Tag Archive for: #vancecountynews


Vance, Granville To Get Part Of $9M RAISE Funding For Downtown Pedestrian Safety Improvements

Vance and Granville counties are two of a dozen counties across the state that will receive $9 million in federal funding to make safety improvements for pedestrians in downtown areas.

The NC Department of Transportation will administer projects under Walk NC: Creating Safer Crossings as part federal Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity, or RAISE, program funds by the U.S. Department of Transportation, according to information from NCDOT.

The project, designated for economically disadvantaged areas, will add pedestrian countdown signals, crosswalks and accessible routes at signalized intersections in 15 communities, as well as add signal timing improvements and address some sidewalk gaps.

The project will put in place pedestrian safety improvements in towns identified by their poor pedestrian safety records. It will also increase transportation accessibility for many people without vehicles and prioritizes disadvantaged businesses by creating better connections in rural downtowns.

Other counties that will receive funding are Davidson, Rowan, Halifax, Wilson, Robeson, Chatham, Beaufort, Johnston, Lenoir and Richmond.


Vance County Logo

Filing Period For Municipal Elections Opens July 7

Filing for municipal elections begins Friday, July 7 at 12 noon and will conclude at 12 noon on July 21, 2023 at 12 noon. Someone will be in the office at all times during the business week  throughout the filing period, according to Board of Elections Director Melody Vaughan.

The filing fee for the City of Henderson is $10. Candidates must live within the city limits and also must reside within the Ward for which they seek election.

Voters will elect a mayor, as well as council members in the 1st and 2nd Wards, and at-large members in Ward 3 and Ward 4.

The filing fee for the Town of Middleburg  is $5. Candidates for the office of mayor and for the three council seats must live within the city limits.

The filing fee for the Town of Kittrell also is $5 and candidates for mayor and for the three commissioner seats must live within the city limits to qualify as candidates.

Chamber Accepting Items For New Teacher Bags Until July 11

The Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce is preparing 130 welcome bags for the new teachers preparing to come to work in the Vance County area.

But the Chamber needs your help! If you or your business would like to donate an item to help fill these bags, please contact us at 252.438.8414 or bring the items (in quantities of 130, please) to the Chamber office, 414 S. Garnett St., no later than Tuesday, July 11

The schools include those in Vance County Public Schools as well as Henderson Collegiate, Crossroads Christian School, Kerr-Vance Academy and Vance Charter School.

Some suggestions for donations include: pens, pencils, pads, hand sanitizer, coupons /discount cards, key chains, etc.

The Chamber staff thanks you in advance for your kind donation. Questions? Please call 252.438.8414 to learn more.

Tim Twisdale Named New Henderson Fire Chief

The City of Henderson has selected Battalion Chief Tim Twisdale as chief of the Henderson Fire Department.

Twisdale has worked for more than 20 years with the department, and “is a very valuable asset for our city,” according to an announcement posted on social media Wednesday.

Interim Fire Chief Curtis Tyndall retired effective July 1, and City Manager Terrell Blackmon hinted last week that an announcement of a new chief was imminent.

Tyndall was deputy fire chief and stepped in as interim chief following the death of Chief Steve Cordell, who died in January.

The post on social media went on to say that “although we will miss both of them dearly, we must move forward for our community and our department. Change is inevitable, but great things can come from change.”

Gov. Cooper Releases Info On County Boards Of Elections Chairs

The office of Gov. Roy Cooper has released a list of chairmen and chairwomen of the state’s county boards of elections.

James Baines has been named chairman in Vance County. Baines has previously served as the board secretary.

James Wall, Sr. continues as chair in Granville County, according to information from the governor’s office.

Esther Terry has been named chair in Warren County and Bobbie Richardson will begin a term as chair of the Franklin County board.

North Carolina’s 100 county boards of elections conduct local elections, operate voting sites, maintain voter registration lists and handle many other aspects of elections administration. The State Board works with county boards of elections offices to ensure elections are conducted lawfully and fairly.

Duke Energy

Duke Energy Names New Community Relations Manager

Duke Energy has announced Elizabeth Townsend as its new Government and Community Relations manager, succeeding Tanya Evans, who recently accepted a new position with the company and relocated to South Carolina.

“This is an exciting transition for me after having served in various capacities at Piedmont Community College for the last 17 years,” Townsend said in a press statement. Townsend served most recently as the community college’s vice president for advancement and communications.

“Duke Energy believes our success is tied directly to the success and strength of our communities and the customers we serve, and I couldn’t agree more. Tanya ensured a tradition of responsiveness and community involvement, and I look forward to building upon that commitment,” she said.

As a reminder, Townsend said Duke Energy’s customer service center is available to help with billing and service inquiries, as well as when outages are rerported. That number is 800.452.2777.

Duke Energy monitors storms throughout the state to be ready to respond to outages and emergencies.

Customers who experience an outage during storms can report it by:

  • Visiting duke-energy.com on a desktop computer or mobile device
  • Texting OUT to 57801
  • Calling the automated outage-reporting system at 800-POWERON

Maria Parham GI Welcomes New Gastroenterologist Varnita Tahiliani, MD

information courtesy of Donna Young, Maria Parham Health Market Coordinator

Maria Parham GI welcomes Varnita Tahiliani, MD, to its team of medical professionals. A board-certified gastroenterologist with more than 10 years of experience, Tahiliani specializes in treating general GI issues as well as hepatological problems and inflammatory bowel disease.

“We are thrilled to have Dr. Tahiliani join our Maria Parham Health team. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that will be invaluable to our patients,” said MPH CEO Bert Beard.”Her dedication to delivering superior patient care aligns with our mission to provide the best possible care and treatment to our patients.”

Tahiliani received her Doctorate in Medicine from Saba University School of Medicine in the Netherlands and completed her residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Buffalo.

Now accepting new patients, call Maria Parham GI at 252.430.8111 or 800.424.DOCS. Visit MariaParham.com  to learn more about Varnita Tahiliani, MD.

Families Living Violence Free

Families Living Violence Free Seeks Volunteers To Fill Openings On Board

Families Living Violence Free, the only domestic violence and sexual assault center in the area, is seeking volunteer leaders to join its board of directors.

The FLVF staff provides an array of services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. All services are free and confidential, said Peggy Roark, FLVF executive director.

The board of directors is a group of volunteers that come together for monthly meetings to govern, organize and support FLVF’s strategic planning. In addition, each member serves as a goodwill ambassador for FLVF and serves on at least one board committee. Board members are expected to participate in community events and make a personal financial contribution to the organization.

Families Living Violence Free’s board also is seeking to fill the position of treasurer. This also is a volunteer position. Candidates with experience in accounting, budgeting and finance are encouraged to apply.

The board plans to expand its membership and needs individuals with a variety of skills, with a strong emphasis on board candidates with accounting, legal, fundraising, and media expertise.

If you are interested in an opportunity to volunteer your time and talents to an organization committed to giving voice and support to domestic violence and sexual assault victims, please submit your resume to proark@FLVF.org or P.O. Box 1632 Oxford, N.C. 27565.

North Henderson Baptist

North Henderson Baptist Hosts VBS July 16-19

Youngsters of all ages are invited to attend North Henderson Baptist Church’s Vacation Bible School.

The VBS will begin July 16 and continue through July 19, according to information from Pastor Eddie Nutt. Classes are from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and there will be classes for each age group.

A meal is provided each evening as well.

North Henderson Baptist Church is located at 1211 N. Garnett St. in Henderson.

Search On For VCHS Athletic Director In Wake Of Noel’s Resignation

Vance County High School Athletic Director Raymond Noel has resigned his post, and VCS Chief Officer of Communication & Innovative Support Aarika Sandlin has told WIZS News that the district is seeking a qualified applicant to fill the position.

“We are very appreciative of all that Mr. Noel did for VCHS,” Sandlin said in a statement to WIZS.

“Vance County Schools is committed to finding a strong leader to continue the work of the Viper Athletic program,” she said.

Candidates must hold a valid NC teacher certification and have at least five years’ experience as a PE teacher or coach; candidates should have at least a bachelor’s degree in physical education; a master’s degree in athletic administration or equivalent training and experience is preferred, according to the job description.

Find the complete job description at www.vcs.k12.nc.us. Click on Job Opportunities in the top right corner of the home page.

Interested applicants should apply on the VCS website www.vcs.k12.nc.us.