Tag Archive for: #warrencountynews

State Fair 2023 Taking Applications For ‘Farm Family Of The Day’

-information courtesy of the N.C. State Fair Office


The N.C. State Fair is looking for 11 farm families to recognize during the fair for its Farm Family of the Day, presented by Tractor Supply Company. Nominations are being accepted through Sept. 15.

If you are proud to be an N.C. farmer, work hard to contribute to the state’s No. 1 industry and love both farming and the N.C. State Fair, your farm family could be one of the lucky ones selected.

Families recognized as Farm Family of the Day honorees will be awarded an N.C. State Fair gift basket including fair tickets to use on any day of their choice during the 2023 N.C. State Fair, ride passes and additional swag from Tractor Supply Company and the N.C. State Fair.

Families will be chosen by both nomination and application. Applications can be found at https://www.ncstatefair.org/2023/Attractions/FarmFamilyOfTheDay.htm.

The “Farm Family of the Day” program, sponsored by Tractor Supply Company, is returning for its third year to recognize and celebrate more of our state’s rich agricultural heritage and the farm families that are behind our $103.2 billion agriculture and agribusiness industry.

“The State Fair’s earliest beginnings sought to elevate the understanding of new agricultural practices and technology. Helping people make the connection between farming and the food that they enjoy is one of our top missions at the N.C. State Fair each year,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler.

“Thanks to Tractor Supply Company, we can help tell the story of our farmers because they are the individuals out there every day working to grow the food, fiber and fuel that we need to survive.”

The 2023 N.C. State Fair will run Oct. 12-22 at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds in Raleigh. The fair offers an experience unique to North Carolina for all who attend, and is an unparalleled value with free entertainment, thrilling rides and games, thousands of animals, endless family activities, competitions, vendors and creative deep-fried delights.

For more information, visit www.ncstatefair.org.

Warren Meeting To Discuss Use Of Opioid Settlement Funding Set For July 31

Warren County leaders and others from the local area are invited to attend a community meeting later this month to learn more about how best to spend the opioid settlement funding the county will receive.

In addition to county leaders, leaders from the towns of Warrenton, Norlina and Macon are amond those expected to attend the July 31 meeting, which will begin at 6 p.m. at the Warren County Armory Civic Center, 501 US Hwy 158 Business East in Warrenton.

Attendees will learn more about the N.C. Opioid Settlement and evidenced-based strategies from staff of the N.C. Association of County Commissioners. In addition, community members will have the opportunity to share their ideas/experiences relating to the need and barriers to receiving behavioral health services. Local service providers will also be on-hand to answer questions and provide information on what services are currently available to residents.

For more information, contact Vincent Jones, County Manager at 252.257.3115, or Public Health Director Dr. Margaret Brake at 252.257.1185.

Now’s The Time To Think About Entering A State Fair Exhibit

-information courtesy of the N.C. State Fair Press Office

October seems a long way off, but for anyone interested in entering any of the competitions at the annual N.C. State Fair, fall is just around the corner.

The fair is slated for Oct. 12-22 in Raleigh and its Competitive Exhibits Coordinator John Buettner wants to make sure all prospective exhibitors have plenty of time to check out rules and deadlines for all the different exhibit categories.

Whether it’s culinary arts, handicrafts and hobbies, livestock exhibitions, horticulture or something else, there probably is a competition for most everyone to enter.

“We have a lot of classic categories and even a few new categories for competitions, and only a few require an entry fee” Buettner stated. Now is the time to read about competition rules and deadlines.

“With 4,027 classes of competitions available for entry, there is truly something for everyone. We love to see all of the talent in our state, so don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of one of North Carolina’s most cherished traditions,” he added.

To enter a competition, go to ncstatefair.org and click on competitions. The website offers a guide to all competitions, events and attractions visitors can expect during this year’s fair. Entrants can start registering online now. The deadline for submitting entries is Sept. 15, but don’t hesitate to enter in your preferred competitions early.

All contest entrants are required to submit W-9 forms along with their entry submissions. This ensures that necessary tax-related information is collected from participants. Guides and sample forms can be found on the Fair’s official website, ncstatefair.org.

The N.C. State Fair works with ShoWorks, a data management software, to compile entries. Entry forms can be mailed in or entered using the ShoWorks website or app.

“We are always excited to see what competitiors bring each year,” Buetnner said. “Whether it’s your first time entering or you’re a seasoned pro, it’s a great idea to get started early on your entries.”

Granville Hosts Five-County Beef Tour July 21

Granville County is hosting the 2023 Five County Beef Tour on Friday, July 21. Participants will visit several spots across the county to learn about different aspects of cattle production.

Registration is open until July 14, according to information from Kim Woods, livestock agent for N.C. Cooperative Extension’s Granville Center. The counties that rotate hosting the tour are Vance, Granville, Warren, Franklin and Wake, but participants from other counties are welcome to attend.

The tour will begin at 8 a.m. at the Butner Bull Test Station, 8800 Cassam Rd., Butner. The second stop will be Mill Creek Farm, owned by Randy and Barbara Guthrie. The Guthries have a heifer development program.

The final stop will be High Rock Farm, owned by Beth and David Hollister. The Hollisters have a stocker/finisher operation.

The group will have lunch at High Rock, during which

Evan Davis with NCDA&CS Farmland Preservation Division is scheduled to discuss farmland preservation. The tour should conclude around 2 p.m.

Carpooling is encouraged.

Pre-registration is required. Contact Woods at kim_woods@ncsu.edu or 919.603.1350 to learn more.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/5-county-beef-tour-tickets-650768063797.

Gov. Cooper Releases Info On County Boards Of Elections Chairs

The office of Gov. Roy Cooper has released a list of chairmen and chairwomen of the state’s county boards of elections.

James Baines has been named chairman in Vance County. Baines has previously served as the board secretary.

James Wall, Sr. continues as chair in Granville County, according to information from the governor’s office.

Esther Terry has been named chair in Warren County and Bobbie Richardson will begin a term as chair of the Franklin County board.

North Carolina’s 100 county boards of elections conduct local elections, operate voting sites, maintain voter registration lists and handle many other aspects of elections administration. The State Board works with county boards of elections offices to ensure elections are conducted lawfully and fairly.

Warren Co. Memorial Library

Warren Library Gets 3 Grants Totalling More Than $58K

Warren County Memorial Library plans to use more than $58,000 in grant money to get a few projects off the ground.

The three grants total $58,468, according to information from Charla Duncan, Warren County’s public information officer. One grant will be used for creating storywalks at Buck Spring Park and Magnolia Ernest Recreation Park; another grant is for the expansion of the library’s collection through the NC Cardinal system; and the third grant is to hire consultants to assist in developing a new five-year strategic plan.

“The library is looking forward to implementing these three grants to better serve the county,” stated Library Director Christy Bondy. “The strategic plan updates will help gather feedback from the community on shaping the future of the library.”

The projects are supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the federal Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.

The federal funds help libraries deliver relevant and up-to-date services for their communities. At Warren County Memorial Library, the LSTA grants will help expand the library’s collection through the NC Cardinal system. Users can borrow materials from 60 other participating library systems statewide.

Warren County Memorial Library received three of the 48 grants for fiscal year 2023-2024 awarded to North Carolina libraries from this year’s federal allotment of $2,590,904.  The LSTA grant program administered by the State Library of North Carolina funds library projects across the state that advance excellence and promote equity by strengthening capacity, expanding access, and community engagement in North Carolina’s libraries.

The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 122,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. The institute’s mission is to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas. Through the LSTA Grants to States program, IMLS provides funds to state library agencies using a population-based formula. State libraries may use the appropriation to support statewide initiatives and services; they may also distribute the funds through competitive subgrants to public and academic libraries.  To learn more about the Institute, please visit www.imls.gov.

For more information about North Carolina’s LSTA program, visit the State Library of North Carolina’s LSTA web page at https://statelibrary.ncdcr.gov/services-libraries/grants-libraries/lsta-grant-information or contact the State Library’s Federal Programs Consultant at 919-814-6796.

The Warren County Memorial Library is located at 119 S. Front St.  Warrenton. For more information, visit www.wcmlibrary.org.

The Local Skinny! Warren County To Discuss School Consolidation



The Warren County Board of Education will hear a proposal from district leaders to combine Warren New Tech High School with Warren County High School for the 2023-24 school year.

A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, June 20 at 6 p.m. at Warren County Middle School to hear from the community about the proposal before the board makes a decision on July 25.

This meeting will be streamed live on social media at: http://www.warrenk12nc.org/live . Anyone wishing to speak at the public hearing is asked to sign up in person 30 minutes before the start of the meeting. Each person has up to 3 minutes to speak.

“The combined school will be a hub for education innovation that offers a student-centered learning experience that is customized to address the needs of our students, families and staff,” according to information on the Warren County Schools webpage.

Only 11 rising 9th graders applied to attend WNTHS for the 23-24 school year, making the total enrollment 64 students.

“We simply can’t afford to operate such a small school,” the statement from leadership read.

Additionally, the school was scheduled to close in the 2024-35 school year, making it challenging to hire a principal for only one year.

The proposal calls for the New Tech campus to be used as an alternative learning school for the 2023-24 school year before being renovated to be the new home of the consolidated elementary school.

The ultimate goal is to have three consolidated schools in the county – one for elementary, middle and high school students.

Learn about the plan and the reasons for the recommended change: https://bit.ly/3qOjPR6

If you have questions concerning this process, please contact Warren County Schools’ Central Administrative Office at 252.257.3184.



FSU Bronco Roundup Set For July 11 At Fox Pond Park

Attention, Fayetteville State University alumni in the four-county area:

The annual Bronco Roundup & Sendoff is just a few weeks off and organizers hope alums will join in the fun!

The FSU Alumni Chapter representing Vance, Granville, Warren and Franklin counties is hosting the free event on Saturday, July 22 beginning at 2 p.m. at Fox Pond Park Shelter #1.

Please RSVP by texting 252.213.5977 by July 10, so organizers can plan appropriately.

This event is open to any FSU alumni in the area, according to contact person Tannis Jenkins.


VGCC Announces President’s List, Dean’s List For Spring 2023 Semester

-information courtesy of Courtney Cissel, VGCC public information officer

Vance-Granville Community College has announced that 117 students earned President’s List academic honors and another 162 earned Dean’s List academic honors for the Spring 2023 semester, which ended in May.

The President’s List recognizes students who achieved a perfect 4.0 grade-point average (GPA) while carrying a “full load” (of at least 12 credit hours) in 100-level or higher curriculum courses. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student had to earn a GPA that was at least 3.5 but less than 4.0, and have no grade lower than “B,” while  carrying a “full load” of such courses.

Spring Semester President’s List honorees are listed below by program of study and then by residence. The Dean’s List follows the President’s List.  

Accounting & Finance: 

Calvin T. Davis of Creedmoor;

Shannon M. Currin-Wilkerson of Henderson;

Brooke Avila-Romero and Tamara D. Currie, both of Oxford.

Associate in Arts: 

Logan R. Lloyd of Creedmoor;

Madeline M. Akers, Helen E. Carter, Yadiel R. Cruz, Christopher T. Grainger, and Landon M. Marrow, all of Franklinton;

Maya M. Aleshmaly, Danielle S. Anderson, Jiya C. Davis, Christina A. Dobbs, Edgar A. Duran Ortiz, Waseem W. Hadi, Saniya S. Hargrove, Ivy Huynh, Elizabeth A. Lopez Gonzalez, and Briannah D. Royster, all of Henderson;

Dallas M. Thomas of Hurdle Mills;

Jayla M. Gregory of Kittrell;

Makayla R. Wright of Louisburg;

Faith L. Hunt, Emily E. Milton, and Olivia L. Watkins, all of Oxford;

Mark E. Miller of Sneads Ferry;

Sophia I. Remangwow and Charlie R. Vestal, both of Wake Forest;

Cintia Z. Rojas of Youngsville;

Samantha E. Bennett of Zebulon.

Associate in Science: 

Kacey E. Katz of Butner;

Abigail Y. Meader of Creedmoor;

Timothy D. Snead of Franklinton;

Marie P. O’Donoghue of Henderson;

Arturo De Jesu D. Martinez and Nakisha L. Satterfield, both of Oxford.

Automotive Systems Technology: 

Briar H. Pollard of Creedmoor.

Business Administration: 

Destini L. Foster of Butner;

Maryulit P. Tamayo of Franklinton;

Josalyn D. Brandon and Victoria A. Burwell, both of Oxford;

Julienne Bakita of Raleigh;

Lucas H. Breedlove of Stem;

Logan Kurth of Youngsville.

College Transfer Pathway: 

Elizabeth R. Ellis, Sydney A. Sinnema, and Kelsey B. Williamson, all of Bullock;

Trinity C. Alston and Delaney M. Lowery, both of Franklinton;

Chevy Chiem and Jillian L. Stone, both of Henderson;

Lila E. Issa and Antonious G. Makram, both of Louisburg;

Soha A. Algathi, Camden J. Boone, Chance M. Gresham, Hunter T. Onley, and Peyton B. Pernell, all of Oxford; Gracie A. Bullock of Stem;

Carly Stone and Niles Tuttle, both of Wake Forest;

Devon E. Taranto of Warrenton.


Briana L. Sulyans and Kelaiah Williams, both of Henderson;

Abigail R. Draper of Louisburg;

Ashley N. Hobgood of Norlina;

Raina M. Hershberger of Oxford.

Criminal Justice Technology: 

Tayler L. Hope and Michael C. Lane, both of Creedmoor;

Brandon M. Schultek of Louisburg.

Early Childhood Education: 

Tokie Barrie of Creedmoor.

Early Childhood Education, Local: 

Deborah C. Joyce of Franklinton;

Blanche P. Davis, Taylor A. Whitlow, and Sherina N. Wiggins, all of Henderson.

Electrical Systems Technology: 

Kimberly C. Ezzell of Durham;

Anthony J. Cujas of Oxford.

Electronics Engineering Technology: 

Samuel H. Dickerson of Henderson;

Devin J. Hogan of Youngsville.

General Science AGE Degree: 

Valarie M. Ingutia of Franklinton;

Kyle M. Roberson of Henderson;

Dalfine K Sagini of Knightdale;

Jasmine C. Boswell and Darion Brodie, both of Oxford.


Jennifer Lomas of Durham;

Euice T. Duque of Henderson.

Human Services Technology, Substance Abuse: Christina M. Chiappette of Zebulon.

Information Technology: 

Lukusa M. Nganga of Clayton;

Shane B. Hope of Creedmoor;

Christian T. Oakley and Nathan T. Preddy, both of Franklinton;

Dorothy B. Greene and John Francis Linge, both of Henderson;

Andrew Nanfro of Louisburg;

Owen C. Pienkosz and Hector L. Riosboth, both of Oxford;

Tyson W. Carpenter of Stem.

Mechatronics Engineering Technology: 

Larry P. Card of Franklinton;

David A. Scoggins of Louisburg;

William J. Currin of Oxford.

Medical Assisting Diploma: 

Felicia M. Douglas of Creedmoor.

Medical Office Administration: 

Jamie Wayman of Knightdale;

Nina M. Johnson of Whitsett;

Ashley M. Rogers of Youngsville.

Office Administration Diploma: 

Brenda I. Hernandez Malpica of Butner.

Public Safety Administration: 

Jeffrey T. Cannady of Durham;

Raymond D. Finch of Franklinton;

Jeffrey W. Turner of Henderson;

Julian S. Todd of Louisburg;

Olivia P. Harrell of Oxford;

Christopher W. Bentley of Timberlake.


Shayde O. Lake of Wake Forest.

Welding Technology: 

Townes A Keithley of Butner;

Ethan C. Shearon of Louisburg;

Aaron D. Royster of Oxford;

Dylan M Kirk of Wake Forest.


Spring Semester Dean’s List honorees are listed below by program of study and then by residence. 

Accounting & Finance: 

Zachary Vick and Marc Neil S. Yacapin, both of Oxford.

Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology: 

Randy M. Palacios of Henderson;

Bryan A. Lugo of Oxford.

Associate in Arts: 

Kristopher J. Arias of Butner;

Brenda Avendano-Lopez and Luke R. Wagoner, both of Creedmoor;

Alaija N. Alexander, Havilyn L. Holland, and Micah Jones, all of Franklinton;

Amari J. Anderson, Nia L. Branch, Jackson R. Edwards, Fernando G. Facundo, Yahir Florentino, George T. Grissom, Brendan C. Juengling, Timyra D. Nicholson, Fatima M. Ramirez, and Cristian Trejo, all of Henderson;

Shyenne L. Richardson of Hollister;

Juelz S. Holden and Bryce L. Tilghman, both of Kittrell;

Hailey N. Murphy, Kaleb B. Turrentine, and Jakayla A. Woodard, all of Louisburg;

Diamond K. Alexander and Mariah S. Krupa, both of Manson;

Yelitza Valenzuela Valdiolivar of Norlina;

Kirsten S. Eakes, Jason S. Elliott, Na’ziyah T. Fields, LaShawnti E. Howard, Abigail F. Ramsey, and Melanie Hernandez-Campos, all of Oxford;

Hannah J. Bowling of Stem;

Olivia R. Kuttles of Wake Forest;

Alexandra C. Phelps, Kayla A. Puca, and Mia K. Reavis, all of Youngsville;

Kaleb L. Harris of Zebulon.

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts: 

Jasmine K. Yancey of Henderson;

Suzanne S. Alsayde of Oxford.

Associate in Science: 

Brianna N. Kirkland of Creedmoor;

Trenton W. Pendleton, Jasmin J. Perez, and Stephanie Carlos Sias, all of Franklinton;

Matthew M. Lamey, Christopher B. Moore, Rosa G. Perez Sandoval, Katia M. Portillo, and Katlyn N. Singleton, all  of Henderson;

Kristina R. Ratliff and Tyler D. Vowell, both of Louisburg;

Alexis M. Broge of Oxford;

Beatrice N. Chavis of Raleigh;

Caleb S. Ferrell of Timberlake;

Ashley E. Davis and Olivia G. Fuller, both of Youngsville.

Automotive Systems Technology: 

Christopher C. Brantley of Creedmoor.

Bioprocess Technology:

Lucas S. Clayton of Henderson.

Business Administration: 

Shiquita S. Evans of Bullock;

Lisa K. Ferguson and Avery G. Pearce, both of Franklinton;

Haley L. Williams of Henderson;

Christie C. Parker and Kayla D. Stancil, both of Oxford;

Cain Stewart of Raleigh;

Mackenzie R. Bell of Roxboro;

Bryson B. Lynn of Youngsville.

College Transfer Pathway: 

Reese E. Newton of Bullock;

Katherine R. Pyle of Creedmoor;

Dorothy J. Cascino of Durham;

Kristen M. Laney, Margaret G. McIlroy, and Carter E. Scott, all of Franklinton; Reem M. Alashmaly, Elijah M. Alston, Harlie A. Culbreth, and Andrea Villa Gallardo, all of Henderson;  Gavin L. Owens of Kittrell;

Karla O. Flores-Reyes of Louisburg;

Ace W. Currin, John B. Hunt, Kylena D. Jones, all of Oxford;

Adam T. Sultan of Rolesville;

Aaron M. Comer of Rougemont;

Luannie Arreola of Stem;

Jeremiah J. Benfer of Wake Forest.


Cordeja J. Thomas of Franklinton;

Eboni S. Turner of Henderson;

Kaitlyn A. Driver and Kelly D. Griffin, both of Louisburg;

Neftali Santamaria-Palacios of Oxford;

Molly S. Osteen of Rolesville;

Ayanna C. Rivera of Wake Forest;

Jazsmin L. Kearney of Warrenton.

Criminal Justice Technology: 

Victoria A. Markham of Henderson.

Early Childhood Education: 

Latoyria R. Bullock of Henderson;

Roneka A. McGee of Enfield.

Early Childhood Education, Local: 

Thaydra M. Baskerville of Henderson.

Electrical Systems Technology: 

Ryan T. Hall of Creedmoor;

Ayden J. Callahan, James L. Hunt, and James W. Matthews, all of Henderson.

Electronics Engineering Technology: 

Tyler Hill of Creedmoor;

Terrance J. Gowan of Franklinton.

General Science AGE Degree: 

Jaice A. Roberts and Christopher B. Wilson, both of Oxford; Marcie N. Brumfield of Rougemont.


Yarelic T. Amaya and Da-John P. Henderson, both of Henderson; Ruth T. Kahsai of Holly Springs;

Laila R. Daniel of Oxford;

Natasha Staley of Snow Camp.

Human Services Technology: 

Delois Hart and Heather O. Lopez, both of Henderson.

Human Services Technology, Gerontology: 

Smya Z. Daniel of Oxford.

Human Services Technology, Substance Abuse: 

Netitia C. Jones of Durham;

Gwendolyn Clayton of Stem;

Mary W. Mills of Youngsville.

Information Technology: 

Michael A. Martinez Rivera of Creedmoor;

Christopher S. Lopez of Durham;

Jakayla R. Henderson of Henderson;

Daneka B. Bigelow of Louisburg;

Keithia S. Rainey and Grace A. Wright, both of Oxford; Bryan T. Fuller of Warrenton.

Mechatronics Engineering Technology: 

Ethan P. Jones of Bullock;

Andrew D. Alston of Wake Forest.

Medical Assisting: 

Thurman A. Gardner of Louisburg;

Gissell E. Espinosa Rosas of Oxford;

Cinthya Avila-Romero of Stem.

Medical Assisting Diploma: 

Erin E. Womble of Butner;

Emily Valenzuela Valdiolivar of Henderson;

Toshiba S. Valentine of Norlina.

Medical Office Administration: 

Candice Brooks of Cary;

Haley R. Briggs of Creedmoor;

Madison N. Yorks of Durham;

Sasha I. Lacy and Shelby E. Mikels, both of Franklinton.

Paralegal Technology: 

Rossy G. Contreras-Baez of Durham;

Sharon C. Chavis of Raleigh;

Doris D. Youmans of Winston-Salem.

Public Safety Administration: 

Christopher L. Blackwell and John D. Cottrell, both of Oxford.


Adtler S. Lake of Creedmoor;

Camden J. Spain of Henderson;

Ellen J. Newton of Oxford;

Anna Nie of Raleigh;

Kailey G. Mangum of Rougemont;

Madison E. Dunkley of Roxboro;

Jenna M. Curry of Stem.

Technical Special Student: 

Zachary D. Dickerson of Oxford;

Amanda G. Murray of Youngsville.

Welding Technology: 

William F. Elliott and Andrew L. Tinsley, both of Bullock; Jaden M. Griffin of Creedmoor;

Brian M. Griffin and Ravon M. Nichols, both of Henderson; Nolan A Dickerson of Oxford;

Jay X. Bright of Wake Forest.

Upcoming American Red Cross Blood Drives In The Four-County Area


The Memorial Day weekend kicks off the unofficial start of summer, when people’s thoughts turn to vacations and relaxing a bit from normal routines. But the American Red Cross is asking for blood donors to keep appointments on their calendars, especially during the summer months and especially near holidays.

Type O blood donors are especially needed.

Blood donations are critical for people waiting for lifesaving care. Download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1.800.733.2767) to schedule a time to give.

As a small thank you, the Red Cross is giving Red Cross beach towels to all donors (while supplies last) through May 31. May donors also will be automatically entered for a chance to win a trip for two to the 2023 MLB All-Star game in Seattle. The prize includes two tickets to the game, round-trip airfare, four-night hotel stay, $750 gift card and more.

Those who come to give June 1-30 will receive a $10 gift card by email to a merchant of their choice. Plus, they’ll also be automatically entered for a chance to win a backyard theater package including a projector and screen, projector tripod, smokeless firepit, Adirondack chair set and a movie night snack package.


Here’s a list of upcoming blood drives in the four-county area between now and June 15:



5/30/2023: 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Central Baptist Church, 2574 Ruin Creek Rd.

6/8/2023: 1 p.m. – 6 p.m., Raleigh Road Baptist Church, 3892 Raleigh Rd.



5/26/2023: 2 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Creedmoor United Methodist Church, 214 Park Ave.



6/1/2023: 2 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Macon Baptist Church, 159 Church St.




6/3/2023: 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Rock Spring Baptist Church, 34 Rock Springs Church Rd.


How to donate blood 

To make an appointment, simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood.org, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1.800.733.2767) or enable the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device to make an appointment or for more information. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.