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TownTalk: Does Vance County Know Where Its Money Is?

Vance County Manager C. Renee Perry has confirmed that there is an open investigation into the practices of the county’s former finance director after a recent audit found deficiencies in financial processes that involves $1.1 million in county funds.

The audit presented at the June 3 Board of Commissioners meeting revealed that the former finance director “wired, from the County’s bank account, funds equating to approximately $1.1 million dollars through the end of fiscal year 2023, with subsequent wire transfers occurring into fiscal year 2024.”

Katherine Bigelow had served as the county’s finance director since 2019. She was dismissed in February 2024; on May 10, Perry sent an email to county staff informing them of Bigelow’s “recent passing.”

The county has 60 days from the June 3 audit report presentation to present a plan of action to the Local Government Commission.

In an email to WIZS earlier today, Perry said the audit – a public record – disclosed some of the information, adding that there is little else she can say at this point, per the FBI.

“The County was deprived of its monetary resources, resources which should have gone to covering legitimate expenditures and projects which the County has undertaken,” the audit report stated.

The audit report identified four “significant” audit findings: budget violation, reconciliation of records, internal controls and timeliness. In his presentation to commissioners, Alan Thompson said his team at Whiteville-based Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams, and Co., P.A. noted that the county failed to comply with General Statutes by not having a two-signature process in place as it pertains to county funds.

This lack of secondary approval or oversight allowed for the finance director to post entries in the county’s financial software; the audit pointed to lack of sufficient training and cross-training practices to ensure proper handling of financial matters.

Citing timeliness of the numbers and the accuracy of the numbers they were provided, Thompson said they discovered issues that they couldn’t get satisfactory answers for.

“By November, she (Bigelow) wasn’t giving us information in a timely way,” Thompson said.

Thompson conceded that his team could have done a better job briefing Perry – who only came on board in November 2023.

“At that point, we didn’t suspect foul play, but we didn’t know,” Thompson said.

Over the past three or four months, county staff and the audit team have communicated weekly – sometimes daily, and Perry said, “We’ve had conversations…moving forward, things will be different.”

Commission Chair Dan Brummitt said he would like to see an agreement “defined in writing. There appears to have been some miscommunication along the way,” he said. Brummitt said he would go so far as to create an Audit Committee, made up of commissioners and others with accounting experience.

(As of 2-5-25 this story contains a correction. Alan Thompson should have been listed as the person who presented the audit report.)


Cooperative Extension With Jamon Glover: Bedtime Problems, Pt. 4

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Home and Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

 Wayne Rowland of the Vance Co. Extension Service provides tips for gardeners.

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TownTalk: Juneteenth and July 4th, Vance Tourism

July 4 falls on a Thursday this year, which makes for a long weekend just right for vacationers and campers to enjoy a few extra days in and around Kerr Lake. We’ll turn our attention to the skies around Satterwhite Point on Saturday, July 6 for the annual fireworks show, but come early and enjoy all the festivities that await, local tourism officials said.

Norman Dickerson and Pam Hester said this year’s activities include music by DJ Jay, as well as a variety of area vendors selling everything from wings and cheesesteaks to shaved ice treats.

The festivities begin around 4 p.m., and vendors will be set up and ready by 2:30 p.m. Dickerson said.

There’s a $7 state park gate fee – that’s per car, not per person. And a reminder: No alcohol is allowed in state parks. The community is invited to come out to enjoy the afternoon and stay for the fireworks display, which will begin sometime between 9:15 and 9:30, Dickerson said.

As in years past, the show should last 30 minutes or a little bit longer.

Once the last oohs and aahs have drifted into the night sky, Satterwhite Point Road will be transformed into a two-lane exit. The State Highway Patrol will close Satterwhite Point Road at Anderson Creek about the time the fireworks start to make sure festival goers can depart efficiently and safely.

RJ’s Grill, Bun on the Run and Warehouse Barbecue of Youngsville will provide burgers, dogs and more, while other vendors will have everything from corn dogs to pretzels and ice cream.

There also will be novelty items – think all things glow-in-the-dark – and the kids will be happy.

Dickerson and Hester appreciate the considerable support that more than a dozen area agencies provide to get what Hester called a “massive undertaking” like the holiday festival up and running.

From fire departments and the Highway Patrol, Sheriff’s Office, Coast Guard Auxiliary, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and, of course, the N.C. State Parks system, Vance County’s tourism officials give a solid pat on the back.

If it were left to the two of them to pull off,  the celebration would look less like fireworks and more like sparklers, they said.

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Vance County Logo

TownTalk: More Information on Revaluation and Tax Rate Increase

Vance County commissioners are divided on the issue of how often to conduct a property reappraisal and revaluation – state law requires the revaluation occur at least every 8 years, but many counties have opted to have them more often.

According to Commissioner Sean Alston, only about 20 percent of the state’s 100 counties – 22 counties – are on an 8-year cycle.

Wake County, for example, does a reval every two years, but others have chosen to be on four- or six-year cycles.

But local commissioners do not, so far, anyway, see eye to eye on what the frequency should be.

It was a topic of discussion at the June 13 budget work session, and at that time, the commissioners agreed on tabling the discussion for now and revisting it next year.

Commissioner Sean Alston said the county didn’t need to wait 8 years for the next revaluation. Judging from citizens’ responses to the most recent revaluation, many were surprised at the jump in property values.

Having revals more often “reduces the shock value,” said Commissioner Archie Taylor. “Our community was shocked this time,” Taylor said.

Commissioner Leo Kelly said he leans toward revals every four or six years. “The real estate market is volatile,” Kelly said.

The cost of a revaluation right now is in the neighborhood of $700,000, a figure that Commission Chair Dan Brummitt balked at shelling out more often than every eight years.

Alston and Kelly, however, said spending the money for more frequent reappraisals could reap benefits – in addition to not overwhelming property owners with large increases, more frequent revals could put the county in a position where it could return to a revenue-neutral rate, maybe even lower, said Kelly.

In arriving at consensus on the 10-cent tax increase per $100 valuation, Taylor said he didn’t want to pay the higher tax bill, but he was willing to do so.

“I want my county and my community I live in to get better,” he said.

Alston said the county can’t keep “using Band-aids” to create temporary fixes. “We’re running out of Band-aids…we have to have growth.”

The Vance County Board of Commissioners is scheduled to meet at 4 p.m. on Monday, June 24 and could formally adopt the FY2024-25 budget at that time.



Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Library

Perry Memorial Library’s Youth Services Director Melody Peters took a few minutes Tuesday from tending to last-minute summer reading program details to talk about upcoming events that will be taking place soon at the library.

There’s a lot going on at the library, but Peters said she’s especially excited about the summer reading program kickoff. “I am expecting a big crowd – I really am!” she exclaimed on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

Readers of all ages and abilities can complete reading journals and turn them in during the summer in exchange for cool prizes.

“Cool” is the name of the game today – the first 200 participants were going to get Pelican Sno Balls.

Library patrons can enjoy a musical performance at the library as part of “Make Music Day” throughout the city and county.

Clarinetist Tristan Beradi, a student at N.C. A&T State University, will perform in the gallery from 12 noon to 1 p.m.

Then, on Sunday afternoon, gather the family and head over to the library for Family Story Time. Peters said she listened to comments from busy parents who just can’t swing a library program during the week. And with sports activities on Saturdays, the only day left is Sunday.

So Peters said she’ll be curious to see how many folks turn out.

“We’re trying it out and hope people come,” she said.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn more about all the programs at Perry Memorial Library.



Cooperative Extension with Wykia Macon 06-18-24

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Fire Departments Could See Additional Funding

The county’s volunteer fire departments stand to gain an additional $30,000 annually as commissioners and County Manager C. Renee Perry hammer out details of the FY 2024-25 budget.

Commissioners held a budget work session last week, with sights set on June 24 as a possible date to adopt the $57 million budget.

Each department, as well as the rescue squad and the Vance County Fire Department, would see $130,000 in county funding and the new hourly pay rate for part-time firefighters would increase to $17 an hour, up from $15 an hour.

To achieve these goals, the county’s fire tax would be bumped from a revenue-neutral rate of 5.9 cents per $100 valuation to 7 cents per hundred, as recommended by Perry.

This increase will generate and additional $300,000 in revenues.

That amount, matched with a one-time disbursement of about $300,000 from the fire tax general fund, would provide for the additional funding. The current total fire tax fund balance is about $625,000.

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