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Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. 

  • Vance County Regional Farmers Market is open on Saturdays 8am-1pm.
  • 4-County 4H Poultry Show and Sell Event will be this Saturday, October 26, the sell will start at 3:45pm and the auction will start around 6:30pm at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market.
  • Vermiculture and Vermicomposting with Earthworms Workshop taking place on Monday, November 4th, starting at 6:30pm, led by Wayne Rowland. It will be at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market.
  • We might get a touch of frost as the temperatures get lower. You need to prepare your frost protection now.
  • Now is a good time to gather materials if you are planning for new shrub and flower planting beds. 
  • Now is a good time to plant your mums and pansies.
  • Fire ants are still around. So be aware of them!
  • Check your crops for insects.

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr., Henderson, NC 27536

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TownTalk: County Tax Rate Discussion

In a follow-up to recent criticism aimed at the recent tax-rate increase adopted by Vance County by a concerned citizens group, Manager C. Renee Perry told WIZS News Wednesday that she is working with County Attorney Jonathan Care to determine next steps.

Representatives of the Concerned Citizens of Vance County addressed the board of commissioners during the public comment portion of the Oct. 7 meeting. Commissioners only receive comments during that time and do not respond.

“…we haven’t decided what action to take as far as a response goes,” Perry said in an email to WIZS.

In remarks during that public comment period, citizen Caroline Burnette asserted that the commissioners were violating public meeting laws by not having written minutes of the June 13 work session. Minutes are supposed to be voted on or adopted by a majority of the board, she said.

Perry said minutes of that June 13 work session will be taken to the board at its Nov. 4 meeting for approval; once approved, the clerk to the board will post the minutes to the website.

“Historically, official minutes have NOT been kept for budget work session, work sessions, or committee meetings,” Perry told WIZS. “Moving forward, we will keep official minutes for all budget work sessions, work sessions, and committee meetings.”

Burnette also said she wanted commissioners to allow county residents to pay the taxes they paid in 2023 and “to direct the tax administrator to take no action on delinquent taxes if the 2023 amount has been paid.”

Perry said commissioners “have not indicated that’s a direction they want to take.”

The foreclosure process can begin when a property owner is two years behind in paying taxes.

According to information on the Vance County Tax Administration’s webpage, tax bills not paid by Jan. 6 will be charged a 2 percent interest on unpaid taxes due.


TownTalk: Masonic Home For Children Homecoming Recap

The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford welcomed throngs of visitors to its campus last weekend for annual Homecoming festivities, which included activities for the kids, live music, food and tours of some of the facilities.

And don’t forget the parade, said MHCO Administrator Kevin Otis.

“The weather cooperated and a lot of people seemed to really have a great time,” Otis said Wednesday on TownTalk.

A couple of dozen barbecue teams got all set up on Friday in advance of the Saturday cookoff, which began shortly after the traditional parade.

The parade route, however, wasn’t the traditional march down College Street onto the campus – this year’s parade was contained on the campus itself. And Otis said it all worked out fine.

“It was a very good parade, with a lot of people coming to watch it,” he said.

“The entire parade route, even though it was short, had a lot of people” lining the drive to check out all the entries.

Otis was pleased with the community support, from school bands and Scout groups to dance teams and cheer squads.

Visitors got a chance to tour the chapel, museum galleries and even one of the residential cottages. Otis said he has received positive feedback from those who said they appreciated learning more about the children’s home and what it offers young people and families.

“What we’re doing is helping families in need,” he said, whether it’s caring for children while parents work to get back on their feet or grandparents who become guardians of their grandchildren.

Otis said cottage parents co-parent with biological parents or guardians to make sure the children’s needs are being met while in residence at the home.

But there also is an independent living program for young adults ages 18-21 who may be struggling to make it on their own. They get set up in their own apartment while learning how to become independent.

“We’re doing a lot of good work and not just for local kids, but all over North Carolina.

Learn more at 919.693.5111 or visit https://mhc-oxford.org/.

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4-H Logo

TownTalk: The Evolution of 4-H

Most anybody who has participated in 4-H at one time or another can probably remember what the four H’s stand for.

If you came up with Head, Heart, Hands, Health, give yourself a pat on the back.

And although its roots are based in agriculture-related programs, today’s 4-H clubs are pivoting to embrace the growing fields of STEM – science, technology, engineering and math.

Micah Sharpe is Vance County’s Extension agent for 4-H Youth Development. Sharpe said on Tuesday’s TownTalk segment that 4-H clubs tend to reflect the counties in which they operate.

“We still have farming, poultry,” Sharpe said, but 4-H’ers are also “coding robots, flying drones (and) using iPads to create digital marketing.”

4-H is for young people between 5 and 18, and Sharpe said programs and activities can look different, depending on the age group.

The 4-H Clover Buds, as the 5- to 7-year-old group is called, tend to get more hands-on, fun activities, Sharpe said. They’re eager to learn but their attention span is short.

Tweens and teens can sit still a bit longer, so they can handle discussions about topics including civic engagement and the importance of voting, for example.

Sheronika Sharp is the STEM specialist at Vance County Cooperative Extension, and Sharpe said he values their collaboration to create programs, trainings and more.

Sharpe said he has programs that can be taught in school settings, but it can be challenging to gain inroads in that program delivery method.

He said he likes to talk about his 4-H programs and curricula with school counselors, Career and Technical Education teachers, and principals; he trains teachers to carry out the programs as after-school activities, so even if he cannot be there, instructors will know what to do.

Sharpe did not grow up with 4-H – in fact, his first exposure to the program was last year.

But it hasn’t taken long for him to realize the benefits 4-H offers young people.

He tells them, “You’ve got to do what’s right for yourself,” but he follows up with “It’s cool to be knowledgeable.”

Whether they’re learning the basics of cooking through the Dinah Gore challenge or learning to fly drones, 4-H brings together head, heart, hands and health to support young people along their journey to adulthood.

To learn more, contact Sharpe at 252.438.8188, mosharpe@ncsu.edu or even just drop by the office at 305 Young St.


Cooperative Extension With Micah Sharpe: 4H Events Coming Up

Cooperative Extension 

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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TownTalk: Concerned Citizens Group Vocal On Tax Rate, Budget Process

A group of concerned citizens has been gaining momentum and voicing their disapproval of the process used by city and county elected officials to approve the 2024-25 budget, including the jump in property tax bills brought on by the recently completed revaluation.

During the public comment period at recent council and commissioners’ meetings, representatives of the citizens’ group have called for both bodies to allow taxpayers to pay the amount of their 2023 taxes without penalty for failure to pay the 2024 amount.

Concerned Citizens of Vance County had about 300 people at their Sept. 17 meeting; the Oct. 17 meeting attracted about 75 people, according to organizers.

Several individuals associated with the group have appeared before the Henderson City Council and the Vance County Board of Commissioners. Most recently, Caroline Burnette and Melissa Lemmond, both Henderson residents, were critical of the way that the city and county turned their backs on revenue-neutral budgets in favor of a tax rate increase. County commissioners approved a 10-cent increase; the City Council voted for a 20-cent increase. Burnette is a N.C. District Court judge; Lemmond practices law in Henderson.

In comments to the City Council on Oct. 14, Lemmond said, “I’m back here again about the tax issue because I think this city council has done a real disservice to the citizens of Henderson…I don’t think you thought about how it was going to affect people,” she said.

In comments to the county commissioners on Oct. 7, Burnette asserted that commissioners violated the Public Meetings Law by not having written minutes of June budget work sessions.

“The board gave consensus to bring back a balanced budget with a 10-cent tax increase,” Burnette said. “That was transacting business – real or apparent,” she said, quoting a portion of the law in question. Minutes are supposed to be voted on or adopted by a majority of the board, she added.

“So, the June 24 (budget) approval could be found null and void by a Superior Court judge,” Burnette said, for what she said was the commissioners’ failure to comply with the law. “An injunction could also be issued so that this will never happen again and you could also be ordered personally to pay attorneys’ fees,” she continued.

“Commissioners, it’s time to do the right thing. I implore you to let the citizens of Vance County pay the taxes they paid in 2023 (and) to direct the tax administrator to take no action on delinquent taxes if the 2023 amount has been paid.”

In her comments to the City Council on Oct. 14, Lemmond said the 20-cent city tax increase, along with the 10-cent county increase, will have dire consequences.

“Y’all are going to cause foreclosures… cause people to lose their homes, cause renters to be forced out,” she said. She was one of a handful of citizens who spoke to voice their concern for the way the budget process was handled.

“When you passed the 65 cents, there was no discussion. So either you talked about it ahead of time and everybody agreed, and it wasn’t in a meeting, or you just didn’t care enough and said ‘oh yeah, we’ll make it 65 cents,’” Lemmond said.

She made similar remarks to commissioners on Sept. 3 on the budget approval and tax rate increase. “It had to have been discussed somewhere, sometime for it to have passed that quickly,” she said.

“I understand the need for more money, we all need more money,” Lemmond said. “But that was a really big tax hike and I don’t’ think the county thought through what it was going to do to a lot of these people…it shouldn’t have been that big of an increase.”

Concerned Citizens for Vance County meets at the local headquarters of the Republican Party, located at 605 S. Garnett St. every third Thursday of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for Nov. 21 at 7 p.m.

The group’s email address is concernedforvance@gmail.com and a Facebook page is being worked on as of this date.

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SportsTalk: Recap Of The Weekend

SportsTalk on WIZS 12:30 p.m. M-Th 

Scout Hughes and Doc Ayscue recap the weekend that was in the great sport of American Football. From High School, to College Ball, to the Pros. Right here on SportsTalk.

The next time Vance County will take the field is when they host Carrboro for their Pink Game to recognize Breast Cancer Awareness on Week 10 of the 2024 season on Friday, October 25th and you can hear all the action on WIZS 1450AM, 100.1FM, and online at wizs.com with pregame starting at 6:50 p.m. and kickoff thereafter at 7:00 p.m. 

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The Local Skinny! Archie Taylor Receives Order Of The Long Leaf Pine

Vance County Commissioner Col. Archie Taylor has received The Order of the Long Leaf Pine, the highest civilian honor that a North Carolina governor can award to an individual for contributions to the state and to his or her local community.

Rep. Frank Sossamon delivered remarks – and a framed certificate – to Taylor during a recent commissioners meeting.

Sossamon cited Taylor’s 28 years of military service and said that career “speaks volumes about his commitment to duty and leadership.”

That service, along with his service since 2012 on the local board of commissioners and other civic and service organizations, sets Taylor apart. Taylor lost a close primary race in March and will leave the board in December.

“His longstanding involvement in economic development initiatives…his strategic vision and proactive approach have played a pivotal role in promoting Vance County, both locally and beyond,” Sossamon said.

Over the years, Taylor has been an ardent supporter of education, the arts, the Boy Scouts. Maria Parham Health, Rotary, his church, just to list a few.

He was named Vance County Citizen of the Year in 2021 and also received the George R. Watkins Citizen of the Year from the Occoneechee Council of the Boy Scouts.

In brief remarks after the presentation, Taylor expressed his surprise and thanks for the honor.

He said he has a plaque on his wall with a quote attributed to Robert F. Kennedy which states “’One man can make a difference and every man should try.’ That’s all I’ve tried to do – make a difference everywhere I’ve been,” he said.

He invited others to join him. “Our county gets better as more and more people get involved.”

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