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TownTalk: S!stersSpeakLife Plans Breast Cancer Awareness Event

The van that will be parked at Aycock Rec Center Saturday, Oct. 19 is equipped with potentially life-saving equipment for women across the area.

It’s a mobile diagnostic lab of Invision Diagnostics and Freddie Harris of S!stersSpeakLife said 17 women have already signed up for the mammograms that will be taken inside that van.

Harris, herself a two-time breast cancer survivor, said the mobile lab will provide 3D mammography from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

S!stersSpeakLIfe is a community-focused organization dedicated to supporting breast cancer and raising awareness about breast health.

It’s just one way to observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This year’s theme is “Together We Fight,” she told WIZS’s Scout Hughes on Wednesday’s TownTalk.

“As a community, we are stronger together,” Harris said.

As of Monday, 17 women had registered, but there’s room for more. “We’re still taking appointments,” she said. “Early detection saves lives.”

More than 310,000 women across the U.S. will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2024. One in eight women screen positive for breast cancer, she said.

The COVID-19 pandemic may have disrupted the routine, annual mammograms that women should get. “We don’t want any woman to miss the opportunity” to schedule a mammogram.

Register for the event at. Register for the mammogram at 877.318.1349.

There’s no fee to register to attend the event, but Harris said it will help with a count for lunch, which she hopes to be able to provide. Find S!stersSpeakLife on Facebook to learn how to register to attend or call Harris at 252-204-8435

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TownTalk: Show, Shine, Shag & Dine Event Friday and Saturday

Back for its 22nd year, the Show, Shine, Shag & Dine takes over Garnett Street in downtown Henderson Saturday, Oct. 19 for a daylong celebration of all types of cars – custom, antique, racers and more.

But there’s also a pre-show BBQ and cruise-in that takes place at Satterwhite Point Park on Kerr Lake Friday, Oct. 18 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vance County Tourism Authority staffers Pam Hester and Norman Dickerson said everyone’s invited to kick off the weekend festivities there. The lakeside cruise-in is open to all makes and models, and there will be music and food on hand for all to enjoy.

And if that’s not enough for you, head on over to Charles Bowman’s Southern Classic Cruise In 117 Horner St. From 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., folks can enjoy more music and more food, and of course more cars.

“Charles has his museum in tip-top shape,” Hester said on Tuesday’s TownTalk. “If you’ve never been…you’re missing out.”

Hot rods and restored antique vehicles will be sharing the road – literally – with Corbitt trucks, which were produced in Henderson in the early 20th century.

Dickerson said the Corbitt Preservation group is expecting between 12 and 14 pieces of rolling stock to be on display Saturday.

An antique Ford group is planning to show off their vehicles in the parking lot of the Garnett Street Depot and there most likely will be a dozen or more racing cars for attendees to ooh and aah over.

Vendors will line Garnett Street amid the four-wheeled stars of the show. Organizers expect at least 400 to drive in for the day.

The economic impact is measurable, Hester said. “We had a study done on the traffic of downtown Henderson,” she said. Three hundred sixty-four days of the year, the count was pretty much the same, day in, day out. “Except the day of the car show – it goes up about 10 times higher,” she said.

“It’s a wonderful event,” Hester continued. “The crowd is very diversified…everybody gets along wonderfully…it’s just a community effort.”

Register vehicles between 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Enter from W. Winder St. The first 400 entries receive a dash plaque.

The fun continues through 5 p.m. and participants can meander along Garnett Street to see the beautiful cars and enjoy the vendors and food truck offerings.

A few details to keep in mind:

  • No Pets or Exotic Animals
  • No Bicycles
  • No Personal Golf Carts allowed without Permit

Visit https://www.kerrlake-nc.com/car-show.php for details about this weekend’s event.


Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Fall Festival At Perry Memorial Library

Perry Memorial Library is getting ready for its fall festival, and Youth Services Librarian Melody Peters said there will be something for everyone to enjoy, including carnival games and more.

The festival will be Tuesday, Oct. 22 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., and the weather forecast is calling for perfect autumn weather, with sunny skies and temps in the 60s.

But, Peters said, you always have to have a Plan B. This event will be rain or shine, she said. And in the off chance that the weather doesn’t cooperate to have the fall festival outside, they’ll simply move the activities inside.

Kids, make sure you tell your parents to stick around after the festival, because that’s when the Trunk or Treat takes place.

Peters said last year’s Trunk or Treat was a big success. “This year, we want to do it bigger and better,” she said.

Community partners and library staff are teaming up for another fun Trunk or Treat and will have their vehicle trunks all decorated and ready with treats to distribute to the youngsters who stop by on their way from the fall festival.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn about all the programs and services offered. The library is located at 205 Breckenridge St.


Salvation Army

TownTalk: Salvation Army Basketball Tournament Fundraiser

The Salvation Army is looking for another basketball team to come out and support its inaugural effort to raise money for playground improvements.

Three teams are signed up, but the Salvation Army’s Boys & Girls Club Area Director Hope Allen said she’d like one more to sign up, which would allow for a double-elimination format for the event, which takes place Saturday, Nov. 2 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Salvation Army’s gym, 2092 Ross Mill Rd.

“The more teams we have, the better the outcome,” she said.

There’s a $150 entry fee per team, Allen said on Tuesday’s TownTalk. The deadline to register is this Friday, Oct. 18.

Many in the community have driven past the facility, or stopped in for a program, church service or summer camp, but Allen said the basketball games “invite people to the Salvation Army in a different way.”

Tickets are $3 for spectators, and there will be plenty of music and concessions to enjoy during the event.

Team members should be 18 years or older, Allen said. And individuals can just give her a call at 252. 438.7107 and she’ll help connect them with a team they can join.

The proceeds will go to make improvements to the playground, which is used by Club kids and others in the community.

Right now, there are close to 70 children who participate in programming at the Salvation Army. “I try my best to lead and support a good team of professionals here to teach and reach every child served,” Allen said.


Cooperative Extension With Michael Ellington: Micronutrients

Cooperative Extension 

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Vance County High School

SportsTalk: Vance County vs. South Granville Football Game Recap

SportsTalk on WIZS 12:30 p.m. M-Th 

Scout Hughes and Doc Ayscue recap the football game between Vance County and South Granville, in which the Vipers came out on top 12-7. The guys also discuss other high school games around the area, right here on SportsTalk.

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The Local Skinny! Brick Power Team Weightlifting Event Coming Up

The Brick Power Team is hosting a “Beast On The Bench” power lifting meet next month, and it’s power lifting with a purpose – raising money to help two local women who have helped so many in the community.

Harry Orr, executive director of the Brick Power Team, said every penny raised at the Oct. 26 meet will be given to Sara Coffey and Marsha Ranes, both of whom are facing health challenges.

The meet will be held at the Brick, located beside Freedom Life Church of God, 1001 Martin Creek Rd., Henderson.

“They’re real dear to me and to a whole lot (of others) in the community,” Orr said recently.

Both Coffey and Ranes have helped him with everything he’s ever done, Orr said, so it’s only fitting that he and his organization offer help in return.

“One hundred percent of what we take in, we will split up” to donate to the two women as they battle health challenges. “We don’t keep any of it,” he said, but added that he has begun to give the church 10 percent because of its faithfulness to the ministry that does so much good in the community. “The church is always behind us,” Orr said.

In fact, Coffey herself was among the 2022 class inducted into the North Carolina State Strength Sports Hall of Fame for the support she’s provided over the years to the sport.

At one time, he said, power lifting was a big sport, and there’s a renewed interest lately among participants and those who just enjoy watching.

“It’s kind of building back up,” Orr said of local enthusiasm for the sport. “We’re getting more and more lifters each time we put (an event) on,” he said. “We’ve got them coming back in – it’s building up real good.”

Entry fees are $50 for adults and $40 for teens. Spectators pay $5, and children 12 and under get in free.

Contact Orr at 252.432.4196 or by email at horr2553@yahoo.com to get registered and to learn details about the different classes and age brackets for the meet.

Weigh-ins will be held Friday, Oct. 25 from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. and on Saturday, Oct. 26 from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Rules will be reviewed at 9:15 a.m. and the meet will begin at 10 a.m.

Trophies will be awarded for first and second place.


TownTalk: 9th Annual Military History Show Coming Up Soon

Wartime friends –  and foes – will be represented when the 9th annual Military History show commences later this month, but organizer Harry Coombs is confident that there won’t be any skirmishes. All sides are coming together in a show of force to benefit the Granville County Veterans Affairs Committee.

The event takes place Saturday, Oct. 26 at the Henderson-Oxford Airport, 6514 Airport Rd., Oxford, where it’s been held since Coombs first hatched the idea of showcasing his own collection of military artifacts. But he learned early on that it’s hard to be the organizer AND the exhibitor. In fact, Coombs said on Monday’s TownTalk that he has yet to display any of his collection. Except his 1931 German-style BMW motorcycle.

But that’s ok, because there will be plenty of reenactors representing military personnel dating back to the Revolutionary War.

“Each year, it’s the same – but different,” Coombs said of the various reenactors and which era will be represented. He said in addition to the reproduction uniforms from the Revolutionary War and Civil War periods, authentic uniforms from more recent wars will be represented, including the two World Wars, as well as Vietnam and the Gulf War.

“They are absolutely authentic,” Coombs said. “The firearms, weapons – they’re all the real things,” he said. The reproductions are “museum quality,” he said. “They’re reproductions, but they are on-the-spot reproductions.”

The event is free and open to the public and runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Coombs said. In addition to the reenactors, there will be weapons demonstrations and other displays of military equipment and vehicles.

Total Flight Solutions is going to be on site to provide helicopter rides again this year. If prices remain the same as last year, $40 will get you a seat on a chopper for an overhead tour of the area.

There will be a silent auction, a 50/50 raffle and a donation bucket to stuff in some extra bills, all of which go to support the work of the local Veterans Affairs Committee, which helps veterans with a wide range of support services.

Each year, the event has bettered the previous year’s profit, and last year, Coombs said, was the best yet – a total of $3,000 was raised.

So whether you’re interested in seeing what the Army calls a “half track,” just how big a Howitzer cannon is or what the Allied Forces uniforms looked like during World War II, the Military History Show is sure to be a crowd pleaser.

Vendor spaces are available, Coombs said. Reserve a 10 x 10 space for $25.

Search the Event tab on Facebook to find the 9th Annual Military History Show for more details.