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TownTalk: McGregor Live! Series

When the lights dim this Saturday night at McGregor Hall, the audience can expect to be wowed – the Traveling Salvation Show has come to town!

It’s the first in the 2024-25 McGregor Live! series, which features some top touring companies mixed with local talent taking the stage to entertain audiences into the fall, winter and beyond.

“It is a really energetic, fun show,” said McGregor Hall Executive Director Mark Hopper of the Saturday show, a tribute band of sorts to music legend Neil Diamond.

“This is a really professional outfit,” Hopper said, “with a top-shelf band.” The show begins at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14.

The company travels with a live band, backup singers and terrific lighting to create an unforgettable concert, with a nod to Diamond’s extensive body of work over the course of many decades of performing in arenas and concert venues all over the world.

Purchase season tickets for McGregor Live! at https://www.mcgregorhall.org/

The price is $135 – a bargain no matter how you slice it, Hopper said.

“It’s a real value – the price is NOT indicative of the level of performance,” he said. “You will not be able to attend this kind of entertainment for this cost.” Hopper takes great pride in keeping ticket prices as low as possible – he said nobody will pay more than $35 for a show at McGregor Hall.

As executive director, it’s Hopper’s job to manage the calendar, booking shows and other types of entertainment during the year.

It’s not as simple as making a phone call and booking an act, however. Sometimes, he can schedule a performance for a touring company that’s traveling between shows say, in Charlotte and Richmond, or between Asheville and Wilmington.

And as important as landing those big-name acts is, Hopper said it’s the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to generating revenue.

The annual sponsorship campaign just ended for the upcoming season includes more than 100 businesses and others who recognize the impact performances at McGregor Hall has on the local economy – retail, lodging, restaurants and more, Hopper said.

The sponsorships are “a huge portion of our income,” he added, and make it possible to keep ticket prices affordable so the whole community can attend and enjoy plays, concerts and more at the 1,000-seat entertainment venue.

If the big acts represent the tip of the revenue iceberg, Hopper said all the rentals and community events comprise the other two-thirds that goes unnoticed. Whether it’s summertime family reunions, church services throughout the year or other competitions, Hopper said McGregor Hall is a place the community uses and enjoys.

Here’s a quick rundown of the rest of the performances scheduled for season’s McGregor Live! series:

  • Nov. 2-3, 9-10 – “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” – about 100 members of cast and crew are in rehearsals now for this local production, “just about the biggest one we’ve ever tackled,” Hopper said. He is the show’s director and he said the storyline isn’t in lockstep with the Disney movie, but the music comes straight from movie score. “This one’s going to be a big deal,” he said.
  • Dec. 20 – “Grand Ol’ Christmas Show” brings to the stage all the trappings of a classic variety show – Hopper said it’s a great family show that will surely put everyone in a holiday mood. This company is based in Texas, and brings a dozen performers who will sing, dance and tell stories to create “a really good family night,” Hopper said.
  • Feb. 14-16, 22-23 – The Bridges of Madison County – with four shows in February, this performance, also directed by Hopper, will debut on Valentine’s Day. Auditions will be held in October, and Hopper said he expects to draw interest from a great distance to earn a spot in the eight-member cast. “Nobody in the Triangle has tackled this before,” he said. By the way, there will be a special dinner available on Opening Night – Feb. 14 – in the Gallery, so Hopper said folks can opt to add a special Valentine’s dinner before the curtain rises.
  • Mar. 27 – Shadow Dance “is the BIG one,” Hopper said. A company called Catapult will tell stories via silhouette. This group was on the TV show “America’s Got Talent” and is doing a two-month tour on the East Coast, Hopper said. “It’s the most unique, fascinating thing you’ll see on the stage…it’s mesmerizing to watch them.”

Visit www.mcgregorhall.org to see the full calendar of events.

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Cooperative Extension With Wayne Rowland: Why Test Your Soil

Cooperative Extension

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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TownTalk: Around Old Granville: A Visit To Cokesbury And Vicksboro

The North Carolina Room at Thornton Library in Oxford is full of all kinds of books, maps and bound volumes of all sorts and conditions.

And cookbooks.

“I must say, God bless people who do cookbooks,” said Mark Pace, North Carolina Room specialist and local historian.

Located among all those historical tomes are more than 100 local cookbooks, and Pace said they are helpful to him in his research.

These cookbooks, often published as a fundraising effort for churches, civic groups and volunteer fire departments, surely contain lots of favorite recipes but also some nuggets about the history of the organization.

And that’s exactly where Pace got some of the information about Cokesbury for Thursday’s Around Old Granville segment of TownTalk.

As he was doing a little research, he came across a cookbook from Cokesbury Methodist Church and “sure enough, there’s a nice page in there about the founding of the church.”

And when he fielded a question about when the fire department was started there, he got his hands on a cookbook that the ladies auxiliary group had published and found out all about it.

Pace and WIZS’s Bill Harris talked about the communities of Vicksboro and Cokesbury, both located in the area of the county known as Sandy Creek Township.

Vicksboro was originally known as Coley’s Crossroads, Pace said, and there was a post office located there called Steedsville that operated from 1884 to 1894. Pace said it’s unclear how the name change came about, but one theory is that a Steedsville postmaster had an affinity for Vicksburg, MS and changed the name to VicksBORO to avoid confusion with the post office in the Mississippi town.

The little communities like Cokesbury and Vicksboro that dot the countryside often had their own little businesses that it was known for.

If you grew up in the 1960’s and ‘70’s in Vance County, there’s a chance your parents took you to the shoe store in Cokesbury. There was a shoe store and a small textile store in Justice, Pace said, and a dry cleaners in Manson. In the 1950’s and ‘60s, Egypt Mountain had a sewing shop where folks could buy sewing notions and cloth, Pace said.

Perhaps the heart and soul of the community out in Sandy Creek Township, however, was Aycock School, he said.

It was built as a consolidated school in 1925 and named for the former governor, Charles B. Aycock, known as “the education governor,” Pace said.

“It was really state of the art for its day,” he added. There was a gym and a teacherage located on the site of the original school on Vicksboro Road.

Listen to the show in its entirety at wizs.com.



The Local Skinny! Brick Power Team Hosts Weight Lifting Event


The Brick Power Team is hosting a “Beast On The Bench” power lifting meet next month, and it’s power lifting with a purpose – raising money to help two local women who have helped so many in the community.

Harry Orr, executive director of the Brick Power Team, said every penny raised at the Oct. 26 meet will be given to Sara Coffey and Marsha Ranes, both of whom are facing health challenges.

The meet will be held at the Brick, located beside Freedom Life Church of God, 1001 Martin Creek Rd., Henderson.

“They’re real dear to me and to a whole lot (of others) in the community,” Orr said on Thursday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

Both Coffey and Ranes have helped him with everything he’s ever done, Orr said, so it’s only fitting that he and his organization offer help in return.

In fact, Coffey herself was among the 2022 class inducted into the North Carolina State Strength Sports Hall of Fame for the support she’s provided over the years to the sport.

At one time, he said, power lifting was a big sport, and there’s a renewed interest lately among participants and those who just enjoy watching.

Entry fees are $50 for adults and $40 for teens. Spectators pay $5, and children 12 and under get in free.

Contact Orr at 252.432.4196 or by email at horr2553@yahoo.com to get registered and to learn details about the different classes and age brackets for the meet.

Weigh-ins will be held Friday, Oct. 25 from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. and on Saturday, Oct. 26 from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Rules will be reviewed at 9:15 a.m. and the meet will begin at 10 a.m.

Trophies will be awarded for first and second place.




Vance County High School

SportsTalk: Vipers Prepare For Orange

Vance County High School Football Coach Aaron Elliott discusses preparations for this week’s game against Orange.

The Coaches Corner continues with Vance County Football Head Coach Aaron Elliott on SportsTalk with Scout Hughes and George Hoyle on WIZS.

The Vipers pulled out a close one against Rocky Mount last Friday night defeating Rocky Mount on the road, 23-22. Vance County Head Man Aaron Elliott believes that his team did alright. “We were able to squeak out with a win. Wins are hard to come by. You know it’s easy to lose, hard to win. Being able to win and finishing the game was a plus, but overall we still made some mistakes that we have been working on all week as far as basic fundamentals. We are getting those things cleaned up, hopefully, it’ll show on Friday.”

Even early on in the season, Vance County and Coach Elliott knew that Rocky Mount would give Vance County a tougher matchup but that didn’t change the team’s mindset. Coach said that they knew Rocky Mount being a 3A school would make it a tougher game than Warren County was and that Rocky Mount took advantage of Vance and their mistakes early on last Friday night but he’s glad Vance County pulled out the win.

Looking ahead to Orange, Coach says, “We have cleaned some things up.” And even though Vance County beat Orange last year, Coach Elliott says that they are still treating this game just like it’s any other game. Coach also gives an insight as to what Orange might do as far as their offensive scheme, “Going into this game we are expecting them to throw the ball. But based on film, what we’ve been able to see the past two weeks is that they have been really successful running the ball. They have a running back that rushed for almost 140 yards against Chapel Hill last week so we’ve got to be able to have an answer for him…we’ve got to have an answer for whatever they give us.” 

Scout and George also asked for an update about if Vance County had rescheduled a game to take the place of Granville Central, who last month had announced that they were canceling their Varsity and Junior Varsity football seasons for 2024. “We had a conference meeting about it and if we can’t find a team to play then we can use that game as a win by forfeit. But we are still trying to find a team. We are still looking. We’ve reached out to Virginia a little bit. It’s gonna be hard to find another game.” 

As the Vipers move to Friday’s game against Orange, Coach’s message to the fans is clear. “Just make that drive to Hillsborough and support us if they can. I know we’ve been on the road, but we had a good showing at Rocky Mount last Friday, hopefully we can do it again this Friday.” 

Sounds good to us Coach! Go Vipers!

Vance County travels to Orange for Week 3 of the 2024 season Friday, September 6th and you can hear all the action on WIZS 1450AM, 100.1FM, and online at wizs.com with pregame starting at 6:50 p.m. and kickoff thereafter at 7:00 p.m.



Cooperative Extension With Jamon Glover: A New Direction

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Might get an early fall
  • Sept. 5 – Training for Category B for Private Pesticide
  • Vance & Warren Beekeepers will meet Monday September 9 @ 7pm at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market
  • The time for planting tall fescue is now!
  • Renovating or starting your new lawn
  • Pecan Trees Fertilization
  • Vance County Regional Farmers Market is closed on Wednesday for the season. Open this Saturday from 8am-1pm

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr., Henderson, NC 27536

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TownTalk: Vance Recovery

The road to recovery from addiction does not look the same for everyone, but it’s only natural for people to think that what is working for them is what is best for others, too.

Twelve-step programs like AA and NA, and faith-based programs that focus on celebrating recovery are just a couple of paths that get a lot of attention – and publicity.

But there’s a stigma attached to programs that prescribe medications to help addicts kick the habit of using street drugs like heroin and Fentanyl.

It’s a stigma felt not only by patients, but also by the professionals that work in clinics like Vance Recovery, which uses the MOUD method to help people on their own path to recovery.

MOUD stands for Medications to Treat Opioid Use Disorder, and Vance Recovery’s Program Director John Mattocks said he would love for people plagued by addiction to be encouraged and celebrated for choosing the MOUD approach instead of it being a last resort.

“When someone walks through our doors, they’re desperate,” he said.

Vance Recovery is one of nine – soon to be 11 – clinics owned and operated by Dr. Eric Morse, a national leader in nationally acclaimed leader in the field of opioid treatment and recovery programs.

“Stigma is definitely the number one thing,” Morse said, adding that whatever path works is fine. But because everyone’s brain works differently, one specific recovery program doesn’t fit all addicts.

Using prescribed medications to help lift a patient from the grip of addiction can be an effective method, and the staff at Vance Recovery is dedicated to helping patients navigate the recovery process.

The process could take a couple of years, Morse said, for a patient to gain sobriety from their preferred substance. And then, after a year of being sober – through holidays and other events that could be triggers for using again – only then will a gradual taper of the substitute prescribed meds begin for another six months to a year.

There are ways to earn take-home meds so patients aren’t making daily trips to the center, he added.

“The medical evidence is so strong for MOUD,” Morse said. “I really feel passionate about ending the discrimination of patients who are following that protocol…I really want to see us respect the medical evidence, respect the science, the research and open up the doors for people to get life-saving medicine.”

Opening doors is literally what Vance Recovery is getting ready to do when it opens a larger facility next month at 932 W.Andrews Ave., in the space formerly occupied by Fastenal.

“I could see us doubling the number of people,” Mattocks said. Although still awaiting some final inspections, staff is planning an Open House on Oct. 10.

Methadone, naltrexone and buprenorphine are the most commonly used drugs to help addicts in recovery.

Patients using these types of medicines, Morse said, are much less likely to die of a subsequent opioid overdose, while making it much more likely that they will stop using the street drugs and stay on their path to recovery.

“You can’t recover if you’re dead,” he said.

The MOUD approach helps “keep them alive so that they can recover.”

Vance Recovery takes steps to educate addicts and their families about the various options available to them, from program specifics to navigating insurance and how to stay on the program if circumstances change.

Katie Lee is a registered nurse who works with patients at Vance Recovery. Lee said she sees people at their worst when they are in the beginning of their program, but she also sees them at their best.

“I’m so proud to work here and be a part of this team,” Lee said.

Staff at Vance Recovery are part of a substance abuse collaborative group that meets monthly to find solutions to the challenges that surround recovery and figure out ways to “reduce barriers and make it easier for people to get into treatment, Mattocks said.

“The pain of this disease is driving change.”

Visit https://www.morseclinics.com/locations/vance-recovery to learn more.

(This post, audio and radio program not a paid ad.)

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