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Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

The Local Skinny! Fall is Here at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market

Summer gardens may be giving us the last produce of the long-growing season, but there are still plenty of choices at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market.

Market Manager Pat Ayscue said, “The summer season is winding down but thankfully since we are a regional market, there are still late summer veggies filling the farmer’s table.” Customers can still find butterbeans, field ripe tomatoes and those most sought-after purple hull peas, she said.

“Also, hats off to our farmers many who planted late crops when the rains came again after the long dry spell,” which created some extra bounty to share with customers on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The fall crops are coming in, too – tender collards, turnip greens, fall apples and grapes of many varieties, Ayscue said.

But there’s more than just fresh produce at the market. Local raw honey is available every Saturday, Ayscue said, and “Hidden Acres will be joining us with their pasture raised beef, chicken, lamb, pork and farm fresh eggs. Stop by and say hi and let them tell you all about their products,” she said.

And although we’re just a few days into fall, people are surely thinking about and preparing for Thanksgiving.

Sweet Inspirations is at the market every Saturday, and Ayscue said customers can begin placing holiday orders now.

EBT is welcome and stop by and ask the market manager about Double Bucks’.  Follow us on Facebook! Each market day the farmers and vendors that are at the market that shopping day will be posted.

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Families Living Violence Free

TownTalk: Families Living Violence Free To Hold Quarter Auction

Families Living Violence Free is based in Granville County, but Executive Director Amy Langston said the nonprofit agency is just a phone call away – 24/7 – for individuals who find themselves in need of help because of domestic violence or sexual assault.

Although their physical location is on the campus of Central Children’s Home in Oxford, Langston said they are available for anyone in and around Vance County as well.

Langston said the trained staff and volunteers bring distinct skill sets to their roles with the organization, which celebrated its 20-year anniversary in May. But what they all share, she added, is a passion for helping the community and the drive and compassion to serve those who find themselves in difficult situations.

Although they do get grants that help provide emergency services like shelter, food and relocation, Langston said FLVF relies on the community for support, too.

The FLVF annual Quarter Auction is coming up Friday, Oct. 4 at Carlee Farms in Granville County, and it’s the perfect time to enjoy an evening while knowing that the proceeds go to help the organization.

Doors open at 5:30 p.m., dinner begins at 6:15 and the auction starts at 7 p.m., Langston said. A $25 ticket will get you dinner and a bidding paddle; remember to bring your rolls of quarters, as well as some extra money to shop with a host of vendors that will be on hand.

There will be a silent auction taking place that evening, and a 50/50 raffle, too.

“It is fun, but we know the cause” that we’re supporting, Langston said. Sponsorships are available for the event – Bronze for $50, Silver for $100 and Gold for $200 and up.

“All the support we receive will help victims of domestic violence and sexual assault,” Langston said.

Call 919.693.3579 to purchase a ticket. A special unlimited bid paddle is available for $50, but Langston said there will be a limited number for sale, and tickets are going fast.

Proceeds from fundraisers like the Quarter Auction help support FLVF efforts, which not only involves helping people in crisis but also includes educating the community.

Staff members complete 20 hours of intense training, Langston said, and the numerous volunteers undergo similar training, all to ensure clients’ safety and confidentiality.

Langston said she hopes to continue sponsoring community workshops like one held last week to share information about human trafficking.

“We had a full house,” Langston said, adding that details about future workshops would be forthcoming.

Volunteer applications are available at www.flvf.org or at the office, located at 211 Antioch Dr. Oxford. Volunteers help with donations, accompany clients to court for support, help at community events and more. There are two part-time staff openings – a youth advocate position and an outreach advocate position, Langston said.

“We’re growing and we hope to have more full-time positions,” she said.

If you are in crisis as a result of domestic violence or sexual assault, call the crisis line at FLVF at 919.693.5700. Spanish speakers can call 919.690.0888.

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The Local Skinny! Chicken Plate Fundraiser At Rebuilding Hope

Volunteers and supporters of Rebuilding Hope, Inc. are gearing up for the annual fall chicken plate fundraiser, which will be held Friday, Sept. 27 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the 414 Raleigh Road location.

Co-director Tom Wille said the plates include half a chicken, potatoes, green beans and dessert, all for $10 each.

Call 252.438.5132 to pre-order or to get a minimum of six plates delivered to you.

“We’ll get those to you at lunch time, or break time,” Wille said. For pre-orders, “we’ll save them and you can pick them up,” he added.

But don’t wait until the last minute – they’ll be selling until 7 p.m. or until they run out.

This chicken plate fundraiser does more than just feed hungry people, Wille pointed out.

“We’re supporting the local community by doing this,” he said.

By building ramps for people with mobility issues, Wille said, they’re also helping first responders by reducing calls for help getting people in and out of their homes.

“It changes everybody’s life for the better,” he said.

“Everything we do is in the name of Christ. Because Jesus loved us first, we can go out and love those in our community.”


Vance County High School

SportsTalk: Friday Night Football Recap

SportsTalk on WIZS 12:30 p.m. M-Th 

Scout Hughes and Doc Ayscue review Vance County’s loss to Southern Durham as well as some other action going on in High School Football.

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Cooperative Extension With Wayne Rowland: Composting

Cooperative Extension

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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TownTalk: Area Congregations In Ministry

Since 1985, Area Congregations in Ministry has been helping Granville County residents who find themselves facing hardship – and its new executive director, Ann Riley, has seen firsthand faith, through action, in the few short weeks since she’s had the job.

ACIM’s mission has long been to relieve hunger, Riley said on Thursday’s TownTalk. These days, the phrase “food insecurity” is being used to describe how many people find themselves needing the help that ACIM offers.

Any Granville County resident who needs help can come once a month to the 634 Roxboro Road facility on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to get food and other household and personal hygiene items that may be available.

The warehouse shelves contain a variety of items like canned goods, non-perishables and household supplies, Riley said. The walk-in coolers hold fresh produce and the freezers are for meats and other products that are donated.

“We just never know from day to day, from week to week, what’s going to be in those boxes” of food that volunteers wheel out to clients’ vehicles.

She has spent her first few weeks on the job putting some finishing touches on her office and learning the role that so many volunteers play to keep the food bank doors open. She said she is struck by the level of support from the community – from businesses and corporations who donate goods to church congregations who send food, money and people to help out.

It seemed like a natural fit for Riley, who said she has always had a desire, a “want” to help people.

“I have been blessed in my life through many changes and I feel like I can be a blessing to others,” she said.

Volunteers are welcome to help during the hours that ACIM is open, but they also are needed on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

“That’s when we do some of our stocking and preparing our boxes for the next day,” she said.

Riley is the only full-time employee of the nonprofit, but Kristine Williford is the warehouse manager and she’s the one who keeps things rolling.

“She is such a vital team member at ACIM,” Riley said. Williford keeps the pantry running smoothly and lines up pickups and deliveries. “She’s invested in what ACIM does,” Riley added.

The Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot is one of the biggest donation events of the year, and she looks forward to an upcoming planning meeting with host church Oxford United Methodist.

“We have a lot of good things coming up,” Riley said, including a planned Open House to allow everyone in the community a chance to come and see the operation first-hand.

“You don’t have to be on food stamps to come and get food boxes,” Riley said. ACIM provides food and other items to anyone facing a hardship – senior adults on fixed incomes, families struggling to make ends meet or someone who’s lost a job or is between jobs.

Although ACIM’s mission is to serve clients who live in Granville County, Riley said she would try to help anyone find resources.

“We want to see them get help, whether we can provide it or someone else can provide it.”

Call 919.690.0961 or visit https://www.acimgranville.org/ to learn more.


The Local Skinny! Vote For Chestnut Street Park Project To Win $100,000


Charles Turrentine Jr. got word about 24 hours ago that the Chestnut Street Park renovation project is among five finalists from across the country vying for $100,000 from Bobcat Company.

The project to make improvements to the basketball courts that operate under the city’s recreation and parks department is going to be a “game-changer,” Turrentine said. And getting a $100,000 infusion of cash would be a big deal indeed.

“We need everyone to share and support and vote for the Chestnut Street Park revitalization,” Turrentine said on Thursday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

The project that gets the most votes wins, and Turrentine wants to spread the word so this local project comes out on top. Voters have to provide just a couple of bits of information to register and can cast one vote daily until the contest closes on Oct. 3.

Click on https://www.bobcat.com/na/en/campaigns/park-rec-makeover-2024 to cast your daily vote.

When the project was first talked about earlier this year, Turrentine said, the costs were somewhere around $100,000 to resurface the courts, add breakaway goals and lighting. That number swelled to more like $1 million to include a playground, shelter, water and bathroom facilities and a shed roof.

Turrentine reeled off some of the rough estimates: $20,000 to resurface the courts, $30,000 for new fencing, breakaway goals at $4,000 each and lights for extra security another $60,000. And that’s just for starters.

He said Kendrick Vann and the Henderson Rec and Parks Department is a partner, and the city of Henderson has committed to put in water that will allow for restrooms.

When it’s completed, it’ll change the whole landscape, Turrentine said. “We can see what redevelopment looks like.”

Turrentine and other park supporters want the city park to be a place for the whole community to enjoy; he wants the park to be known as a nice, modernized park where everyone has fun.

But it’s going to take everyone working – and voting – collectively, he said, to make the dream a reality.

“We can change the narrative of Henderson…we can get on that one path to change the narrative.”

When the construction gets underway in January 2025 – the fencing comes down, the asphalt removed and the rebuilding begins, “everybody in the city of Henderson will be well-pleased.”

If all goes to plan, the courts will be ready for action by May 2025.

And it hopefully won’t be much longer to wait to enjoy the additional amenities that will be part of the new and improved Chestnut Street Park.

Vote at https://www.bobcat.com/na/en/campaigns/park-rec-makeover-2024