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TownTalk: Around Old Granville: ‘Angel Of Mercy’ Aunt Abby House

During the Civil War, Clara Barton was a nurse who tended to wounded soldiers in hospitals. But Franklin County lays claim to another “angel of mercy” who, during that same time, tended to soldiers on the battlefield.

Abby House, known around Old Granville as Aunt Abby House, was born around 1796, and local historian Mark Pace shared some interesting stories about her on Thursday’s tri-weekly TownTalk history segment. House died in 1881 and is buried in her native Franklin County.

House may not be as famous as Barton, who is best known for being the founder of the American Red Cross, but Pace said she’s a good example of a local version.

“She never got married and she was poor, but she made a difference,” Pace told WIZS co-host Bill Harris.

She had no formal education, he said, but she provided what she could to those who needed help, whether it was bringing a dipper of water to a thirsty soldier or blankets from family back home to keep troops warm. Her heart for serving soldiers could have come about because of a personal experience.

During the War of 1812, House learned that her beau, who’d been called into service, was ill in Norfolk. House, who was a teenager at the time, set off to go see him.

“As no other transportation was available, she set off on foot,” Pace said. It’s 180 miles from Franklin County to Norfolk.

Upon her arrival, she learned that not only had he died, but he had been buried the day before. “She turned around and came back,” Pace said.

This sad chapter of House’s life helped chart the course for her future.

By the time the Civil War was underway, a much older House took it upon herself to help, sometimes by “bringing food and supplies and gifts from home to individual soldiers from their families,” Pace said.

Her stern, no-nonsense demeanor, a “feisty” attitude and walking cane combined to “convince” train conductors to allow her to travel at no cost; “they let her go and come as she pleased,” Pace noted.

One of the places she traveled to was Petersburg, reportedly to look after her nephews, two of whom died in the war and five of whom survived.

She was basically destitute by the end of the war, but her good deeds during wartime paid off. A group of former Confederate soldiers, along with other high-ranking political figures in the state, took up a collection and arranged to set her up in a small home on the outskirts of Raleigh near the former fairgrounds.

Gov. Zebulon Vance was one of those politicians. He visited her often, and Pace said there’s a story that goes something like this: In 1872, during Gov. Vance’s second term, he stopped by to visit House. According to his carriage driver, Vance went inside and shortly thereafter, was seen around back, hauling buckets of water into the house.

“She pretty much put him to work,” Pace mused – he may have been governor, but House had a job for him to do and, by golly, he did as she instructed.

In 1876, House attended the state Democratic convention in Raleigh. “She was somewhat involved in politics, which was unheard of at the time,” Pace said.

Paul Cameron, the owner of Stagville Plantation – which made him the largest landowner and largest slaveholder in the state – bid her come sit with him in the crowded space. Among the business that took place during that convention was to nominate Vance as the Democrats’ favorite for a third term as governor.

There was nobody from Clay County, located in the western part of the state, in attendance, and it was decided that House be allowed to cast that county’s vote.

“That is the first recorded incident of a woman casting a vote in North Carolina,” Pace said.




Charla Duncan Appointed To State Economic Development Advisory Council

Charla Duncan, director of Warren County Community and Economic Development, was recently appointed to represent the North Central Prosperity Zone on the North Carolina EDPNC Economic Development Advisory Council. This council provides advisory direction and support to the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC).

Duncan was appointed to fill the seat of Harry Mills, recently retired economic development director of Granville County. She will join Michael Haley, executive director of Wake County Economic Development, in representing the North Central zone on the 16-member council.

Haley is executive director of the Wake County Economic Development Office.

The state has eight prosperity zones, determined by the N.C. Department of Commerce, which subdivide the state geographically to provide localized support for economic development projects.

The North Central prosperity zone includes Vance, Granville, Warren, Franklin, as well as Person, Alamance, Orange, Durham, Wake, Nash, Edgecombe, Chatham, Wilson, Lee, Harnett  and Johnston counties.

“It’s an honor to represent the needs of this region to the state’s economic development arm,” stated Duncan. “I’m pleased that leadership has been intentional about selecting representation from both rural and urban communities, and I look forward to working with a really stellar group of development professionals across the state.”

For more information about EDPNC, visit their website at https://edpnc.com/. For information about Warren County Community and Economic Development, visit www.warrencountync.org.

Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie: What Works in the Garden

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Rep. Sossamon Selected For Hunt Institute Elevate NC 2023 Cohort

Rep. Frank Sossamon is among a group of individuals that form the Hunt Institute Elevate NC 2023 Cohort, a group that brings together leaders work on making positive impacts on education across the state.

In a press statement, Sossamon said it was an honor to be selected. “Education is the cornerstone of our society, and I am committed to exploring innovative solutions that will empower our students to reach their full potential. By collaborating with like-minded individuals, I am confident that we can create meaningful change that will positively impact our educational system,” he stated.

The Elevate NC program provides a platform for Sossamon and the others in the cohort “to engage in constructive dialogue, share insights, and collaborate with a diverse group of individuals who are equally passionate about the future of education,” the statement read.  The cohort will have interactive sessions, workshops and discussions to address pressing educational challenges, allowing the members to work together to identify actionable strategies that can be implemented at the state and local levels

Learn more at : https://hunt-institute.org/news/the-hunt-institute-announces-third-cohort-of-elevatenc/

City of Henderson Logo

Mayoral Candidates Down To Four – For Now

Four candidates are currently in the race for Henderson mayor following a decision from the local elections board to remove one name from the ballot and a second mayoral candidate faces a similar challenge to his residency.

Wallace Cheek was removed from the list of candidates, according to Vance County Elections Board Director Melody Vaughan. Vaughan told WIZS News Tuesday that mayoral candidate Greg Etheridge also faces a hearing on Aug. 22 at 4 p.m. to determine his residency and eligibility to run for mayor.

“Mr. Etheridge will have to prove his residency to the board,” Vaughan explained. “They will make their decision the day of the hearing.”

Cheek’s eligibility to run for mayor had been challenged, and a hearing was set to review the matter before the Aug. 1 elections board meeting. Vaughan said neither the challenger nor Cheek was present for that hearing, which was scheduled to take place at 4 p.m.  before the board meeting.

As part of the process, Vaughan said three certified letters were sent to Cheek, and two that were delivered to the address within the city limits were returned as undeliverable.

Cheek was notified by certified mail of the board decision, along with information regarding the appeals process to the state board of elections. In addition, she said a letter also was hand delivered by the sheriff.

As part of the hearing process, Vaughan said she must hire a court reporter to be present, along with the county attorney, chairs of both parties. The hearing is open to the public.

Vance County Schools Excellence in Education Banquet

Vance County Schools named its 2023 Educators of Excellence at a banquet on Thursday, Aug. 10 to honor nominated teachers, staff and administrators from across the schools in the district.

Teacher of the Year honors go to Analiza Maghanoy of EM Rollins STEAM Academy, according to information from VCS Director of Communications & Marketing Aarika Sandlin.

Others receiving top honors were Lillian King of Carver Elementary – Beginning Teacher of the Year; McShell Edmonds of Vance County High – Assistant Principal of the Year; and Dr. Michael Putney, Sr. of Dabney Elementary – Principal of the Year.

VCS Superintendent Dr. Cindy Bennett said the district benefits from the experience of leaders like the ones honored at the banquet.

“Vance County Schools is very fortunate to have dedicated and passionate teachers and leaders who work diligently day in and out to ensure the children in Vance County are receiving the best possible education, learning from innovative programs and experiences, and truly understanding how they can positively impact tomorrow.”

Maghanoy teaches third grade English Language Arts at EM Rollins STEAM Academy. She earned a Bachelor of Elementary Education from Western Mindanao State University and a Master of Education Studies from the University of Newcastle, Australia.

I know many outstanding teachers who give their best efforts to our students every day. I am humbled to be recognized as the Vance County Teacher of the Year, with gratitude to my strong administrators (present and past) for their unwavering support and inspiration to be the best I can to serve the students, parents, and the entire community of Vance County Schools”, Maghanoy stated.

King, also a third-grade teacher, works at Carver Elementary and majored in elementary education at N.C. Central University.

“I feel very honored to even be nominated and even more grateful to have been chosen by my district,” she said.

Top administrator awards went to Edmonds, who was named Assistant Principal of the Year.

This achievement not only brings me joy but it fuels my motivation to continue pushing to strive for even greater heights. I am committed to using this achievement for continuous growth, learning and making a meaningful impact on my school community. I am so grateful for the support and guidance I received from fellow educators, the VCHS family, friends, and my family. 

Edmonds received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from N.C. Central University and a Master’s in School Administration from N.C. State University.

This is Putney’s third time as Principal of the Year, but he said he feels honored to receive the recognition. He’s been principal at Dabney since 1997.

This is my passion. I do not see this as a job. I see this as a calling to be able to have an impact on others. To hear positive remarks from former students, staff, and parents fuels me to continue to strive to make a difference for others.”

Maghanoy and Putnam will represent Vance County in regional competition.

Following are the nominees from across the district competing for the awards:

2023-2024 Teacher of the Year Nominees:

  • Nino Robles, AdVance Academy
  • Caroline Boyd, Aycock Elementary
  • Debbie McCune, Carver Elementary
  • Cynthia Moore, Clarke Elementary
  • Karin Jennings, Dabney Elementary
  • Analiza Maghanoy, E.M. Rollins STEAM Academy
  • Julia Morton, E.O. Young Elementary
  • Jamie Chin, L.B. Yancey Elementary
  • Tina Terry, New Hope Elementary
  • Kevin Johnson, Pinkston St. Elementary
  • Jose Ortiz Covelli, STEM Early High
  • Vicki-Ann Fullwood-Barrett, Vance County Early College
  • Pamella Wickham, Vance County High
  • Davia Johnson Wilkins, Vance County Middle
  • Cynthia Nnaemeka, Vance Virtual Village Academy
  • Hannah Whittemore, Zeb Vance Elementary

2023-2024 Beginning Teacher of the Year Nominees:

  • Matthew Weaver, Aycock Elementary
  • Lillian King, Carver Elementary
  • Nicole Clarke, Clarke Elementary
  • Ty-Mhaj Hart, Dabney Elementary
  • Rosa Bullock, E.M. Rollins STEAM Academy
  • Marcia Cobbs, E.O. Young Elementary
  • Loletta Davidson, L.B. Yancey Elementary
  • Twanda Peace, Pinkston St. Elementary
  • Quentillia Crutchfield, STEM Early High School
  • Karen Suarez, Vance County High
  • Damian Davis, Vance County Middle School
  • Whitney Brodie, Zeb Vance Elementary

2023-2024 Assistant Principal of the Year Nominees:

  • Dr. C’monee Wilkins, Clarke Elementary
  • Facetia Branch, Dabney Elementary
  • Desmond Thompson, Vance County Middle
  • Angela Cusaac, Vance County High
  • McShell Edmonds, Vance County High

2023-2024 Principal of the Year Nominees

  • Dr. Carnetta Thomas, E.M. Rollins STEAM Academy
  • Dr. Michael Putney, Sr., Dabney Elementary
  • Dr. Shannon Bullock, L.B. Yancey Elementary
  • Dr. Stephanie Ayscue, Vance County Middle School
  • Dr. Jessica Perry, Vance Virtual Village Academy
NC State Board of Elections

North Carolina Voters Will See ‘No Labels’ On Future Ballots

North Carolina is now among a group of 10 states that has recognized the No Labels movement.

The State Board of Elections voted 4-1 over the weekend to allow the No Labels party to appear on ballots alongside the more traditional descriptors of Democrat, Republican, Independent and Unaffiliated.

In a June 2023 interview with WIZS, Pat McCrory, one of the national co-chairs of the movement, said he is in favor of more choices for voters.

“And if No Labels does come up with a President/Vice President team as an alternative for voters, dissatisfied with the options from traditional parties, make no mistake: “It’ll be to win, not to be a spoiler,” the former N.C. governor said on the June 20 TownTalk segment.

North Carolina joins nine other states – Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota and Utah – that have approved No Labels to appear on ballots.

“The No Labels movement has achieved a significant milestone, winning ballot access in 10 states,” said civil rights leader Dr. Benjamin J. Chavis, national co-chair of No Labels. “This is a historic victory for Americans who have said loud and clear they want more choices at the ballot box. The spirit of democracy is winning in America today.”

During that TownTalk interview, McCrory said No Labels seeks to provide a common-sense approach to address challenges that mainline parties find little on which to compromise.

“I’m a conservative who believes the more competition, the better.” Divisions and failure to find compromise among political parties only create chaos, he said back in June.

With a focus on common-sense policy solutions, practical compromise and cross-party collaboration, the No Labels movement has spent the past 13 years working to give voice to America’s commonsense majority.

Visit https://www.nolabels.org/ to learn more.

Alan Gill Steps In As Interim Director Of Vance County Board Of Elections

Alan Gill has been named to serve as interim Vance County Board of Elections director following the recent announcement that Melody Vaughan is stepping down from that position.

Gill told WIZS News Monday that he began today and he and Vaughan will have a couple of weeks to have some overlap before she leaves on Aug. 25.

“There’s a lot of things that need to go on,” Gill said, with city elections looming in early October and then elections in Kittrell and Middleburg a month later.

Gill has experience with elections that take place in the county and he has been a chief judge – mostly in the West Henderson polling location – since the early 2000’s. He also has worked the early vote sites since he retired from his job as director of the Vance County Recreation and Parks Department in 2014.

“If I can help, I’m glad to,” Gill said of his interim director role. “I’m actually quite happy just doing the chief judge duties, but didn’t want to see the Vance County Board of Elections left in a hard spot,” he added.

He also served a stint as deputy director a few years ago, so he has experience in much of the office operations, including processing registrations, cross-checking databases and updating addresses and voter information.

The position has been advertised, so Gill said he didn’t know how long this interim position will last. It could last through November, however, meaning that Gill will be the person leading the county’s election workers through the early-voting period and then carry out the Oct. 3 Henderson municipal elections.

“I know almost all of the election workers and most of the people that are at the sites that we use for voting,” Gill said, “so if I can help out and we get through this election in good shape, then I’ll be happy.”

Click Play – Broadcast Audio from 8-15-23