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Town Talk 07/23/20: Dr. Anthony Jackson Discusses VCS’ ‘Plan C’ Decision


Dr. Anthony Jackson, superintendent for Vance County Schools, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Thursday at 11 a.m.

Jackson discussed the Vance County Board of Education’s decision at a special called meeting held July 17, 2020, to begin the 2020-2021 academic year under the state’s Plan C fully remote learning option for the first nine weeks. Current plans include implementing Plan B at the start of the second nine weeks.

The school year begins on Friday, July 31 for Vance County High School and Vance County Early College High School students, and on August 17 for all other Vance County schools, including the new Vance Virtual Village Academy (V3).

While Governor Roy Cooper announced on July 14 that NC schools could choose Plan B – a moderate social distancing measure that allows for a combination of in-person and remote learning – individual school districts are permitted to choose the more restrictive Plan C – fully remote learning.

Jackson said continued evaluation of data received from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and Granville Vance Public Health factored heavily into the school board’s decision.

“Our Board of Education chose to go with the more restrictive plan based on our local data. The data says our cases continue to increase and that we are struggling with community spread, and so it would be best to minimize congregate experiences. In the best interest of keeping everyone safe and being as cautious as possible, they chose Plan C.”

Acknowledging the “tremendous amount” of factors that went into the decision, Jackson said the most important was the effectiveness of remote learning. “Most importantly, what went into the decision was the question of ‘can we educate kids effectively in a remote setting?’ The staff that we have, our principals and our teachers, felt this option would be supportive of all the kids and will keep them safe.”

According to Jackson, VCS students will be provided with the necessary technology and internet access needed for remote learning. The school district and/or individual schools will be in touch with parents with more details.

Jackson said he wants to assure parents that VCS understands this is a learning curve for all but believes online learning is now better developed than it was when school buildings closed in the spring.

“The remote learning you will experience for at least the first nine weeks of the new school year will not be the same remote learning that you experienced March through June,” Jackson explained. “It will be more robust, and there will be more expectations around attendance.”

In looking ahead, Jackson said he expects the COVID-19 pandemic to continue to affect the landscape of education.

“More than likely, we’re not going to be going back to school the way it used to be, even when we come back. I think social distancing is going to be a part of how we reengage at our schools. Learning is going to look different, feel different, and the relationships with schools are going to be different.”

With all of the changes ahead, Jackson said the patience and understanding of the community will go a long way. “I’m asking our community for what I like to call ‘preemptive grace.’ We want you to understand that we are doing the absolute best we can under these circumstances with the tools we have at our disposal.”

For more information and updates, visit the school district’s website (click here) or Facebook page (click here).

To hear the interview with Jackson in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

Vance County Schools Logo

Vance Co. Schools to Begin School Year Under Fully Remote ‘Plan C’

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance County Schools

The Vance County Board of Education met on July 17, 2020, in a special called meeting to consider options for the reopening of schools for the 2020-2021 school year. By a vote of 5 – 2, the board accepted the Superintendent’s recommendation to begin the year under the state’s Plan C fully remote option for the first nine weeks of the school year, with plans to implement Plan B at the start of the second nine weeks.

The district has aspirations to begin option A at the start of the second semester in January. Staff will continue to evaluate data from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services as well as guidance from the Granville Vance Public Health to ensure that we are making decisions in the best interest of our students and staff. 

As we work to implement our plans over the next few months, we are committed to ensuring that every student is equipped for success in whatever format we choose to operate. Very soon, we will begin sharing information with all families in preparation for the beginning of the school year.

As we continue working to navigate these uncharted waters, please know that we remain committed to ensuring that our decisions are supportive of providing the safest environment possible for our students, families and community. For that reason, all athletics and extracurricular events are currently suspended until further notice. 

The 2020-2021 school year promises to be one of tremendous transitions for our school system and community. As we work through our responses to COVID-19, we ask for your patience, your support and your grace.

Vance County Schools Logo

Vance Co. Schools Board of Education to Decide Between ‘Plan B’ or ‘Plan C’ Re-Entry

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance County Schools

On July 14, Governor Roy Cooper announced that all public schools in North Carolina have the option to open under Plan B this fall, which is a combination of in-person and online-learning for every student. Plan B also includes many safeguards to ensure our buildings are safe places to learn.

Flexibility for each district in choosing more restrictive measures, as necessary, is also permissible at the direction of the Board of Education. 

We have been planning for all options for many weeks now and have eagerly awaited the Governor’s announcement. We will now begin the process of finalizing our plans to re-open Vance County Schools safely for our students and staff. Our efforts have included gaining insight from surveys completed by our families, both staff and students, as well as focus groups, allowing us to hear their voices on the upcoming school year. 

The Board of Education will meet to discuss re-entry plans and determine whether the district begins with Plan B, or takes a more restrictive approach with Plan C. 

Remote-Learning Option for Plan B: VCS families have the opportunity to choose remote learning as an option for their child(ren), even during Plan B. This will occur through a student’s assigned school. This option would be available for the duration of time that our district is operating under Plan B. Additional information on the process will be shared on each school’s website within five business days of an official announcement by the Vance County Board of Education. 

Vance Virtual Village Academy: Another option for families is our newest Innovative School, Vance Virtual Village Academy. This K-12, online school is designed for those seeking to remain part of a virtual program for a minimum of one school year. Each student has a personalized learning plan, providing pathways towards demonstrating mastery in unique and exciting ways. The application period is open through July 31 and available on the Vance County Schools website

As always, our top priority will be the safety of everyone in our school system. The re-entry plan was shared with our Board of Education at the July 6, 2020, meeting. They will now reconvene July 17 to make a final decision on how to begin the 2020-2021 school year. The meeting will be live-streamed on our website at www.vcs.k12.nc.us

Thank you for your support of Vance County Schools.

Vance County Schools Logo

Vance Co. Schools Announces K-8 Online Summer Learning, Bus Hot Spots

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Vance County Schools’ Facebook page

Vance County Schools is excited to provide the opportunity for continued learning experiences throughout the summer months for all students in grades K-8.

Visit the VCS’ website, www.vcs.k12.nc.us, and click on the K-8 Summer Learning tab at the top. From there, follow the instructions to sign-in. You will then have access to a variety of reading, writing, word work, and math learning experiences, along with links to projects related to various careers to explore.

VCS is also committed to ensuring connectivity is available for students. Click here to see information on the VCS School Bus Hot Spots. The map is updated as the buses change locations.

Stay up-to-date with the latest locations and directions on connecting at www.vcs.k12.nc.us.

Vance County Schools Logo

Town Talk 07/08/20: Vance County Schools’ Reopening Plans

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

To hear today’s Town Talk segment in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk or click the play button below.

Listen live to Town Talk every Monday – Friday at 11 a.m. at 100.1 FM, 1450 AM or online at www.wizs.com.

To read Vance County Schools’ recent press release for a framework of current reopening plans, click here.

Vance County Schools Logo

Vance County Schools Unveils Framework of Re-Opening Plans 


-Press Release, Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools, along with every other school district in the state, was instructed to develop three plans in preparation for the 2020-2021 school year. Plan A, with minimal social distancing, Plan B, with moderate social distancing and Plan C, as complete remote learning. Our district plans were developed with input from parents and staff through online surveys and on-going discussions with district leaders and principals at each of our schools. 

Having already established Plan A and Plan C, Vance County Schools has worked diligently on developing a framework for Plan B in preparation for the governor’s announcement regarding schools. The Vance County Board of Education reviewed each of the plans, along with the survey data from both staff and our families, approving the district moving forward with the framework planning. 

Plan A permits all students to return to the building, but large group settings would be avoided. Social distancing and face coverings are still required. 

Plan B is the blended instructional model, consisting of two groups. Group 1 includes students in grades K-3 and 9-12, meeting for face-to-face instruction every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with remote instruction on Thursday and Friday. Group 2 includes students in grades 4-8 who will have remote instruction on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, with face-to-face instruction on Thursday and Friday. Classrooms would have fewer students in each room and face coverings are required. 

Plan C has all students engaging in remote instruction, five days a week. 

Our district is committed to ensuring that all students receive instruction Monday through Friday, facilities are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, wellness checks take place daily, face coverings are worn and students receive meals. We are committed to meeting the needs of our students, regardless of the plan our district pursues. 

One school that will not need to await the state’s decision is Vance Virtual Village Academy (V3), our newest Innovative School in Vance County. V3 is a K-12 virtual school, allowing students to complete their education online with a personalized plan developed for each. Innovative instruction, enrichment and athletic opportunities will be available. V3 requires a one-year commitment from those accepted into the school. The design is set to outlast the COVID pandemic and provide another option for our community, meeting the needs of our families. 

Governor Cooper’s announcement will guide the schools as a whole, indicating the least restrictive plan that districts may use; however, individual districts, with board approval, can activate a more restrictive plan based on local health data. Once that information is released, our Board of Education will reconvene to make the final action on what plan Vance County Schools will begin for the 2020-2021 school year.

Understanding the Plans

Plan A – Minimal Social Distance

Plan B – Moderate Social Distance

Plan C – Remote Instruction


Plan A: Bus transportation provided for all students. Required face coverings on the bus.

Plan B: Bus transportation provided at 50% density. One student per seat. Required face coverings on the bus.

Plan C: Remote Instruction – student transportation not needed.


Plan A: Large group interactions reduced. Student movement reduced significantly.

Plan B: No large group interactions. Face-to-face instruction and remote instruction provided on a rotating basis with low-density classrooms.

Group 1: Grades K-3, 9-12
M-Tu-W: Face-to-Face Instruction
Th – F: Remote Instruction

Group 2: Grades 4-8
M-Tu-W: Remote Instruction
Th – F: Face-to-Face Instruction

Plan C: Remote Instruction 5 days a week for all students PK-12th grade.


Plan A: Meals will be provided to all students daily. Students will eat in their classrooms.

Plan B: Meals will be provided to all students daily. Students will eat in their classrooms. Meal packs will
go home with students for remote instruction days.

Plan C: Grab and Go meal service will be provided to eligible families.


All Plans: Outside visitors not allowed in buildings.


All Plans: Disinfecting will occur frequently each day in classrooms, on buses and high touch areas.

Face Coverings

Plan A: Staff and students will be REQUIRED to wear face coverings

Plan B: Staff and students will be REQUIRED to wear face coverings

Plan C: Staff will be REQUIRED to wear face coverings.

Athletics & Activities

All Plans: Activities and athletics will be allowed or prohibited, per guidance from DHHS.

Wellness Checks

All Plans: Wellness checks will be conducted at the entrances of each school daily (and throughout the building during the day as needed).

School Hours

Plan A: Grades K-5: 8:30-2:30 ~ Grades 6-12: 9:00-3:30

Plan B: Grades K-5: 8:30-2:30 ~ Grades 6-12: 9:00-3:30

Plan C: Remote Instruction

Staff Availability

All Plans: Staff will be in the school buildings, providing instruction to students Monday – Friday.

Vance County Schools Logo

Vance Co. Schools’ Free Summer Meal Program Continues Through July


-Information courtesy Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools’ free summer meal program continues through Thursday, July 30, 2020.

Each week, meals will be available for drive-thru pick up at Aycock Elementary School, EO Young Elementary School, Vance County Middle School and Vance County High School from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

Meal units that are distributed Monday – Wednesday will include two meals – lunch for that day and breakfast for the following morning. Thursday distribution will include two breakfasts and two lunches.

Weekly menus, including hot meal items, are available on the VCS website and VCS social media pages.

Nathan Currie

Vance Virtual Village Academy Names Principal


-Press Release, Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools is pleased to announce Nathan Currie as the Principal for Vance Virtual Village Academy.

Mr. Currie brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, having most recently served as the Superintendent of North Carolina Cyber Academy, an independent, virtual public charter school that serves over 2,500 students in grades K-12. While there, he networked with statewide and national school leaders, policymakers and heads of schools to promote digital learning and competencies. 

Vance County Schools has named Nathan Currie as the Principal for Vance Virtual Village Academy. Mr. Currie will begin his new position on August 1, 2020. (Photo courtesy VCS)

Mr. Currie, a native of Wilmington, NC, received his Bachelor of Science from Livingstone College, his Master of Arts from the University of Phoenix and is currently a High Point University Doctoral student in the School of Education. 

Mr. Currie has served the public schools of North Carolina for over 20 years, beginning as an elementary and middle school teacher in Rowan-Salisbury Schools, later becoming an assistant principal, principal and director of middle schools. Currie went on to serve as the Assistant Superintendent of Administration in the Rowan-Salisbury Schools and later the Executive Director of North Carolina Connections Academy, a virtual public charter school. 

Currie has served on the YMCA Board, Community Action Agency, is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and enjoys playing the piano and reading. Currie believes that technology is the surest way to upward mobility and that it creates a more equitable edge in connecting students to learning.

Having over 20 years of educational experience, VCS is confident that Mr. Currie will bring a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to the newest Innovative School – V3. Mr. Currie will begin his new position on August 1, 2020.

VCS Athletics Update

Vance Co. Schools Delays Opening of Summer Athletic Conditioning

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools continues to evaluate the timing of returning to athletics. VCS understands that summer workouts and conditioning are important; however, due to continued concerns regarding COVID-19, the opening of athletic workouts will be delayed to no earlier than July 20, 2020.

VCS will continue to monitor health and safety data, in consultation with NCDHHS and GVPH, to ensure student-athletes are able to safely return.

Vance Virtual Village

Application Process for Vance Virtual Village, VCS’ New Online School, Opens July 1


-Information courtesy Vance County Schools

Vance Virtual Village Academy, Vance County Schools’ newest school, will begin accepting applications on Wednesday, July 1, 2020. VCS is excited to offer this completely virtual K-12 school called V3.

Characteristics of a V3 student include an independent learner that is computer literate, has good time management and organization skills, has personal commitment and is an effective communicator.

The student will also adhere to procedures and expectations, have academic readiness and be prepared to access information and interact virtually.

The application will be accessible at https://bit.ly/vancevirtual and also on the VCS website at www.vcs.k12.nc.us beginning July 1.