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Warren Co. Memorial Library

Warren Library Summer Reading Program Kicks Off June 11 – Let “The Adventure” Begin!

Information courtesy of Warren County Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk Monique Howard

Participants of all ages are invited to Warren County Memorial Library for this year’s Summer Reading Program – “Adventure Begins at Your Library.” Starting with the opening of registration at 10 a.m. on June 11 and ending with the finale and prize drawing on July 31 at 12 noon, “Adventure Begins at Your Library” will feature myriad programs, activities and fun for the whole family.

As the school year draws to a close, library staff wants to make sure all Warren County students keep reading to avoid the summer slump.

But who says that a reading event can’t be exciting?

In addition to the literacy-building essentials, participants will also get to experience live animals, music, performances, competitive events, crafts, movies, board games, video games and more. All programs are free and open to the public.

“Our goal for this year was to have inclusive and enriching events that people of all ages – from 1 to 100 – can enjoy,” said Library Director Tanika Alston.

Warren County Schools will provide lunch to all school-aged children at the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12 noon to 2 p.m.  The Summer Meal Program will run from June 11 until July 30, taking a break during the week of July 4.

“We would like to encourage all of Warren County to discover the adventure that awaits them at our library,” said Summer Reading Coordinator Ky’el Owens.

The fun kicks off at 10 a.m. on June 11 when community organizations will be at the library to share information and materials until 2 p.m.. Library staff will host “All Day Fun and Games” that will include a variety of activities – everything from board games  and air hockey – until 4:30 p.m.

Registration begins on June 11, but continues throughout the summer. Everyone who signs up is automatically entered to win Summer Reading prizes. The prize drawing will be held during the Finale event at noon on July 31.




Warren Commissioners Schedule Public Hearing On Proposed Occupancy Tax For Short-Term Rentals

The Warren County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing at their Monday, June 3, 2024 regular meeting at 6 p.m. to hear public comment about the proposed occupancy tax for short-term rental accommodations in Warren County.

A local occupancy tax applies to the same transactions that are subject to state sales taxes on accommodations mandated by general statutes.

Occupancy taxes on short-term rentals are not levied against the property/business owner; they are levied on the occupant/renter. However, facilitators, rental agents, and business owners engaged in short-term rental accommodations are required to charge the occupancy taxes to the occupant and to remit that revenue to the local government.

In 2023, the General Assembly granted Warren County the authority to levy an occupancy tax up to 5 percent. The approval for the occupancy tax can be found in N.C.S.L. 2023-144, Senate Bill 154, Part 13.

A short-term rental accommodation subject to a local occupancy tax is anything supplied to one person for less than 90 days. Short-term accommodations include hotel and motel rooms, residences, cottages, or a similar lodging facility, as well as any type of structure that is rented for temporary residential use such as houseboats, tents, yurts and train cabooses. Parking spots for recreational vehicles, campsites, and boat slips would not be subject to local occupancy taxes. Occupancy taxes do not apply to enrollment in school, camp or hospital programs.

Occupancy taxes apply to the cost of the accommodation rental, as well as to other mandatory charges of the rental, such as early or late departure fees, cleaning fees, pet fees, etc. (all mandatory charges that are directly related to the use and occupancy of a rental accommodation).

The three parties held liable for collecting occupancy taxes from tenants and for remitting the taxes locally are: retailers (ex: hotel operators, bed and breakfast operators), facilitators (ex: Airbnb, Vrbo), and rental agents (brokers and other persons engaged in property management).

The penalties for delinquent occupancy taxes are the same as the penalties for delinquent sales taxes. Counties are allowed to enforce collection remedies with the exception of placing liens on properties and governments cannot foreclose on properties that do not property remit their occupancy tax collections. Occupancy taxes are not subject to successor liability (they do not go with the property when it is sold).

For more information, visit www.warrencountync.com or email Charla Duncan, Director of Warren County Community and Economic Development, at charladuncan@warrencountync.gov.

MedAssist OTC Medicine Giveaway May 31 At Warren Armory

The Warren County Health Department is partnering with NC MedAssist and Triangle North Healthcare Foundation to host a free over-the-counter medicine giveaway on Friday, May 31, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

The event will be held at the Warren County Armory Civic Center located at 501 US Hwy 158 Bus E in Warrenton. The NC MedAssist Free Pharmacy Program provides medicine items including allergy, cough and cold, pain relief, vitamins and children’s medicine. Vendors will also be on-site to provide free health screenings for children and adults as well as information on a variety of health topics.

No appointment or registration is needed. You must be 18 years or older to receive medicines. Dr. Margaret Brake, health director of Warren County Health Department, welcomes the event to the community. “I am excited to have this wonderful event to come back to the county,” Brake said. “Sometimes it is expensive to buy these types of medicines from the pharmacy so I invite everyone to come and get some free medicines for themselves and their family. You do not need bring an ID or income verification to qualify for this program.”

Warren Residents Invited To May 30 S-Line Mobility Hub Meeting

Warren County Community and Economic Development, the N.C. Department of Transportation Integrated Mobility Division and project engineers will be at the Warren County Recreation Complex on May 30 for a community engagement event to talk about the future of the S-Line as part of the project’s mobility hub feasibility study.

NCDOT is working with communities along the proposed S-Line passenger rail corridor to conduct feasibility work for potential mobility hubs in each community. Feasibility work consists of initial design and environmental analysis.

But what exactly are mobility hubs? Transportation officials define them as  safe and comfortable public areas to transfer from one mode of transportation to another. A mobility hub may look different and have different transportation amenities depending on the community’s existing transportation needs, and that’s where input from local residents comes in.

The engagement session on May 30 is designed for the public to express their current transportation needs, as well as what they desire to see in the future regarding transportation in and around Warren County; input will be collected about community desire around transportation options to access places outside of Warren County. These transit options could include a train stop on the S-Line as well.

The engagement session is floating and will run from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. on May 30 at the Warren County Recreation Complex. In the event of rain, the event will be held at the same time and date at the Warren County Memorial Library.

For more information, email Charla Duncan, director of Warren County Community and Economic Development, at charladuncan@warrencountync.gov.


VGCC Hosting FAFSA Nights To Help Parents, Students Navigate Federal Aid Application

Vance-Granville Community College’s Financial Aid Office is hosting a series of FAFSA Night meetings to help families with students in college or headed to college – as well as adult learners – understand the federal financial aid application.

The first FAFSA Night was scheduled for Tuesday, May 21 at VGCC’s Main Campus in Henderson. The next event is set for Thursday, May 23 at the Warren Campus, followed by Tuesday, May 28 at the Franklin Campus and Thursday, May 30 at South Campus in Creedmoor.

If you plan to use financial aid for Fall 2024–Summer 2025, you will need to complete the 2024–2025 FAFSA application to determine your eligibility for Title IV Aid.

VGCC’s Financial Aid team will be available to provide assistance with the FAFSA application on the dates and times below:

VGCC Warren County Campus

May 23, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
Building 1, Room W1107
210 West Ridgeway St.
Warrenton, NC 27589

VGCC Franklin County Campus

May 28, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
Building 1, Room F1124
8100 NC 56 Highway
Louisburg, NC 27549

VGCC South Campus

May 30, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
Room G1103
1547 South Campus Dr.
Creedmoor, NC 27522

Young Farmers & Ranchers Group Gathers Next Generation In Agriculture

The Tri-County Young Farmers & Ranchers group will convene later this week at a local farm that produces organic, environmentally sustainable pork, beef and milk and will learn straight from its owners how MY Meat Farm was created.

If you’re a farmer or rancher between 18 and 35, you’re invited to join this group, which is sponsored by Farm Bureau and brings together young farmers and others in agriculture together from Vance, Granville and Warren counties.

The Tri-County YF&R meeting will be held Thursday, May 23 at 6:30 p.m. at MY Meat Farm, located at 3182 Sims Bridge Rd., Kittrell. Although it is a Kitrell address, the farm is located in Franklin County.

The YF&R program is a new endeavor in the county, said Dr. Wykia Macon, Vance County extension director. “It is a tri-county group of people 18-35 who are farmers and ranchers. Our local Farm Bureau Board and Catherine Watts, who works with Labor Service International, is working to create a community of local young ranchers and farmers who will lead the next generation,” Macon told WIZS News.

MY Meat Farm will provide the backdrop for the final meeting of the season, but the group will pick back up in September.

The farm produces woodland raised pork, pastured beef and raw milk that is “beyond organic.” The owners use methods that are environmentally sustainable, truly humane, and naturally healthy, according to information from Catherine Watts, one of the organizers of the group.

All participants are reminded to wear comfortable shoes – there will be some walking involved at the meeting! As a biosecurity measure, there will be a footbath for everyone’s shoes before the tour begins.

RSVP to Farm Bureau’s Catherine Watts.

To learn more about the YF&R program, visit https://www.fb.org/program/young-farmers-ranchers.

Red Cross: Take A Minute Now To Prepare For Hurricane Season That Runs June-November

– Information courtesy of the American Red Cross

The week of May 5-11 is National Hurricane Preparedness Week and disaster relief agencies like the American Red Cross encourage residents to take a few minutes now to get ready before the hurricane season blows in. The Atlantic hurricane season is June 1 through November 30, but it’s never too early to be thinking about how to prepare to weather a storm and its aftermath.

“The American Red Cross is taking this year’s forecast for an above average hurricane season very seriously,” said Allison Taylor, Regional CEO of Humanitarian Services, Red Cross North Carolina region. “The American Red Cross works closely with local, state, and federal officials, along with partner community organizations, to respond to disasters and meet basic emergency needs before, during, and after disasters. With our disaster volunteers and partners ready to meet the needs of our communities, the North Carolina Region is ready to respond this season.”

Early forecasts indicate there could be a near-record number of storms this year and experts even warn that the first named storm could form before the season begins. They are calling for as many as 25 named storms with up to a half dozen having a direct impact on the U.S.

“We encourage everyone to take time now to get ready for potential disasters this spring and summer,” said Taylor. “You can do so by updating your emergency supply kit, building a plan, and staying informed of weather risks in your area.”

If you live in areas prone to hurricanes, now is the perfect time to get prepared. Here are some simple steps you can take to be prepared:

  1. Create an evacuation plan. Plan what to do in case you are separated from your family during an emergency and if you have to evacuate. Coordinate your plan with your child’s school, your work and your community’s emergency plans. Plan multiple routes to local shelters, register family members with special medical needs as required and make plans for pets. If you already have an emergency plan, update it and review with household members so everyone knows what to do if an emergency occurs.
  2. Build an emergency kit with a gallon of water per person, per day, non-perishable food, a flashlight, battery-powered radio, first aid kit, medications, supplies for an infant and pets if applicable, a multi-purpose tool, personal hygiene items, copies of important papers, cell phone chargers, extra cash, blankets, maps of the area and emergency contact information. If you already have a disaster kit, make sure the food and water is still okay to consume and that copies of important documents are up to date.
  3. Be informed. Find out how local officials will contact you during a disaster and how you will get important information, such as evacuation orders.

Download the free Red Cross First Aid app so you’ll know what to do if emergency help is delayed and the free Emergency app for weather alerts, open Red Cross shelter locations and safety steps for different emergencies. Choose whether you want to view the content in English or Spanish with an easy-to-find language selector. Find these and all of the Red Cross apps in smartphone app stores by searching for the American Red Cross or going to redcross.org/apps.

In addition to taking these preparedness steps, we also have important safety information available for you on hurricanes.

Equines Need Annual Vaccines To Prevent Mosquito-Borne Diseases

-information courtesy of the N.C. Department of Agriculture

Horse, donkey and mule owners, it’s time to get your animals vaccinated against Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis and West Nile Virus.

“Mosquito-breeding season in North Carolina lasts from spring until the first frost and horses are at risk if not properly vaccinated,” said N.C. Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “EEE is fatal 90 percent of the time in horses and WNV has a fatality rate of 30 percent. However, both diseases are preventable by vaccination.”

So far this year we have had no cases of EEE or WNV, but last year there were seven cases of EEE, Troxler added.

State Veterinarian Dr. Mike Martin recommends that equine owners talk to their veterinarians about an effective vaccination protocol to protect horses from mosquito-borne diseases. The combination vaccination initially requires multiple injections for horses, mules and donkeys that have no prior vaccination history.

Mosquitoes can breed in any puddle that lasts for more than four days, so removing any source of standing water can reduce the chance of exposing animals to WNV or EEE. Keeping horses in stalls at night, using insect screens and fans, and turning off lights after dusk can also help reduce exposure to mosquitoes. Insect repellants can be effective if used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Symptoms of EEE include impaired vision, aimless wandering, head pressing, circling, inability to swallow, irregular staggering gait, paralysis, convulsions and death. Once a horse has been bitten by an infected mosquito, it may take three to 10 days for symptoms to appear.

Symptoms of WNV include fever, weakness or paralysis of hind limbs, impaired vision, head pressing, seizures and aimless wandering.

People, horses and birds can become infected from a bite by a mosquito carrying these diseases, but there is no evidence that horses can transmit the viruses to other horses, birds or people through direct contact.

Equine care also includes keeping up to date on equine infectious anemia (EIA) testing, commonly referred to as the Coggins test. “Since January there have been three cases of EIA in North Carolina. There is no vaccine and no cure for this disease so testing annually is important,” Troxler added.

“It’s also a great time to make sure your animal is current on its rabies vaccination,” Troxler said. “So far this year we have had two positive cases of rabies in livestock. All livestock are naturally curious animals, which puts them at risk for a bite if a rabid animal gets through their fence line.”

TownTalk: Pink With A Passion Holds Cancer Survivor Walk This Saturday

The third “Pink With A Passion” Walk will be held Saturday, Apr. 20 at the Warren County Recreation Complex on U.S. 158 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Organizers Amena Wilson and Elaine Tunstall-Smith invite the community to come out to the event to celebrate cancer survivors and to support others who may be facing their own battles with the disease.

When Wilson faced her own breast cancer diagnosis in 2017, she wanted to do something positive to show her appreciation for the support she had received – a way to embrace the “pay it forward” attitude.

So she organized a walk. Now, in year three, Wilson and others have joined forces to create a day filled with healthy activities, food trucks, music and more – even a mammogram bus that will offer free mammograms.

“We are a breast cancer organization, but we serve all types of cancer,” Wilson said. This year’s theme is “We’re Stronger Together and Better In Unity.”

“We’re looking forward to joining the community…trying to (boost) awareness for healthy living,” said Tunstall-Smith. “It’s our way of giving back.”

Tunstall-Smith said she and Wilson have been friends and classmates, so she was quick to volunteer when Pink With A Passion was formed. “I felt so fulfilled,” she said, of that volunteer experience, “I felt like I was doing something for the community, my church, my God.” That’s when she jumped in with both feet.

Pink With A Passion “is about people and how we can be of assistance to people in a medical crisis,” Tunstall-Smith continued.

Wilson said the organization will make a $2,000 donation to Maria Parham Health’s Cancer Center, which will, in turn, share with cancer patients who need help to pay for gas to get to treatments, medicine and more while they are receiving care.

The reason for the event is a serious one – cancer and its effects on families and caregivers – but Saturday’s walk will provide a chance for celebration and community fellowship as well.

Tunstall-Smith said she hoped to see a good turnout to the event – bring your lawn chairs and expect to have an enjoyable day among friends and supporters.

Pink With A Passion has developed a reputation for being a support system for cancer patients, who need only to call on one of the volunteers if they need help with anything from getting a prosthesis to a ride to the doctor, Tunstall-Smith said – any type of assistance “to let them feel they are not in the battle by themselves.”

Come for the camaraderie, come for the information, come for the exercise by taking a few laps around the track or come for the giveaways, Wilson said. Just come out to show support for those who are battling cancer themselves, or who are caring for a loved one with cancer.



Warren Parks And Rec Mini-Grants Due April 30

The Warren County Parks and Recreation Department and the Parks and Recreation Commission are offering a mini-grant application process to support community partners to facilitate the development and support recreation amenities for Warren County residents at satellite locations. Recipients must be non-profit organizations located within Warren County.

The grant application is available on the Warren County Parks and Recreation website or obtain a physical copy from the Parks and Recreation Department at 113 Wilcox St., Warrenton, NC 27589.

All applications must be submitted and received by 5 p.m. April 30. Submitted requests may not exceed $10,000.

Applications can be submitted by email, in person or by mail.

  • Email: bonniefitz@warrencountync.gov
  • In person: Warren County Parks and Recreation Office at 113 Wilcox St., Warrenton, NC 27589 (not a mailing address)
  • Mail: Warren County Parks and Recreation, Attn: Bonnie Fitz, P.O. Box 835, Warrenton, NC 27589

For more information, contact Bonnie Fitz, Parks and Recreation Director at 252.257.2272 or parksandrecreation@warrencountync.gov.