and how it would complement or coordinate with the Henderson-Vance County Downtown Development Commission, a nonprofit formed in 1986 to support and promote downtown revitalization efforts.

In a follow-up email to WIZS, Daeke said he believes the timing is so that the city will increase its funding to the program as budget decisions are being made. “I just wanted something that explained this “new” committee, and how it is different from present DDC,” Daeke said in the email, adding that he would like to have clearly defined roles and a program description before the council makes any decisions.

“The Main Street Program belongs to the city, not the DDC,” Blackmon told Council members Monday. As a city employee, Madigan is charged with making sure the city follows the Main Street guidelines.

Blackmon said Henderson regained its Main Street community designation, and since that time, “we’ve been utilizing the Henderson DDC as a vehicle for meeting a lot of the Main Street requirements.”

But the Main Street program belongs to the city, not to the DDC, he added.

Having a separate 5-7 member advisory committee would not preclude coordination with the DDC, but Blackmon said it would focus on the core categories that the national program requires for designation as a Main Street City.

“The DDC is a great partner,” Blackmon said.

Madigan told council members the city is looking at having a little more focus and control over a program that it funds and oversees.

The city budget allocates $25,000 to the Main Street project administration, with an additional $1,500 from the county. Fundraisers like the Festival of Trees event during December are events that add to the bottom line.

Madigan said a board would address an increased volunteer presence with the Main Street program, but the biggest struggle remains funding, which is a key point in Main Street guidelines.



Cooperative Extension With Paul McKenzie: What Works in the Garden

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

Click Play!


TownTalk: Property Tax Revaluation

Property owners in Vance County have been waiting – and waiting – for those tax revaluation notices to hit their mailboxes, but so far, it’s just bills, junk mail and candidates’ postcards.

At their board meeting on Mar. 4, commissioners were told that the notices would be sent out “in the next few weeks.”

In a followup conversation with Vance County Manager C. Renee Perry earlier Monday, Perry reported that Tax Administrator Porcha Brooks said the notices will go out by the end of this week.

County residents have been bracing for news of what most certainly will be an increase in the value of their property – it’s been eight years since the last revaluation, after all. Expected increases in Vance County range from 67 percent to 72 percent, with a base increase of 55 percent. And that doesn’t include the actual land values, said Ryan Vincent, who updated commissioners during last week’s  meeting.

Most all of the county’s property owners will see an increase in their property revaluation – 93 percent, in fact. And it all will be revealed in those notices, which were originally supposed to be received in February.

In addition to indiviudals and businesses, however, county staff and elected officials also need that information to inform their budget process, which is usually approved before the new fiscal year begins July 1.

Once property owners get their new valuations, they have time to appeal if they don’t agree, said Ryan Vincent, whose company was in charge of this revaluation process, which began a couple of years ago.

“The plan is to mail notices in the next two to three weeks,” Vincent explained to commissioners on Mar. 4. The notices are NOT bills; tax bills would be sent in summer 2024.

Vincent said the deadline to appeal is May 6; after that, the county’s Equalization and Review Board would begin the process of deliberating the appeals.

Right now, the seven county commissioners serve as the E&R board; Commissioner Tommy Hester’s motion on Mar. 4 to form a separate board failed.

The 2016 revaluation saw 640 property owners appeal the tax value of their properties. Of those, all but 11 were settled during the informal appeals process and were settled within the tax department. Those 11 came before the board of commissioners, acting as the E&R board, for a decision.

This year’s revaluation most likely will bring a higher volume of appeals, simply because it’s been eight years since the last valuation, when some property owners even saw a decrease in their property’s assessed value.

Vincent said commissioners should plan to allow for “anywhere from 10 to 20 to maybe 30 working days to hear the appeals,” with those being full days – 6-8 hours each. “It’s a substantial time commitment,” he said, and something that likely couldn’t be done during regular evening meetings of the commissioners.

That’s on top of extra budget sessions that will undoubtedly be held over the next few months.

The E&R board must have a quorum – that’s four commissioners – to hold the hearings.

Perry stated “it’s definitely a tight timeline” but that “the plan is for the Board of E&R to open on May 6 and close on June 3. Appeals can be submitted as soon as notices are received. The last day to appeal will be June 3.” Vincent had noted to commissioners on Mar. 4 that the appeals window would be from April 1 to May 6, but Perry confirmed Monday that those dates had been adjusted since the commissioners’ meeting.

The City of Henderson also is dependent on the results of this revaluation process as it plans for the new budget, and City Manager Terrell Blackmon said he and his staff asked for – and received – the information from the county as soon as it was available.

In a written statement to WIZS News, Blackmon said, “Just for reference, the City is not just now looking at the schedule of values…and we have been using the data we have to begin working through the FY 24-25 budget process.  The City’s Finance staff and I have already completed our preliminary budget meetings with all department heads and we are crunching numbers as we speak trying to balance expenses with projected revenues based on our current tax rate and other various scenarios tied to the new schedule of values resulting from the revaluation process.  Staff and Council are aware of the potential burden taxpayers may experience when there is a revaluation and we will try to remain revenue neutral as a goal.  However, we also have to keep in mind that the City’s tax base has remained fairly unchanged the past several years… but our expenses continue to increase due to employee retention and other inflationary factors that impact our service delivery and ability to improve the City’s infrastructure.  We will work to find a balance that’s beneficial to both the City and our citizens.”





SportsTalk: Hammett Rebuilds JF Webb Softball

It was only a couple of years ago that JF Webb had no softball team.  Covid and a lack players meant the program had become dormant.  That has all changed with Corey Hammett.  Last year she brought the program back and took the Warriors into the state playoffs.  Hammett sees more success this year for JF Webb.  “We should be a top three team in the conference,” she said on Thursday’s SportsTalk.  There are still challenges for Hammett.  “Our biggest challenges are getting girls interested and teaching the fundamentals,” Hammett explained.

She also had to overcome field problems since it had not been used in some time.  This year, the field is once again an issue.  Not because of non-use but rain.  The team has had several games rained out the wet field has meant they have only been able to get in two games, both losses, to Oxford Prep.  Hammett said she hopes to get the Warriors back on the field on the road against Riverside Monday night.


The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood And Blowing Out Engines

For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS.

The next time you hear someone say that you need to “blow out the carbon” of your vehicle’s engine, you may want to call that bluff.

With today’s detergent fuels and oils, there ain’t a whole lot of carbon buildup in that engine, folks.

In fact, over-revving an engine can cause more damage – so think twice before pushing the gas pedal to the floor – it could hurt your vehicle’s engine and your pocketbook, if the law pulls you over.

The older rules simply can’t be applied to today’s engines, which are more likely to experience a chip problem or a bad sensor. If your car’s not running smoothly to begin with, forcing it to go faster – and work harder – isn’t going to help.

For instance, if your daily errands or trips through the carpool lines are smooth sailing, but a trip on the interstate raises a red flag when it comes to your vehicle’s performance, it could be that your fuel-to-air mixture is off.

Check in with the pros at Advance Auto Parts when you have questions about how your vehicle’s running. They can point you in the right direction and can let you know what type of additive may be called for.

Consult someone in the know before adding anything to the gas tank or crankcase. It may not be harmful, but it may not help, either.

The information contained in this post is not advice from Advance Auto Parts or WIZS.  Safety First!  Always seek proper help.  This is presented for its informational value only and is part of a paid advertising sponsorship.