Vance, Granville To Get Part Of $9M RAISE Funding For Downtown Pedestrian Safety Improvements
Vance and Granville counties are two of a dozen counties across the state that will receive $9 million in federal funding to make safety improvements for pedestrians in downtown areas.
The NC Department of Transportation will administer projects under Walk NC: Creating Safer Crossings as part federal Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity, or RAISE, program funds by the U.S. Department of Transportation, according to information from NCDOT.
The project, designated for economically disadvantaged areas, will add pedestrian countdown signals, crosswalks and accessible routes at signalized intersections in 15 communities, as well as add signal timing improvements and address some sidewalk gaps.
The project will put in place pedestrian safety improvements in towns identified by their poor pedestrian safety records. It will also increase transportation accessibility for many people without vehicles and prioritizes disadvantaged businesses by creating better connections in rural downtowns.
Other counties that will receive funding are Davidson, Rowan, Halifax, Wilson, Robeson, Chatham, Beaufort, Johnston, Lenoir and Richmond.