Tag Archive for: #warrencountynews

Warrenton Revitalization Presents Family Movie Night

by Craig Hahn

Come join us September 23rd at 7:00 p.m. on the courthouse square in Warrenton for a viewing of 2016’s “The Jungle Book!” Free Admission. Bring your own lawn chair or blanket.

Refreshments will be sold…start a new family tradition and join us for this classic movie under the stars.

A huge thank you to our local grocery stores, Just Save and Food Lion for donating hot dogs! So, hot dogs, popcorn and beverages will all be sold! Y’all come on out and enjoy the evening with us!

State Highway Patrol Promotes Back To School Safety

RALEIGH – In anticipation of the upcoming school year, the State Highway Patrol is focusing on safety in and around school zones.  Motorists should be aware of an increase in school traffic and familiarize themselves with local school bus stop locations.  Teen drivers will also increase as some will be driving to and from school for the first time.  Drivers should also expect an increase in pedestrian traffic in and around school zones.

“Ensuring the safety of students as they travel to and from school is a responsibility shared by everyone”, said Col. Glenn McNeill Jr., commander of the State Highway Patrol.  “Our mission is to educate the motoring public on safe driving behaviors before, during and after school.”

Troopers statewide will monitor school bus routes, attempting to ensure motorists comply with stopping for school buses as they pick up and release students. 

According to state law, motorists are required to stop when a school bus is displaying its mechanical stop signal or flashing red lights and the bus is stopped for the purpose of receiving or discharging passengers.  The driver of any other vehicle that approaches the school bus from any direction on the same street, highway, or public vehicular area shall bring that other vehicle to a full stop and shall remain stopped.

Officials also encourage students to ensure all traffic has stopped before entering the roadway when boarding or exiting their respective school bus. 

In an attempt to increase safety and awareness, SHP is using social media to highlight a “Back to School” PSA, which can be viewed by vising the Patrol’s Facebook page.  A digital copy of the PSA is available upon request. 

Warren County Beautification Committee Plans Litter Pick-Up Day

by Craig Hahn

The Warren County Beautification Committee is planning a county-wide trash collection day on Saturday, September 16, 2017 in conjunction with NCDOT. The DOT will furnish vests, bags and some manpower. I just heard this week that bags and vests are now available at the Warren County Board of Election Office on North Main Street in Warrenton.

Now’s the time to start forming your group and determining which roads you plan to clean. Questions? You can contact any committee member or Debbie Formyduval via email at DebbieFormyduval@warrencountync.gov or Frank Carpenter at the Warren DOT office.

Boys and Girls Club Set for 2017-2018 School Year


As the summer program comes to an end, members are preparing to return to school and the Club staff are preparing for the start of the after-school program. The GREATEST staff and volunteers in Boys & Girls Club will take two weeks to clean, and re-energize for the 2017-2018 school year.  

Walmart Distribution volunteers will return to the Club to freshen up the walls and floors. Ms. Evelyn will be traveling to Atlanta, GA for the Unit Directors Academy. This Academy will help the Vance County staff build and sustain a high- quality Club experience for all Members. Vance unit will also be accepting applications for new team members and school aged members ages 5-18.


WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! We have had a great summer, but the Granville Unit is so excited to have an even better school year. Our staff is excited to engage with our club members on so may different levels!

Power hour will continue to be a driving force at our club, but we are focusing on exposing our youth to new activities and tasks. We are planning on having a strong focus in STEM, leadership, & creatvity. BGCNCNC cannot wait to see our youth learn & grow throughout the school!


We are looking forward to an exciting school year in Warren County.  Three of our schools are back in session and our club members are very excited about the new opportunities that will be available to them this school year.  Our last site will open at the end of this month, and we are extremely eager to meet those club members as well.

We have partnered with the school administration and staff members at each of our sites, to ensure that our students experience great academic success this school year.   We  are looking to also partner with the local high schools and community colleges to get volunteers to help out at our sites to ensure that our club members have a great club experience.  We want each club member to truly believe that “Great Futures Start Here”

Featured here our most recent visitor Lieutenant Corey Adams City of Henderson Fire Department Division of Fire Prevention.


The Franklin Unit is excited for the first day of school, 2017!! The staff is very busy at the club working on new bulletin boards, rearranging classrooms, planning a fun and engaging schedule, and cleaning up the club!! As the age old saying goes “it takes a village to raise a child” we are fully committed to being a part of that village in Franklin County to mentor and support the children of the community we serve. While it may not be what the children want to hear, this 2017-2018 school year the Franklin Unit will be focusing on…drum roll please….homework! Yes, homework. Part of the mission of The Boys & Girls Clubs of America is to enable all young people to reach their full potential. Homework is a tool that we can use to bridge the gap between school, families, and their community.  

We’re so eager to get this year started because we will be partnering with AmeriCorps to bring a full time LiteracyCorps member to the Boys & Girls Club in Franklin County for the next 12-13 months. This member’s full focus will be on improving literacy in the youth we serve at The Boys & Girls Club! Our staff will also benefit through the relationship they build with this member by learning new and exciting ways to implement fun and engaging programming that includes an underlying academic piece. We are ready to tackle this school year and continue to grow and mentor great futures for the youth of Franklin County!


As summer winds down and the clean up begins, we are looking forward to the exciting new school year. The staff is gearing up to make the 2017-2018 school year one of the best ever! We have been collecting back to school supplies for our annual book bag give away, that is shaping up to be a big event!

We are setting up and planning some new and exciting programs and lining up some new and engaging speakers to start the school year off right! We are looking forward to seeing all our returning members, as well as meeting all our NEW members. See you on August 28th! Let the FUN begin!

Significant Closures Coming to I-85

RALEIGH – As work to improve I-85 accelerates, several closures and detours are coming over the next week to Vance and Warren counties.

On Tuesday Night, August 8, between 9:00 PM and 6:00 AM, Southbound I-85 will be closed north of Oine Road.  Traffic will be detoured by law enforcement to Wise Road (Exit 233), then south along U.S. 1/158 and back on to I-85.

I-85 Southbound will be closed on Wednesday August 9 near mile marker 215 from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM.  Law enforcement will be on hand to detour motorists along Flemingtown Road and U.S. 1/158.

On Thursday, August 10, there will be a closure of I-85 Southbound near Manson Road (mile marker 233) from 9:00 PM until 6:00 AM Friday.  A detour by law enforcement will guide motorists west along Ridgeway-Drewry Road, then turning left on to Manson-Drewry Road and following that back to I-85.

From 5:30 PM Thursday, August 10 to 6:00 AM Friday, August 11, crews will install girders for the I-85 Southbound bridge at Flemingtown Road.  Flemingtown Road will be closed and a signed detour will be in place taking Northbound I-85 motorists along U.S. 1/158, Lee Avenue/Jacksontown Road, and Jackson-Royce Road to get to Flemingtown.  Those trying to get to I-85 Northbound from Flemingtown Road should follow the reverse of that route.

Finally, Starting Monday, August 14 both the on and off ramps for I-85 Southbound at Wise Road will be closed for 60 days.  Southbound I-85 motorists wishing to get to Wise Road will proceed to Ridgeway-Drewry Road (Exit 226), exit and get back on I-85 Northbound, then take Northbound off ramp at Wise Road (Exit 233).  Those wishing to get on to I-85 Southbound from Wise Road will be detoured to Rooker Dairy Road heading south to Oine Road, then to US1/158 and right onto Ridgeway-Drewry Road to get back onto I-85 southbound.  Drivers will be able to utilize the Oine Road ramps once they reopen in September.

These temporary closures are part of a five-year project to repair the deteriorating I-85 road surface, and repair and replace bridges to create safer conditions for travelers.  All closures are weather dependent and subject to change.  Motorists are still advised to use I-95, I-40, and U.S. 64 instead of I-85 when traveling between the Triangle and Richmond.  For real-time travel information, visit DriveNC.gov or follow NCDOT on Twitter.

ICYMI: N.C. SBI and Virginia State Police Coordinate Marijuana Eradication Operation

RALEIGH – A joint North Carolina-Virginia marijuana eradication operation July 25-26 yielded more than 800 plants seized in Granville, Vance and Warren counties. Two stolen vehicles were recovered as well. On the north side of the state line, the Virginia State Police seized 25 plants and 20 guns. Charges are pending on one individual. 

North Carolina’s State Bureau of Investigation and the Virginia State Police coordinated the multi-agency operation that took place along the border of the two states.

“The partnerships we have at the state and local level and with our partners to the north made this operation successful,” said Lynn Gay, assistant special agent in charge of the SBI’s Capitol District.  “No one agency brought more to the table than another.  It was a group effort, and everyone’s input helped achieve our goal of putting illegal growers out of business.”

The N.C. State Highway Patrol, the N.C. National Guard and the SBI provided aerial surveillance. Other participants included the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and the sheriffs’ offices from the three counties.

“In my years of being with the Virginia State Police, I have never seen a joint eradication operation between the two state bureaus to include local departments on both sides of the state line,” said Fst. Sgt. Tony Barksdale of the Virginia State Police. “I deem the operation a success and praise the efforts put forth by all agencies involved.” 

“The season is not over for the Marijuana Eradication Program,” Gay said. “We have agents trained to spot grow operations from the air and we will be back.”


Step 1 in Preserving & Protecting Our Historic Communities

by Craig Hahn

The Warren County Historic Preservation Commission held a public informational meeting 27 July to introduce their initiative to have permanent, historic signs placed in Warren County communities. This County program is designed to help preserve & enhance the history of our local communities and Warren County.

The following communities will be part of Phase 1 of this program: Arcola/Bethlehem, Inez, Ridgeway, Russell Union, Soul City & Warren Plains. At last night’s meeting representatives from Soul City, Russell Union and Ridgeway were in attendance and plan to move forward on signs for their communities.

Citizens interested in being a part of the historic community signage program are needed to form committees to research their communities’ history, select a roadside site where motorists can pull over to read the sign and to raise funds for the purchase of the signs (similar in appearance to the silver-toned State historic markers). These signs will be two-sided. The cost is about $1,200 to $1,700 each (depending on the final design choice. Currently Warren County does have some funding available to assist each community noted above to “kick-start” their respective fundraising efforts in the amount of about $400.

To get involved, Community members interested in participating or getting more information may contact Ken Krulik at 252-257-7027, 252-257-3037, or mailto:KenKrulik@warrencountync.gov.

District Attorney’s Schedule August 2017

Tues, Aug 1          Vance Trial Court (Hobgood) – Pelfrey, Fuller, Allen

                                                **Franklin District Court (Keith) – Gardner, Gregory, Roberson

Vance District Court (Burnette) – Erdmann, Watson/Hargrove


Wed, Aug 2                          ##Granville District Court (Stevenson) – Putney, Dickerson

Warren District Court (Davis) – Gregory, Raymond

Granville County Clerk’s Office Hours, Public, 2:00-4:00 pm – Sellars


Thurs, Aug 3                        ##Vance District Court (Burnette) – Erdmann, Watson/Hargrove

Granville Dispo Court (Stevenson) – Sellars, Putney, Gregory, Dickerson, Brickhouse


Fri, Aug 4                              No Criminal District Court


Mon, Aug 7                          Franklin District Court (Keith) – Gardner, Roberson

##Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Louis, Watson/Hargrove

##Granville District Court (Burnette) – Sellars, Dickerson


Tues, Aug 8                          Franklin District Court (Davis) – Gregory, Roberson

Vance District Court (Keith) – Pelfrey, Watson/Hargrove

Granville Juvenile Court (Thompson) – Putney


Wed, Aug 9                          Granville District Court (Burnette) – Putney, Dickerson

Warren District Court (?????) – Fuller, Raymond


Thurs, Aug 10                      Franklin Juvenile Court (Thompson) – Louis

##Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Erdmann, Watson/Hargrove

Franklin Trial Prep – Gardner, Gregory


Fri, Aug 11                           Franklin Trial Prep – Gardner, Gregory

Vance Juvenile Court (Stevenson) – Louis


Mon, Aug 14        Franklin Trial Court (Holt) – Gardner, Gregory, Johnson

Franklin District Court (Burnette) – Erdmann, Louis, Roberson

##Vance District Court (Keith) – Pelfrey, Watson/Hargrove

##Granville District Court (Stevenson) – Putney, Dickerson


Tues, Aug 15                        ##Franklin District Court (Thompson) – Putney, Roberson

Vance District Court (Davis) – Louis, Sellars, Watson/Hargrove

Warren Juvenile Court (Keith) – Fuller

Vance County Clerk’s Office Hours – Attorneys – 2:00-4:00 pm – Erdmann


Wed, Aug 16                        Granville District Court (Davis) – Sellars, Dickerson

**Warren District Court (Thompson) – Fuller, Raymond

Vance County Clerk’s Office Hours – Public – 2:00-4:00 pm – Erdmann


Thurs, Aug 17                      Vance Dispo Court (Burnette) – Louis, Erdmann, Pelfrey, Watson/Hargrove

Granville Trial Prep – Capps, Sellars, Putney

Warren CMS Prep – Fuller


Fri, Aug 18                           Granville Trial Prep – Capps, Sellars, Putney

Warren CMS Prep – Fuller


Mon, Aug 21        Granville Trial Court (Hobgood) – Capps, Sellars, Putney, Garrett

Warren CMS Court (Rozier) – Fuller, Pendergrass, Raymond

Franklin District Court (Keith) – Gregory, Roberson

##Vance District Court (Burnette) – Waters, Watson/Hargrove

**Granville District Court (Stevenson) – Gardner, Dickerson

Vance CMS Prep – Pelfrey, Fuller


Tues, Aug 22        Vance Probation Court (Rozier) – Gregory, Pendergrass

Franklin District Court (Stevenson) – Gardner, Roberson

Vance District Court (Burnette) – Capps, Waters, Watson/Hargrove

Granville Juvenile Court (Thompson) – Putney or Sellars

Vance CMS Prep – Pelfrey, Fuller


Wed, Aug 23        Vance CMS Court (Rozier) – Pelfrey, Fuller, Pendergrass, Allen

                                                Franklin County Clerk’s Office Hours – Attorneys – 2:00-4:00 pm – Gardner

Granville District Court (Thompson) – Gregory, Waters, Dickerson

##Warren District Court (Burnette) – Gardner, Raymond


Thurs, Aug 24      Vance CMS Court (Rozier) – Pelfrey, Fuller, Pendergrass, Allen

                                                Franklin Juvenile Court (Davis) – Gregory

Franklin County Clerk’s Office Hours – Public – 2:00-4:00 pm – Gregory

##Vance District Court (Keith) – Waters, Watson/Hargrove

Granville CMS Prep – Capps, Sellars, Putney


Fri, Aug 25                           Franklin Dispo Court (Davis) – Gardner, Gregory, Waters

Granville CMS Prep – Capps, Sellars, Putney


Mon, Aug 28        Granville CMS Court (Rozier) – Capps, Sellars, Putney, Pendergrass, Garrett

##Franklin District Court (Burnette) – Louis, Roberson

##Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Pelfrey, Watson/Hargrove

Granville District Court (Keith) – Erdmann, Dickerson

Franklin CMS Prep – Gardner, Gregory


Tues, Aug 29        Granville CMS Court (Rozier) – Capps, Sellars, Putney, Pendergrass, Garrett

##Franklin District Court (Burnette) – Erdmann, Roberson

Vance District Court (Davis) – Louis, Watson/Hargrove

Warren Juvenile Court (Keith) – Fuller

Franklin CMS Prep – Gardner, Gregory


Wed, Aug 30        Franklin CMS Court (Rozier) – Gardner, Gregory, Pendergrass, Johnson

                                                Granville District Court (Keith) – Capps, Dickerson

##Warren District Court (Stevenson) – Fuller, Raymond


Thurs, Aug 31      Franklin CMS Court (Rozier) – Gardner, Gregory, Pendergrass, Johnson

**Vance District Court (Thompson) – Capps, Watson/Hargrove


**mediator available**

##9:30 am regular docket, PLUS POSSIBLE 2:15 pm DWI docket##


Boys and Girls Club Offers Summer Update

Vance County

According to the Old Chinese Proverb “Tell me, I’ll forget. Show me, I may remember. But involve me, and I’ll understand.” The Boys & Girls Clubs of North Central NC Vance Unit are delighted to share that our  2017 Summer Program participants have had a visit from a slew of community representatives  that range from Nutritionist , Military (Army & Navy), Youth of the Year, and Henderson Fire Department.

Anticipating that the Members will be inspired at this young and hoping that some may remember down the road and get involved. Members are looking forward to meeting and talking with our remaining line up of guest.

Featured here our most recent visitor Lieutenant Corey Adams City of Henderson Fire Department Division of Fire Prevention.

Granville County

Summer is always a blast & our members love a wide array of activities. Swimming & dodgeball top their lists, but BGCNCNC wanted to focus on leadership among our older youth this summer.

One of the highlights of our summer has been our partnership with the Penn Ave Soup Kitchen. At the BGC, we are teaching our middle schoolers & high schoolers that they are role models for our younger youth & our community. It has been so exciting to see our teens step up & serve the community. We are so proud to be a place for them to learn & grow. Below, you will see our youth preparing plates & assisting the soup kitchen with their set up.

Warren County

The club kids at Warren County enjoyed our “Around the World” Summer Camp.  We studied France, Mexico, South Africa and Japan! We learned about the culture, landmarks, food, currency, and language of each country.

Each student received a Camp Passport to virtually travel to each country.

Students also enjoyed various field trips.  We visited Aycock Recreation Center for swimming, Market Place Cinema, the Skateeum, and Galaxy Fun Park in Raleigh.

Franklin County

The Franklin Club has been busy this summer! With ages ranging from 5 to 16 all members have been actively participating in Summer Brain Gain each day.

Members participating in hands on activities focusing on leadership, decision making, innovators, and the invention of bubble gum!! Members also enjoyed field trips to swim at Aycock Recreation Center, Brooks St. Bowl, and Jellybeans Skatteum! Members have also enjoyed water relay races, water balloon fights,
and water contests!

Halifax County

We have learned how to stay safe this summer; we have learned how important it is to keep moving.

We have traveled the world, China, Italy, Fiji, France and Mexico only to discover how proud we are to be Americans.

Even with all that we still have plenty of adventures left ahead of us this summer;  more visits to the pool, more art, learning to cook and so much more!!

Better Lighting Coming for Interstates and Major Highways Across North Carolina

RALEIGH – It will be a brighter drive along many interstates and major highways in North Carolina, as a result of a $30.8 million contract awarded by the N.C. Department of Transportation to upgrade more than 10,600 roadway light fixtures at more than 350 locations across the state.

In addition to improving lighting, the agreement with Trane U.S. Inc. and J. Brady Contracting Inc. will save the state money, as it is expected to result in more than $56 million in reduced electrical and maintenance costs over 15 years. That savings will primarily come from switching from existing high intensity roadway lights to longer-lasting and lower-maintenance LED lights.

Improvements are planned for lights along such interstates as I-95, I-40, I-77 and I-85, as well as I-440, I-540 and the Triangle Expressway in the Raleigh-Durham area, I-485 and I-277 in Charlotte, I-73/74 in the Triad, and I-240 and I-26 around Asheville. Several non-interstate highways around the state will also see lighting improvements.

The contract also calls for upgrading more than 12,000 building lights, including those at rest stops and visitor centers around the state, in addition to weigh stations and NCDOT county maintenance facilities.

The project includes the installation of a lighting and control system that will not only support the maintenance of the lights, but will also save and measure energy usage and lower costs.

Construction work is scheduled to start in September of 2017, with the initial locations still being determined. The light and equipment installation should wrap up in November 2018.
