Tag Archive for: #vancecountynews

Free Pencil Giveaway Continues at Rebuilding Hope, Inc.

-Information courtesy Rebuilding Hope, Inc.

And Now, 1,000 Pencils to Give Away; Going, Going …

Since we first announced that we had 4,000 pencils to give away, the quantity has shrunk to about 1,000. So, if you need pencils for your classes or projects, give us a call at (252) 438-5132.

And for your Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child boxes, the pencils are ready-made.

The pencils, which are not sharpened, were donated to RHI. Printed on them are the names of various businesses and organizations that ordered too many.

Joyce Dewitt ‘Thrilled’ to Return to Role in ‘A Waffle House Christmas’

Henderson’s own downtown development director Kaine Riggan and special call-in guest and actress Joyce Dewitt were on air for Thursday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program.

Riggan, writer, producer and director of the musical comedy “A Waffle House Christmas,” announced that the play will be performed at the McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center in downtown Henderson for one night only – Saturday, December 1, 2018 – at 8 p.m.

According to Riggan, approximately 600 of the 1,000 available tickets have already been purchased, and he hopes to see it become a sold-out performance. “I hope it happens for McGregor Hall and for downtown Henderson. That’s our crown jewel!”

The musical, which was first commissioned by the Metro Nashville Arts Commission in 2006, will feature five of the principal actors for the December performance, including Dewitt as Waffle House waitress Rita and country singer T. Graham Brown. Auditions for local actors to round out the cast were held last week.

Dewitt, most well-known for her role as Janet on the sitcom “Three’s Company,” said she was excited to return to this role. “In this case, I had done the play before with Kaine and I know that he is a very wonderful director and I know that he gathers terrific actors together. So the idea of coming back and doing this with a number of wonderful people that I did it with in Nashville was thrilling.”

The setting for the musical is a Waffle House in both the middle of nowhere and in the middle of a blizzard on Christmas Eve. The regular staff and customers are stranded there along with outside visitors. What unfolds are a few secrets, surprises and heartfelt human connections.

“The wonderful thing about these characters that Kaine has written is that they are so human, but what’s going on in their personal story is so meaningful,” said Dewitt. “The audience can relate to each of them.”

“It’s my favorite kind of material – funny, funny, funny – but also, at times, catching and poignant.”

According to Dewitt, when she is first approached about a role she asks herself if she believes in the material and if she can deliver the material in a way that will relate to the audience. She is pleased to have found both in this role.

“When the audience is walking out of the theater, what have we given them? What is in their heart? I genuinely believe this play is a perfect Christmas gift to give the audience.”

To give the gift of this play to yourself and/or a loved one, purchase tickets by:

DROP IN: 201 Breckenridge Street, Henderson, N.C. Monday – Friday 1:30 – 5:30 p.m

CALL: (252) 598-0662 (M-F 1:30 – 5:30 p.m.)

CLICK HERE: www.McGregorHall.org  (Use the eTix official site, online fees apply)

 To hear the interview in its entirety, please click here.

National Weather Service

Heavy Rain Expected Early This Week, No Threat of Winter Weather

-Information courtesy Brian K. Short, Director of Emergency Operations, Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations and the National Weather Service 

The National Weather Service is forecasting a very wet start to the week with upwards of 3 – 4 inches of rain expected in most locations through Tuesday. Urban and small stream flooding is possible. There is a chance for an isolated thunderstorm particularly in the east. Main stem rivers will need to be monitored for potential river flooding later this week.

A second system on Thursday appears to be all liquid at this point despite predicted temperatures very close to freezing in the Triad and VA border counties. Sunny and cool for the weekend. The potential tropical system in the Atlantic poses no threat to central NC at this time.

At this time there is NO threat for impactful winter weather in central NC this week. Triad and VA border counties will have temperatures near freezing for a couple of hours Thursday morning around sunrise. This may possibly be enough to get a pellet or two of sleet on the windshield mixed in with the rain but otherwise should remain all liquid. Even if temperatures do briefly touch 32 degrees, any ice accrual is unlikely because of warm antecedent conditions. Warm ground temperatures and air temperatures prior to the onset of the precipitation would prevent any freezing rain accrual. Temperatures will quickly rise through the 30s after sunrise, further mitigating any chance of winter weather.

Henderson Institute Historical Museum to Host ‘Great Gatsby Gala’ at KLCC

-Information and flyer courtesy Sandra Wilkerson, Director of Admin and Events, Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce

The Henderson Institute Historical Museum will host their annual holiday party featuring “Great Gatsby Gala – Roaring Twenties” on Saturday, December 8, 2018, from 6 to 9 p.m.

The event will be held at Kerr Lake Country Club – 600 Hedrick Dr., Henderson – with music provided by “Just Friends.” Cost is $30 per person and includes food, drinks and a chance to win prizes.

Roaring ’20s attire is encouraged but not required. Please RSVP by Friday, November 23 to Edna at edsco1128@gmail.com or Edith at edcarr953@gmail.com.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Henderson Vance Recreation & Parks

Yoga, Slide N Glide & Youth Basketball Extended at Aycock Rec. Center

-Information courtesy Tara Goolsby, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Facilities Supervisor, Aycock Recreation Center

Beginning Yoga: Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Department is offering another session of Beginning Yoga. These sessions are based on Basic Yoga techniques to inspire physical, mental and spiritual peace from within. Classes are offered on Thursday nights from 6:15 – 7 p.m. For more information, please contact Lauren Newlin at 252.438.3160 or lnewlin@ci.henderson.nc.us.

Slide N Glide:  Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Department is offering another session of Slide N Glide. Slide N Glide is a program for participants that are interested in learning new and old line dances. This program is designed for participants to have fun while they exercise. Classes are offered on Tuesday nights from 6:15 – 7 p.m. For more information, please contact Lauren Newlin at 252.438.3160 or lnewlin@ci.henderson.nc.us.

Youth Basketball:  Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Department’s basketball registration has been extended until Sunday, November 25, 2018.  For more information, please contact Steve Osborne at 252.438.2670 or sosborne@ci.henderson.nc.us or Victor Hunt at 252.438.3408 or vhunt@ci.henderson.nc.us.

Vance County NC

Leah Hinton to Perform at ‘A Night of Jazz Benefit Concert’

-Information courtesy Leah Hinton

Singer/songwriter Leah Hinton will be performing with a jazz band at the “A Night of Jazz Benefit Concert” on Friday, November 16 at 7 p.m. The event will be held at the Crossroads Event Center, 945 W. Andrews Avenue, Henderson, with funds raised benefiting charitable causes.

Cost is $15 for singles and $25 for couples. For more information, please call (252) 572-2681.

H-V Chamber Logo

H-V Chamber of Commerce Seeking Nominees for Citizen of the Year

-Information courtesy the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce’s Sept./Oct. “Focus” Newsletter

The Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce is currently seeking nominations for the 2018 Citizen of the Year.

This annual award honors an individual who has made a significant contribution and demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of Henderson and Vance County. In order to be considered for this award, the nominee must be a resident of the Henderson-Vance County community, should be someone who enjoys a reputation for continuous community service in areas such as civic involvement, quality of life improvements, supportive of business and economic development and humanitarian issues. This contribution must be outside the realm of the individual’s occupation.

Citizens and Chamber members are encouraged to nominate persons they feel are deserving of this recognition. Nomination forms are available at the Chamber and should be submitted in writing to the Chamber office by Friday, December 28. The award will be presented at the Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and Banquet on January 31st at the Vance-Granville Community College Civic Center.

For information or a nomination form, contact the Chamber at 252-438-8414 or e-mail john@hendersonvance.org.

Vance County Logo

Wilder, Unopposed Vance Co. Commissioner, ‘Feels the Need to Continue Getting it Right’

Vance County Commissioner Gordon Wilder was on Thursday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss his recent unopposed run for a third consecutive term on the Board.

“I’m no politician. That’s not in the Wilder DNA,” Wilder said. “I’ve been fortunate to be elected by the people for a third time now.”

The most recent election saw Wilder, a commissioner since 2010, run unopposed in District 3, with fellow incumbents Dan Brummitt and Tommy Hester also running unopposed.

“I think the three of us who ran unopposed certainly feel the need to make sure we continue getting it right and continue to do the right things,” said Wilder.

When an unidentified caller to Town Talk asked Wilder why people in the community shy away from running for elected positions, Wilder explained that while the reasons vary, it is often the case of talk but no action.

Wilder also recognized the difficulties some may have in fulfilling the mid-day meeting requirements of the position. “You’d have to have a very understanding boss,” chuckled Wilder.

In discussing other election results, Wilder said the commissioners are looking forward to working with newly elected Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame and will “fully support him to every extent possible.”

According to Wilder, the citizens of Vance County had three good candidates for sheriff to choose from in Curtis Brame, Charles Pulley and Allen Simmons. “I know all three candidates and I’m very proud of them. I coached Curtis in high school and have been bird hunting with him. I think he’ll do a great job.”

Wilder also piggybacked on a Town Talk discussion earlier this week with Dennis Jarvis, II, director for the Henderson-Vance Economic Development Commission, concerning phase III of the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park.

Earlier this year, Vance County received a $2.45 million grant from the Rural ReadySites program for development and expansion of the industrial park located at the intersection of Bear Pond Road and US-1 Bypass in Henderson.

The grant money will cover development costs to include construction of a new roadway and extension of water and sewer infrastructure through the site. The land will be zoned for light industrial and general commercial use.

“The State told us that we needed to have land ready, buildings ready and infrastructure ready for jobs to come in,” Wilder explained. “Our focus right now is on phase III of the industrial park and bringing more jobs into Vance County.”

While constructing a building is not presently on the agenda, according to Wilder, plans are in place to invest in land and infrastructure.

“The land is up for sale,” said Wilder. “We hope that people will invest and build their own building. I’m not sure the county commissioners or the County needs to be in the real estate business.”

To listen to the interview in its entirety, click here.

‘Vance Virtual’ Labs Officially Open in Vance County Middle, High School

-Press Release, Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools hosted ribbon-cutting ceremonies at Vance County Middle School and Vance County High School on November 9 to officially open the schools’ “Vance Virtual” or “V2” laboratories.

The laboratories, located in the schools’ media centers, feature approximately 24 digital learning stations each for students to engage in interactive three-dimensional instruction using special computer software applications (like the ones found on this website)in a wide range of subject areas including science, health and geography.

The establishment of the laboratories is being made possible through a $400,000 grant awarded to the school system from the Golden Leaf Foundation. The grant was awarded during last school year and following the completion of construction work the laboratories are now open.

Vance County Board of Education member Ruth Hartness watches as Vance County Middle School students explain how they are using the zSpace digital student learning center and three-dimensional software application in the new Vance Virtual lab in their school. (Photo: VCS)

“Vance Virtual” has the largest number of zSpace digital learning stations of any school system on the East Coast of the United States and one of the largest deployments of the stations in the nation.

The zSpace STEM Learning Initiative represents a new direction for instructional delivery and academic outcomes for the students in Vance County. This initiative will systematically and intentionally embed the technical and essential skills into our instructional programs to ensure student readiness for the local, regional and global workforce.

The digital student-learning stations will be available for use by students in the middle school and high school, as well as the STEM Early High School.

Teachers will be trained on specific skills to utilize virtual reality technology in the delivery of their individual content areas. Wikis, blogs and an e-lesson repository will be constructed to allow teachers to share and collaborate as they train and implement new strategies.

Business and industry partners will engage with our Career and Technical Education program teachers to develop a functional profile of the worker needed to support their industry. These skills and attributes will be embedded in the core competencies and outcomes of each learning module. Students will have direct interaction with virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) software to enhance their level of knowledge, understanding and application of science, career and technology coursework.

Vance County High School students work with software applications on the zSpace learning centers in their school’s new Vance Virtual lab as the large digital screen on the wall follows their actions. (Photo: VGCC)

The school system received valuable support from the Vance County Board of Commissioners for the virtual reality project and the Golden Leaf Foundation grant funding.

“The launch of this project represents a seismic shift in the learning ecosystem of our school district,” said Dr. Anthony Jackson, superintendent of Vance County Schools. “This game-changing technology is cutting-edge and provides our students with real-world hands-on opportunities to engage collaboratively, think critically, communicate effectively and create authentically in a rigorous and challenging academic environment.

“Through our Vance Virtual Workforce Labs, we are confident that our students will leave us with the essential skills necessary to effectively navigate and compete in the local, regional and global workforce,” he continued. “This is yet another example of the academic ‘Vanceformation’ taking place in our schools and in our community. I am indeed Vance County Proud.”

“Students in Vance County Schools are ready to explore science, math and other content areas at a higher level of application in environments that are technology-based,” added Dr. Cindy Bennett, assistant superintendent for Student Services and Strategic Planning. “Vance Virtual labs will provide that opportunity with virtual and augmented reality experiences and investigations in an interactive learning environment. As educators, we continue to seek to bring the brick and mortar models of education into the 21st Century. Vance Virtual labs do just that and our students will investigate tomorrow TODAY!”

Registration Underway for Spring Semester at VGCC

 -Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Registration for classes has begun for the Spring 2019 semester at Vance-Granville Community College, which starts Monday, Jan. 7, 2019.

In addition to the traditional 16-week semester session, VGCC is offering a 12-week term, two 8-week terms and two 4-week terms for the Spring.

“We know that our students have busy lives, going to college, taking care of a family and working, in most cases,” said Jeff Allen, VGCC’s dean of enrollment and outreach. “Vance-Granville wants to meet students where they are and help them get to where they need to be. We recognize that flexibility in scheduling is more important than ever.”

The full 16-week semester, starting on Jan. 7, concludes on May 6. Hundreds of courses are being offered on each of the college’s four campuses in Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties, and online courses are available, including eight curriculum programs offered totally online.

The four-week “Spring Forward” mini-term begins Dec. 17 with a registration deadline of Dec. 13. Classes for this session will end on Jan. 15. The session is designed for students who are home for the holidays and want to pick up extra classes to help them get ahead in their studies, Allen said. Most of the courses have credits that are transferable to other colleges and universities, but students are always encouraged to check with their advisers to guarantee transferability to other institutions. Course offerings include computers, criminal justice, American history, music appreciation, American government, psychology and sociology, among others.

A second four-week mini-term, labeled “March Forward,” is scheduled for March 5 through April 1, with a registration deadline of March 1. The course list for this mini-term includes management, criminal justice, success and study skills and college transfer success.

The first of two 8-week sessions will begin on Jan. 7 and run through March 5. The second 8-week session starts March 5 and concludes May 6, with a registration deadline of Feb. 28. These two mini-terms offer dozens of courses.

A 12-week mini-term also offering dozens of classes begins Feb. 5 and runs through May 6, the registration deadline coming Jan. 31.

All of the courses offer the full credits a student normally receives. The schedules for the mini-terms are compressed to allow students to complete the coursework in less time.

In addition to the curriculum courses are continuing education opportunities for those wanting job training or new skills or personal enrichment and basic skills for those seeking a high school equivalency or an adult high school diploma.

Registration for the 16-week Spring classes opened Thursday, Nov. 1, and closes on Thursday, Jan. 3. College officials advise students to apply for admission and financial aid, request transcripts from high school or other colleges and schedule a placement test. Students will then meet with an academic coach to register for classes, followed by an orientation session. Students are advised to register for classes as early as possible to secure the classes they need to take.

The upcoming semester’s course schedules and a link to ARCHES, the latest edition of the college’s guide to enrollment, are now available online at schedules.vgcc.edu.

The tuition payment deadline for the 16-week semester is Thursday, Jan. 3, by 5 p.m., if paying in person, or by midnight, if paying online through the college’s online WebAdvisor.

For more information, contact VGCC at studentsuccess@vgcc.edu or (252) 738-3234, or visit any campus.


Prospective students interested in seeking financial assistance are encouraged to immediately complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.gov and to visit the VGCC Financial Aid Office.

Eligible students may receive Pell Grants ranging from $343 to $3,047 per semester. Students may also qualify for other college or state funds. The Financial Aid Office recommends completing the FAFSA and all financial aid documents by Wednesday, Dec. 12. In order for a student to charge tuition, fees, and books to financial aid awards, the student’s entire financial aid file must be completed prior to the tuition payment deadline of Thursday, Jan. 3. Students with preschool-age children may receive financial assistance to help pay for child care, and applications for this help are also available at the Financial Aid Office.

Information about other resources is available online at financialaid.vgcc.edu.

For more details regarding financial assistance, visit the Financial Aid Office in Room 8215 on Main Campus or call (252) 738-3280.


Military veterans who wish to use their Veterans’ Education benefits may contact the Financial Aid Office at (252) 738-3522. Veterans should check with Financial Aid to see if the programs in which they are interested are covered.

(This is not a paid advertisement)