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BLET Cadets Provide Backup For Highway Litter Sweep

Students in the Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) program at Vance-Granville Community College had the opportunity recently to apply what they are learning about service by answering a call for help from fellow students.

VGCC’s Criminal Justice Technology curriculum program participates in the Adopt-a-Highway program and tend to a stretch of Poplar Creek Road near the college’s main campus. But this year, program head Andrea Hyson, asked Brandon Bishop, BLET director/instructor, for a little backup.

“I was quick to volunteer the BLET Academy class in order to help out,” Bishop said. It was a perfect opportunity to give the 17 cadets a tangible teaching and mentoring activity to help the community. The cadets are on the path to becoming well-trained and well-rounded law enforcement officers, Bishop said. But there’s more to being a law enforcement officer than just enforcing the law.

“We also share the responsibility of being leaders and caretakers within the communities we serve,” he said. “We, as a profession, need to be grounded in service to our communities and their specific needs, whether those needs are large or small. When these cadets graduate and become sworn officers in our communities, our intention is for them to have obtained a sense of responsibility. We want them to have a sense of ownership for creating change, growth and positivity.”

Hyson said she is very grateful for the help from instructor Tony Clark, Bishop and all the BLET cadets.

Contact Bishop at 252.492.2061, ext. 3263 or bishopb@vgcc.edu to learn more.

Colton’s Adventure Features Spaghetti Dinner, Silent Auction On Sept. 17

The 4th annual Colton’s Adventure fundraiser is set for Friday, Sept. 17. Come out to Kerr Lake Country Club between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. for eat-in or take out, according to Kelsey Maddox, Colton’s mother.

They’ll be serving up a spaghetti meal, complete with salad, bread and dessert. Tickets are $9. Beverages are served for dine-in patrons.

There also will be a silent auction, so come prepared to browse the items available.

Maddox said plate delivery to businesses also is available.

All proceeds go to Colton’s direct medical care, she said.

Last year’s event sold out right at the stopping time, Maddox said, and they were able to purchase a special wheelchair called a Zip Zak.

This year’s goal is to sell 800 plates.

Colton was diagnosed with skeletal dysplasia, and his medical team is still searching for a genetic diagnosis, Maddox told WIZS News Friday.

“The diagnosis he was given is Chondrodysplasia Punctata Tibia Metacarpal type,” Maddox wrote in an email. “It is amazing the words that you learn when having a medical complex child,” she added.

In his short life, Colton has undergone 34 surgeries and endured countless hospital stays. This year alone he has been hospitalized several times – and he turned four years old during one hospital stay. He’s hospitalized now for RSV, she said.

He has been able to resume therapy sessions five days a week, which were put on pause last year during COVID-19 restrictions.

All told, Colton’s medical team consists of 21 physicians in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area, as well as Wilmington, Delaware.

Maddox said about 40 items will be in the silent auction, including a UNC basketball autographed by Coach Roy Williams, a Texas Roadhouse gift basket that includes 2 free dinners every month for one year, and signed sports items from the Carolina Hurricanes and Pittsburgh Steelers.

Kerr Lake Country Club is located at 600 Hedrick Drive, Henderson, NC 27537.

Tobacco Research Referendum Vote Set For Nov. 18

Vance County tobacco growers can cast their vote at the local cooperative extension office on the Tobacco Research Referendum, which will be held on Nov. 18, 2021.

Paul McKenzie, agriculture extension agent for Vance and Warren counties, explained the referendum in a written statement to WIZS News.

McKenzie said the referendum is being held to let tobacco growers decide if they wish to continue a self-assessment program that funds tobacco research.  This program, in place since 1991, was established by state law and the law requires that a new referendum be held every six years.

A two-thirds favorable vote will mean that growers will continue to assess themselves to support tobacco research and education.  The assessment is 10 cents per 100 pounds of tobacco produced in North Carolina. The funds, about $250,000 annually, are collected at buying stations by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and then allocated by the Tobacco Research Commission for research and extension projects for tobacco at NC State University.

To learn more, call the Vance County Extension office at 252.438.8188.

H-V Industrial Park Phase III

Shell Building Project Continues Forward For Industrial Park

Plans are moving along for construction of “shell” buildings at the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park to entice prospective businesses and industries to locate here, according to Henderson-Vance Economic Development Director Christian Lockamy.

Lockamy told WIZS News Wednesday that he briefed the Economic Development Commission Board at the July meeting, the first in-person meeting in over a year.

“They seemed to receive it well and ultimately voted unanimously to move it forward,” Lockamy said. Next steps include conducting research on potential construction partners and investigating financial models, building specs and, of course, cost.

The plan is to convene the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park Commission later in the summer to give the same presentation and work through some of the specifics left to be ironed out. Once he meets with that group, he said the proposal will go back to the commissioners as a formal recommendation. At that time, Lockamy said the process can move forward as a Request for Proposals is issued.

As part of the planning, the City of Henderson will be a co-applicant with the county on the Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant application for completion of sewer utilities and roads at the park. Similarly, the N.C. Department of Transportation will be a co-applicant because it will be responsible for future road maintenance.

Henderson City Manager Terrell Blackmon said, at the June Henderson City Council meeting, this is merely a formality required by the EDA.

“We should know if we are successful in obtaining the EDA grant later in the summer,” Lockamy explained. Having co-applicants sponsor the overall effort and providing additional information in the grant application hopefully will “tighten up the request and ensure all documentation is in place.”

Free Outdoor Wi-Fi Available in Downtown Henderson and Kittrell

– courtesy of Vance County –

Vance County and the City of Henderson have partnered with Open Broadband to provide free public Wi-Fi in downtown Henderson. Service is available outdoors along Garnett Street from Rose Avenue to Orange Street. Service is also available surrounding the County Courthouse, City Hall, the Police Station, McGregor Hall and Perry Memorial Library. The network name is Open Henderson and can be accessed free of charge!

Additionally, Vance County has partnered with Open Broadband and has provided free public Wi-Fi in Kittrell. Service in Kittrell is available in the Dollar General, Kittrell Grocery, Shell Gas Station and Post Office parking lots along US 1 South. The network name is Open Kittrell and can be accessed free of charge!

Vance County Manager Jordan McMillen

McMillen: Social Services Renovation “Coming Together Nicely” For A Late Summer Move-In

Work to transform a former middle school into updated office space for the Vance County Department of Social Services is well underway, and County Manager Jordan McMillen said despite a couple of hiccups, the project is on budget and “coming together nicely.” Move-in dates have been pushed back until late July or August, he added.

Among McMillen’s comments and observations to WIZS News earlier this week, he noted that the renovation project at the former Eaton Johnson Middle School campus is wrapping up – “nearly all of the final finishing touches are currently being completed,” he said.

The flooring has been installed, painting is complete in all but one area, furniture has been installed and the building portion of the project will be nearing completion over the next few weeks, he predicted. The inside work on the building should be finished by mid- to late June – that’s only a couple of weeks behind schedule, he said.

“Contractors ran into unsuitable soils in the parking lot area which delayed most of the site work approximately two months,” McMillen said. Work on the parking lot has resumed after completion of soil testing from outside agencies and, barring weather delays, should be finished in mid- to late July.

Commissioners will hear at their meeting Monday about several change orders that will be recommended, all dealing with HVAC and minor modification in the part of the building that will house the Senior Center.

At this point, the project is about $231,000 under budget, so the change orders – totaling just more than $107,000 – could be absorbed without affecting the overall cost.

18 Year Old Suspect Arrested On Four Drug Charges

— courtesy of press release from Sheriff Curtis Brame

On December 23, 2020, the Vance County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit and the Vance County Sheriff’s Office Fugitive Apprehension Strike Team served a search warrant at 252 New Bethel Church Road Lot 16 and Lot 26, Henderson, North Carolina 27537.

Arrested at Lot 16 was Djhante Blash, B/M, Age 18. Blash was charged with Maintaining a Dwelling, Possession of Marijuana and 2 counts of Trafficking Heroin. Recovered from Lot 26 were 3 assault rifles. Blash received a $125,000.00 bond and a court date was set for January 11, 2021, in Vance County District Court. This investigation is continuing.

No Biggie Apparently But Courthouse Needed A Few Repairs

On Monday, December 21 at 4 p.m., Vance County’s properties committee met, and part of that meeting was to address a couple of courthouse repairs.

The full committee consists of commissioners Dan Brummitt, Archie Taylor and Gordon Wilder.  Commissioner Wilder told WIZS News, “We have had it repaired…(including) the caulking joints in the side of the building and around the windows.”

County Manager Jordan McMillen told WIZS, “We recently finished up a project to apply a coating to the courthouse roof that will extend its life. After 20 years the courthouse roof and other areas are showing maintenance needs and this was an attempt to extend the life of the roof.

“While we were completing this project we noticed a need for resealing the masonry control joints in the side of the building and around the windows, so we asked the existing contractor to provide a change order to our existing contract. The properties committee is recommending to the full board that we proceed with the change order, which adds the control joints work, price and time allowance, to our existing roof project scope of work.”

The county manager basically added that all involved want to keep up the maintenance to the facility.

5.4 Percent of Vance County’s Population Has Tested Covid Positive

The total number of Covid cases in Vance County since the pandemic began equals 2,406 as of today, December 22, 2020, and that means 5.4 percent of the population of Vance County has been diagnosed with the virus.  The 883 active cases of Covid-19 right now in Vance County represents 1.98 percent of the population of the County.

Vance County has seen a net increase of 115 cases in a week or just over 16 per day.  In the past seven days, the County has experienced a total increase of 214 cases. During the same seven-day period, beginning December 16 and ending December 22, a total of 99 cases have come to an end with the person being released from isolation.

As of Tuesday, December 22, 2020, there are 883 active cases in Vance County, with 873 of them in the community at large.  With the community spread increasing, the number of dead is increasing too, three more attributed to Covid in the past week.

The number of cases calling for inpatient care in Vance County is holding steady at 23, of which the lower twenties has been the figure most of December.


Health Department Expects First Shipment of COVID Vaccine This Week

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Granville Vance Public Health addresses the COVID-19 vaccine in the following statement:

Granville Vance Public Health (GVPH) continues to work on the response to COVID-19 each day, each night, and each weekend. We are also eagerly planning for the vaccine to come our way. The first doses have arrived in NC.

We will likely receive our first shipments in the health department the week of December 14 and will give instructions for those who can sign up in the online registration system as soon as we are able to – we are already collecting information about first responders and health care workers and will notify those individuals about how to register in the online system – all health care entities should seek information about ways to have staff sign up who are interested.

We are receiving lots of questions about the vaccine – below are a few of the top questions and answers as well as additional resources from the CDC about the vaccine for COVID-19.

When will it be my turn?
Healthcare workers who are in the highest risk categories for exposure to the virus will be first, including all of those working in hospital ICUs, COVID-19 units, and leading emergency response. Then, other health care workers and first responders will have opportunities too in the coming weeks.

At the same time, hospitals and health departments receive and give vaccines, private pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens will also receive shipments of the vaccine specifically for nursing homes and long-term care facilities. The federal government has contracted with CVS and Walgreens directly to help the high-risk workers and residents living in nursing homes and long-term care facilities, so they will get theirs first too.

The next prioritized group will be adults with two or more chronic conditions who are more likely to have severe illness from the virus, and others who are at risk, such as frontline workers. Those workers include police, teachers and child care workers.

As more vaccine shipments arrive in the state, they will then be made available to anyone who wants one, at clinics, pharmacies and community vaccination events. Widespread availability is expected around the spring.

Does the vaccine cost anything?

The vaccine will be free to all individuals – any fees covering health care workers’ time and talents during this mass vaccination will be paid for by insurance companies, Congress, and grants.

These vaccines were produced so quickly. How do we know they are safe?

The CDC reports: “It is the U.S. vaccine safety system’s job to make sure that all vaccines are as safe as possible. Safety has been a top priority while federal partners have worked to make COVID-19 vaccines available for use in the United States. The new COVID-19 vaccines have been evaluated in tens of thousands of individuals, who volunteered to be vaccinated and to participate in clinical trials. The information from these clinical trials allowed the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to determine the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. These clinical trials were conducted according to rigorous standards set forth by the FDA. The FDA has determined that the newly authorized COVID-19 vaccines meet its safety and effectiveness standards. Therefore, the FDA has made these vaccines available for use in the United States under what is known as an Emergency Use Authorization. More here: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/downloads/hcp-employees-general-faqs.pdf

A few other facts to know:

  • The vaccine does not contain any live virus, so you cannot get COVID-19 from the vaccine, but it does have a replica of the virus so your body learns how to fight it off.
  • Most people will experience a few mild reactions such as soreness in the arm where the virus was injected, slight fever, chills, and general tiredness for about a day or two. This is the body’s natural reaction to indicate a person is building up their immune system. This is expected and should be mild. Pain relievers are fine to take as recommended to help prevent these mild side effects that are common.
  • The vaccine was not tested widely in children yet, so the first vaccines available will be for the adult population. As more vaccine testing is conducted, we will know more about how it will affect children, but for now, the vaccine is primarily for those 18 and older.
  • The vaccine was not tested widely yet in pregnant women. Like for children, we do plan to know more about vaccine safety in pregnant women in the coming months, but this will not be a priority group for vaccinations for this month.
  • Building our collective defense against COVID-19 is a team effort and everyone is part of the defense – getting the COVID-19 Vaccine adds one more layer of protection for you, your family, your friends, your co-workers and others in your community. Please ask questions of us and check your sources about vaccine information as you learn more.

Dr. Guthrie and I will be hosting a Facebook live conversation Friday, December 18 at 4:30 p.m. to answer your own questions about the vaccine. Please submit questions at this link and encourage others to do the same! We will also be adding vaccine information to our web site this week. NC DHHS has an informative vaccine webpage as well.

Please remember that even though the first vaccine from Pfizer is approved and on its way, that does not mean we get to let up on wearing the mask, washing our hands, and staying apart from one another – that’s more important now than ever! We are still seeing large numbers of active cases in both our counties, and statewide; we are worried about the staffing levels at hospitals. Now is the time to work as hard as we can together to make it to the other side of this pandemic and we have to do ALL the things we know work well in combination to keep the virus from spreading.