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Town Talk 01/20/20: Democratic Chair Discusses Meeting, Low Voter Turnout

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Marcia Allen, the acting chairperson of the Vance County Democratic Party, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Monday at 11 a.m.

Allen encouraged all registered Democrats, and those interested in learning more about the party, to attend the Vance County Democratic Party meeting to be held Thursday, January 23, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Commissioners’ Room of the old Vance County Courthouse located at 122 Young Street in Henderson. The elevator is in service for attendees with mobility issues.

Officers are needed and discussions will include precinct organizations.

Describing the Democratic Party as “the party of empowerment, education and inclusiveness,” Allen said the local chapter’s goal is to mirror state Democratic caucuses including African-American, women, youth and the most recently approved – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ).

Allen said the local party is especially interested in finding effective ways to get more young people involved in politics and the voting process. “If we say that young people are our future, then they need to be involved in the process. It’s troubling to hear that young people do not want to take part in the political process when everything that happens politically will affect them.”

Citing statistics from the most recent non-partisan City of Henderson municipal election in October, Allen said everyone should be concerned about declining voter turnout. “We had close to 10,000 eligible voters for the most recent election and it’s troubling that only 13% voted,” said Allen. “That means 13% of the people made a decision for 100% of the community. Our goal is to look at that and to reach out to those who did not vote to see why.”

According to Allen, the number of citizens that are disgruntled about decisions made by elected officials is disproportionate to the percentage that voted. “More than 13% of people are complaining about things that are done locally, yet they don’t vote to make a change about what’s going on,” Allen said.

While voting is at the top of Allen’s list of making sure your voice is heard, she also encouraged citizens to attend Henderson City Council and Vance County Commissioners meetings, reach out to their respective political party and get involved in community activities.

Questions about the upcoming Vance County Democratic Party meeting can be directed to Marcia Allen at mlallen65@hotmail.com or (252) 767-5195.

To hear the interview with Allen in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.


Regional Economic Dev. Summit to Feature Bestselling Author

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce

You are invited to attend an exciting Regional Economic Development Summit at McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center on Thursday, February 20, 2020, from 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. This is a free event with lunch included.

The summit is a five-county regional event, being planned by the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce and Vance County Economic Development, along with the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments, and the other Chambers and EDC offices in Franklin, Granville, Warren, and Person Counties.

This is a “must-attend” event for business owners, developers, manufacturing managers, small business owners, governmental leaders, etc.

There will be panel discussions and presentations concerning economic development program efforts that have been successful in other small, rural communities.

A highlight of the day will be the presentation by keynote speaker Doug Griffiths, an international speaker and author of the bestselling book “13 Ways to Kill Your Community.”

Michele Burgess, H-V Chamber President said, “When I was hired back at the Chamber in July, I heard about this book from some other Chamber presidents and immediately ordered it and read it. It’s incredible! Griffiths knows all the challenges we face in small communities, and he has good solutions to offer us on how to approach our economic development and make the improvements necessary in our mindset to turn our community into a thriving, beautiful, and progressive town.”

The event is free, but preregistration is required. You may register online at the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments’ Focus 20/20 website (click here). The first 50 people to register and attend the summit will receive a free copy of Griffiths’ book “13 Ways to Kill Your Community.”

With questions, please call the H-V Chamber of Commerce at (252) 438-8414.

New VGCC Partnership with KARTS Makes Education More Accessible


-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College recently launched a new partnership with KARTS, the public, rural transportation system, to help students travel to and from any of the college’s four campuses at no cost. Through the partnership, the college will use grant funds and donations to the VGCC Endowment Fund to pay for students to use KARTS.

“Transportation is just one non-academic barrier that can make it difficult for rural citizens to make use of their community college,” said Dr. Rachel Desmarais, president of VGCC. “We are thankful for KARTS’ willingness to partner with us to reduce this barrier. We also appreciate our generous donors and grantors who are making this opportunity possible. VGCC is committed to student access and success!”

Students can now make appointments for KARTS to pick them up by calling 252-438-2573 and then dialing “0”. If students need to cancel appointments, they can call the same number. Appointment timeslots are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, Monday through Friday. Appointments can be made up to two weeks in advance. Service requests for the following day are taken no later than 1 p.m., or as capacity allows.

Students can request tickets on campus from any VGCC employee. Once students have these fare tickets, they must present their VGCC student IDs, along with the tickets, when boarding the KARTS transportation bus. They must be on time, because drivers will wait approximately two minutes, and students who do not show up for scheduled appointments three times are subject to be prohibited from using this service in the future.

Current pickup/drop-off locations on campus are below:

  • VGCC Main Campus (Vance County), in front of Building 7;
  • VGCC Franklin Campus (Louisburg), in front of Building 1;
  • VGCC South Campus (Butner/Creedmoor), in front of Building 1 by the flag pole; and
  • VGCC Warren Campus (Warrenton), between Buildings 2 and 3.

College officials said that there is the potential for more locations to be added in the future.

“We, as a college, are thrilled to provide transportation, at no cost, to current and future students,” said Dawn Michelle Tucker, VGCC’s Dean of Continuing Education and College & Career Readiness. “We know transportation is a major challenge that many students face and we are pleased to be able to partner with KARTS to offer this solution.”

“Our partnership with KARTS provides an even greater opportunity for our communities to access higher education and obtain a college credential,” said Kali Brown, VGCC’s Dean of Student Access & Support.

Working to remove the lack of transportation as an obstacle to receiving higher education and job training is just one aspect of the community college’s commitment to student support. Numerous types of financial aid and scholarships, including the unique “VanGuarantee” program, are available to help students pay for classes. Free tutoring services, library services (on all campuses and online) and career services are also among a variety of resources for students.

“Excessive absences are often a leading contributor to non-completion of community college education,” said VGCC Vice President of Workforce and Community Engagement Jerry Edmonds. “Therefore, VGCC is delighted to partner with KARTS in providing transportation to our growing population of students.”

KARTS is a service of the Kerr Area Transportation Authority. Its mission is “to provide safe, dependable and accessible transportation services in the most efficient and effective manner possible in order to improve mobility, support livable communities, enhance local economies, and provide opportunities to expand horizons of the citizens of Franklin, Granville, Vance and Warren Counties.” Those are the same four counties served by VGCC.

All KARTS rides are provided on a scheduled/reserved basis, with fees based on mileage from point of origin to destination.

Democratic Party

Vance County Democratic Party to Meet Jan. 23

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Marcia Allen, Vance County Democratic Party

The Vance County Democratic Party will meet Thursday, January 23, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. in the Commissioner’s room in the old courthouse. The elevator is in service for persons with mobility issues.

Discussions will include precinct organizations.

Officers are needed and all Democrats are asked to attend. Questions can be directed to Acting Chairperson, Marcia Allen at mlallen65@hotmail.com or 252-767-5195.

Vance County Logo

Vance Co. Board of Commissioners to Hold Planning Retreat

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, January 21 and Monday, February 10, 2020, for a planning retreat. The two-day retreat will be held in the Farm Bureau Room of Perry Memorial Library in Henderson from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.

According to the finalized agenda for the January 21 meeting, opening remarks by Gordon Wilder, chairman of the Board of Commissioners, and Jordan McMillen, Vance County Manager, will be followed by county department heads presenting their respective office’s accomplishments and priorities.

Order of Presentations: Animal Services, Frankie Nobles; Cooperative Extension, Turner Pride; Economic Development, Dennis Jarvis, II; Elections, Faye Gill; Emergency Operations (911), Brian Short; EMS, Javier Plummer; Finance, Katherine Bigelow; Fire Department, Chris Wright; Fire Marshal, Keith Duncan; Human Resources, Argretta Johen; Information Technology, Kevin Brown; Library, Patti McAnally; Maintenance/Security, Brad Weatherington; Planning & Development, Sherry Moss; Register of Deeds, Cassandra Neal; Sheriff’s Office & Jail, Sheriff Curtis Brame; Social Services, Denita Devega; Soil & Water, Jacob Wilkie; Solid Waste, Jason Falls; Tax Office, Porcha Brooks; Veterans Services, Linwood Martin.

Following department presentations, McMillen will review the 2019-2020 fiscal year goals. Lunch with department heads will conclude the meeting.

Town Talk 01/16/20: Changes to Annual Chamber Banquet = Less Time, More Fun


Sandra Wilkerson, director of administration and events for the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Thursday at 11 a.m.

Wilkerson invited representatives from local businesses, educational institutions, government entities and non-profit organizations to attend the Annual Membership Meeting and Banquet of the H-V Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, January 30, 2020.

The event will be held in the Civic Center at Vance-Granville Community College’s Main Campus in Henderson.

Addressing past comments made concerning the length of the annual banquet, Wilkerson said the Chamber’s planning committee has done its best to scale back the timing of the event while keeping the focus on business achievements and the much anticipated “Citizen of the Year” reveal.

“We are so excited to celebrate 82 years of local business achievements,” said Wilkerson. “The banquet is going to be different this year. Michele Burgess, president of the Chamber, has a new vision and we are going to do some exciting things to make it more fun and entertaining.”

New items include the addition of a social hour, featuring entertainment by Just Friends, an instrumental group with local members, to be held prior to the dinner meeting from 5 until 5:45 p.m.

Ticket holders are encouraged to come early to network and connect with local business leaders while enjoying a hot beverage bar, sponsored by Rose Oil Company, and appetizers, sponsored by Maria Parham Health.

“It’s a good event to network; it’s what the Chamber is all about,” Wilkerson said. “We have a lot of new leaders in the community and we are excited to introduce you to these people and have a chance to socialize.”

Seating for the buffet dinner, catered by Chamber member Ted Wheeler Catering, will begin promptly at 6 p.m.

In announcing the meeting plans, Burgess said in a statement to WIZS News, “This is a premier event for our Chamber of Commerce. I was excited when our Board of Directors made the decision not to bring in an outside featured speaker this year but chose instead to put our focus primarily on all the positive changes and plans that are being made in our community and at our Chamber. This year’s annual meeting and banquet promises to be informative, motivational, entertaining and fun along with a shorter time frame.”

Nancy Wykle, publisher of The Daily Dispatch and current volunteer chair of the Chamber’s Board of Directors, will offer highlights from the organization’s 2019 year and will pass the gavel to incoming 2020 Board Chairman Tyler Brewer.

Brewer, vice president of Brewer Cycles – a family business that has been in operation in Vance County for almost 40 years, will discuss the Chamber’s 2020 vision and its future plans for growth.

Other program highlights will include a musical performance by the Vance County High School Chorus and the announcement of the Chamber’s Ambassador of the Year and 2019 Vance County Citizen of the Year award recipients. There will also be drawings for door prizes.

Tickets for the event are $35 each and tables of 10 can be reserved for $320. Tickets are still available and can be purchased this week by calling the Chamber office at (252) 438-8414 or by email: michele@hendersonvance.org.

Banquet sponsors include:

Presenting Sponsor – Duke Energy

Gold Level – Walmart Distribution, Mars and Benchmark Community Bank

Silver Level – Wake Electric, Maria Parham Health and Truist Bank (formerly BB&T)

Bronze Level: EnviroLink

Members of the Annual Meeting Planning Committee include Micheal Shaw (Maria Parham Health), Julia Langston (Kerr Lake Country Club), Ana Vaughan (Mars), John Charles Rose (WIZS Radio), Nancy Wykle (The Daily Dispatch), Stephanie Hoyle (Century 21 Country Knolls Realty), Melissa Paul (ServPro), Gayle Watkins (Rose Oil Company) and Diane Finch (former Chamber of Commerce President).

To hear the interview with Wilkerson in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk. Wilkerson’s segment begins at the 16:55 mark.

Ministerial Alliance Invites Community to MLK, Jr. Program at First Baptist

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy the Vance County Arts Council

The Henderson Vance & Adjacent Counties Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance invites the community to the Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Appreciation Program on Sunday, January 19, 2020.

This celebration of King’s legacy will be held at 4 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Henderson – 205 Winder Street across from the McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center.

Guest speaker will be Rev. Lamont Johnson, pastor of West Durham Baptist Church and professor at Shaw University.

For more information, please call (252) 213-0206 or visit www.hendersonvancema.org.

Town Talk 01/15/20: ‘Sound the Alarm’ Fire Campaign Coming to Vance Co.


Kelly Ferrell, American Red Cross Disaster Program Specialist, and Captain Lee Edmonds with the Henderson Fire Department appeared on WIZS Town Talk Wednesday at 11 a.m.

Ferrell and Edmonds were on-air to discuss the upcoming “Sound the Alarm” event, an Eastern North Carolina fire campaign sponsored by the American Red Cross. The in-home smoke detector and fire safety inspection will be held Vance County-wide from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Monday, January 20, 2020.

During the first half of the day, volunteers from local fire departments and organizations will be visiting homeowners in the county who made previous appointments for an inspection. The focus will then shift to City of Henderson residents who have not already been visited by the Henderson Fire Department during its local 2019-2020 smoke detector campaign.

Participants include local fire departments, Henderson Collegiate representatives, Red Cross volunteers, NC Central University representatives and community volunteers. Ferrell said she is looking forward to working with those who will “all come together for a day of service on Martin Luther King Jr. Day”

Ferrell thanked Chick-fil-A of Henderson for demonstrating its commitment to the cause by donating lunch for all volunteers.

One of 53 counties that comprise the American Red Cross Eastern NC district, Ferrell said the general population of Vance County was examined when considering areas of concentration for the day’s event.

“I really try to be mindful of where I install the smoke alarms,” Ferrell explained. “I review the population of the county and examine their home fire risk. We look at areas with concentrations of residents over the age of 65, those below the poverty line and those with disabilities, for example. We are really trying to ensure that we are installing these smoke alarms in the areas that need them the most.”

While impossible to reach all residents of a county in one day, Ferrell stated that those interested in having their home inspected can make an appointment with the fire department or can request a fire alarm through the American Red Cross by visiting www.soundthealarm.org/enc.

To hear the interview with Ferrell and Edmonds in its entirety, including additional discussion about the mission of the American Red Cross and the local annual smoke detector campaign, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

VCS Board of Education Honors Students, Athletes & Staff at Jan. Meeting

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information and photo courtesy the VCS Facebook page

The Vance County Board of Education recognized many students at its regularly-scheduled January 13, 2020, meeting.

Student-athletes and the Vance County High School tennis coach were honored for receiving all-conference recognitions. Artists with work selected for Arts Alive and the district holiday card were recognized. The Fall 2019 Student Spotlight recipients were presented plaques by The Daily Dispatch.

The Board of Education was also honored for National School Board Appreciation Month.

Student-athletes that were honored included:

Football Big 8 All-Conference selections: Samein Burwell (Offensive Player of the Year) Noah Terry, Phadol Jordan, TaQuan Lyons, Davonte Evans, Daunta Wimbush, Kemarreus Jones and William Hawkins IV. All-Conference Honorable Mention selections: Demarius Harris, Jy’Kavious Judkins, and Malik Williams.

Volleyball Big 8 All-Conference selections: Emani Foster (Conference Player of the Year). All-Conference Honorable Mention selections: Kyra Mitchell and Kynnedy Keel.

Tennis Big 8 All-Conference selections: Angel Durham and All-Conference Honorable Mention selection: Ashley Zuniga. Additionally, the VCS tennis team was selected for the conference’s Sportsmanship Award & Coach Andrews was the Coach of the Year!

Soccer Big 8 All-Conference selections: Jesus Zuniga. All-Conference Honorable Mention selections: Diego Vasquez and Miguel Garcia.

VCS also honored the students who were recognized as Student Spotlights during the fall semester. This recognition is made possible through community sponsorships and initiatives. All schools will have one spotlight student before the end of the 2019-2020 school year.

Spotlight recipients thus far include Miranda Royster, Carver Elementary; Nicholas Harris, AdVance Academy; Josiah Jones, Vance County Early College High School; Kamiyah Wimbush, STEM Early High School; Amiah Hargrove, Dabney Elementary; Samiya Reid, EM Rollins Elementary.

VCS is extremely proud of all that the students have accomplished and the staff that help each student reach those goals. VCS is also grateful for a Board of Education that cares for the district and works diligently on the district’s behalf.

We are truly #bettertogether!

For additional photos of recognized students, student-athletes and staff, please click here.

Vance County High School

Ragland Resigns; Vance Co. High School Searches For New Football Coach

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County High School Athletic Department

Vance County High School is searching for a new football coach for next fall following Darry Ragland’s resignation on Monday, January 13. He has resigned as the Head Varsity Football Coach but will continue teaching at Vance County High School.

Ragland became the first head football coach in Vance County High School’s brief history after the consolidation of Northern Vance and Southern Vance High Schools in 2018. He posted a record of 13-10 with one playoff appearance in two seasons with the Vipers. This past season, Vance County was 9-3 and 5-2 in Big 8 3A Conference play.

For 20 years, Ragland has been involved with Vance County Schools’ football programs. Prior to his position as head football coach at Vance County High School, Ragland was the head football coach of Southern Vance High School for one season, where he posted a record of 6-5. He has also been an assistant football coach at Henderson Middle School, Northern Vance High School, and Southern Vance High School.

Ragland served as offensive coordinator for the Raiders in 2006 when Southern Vance lost in the NCHSAA 2AA State Championship game to Shelby, 27-24

“I want to thank Coach Ragland for everything he has done for our school and community,” said Athletic Director Joe Sharrow. “He is a well-respected and important member of our Vance County family who has positively impacted the lives of a countless number of our student-athletes. We will miss his dedication to Vance County football and wish him the best of luck.”

Vance County High School will begin looking for a new head football coach immediately. Interested candidates should send a resume and letter of interest to Athletic Director Joe Sharrow (jsharrow@vcs.k12.nc.us) and Principal Rey Horner (rhorner@vcs.k12.nc.us).