Tag Archive for: #vancecountynews

Triangle North Healthcare Foundation 2020 Grant Cycle is Now Open

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Triangle North Healthcare Foundation

Triangle North Healthcare Foundation has announced the launch of its 2020 grant cycle, accepting applications now through May 1, 2020.

A regional healthcare grantmaking organization based in Henderson, NC, Triangle North Healthcare Foundation was established in 2011, following the merge of Maria Parham Medical Center and Duke Lifepoint.

The Foundation seeks programs and projects that will provide positive results in one or more of the five focus areas: Child Well-Being, Chronic Disease, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, Nutrition and Physical Activity, and Reproductive Health. Nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and schools are eligible to apply.

The link to the Foundation’s online grant portal is available at the website: https://www.tnhfoundation.org

The Foundation’s mission– to encourage, support, and invest in quality efforts that measurably improve health in the Triangle North area— is achieved through funding programming that focuses on improving health. The Foundation also supports programs that build capacity and develop leaders for nonprofits in the region.

Since beginning its grantmaking in 2013, the Foundation has invested over $1.8 million in over 70 programs that serve the four counties in the region: Franklin, Granville, Vance, and Warren.

According to the Foundation’s Executive Director Val Short, the Foundation Board’s hope is that through grantee organizations and the people they serve, the Board’s vision for the future of our region will be realized… “to live in a healthy community.”

“Our hope is that the Foundation’s investment of grant funds in our communities will result in long-lasting improvements in the health and wellbeing of our children and adults,” Short said.

Short and the Foundation’s Grants Coordinator Carolyn Powell are currently available to discuss ideas for grant projects or to assist with grant writing. Call 252-430-8532 to schedule an appointment.  Information about current and past funded programs and projects is also available on the Foundation’s website.

Vance County Logo

Vance Commissioners to Hold Special Meeting on Industrial Park Contract

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

This memorandum will serve as notice that Chairman Gordon Wilder has called a special meeting for Monday, February 17, 2020, at 4 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room, Vance County Administration Building, 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC.

The purpose of the meeting is to:

1. Award contract for Industrial Park Phase III construction

2. Approve project ordinance

3. Approve memorandum of negotiation

4. DSS salary adjustment request

5. Other items as necessary

Henderson-Vance Industrial Park Phase III Construction Project

The County’s engineer (Tim Carpenter with LKC Engineering) will be on hand to provide an overview of the bidding process and value engineering exercise which has been completed in order to bring the project within the existing grant budget. A total of six bidders submitted bids with the low bidder (ELJ, Inc.) providing a bid that was approximately $700,000 over budget.

The county’s engineer and staff have finalized a value engineering exercise to reduce the project scope and associated costs within budget. The main impact is that the new roadway will not be paved throughout the entire project area.

The project is funded with NC Rural Ready Grant funds and the NC Department of Commerce has agreed to the reduced project scope. In order to proceed, the board will need to approve a memorandum of negotiation between the county and the contractor outlining the negotiated and reduced project scope and will also need to award the contract to the low bidder. The staff has also provided a budget transfer for review that allocates grant funds into the appropriate line items in the county’s budget.

Recommendation: Approve the memorandum of negotiation and award the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park Phase III construction contract to ELJ, Inc. totaling $2,149,457 subject to final attorney review of contract documents.

Please click this link to view the full agenda: https://www.vancecounty.org/departments/board-of-commissioners/agenda/.

U.S. Department of Justice

Kittrell Man Sentenced to More Than Six Years on Drug, Gun Charges

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, U.S. Department of Justice

United States Attorney Robert J. Higdon, Jr., announced that today in federal court, United States District Judge James C. Dever, III, sentenced PRESTON OBRYAN MILES, 35, of Kittrell to 78 months’ imprisonment, followed by 3 years of supervised release.

MILES was named in a two-count Indictment on July 10, 2019, charging him with possession with intent to distribute heroin and cocaine and possession of firearms in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime. On November 1, 2019, he pled guilty to the Indictment.

According to the investigation, on Saturday, July 21, 2018, a Franklinton Police Department officer was on patrol near NC 56 in Franklinton, North Carolina, when he saw a black Toyota Camry with heavily tinted windows. As he began following the Camry, he could smell marijuana, and he noticed that the smell diminished when he switched lanes away from the car. The officer ran the tag and also found that the registered owner had an expired license.

The officer initiated a traffic stop and made contact with the driver, who was identified as MILES. The smell of marijuana was strong, and the officer spotted several partially smoked marijuana cigarettes inside the car. Backup arrived and officers searched the car. They noticed that the carpet liner in the trunk was not attached on the edges. In the space between the carpet liner and the frame of the car, officers found a plastic bag containing a cardboard box, which itself contained two bricks of heroin—approximately 100 single-dose bags. The box also contained two loose bindles of 10 bags each, a plastic baggie of approximately 3 grams of raw heroin, and tools of the drug trade, including a wooden stamp with a Mercedes symbol, a bag of small rubber bands, and scotch tape. Further back between the carpet liner and side of the car, officers found a black FN 5.7x28mm pistol.

Officers later reviewed communications from jail, in which MILES, in discussing his car, directed a woman to get items out of “the head” and stated that “I got a brick in the head.”  On July 26, 2018, law enforcement obtained a search warrant to re-search the car. They found a digital scale hidden in a hole in the bottom of the passenger seat headrest, and behind the scale, they found a brick of heroin and a plastic bag of cocaine. Using a camera to search deeper into the area between the carper liner and the passenger side of the car, officers located a second handgun, a Smith & Wesson revolver.

This case is part of Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), a program bringing together all levels of law enforcement and the communities they serve to reduce violent crime and make our neighborhoods safer for everyone. Since 2017, the United States Department of Justice has reinvigorated the PSN program and has targeted violent criminals, directing all U.S. Attorney’s Offices to work in partnership with federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement and the local community to develop effective, locally-based strategies to reduce violent crime.

That effort has been implemented through the Take Back North Carolina Initiative of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina. This initiative emphasizes the regional assignment of federal prosecutors to work with law enforcement and District Attorney’s Offices in those communities on a sustained basis to reduce the violent crime rate, drug trafficking, and crimes against law enforcement.

The Franklinton Police Department, State Bureau of Investigation, and Department of Homeland Security conducted the investigation. Assistant United States Attorney Jake D. Pugh represented the government.

Harvey Recognized by NC Governor

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Vance County Schools

Marsha Harvey, an English teacher at Vance County High School, received the Governor’s Education Discovery Award, entitling her to a stipend for professional development within her field.

She has committed to attend Paper to Stage at the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre Company.

Vance County Schools is proud of Ms. Harvey’s accomplishment and looks forward to what she brings back to share with her fellow teachers and students.

Pictured L to R: Vance County Board of Education Chair Edward Wilson, Vance County High School teacher Marsha Harvey and Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson. (VCS photo)

Henderson Kiwanis Club to Hold Trout Dinner Fundraiser at 220 Seafood

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Henderson Kiwanis Club

The Henderson Kiwanis Club will hold a Trout Dinner Fundraiser for the “benefit of children,” on Monday, March 9, 2020, from 4 – 7 p.m. at 220 Seafood Restaurant, 1812 Norlina Rd. in Henderson.

Trout, cole slaw, fries and hushpuppies will be available for $8 per plate. Plates are available for eat-in or take out. Beverage – tea or coffee – provided with eat-in meals only.

Your support of this event is greatly appreciated.

Town Talk 02/12/20: Lower ISO Ratings = Savings for Homeowners, Businesses


Vance County Fire Marshal Keith Duncan appeared on WIZS Town Talk Wednesday at 11 a.m. Duncan discussed the new insurance ratings for County fire departments, the addition of paid part-time personnel and plans for redistricting.

Insurance (ISO) Ratings:

After a county-wide review by the Department of Insurance Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM) in October 2019, Duncan is pleased to announce that all inspected Vance County fire departments were able to reduce their ISO ratings.

The routine inspections look for proper staffing levels, sufficient equipment, proper maintenance of equipment, communications capabilities and availability of a water source, among other items.

Based on the outcome of these inspections, the North Carolina Response Rating System (NCRRS) assigns a score ranging from one (best) to 10 (not recognized as a certified fire department by the state), with most rural departments falling into the 9S category.

This score, in turn, determines the rating the Insurance Services Office (ISO) uses to charge homeowners and businesses for insurance.

“We have good news for the citizens of Vance County,” Duncan said. “We have reduced rates that just came in this week and will go into effect May 1 of this year. This means an insurance savings of approximately $150 or more for homeowners.”

Prior to the recent inspection, many County departments had an ISO rating of 9, meaning citizens in those districts paid more for homeowners insurance. Duncan said through the hard work of department staff and appropriate funding, all seven inspected departments were able to improve their score to a 5 or a 6.

New ratings are as follows:

Kittrell Fire District = 6

Golden Belt Fire District = 5

Drewry Fire District = 5

Cokesbury Fire District = 5

Townsville Fire District = 6

Watkins Fire District = 6

Hicksboro Fire District = 6

The Bearpond Fire Department and Epsom Fire Department are on a different schedule and have been previously inspected. The Bearpond rating is currently a 5 for residents within 1,000 feet of a hydrant. Epsom, a border department shared with Franklin County, is also currently ranked at a 5.

The previously mentioned ratings apply to County fire districts and departments and are not to be confused with the City of Henderson that currently has an ISO rating of 2.

Duncan credited increased funding, purchased equipment, training hours and a myriad of other items, including an increase in fire tax, for the improved scores.

“It took the increase in fire tax over the past couple of years to get appropriations for departments that were in such dire need of these funds to equip their stations, to get volunteers and part-time positions. The return residents are going to get from their ISO rates being lower should far exceed any tax increase they paid.”

Paid Part-Time Positions:

Briefly addressing the much-discussed move to fund paid part-time positions in volunteer fire departments, Duncan said the addition of personnel indirectly helped with the improved ISO grade but was never the primary mission.

Citing faster response times and the need for paid positions in a world with fewer volunteers, Duncan stated the move was a partnership between Vance County Commissioners and County departments.

“It has worked out so great for the citizens here. Response time has lowered in two of our districts – our most remote districts – by four to five minutes. When you talk about a loved one that’s having a heart attack or a wood fire that’s threatening a home, time is of the essence.”

Fire Redistricting:

Now that department inspections have been completed and updated ISO ratings released, Duncan expects the County to revisit redistricting talks that were “put on the back burner” last year.

“The reason redistricting ever came up was because we were looking at lowering response times and determining the closest department to come to your house or business,” Duncan explained. “It only makes sense that the closer they are, the faster they get there.”

The main area of focus is the five-mile overlap area between fire districts. “We were looking at which department could get to that overlap area faster and discussed adjusting the line pretty much halfway,” said Duncan.

“We were not going to do anything until we got the ISO rates back. We didn’t want to move anyone out of a 5 district and into a 9 district, for example, and cost them money. Now that we have the ratings back, moving the line should not be any trouble because the [insurance] savings will be virtually the same.”

To hear the interview with Duncan in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

VCS Teachers, Principals Receive Performance-Based State Bonuses

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools is proud to announce that many of our teachers and principals received recognition and bonuses from the state of North Carolina for their growth in our district.

The General Assembly of North Carolina created the bonus structure, where principals and teachers within certain areas are eligible. There must be growth performance met within the criteria set in order to qualify to receive the bonuses. Growth is measured by EVASS, an analytics measurement created by SAS. The system evaluates each individual student and determines the overall progress of the student made while enrolled in a specific course, with the final analysis using the state test score.

The school is also given a letter grade, with proficiency counting 80% and growth as 20%, determining the principal growth. 

The following principals and teachers have been recognized and awarded monetary bonuses by the State of North Carolina for their performance in Vance County Schools.

Aycock Elementary School:

Taylor Bibee (Hedgepeth) – 5th Grade Reading

Stephanie Brown – 5th Grade Math & Reading

Susan Fletcher – 3rd Grade Reading

Sarah Jeffries – 4th Grade Reading

Reagan Ross – 4th Grade Math

Kristen Boyd – Principal

Carver Elementary School:

Debra Glanz (McCune) –  4th Grade Reading

Fe McCoy – 4th Grade Math

David Westbrook – Principal

Dabney Elementary School:

Justin Wrenn – 3rd Grade Reading

Michael Putney – Principal

E.M. Rollins Elementary School:

Tiffany Manning – 5th Grade Math

E.O Young Elementary School:

Shawanda Talley – 5th Grade Reading

Marylaura McKoon – Principal

L.B. Yancey Elementary School:

Analiza Maghanoy – 3rd Grade Reading

New Hope Elementary School:

Yackesha Samuda-Green – 4th Grade Math & Reading

Pinkston Street Elementary School:

Cheryl Jones – 3rd Grade Reading

STEM Early High School:

Charlie Carroll – 7th Grade Math

Vance County High School:

Audrey Brown – CTE

Francis Brown – CTE

Angela Cusaac – CTE

Vance County Middle School:

Kevin Johnson – 8th Grade Math

Sallie Nelson – 7th Grade Math

Adith Williams-White – 6th Grade Math

Zeb Vance Elementary School:

Taylor Alston – 3rd Grade Reading

Vance County Early College:

Travis Taylor – Principal


ACTS of Henderson Running Low on Food Pantry Items, Donations Needed

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy ACTS of Henderson, NC

The Food Pantry at ACTS of Henderson is running low on some items. Dry cereal, jars of peanut butter, boxes or packets of instant potatoes, “Helper” mixes (like Hamburger or Chicken Helper), canned fruit, ramen noodles, boxed mac & cheese and canned fruit are needed.

Plastic zipper bags are needed as well–all sizes. Please consider picking up some of these items and dropping them by.

ACTS is located at 201 South William Street in Henderson, and items may be brought between 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. If you need to bring them at another time, please call (252) 492-8231, and arrangements will be made.


VGCC Names 273 Students to President’s and Dean’s Lists


-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College has announced that 117 students earned President’s List academic honors and another 156 earned Dean’s List academic honors for the fall 2019 semester, which ended in December.

The President’s List recognizes students who achieved a perfect 4.0 grade-point average (GPA) while carrying a “full load” (of at least 12 credit hours) in 100-level or higher curriculum courses. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student had to earn a GPA that was at least 3.5 but less than 4.0, and have no grade lower than “B,” while carrying a “full load” of such courses.

Fall Semester President’s List honorees are listed below by program of study and then by residence. The Dean’s List follows the President’s List.

Accounting & Finance:

Andres-Manuel Mata Espino of Creedmoor;

Aaron  W. Rettig of Oxford.

Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology:

Jeremy M. Johnson of Manson;

Alexander J. Quintana of Youngsville.

Associate in Arts:

Crystal D. Clayton of Butner;

Tanaura R. Harrison and Cintly Vargas-Arias, both of Creedmoor;

Emma M. Cascino of Durham;

Randi A. Bowen and Cassidy A. Holmes, both of Franklinton;

Alejandro Duran, Emani’ D. Foster, Jorge Alberto M. Gomez, Aaliyah S. Jackson, Isaiah A. Johen, Josiah Jones, Caroline A. Nutt and Sarah R. Parish, all of Henderson;

Ashley E. Bolling and Rebekah L. Varker, both of Kittrell;

Brianna C. Pressey and Sara G. Woodard, both of Louisburg;

Spencer B. Boyd, Kai Z. Doege, Erica L. Evitts, Stephanie Gomez Palacios, Matthew P. Henderson and

Calli S. Massey, all of Oxford;

Grayson B. Williams of Rougemont;

Ronnie Brodie, Jr., of Wake Forest.

Associate in Fine Arts – Visual Arts:

Rachel R. Hughes of Creedmoor.

Associate in General Education – General Science:

Anahi Galvan of Butner;

Genevieve N. Mua of Creedmoor;

Cody M. Greene of Oxford.

Associate in Science:

Janis D. Terry of Bullock;

Jeremy J. Medley and Akoya M. Penny-Campbell, both of Creedmoor;

Isaac D. Sutton of Louisburg;

Rewees A. Ebrahim of Oxford;

Zion T. Page of Raleigh;

Naomi L. Campbell of Wake Forest;

John E. Moore of Youngsville.

Automotive Systems Technology:

Cameron M. Pierce of Creedmoor;

David D. Bragg and Larry G. Dupree, III, both of Franklinton;

Alec L. Moran of Henderson;

James H. Pope of Norlina;

Cesar L. Vazquez of Oxford;

Xavier Durham of Warrenton.

Bioprocess Technology:

Adrine L. Pettaway of Henderson.

Business Administration:

Gadiel A. Ogaz of Franklinton;

Alejandra Ponce, Grady A. Rollins and Crystal D. Wilkins, all of Henderson;

Timothy H. Powell of Louisburg.

College Transfer Pathway:

David B. Foster of Castalia;

Sophia J. Metcalf of Franklinton;

Jillian Hanchey of Louisburg;

Nancy A. Nasher of Manson;

Kaleigh V. Booker of Norlina;

Lana E. Horton of Oxford;

Jacob A. Comer of Rougemont;

Chase A. Tuttle of Wake Forest;

Evan M. Corsar of Youngsville;

Micah D. Hall of Zebulon.


Brandi N. Mitchell of Franklinton;

Megan N. Henderson of Henderson;

Madison L. Adams and Leslie B. May, both of Louisburg;

Edna J. Johnson of Raleigh;

Hannah L. Carpenter of Wake Forest;

Brittaney J. Kilmer of Youngsville.

Criminal Justice:

Ricardo L. Ellis of Creedmoor;

Alexis R. Lincoln of Franklinton;

Natasha A. Alston of Henderson;

Jessica M. Wiles of Norlina;

Wyatt D. Mote of Wake Forest.

Culinary Arts:

Cassidy A. Young of Franklinton;

Noah O. Hendrick of Oxford.

Early Childhood Education:

Emily S. Bickerstaff of Raleigh.

Electronics Engineering Technology:

Dakota L. Hodnett of Oxford.

Human Services Technology/Substance Abuse:

Noah D. Yeargin of Oxford.

Information Technology:

Joshua R. Jones of Butner;

Douglas Boulia of Creedmoor;

Matthew J. Stein of Franklinton;

Mario D. Silver of Havelock;

David B. Ayscue, Jr., Marvion A. Criddle and Mary L. Mosny, all of Henderson;

Alexander N. Long of Kittrell;

Allen T. Jones and Katelynn A. Ray, both of Louisburg;

Julian W. Causey, III, and Nicholas C. Parker, both of Oxford;

Amanda S. Aiken of Rougemont;

Marsha S. Musick of Warrenton.

Mechatronics Engineering Technology:

Derek K. Gay of Franklinton;

Triston L. Tilley of Stem.

Medical Office Administration:

Keishla M. Garcia and Erika Portillo, both of Creedmoor;

Bambi F. Coleman of Durham;

Desiree Annis of Franklinton;

Melanie A. Slaton of Henderson;

Savannah K. Alford and Elizabeth L. Wiggins, both of Louisburg;

Lisha T. Harris of Oxford;

Rebecca Lynam of Youngsville.

Office Administration:

Mia N. Wireman of Clayton.

Paralegal Technology:

Rachel G. Roberson of Franklinton;

Emari N. Ragland of Henderson;

Megan L. Finch of Kittrell;

Brandol J. Pahuamba Hernandez of Louisburg.


Kacie L. Gann of Durham;

Michelle A. Matthews of Henderson;

Kimberly Henderson of Raleigh.

Supply Chain Management:

Mariana G. Mitchell of Franklinton.

Welding Technology:

Hunter A. Norwood of Henderson.


Fall Semester Dean’s List honorees are listed below by program of study and then by residence:


Accounting & Finance:

Daequan L. Oakley of Oxford.

Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology:

Isaac A. Saleh of Oxford;

Tyler R. Holsonback of Stem.

Associate in Arts:

Amir L. Branch, Caden C. Colvin, Kayleigh N. Redmond, Megan M. Smith and Brennon M. Warren, all of Creedmoor;

Tanecia Leathers and Kathleen T. Zoldos, both of Durham;

Kimberly Ross of Franklinton;

Wafa A. Alazab, Taylor V. Cavanaugh, Kimberley M. Coghill, Hannah P. Foster, Micaela C. Harrah, Sierra McBurrough, Kristyn M. Medlin, Faith A. Orr, Josie M. Roberson, Nychelle M. Robinson, William A. Strickland, Alondra M. Torres-Ornelas, Leslie Zuniga  Trejo, Cristian J. Ventura, Anna B. Weaver, Haley L. Williams, Autumn N. Wortham, Brian Ramirez, Damion Harris, Jester Williams and Viviana Hernandez, all of Henderson;

Paul V. Rogerson of Littleton;

Cameryn A. Bostic, Jeremiah Calamaco, Kasey M. Nida, Kaleb M. Pulley and Christian A. Saroza, all of Louisburg;

Spencer T. Huff, Bree Kromah, Magaly D. Martinez and Erin P. Whitt, all of Oxford;

Mariana G. Alonzo and Gabriella M. Fuentes Wilson, both of Stem;

Kaitlyn E. Hopkins of Wake Forest;

Kayla W. Hargrove of Warrenton;

Angelica N. Montano of Wendell;

Sonia Gonzalez of Youngsville;

Tomas J. Olivares-Beddoes of Zebulon.

Associate in Fine Arts – Visual Arts:

Brandon K. Lewter of Franklinton;

Tyler R. Potter of Youngsville.

Associate in General Education – General Science:

Richard S. Kudayah of Durham;

Alexis N. Brown-Fincher of Henderson;

Kayla D. Stancil of Oxford;

Jaleka L. Alston of Warrenton.

Associate in Science:

Garret L. Deane and Timothy D. Hunter, both of Creedmoor;

Paola N. Contreras Escalera and Nidia K. McBride, both of Garner;

Safa A. Alazab of Henderson;

Nancy J. Alvarez Lopez, Jason Avila-Soria, Madeline R. Beck, Heveen N. Issa and Miguel M. Magana, all of Louisburg;

Sha’da Bullock of Manson;

Abigail D. Dickerson of Oxford;

Jordan A. Gilmore of Wake Forest;

Cheyenne M. Carroll of Warrenton;

Malorie R. Stasiewicz of Youngsville;

Bryson W. Bridges of Zebulon.

Automotive Systems Technology:

Josiah R. Yarborough of Henderson.

Business Administration:

Katlyn M. Hunt, Lainey G. Neal and Christopher L. Pulley, all of Henderson;

Jennifer S. Crabtree and Vanessa L. Crabtree, both of Kittrell;

Breanna L. Lewis of Oxford.

College Transfer Pathway:

Alexis N. Simmons of Henderson;

Alexander H. Rote of Kittrell;

Anthony D. Goreman, Abbie L. Mann and Kamarion E. Moore, all of Oxford;

Ava E. Stoddard of Rolesville.


Mia P. Ellis of Creedmoor;

Carter E. Gilliam of Franklinton;

Shakyla M. Cathey, Skylar N. Mulhollen and Ce’Anna K. Willis, all of Henderson;

Cannon G. Bigham of Louisburg;

Logan B. Breedlove and Victoria L. Hackett, both of Oxford;

Samantha J. Tackema of Wake Forest;

Megan L. Sandell of Winston Salem.

Criminal Justice:

Carly J. Minor of Butner;

Courtney A. Glenn of Oxford;

Mikayla Pendergrass of Stem;

Joshua R. Martus of Wake Forest.

Culinary Arts:

Michael J. Stephens and Kali B. Wiggs, both of Henderson;

Karsen O. Garrett of Youngsville.

Early Childhood Education:

Nancy E. Crumpler of Louisburg;

Chermella E. Durham and Catherine A. Mendell, both of Oxford.

Electrical Systems Technology:

Timothy L. Reid of Creedmoor.


Marianna Coppola of Fayetteville;

Nigoria B. Alston of Henderson

Joshua D. Manson of Louisburg;

Benjamin P. Eales of Raleigh;

Summer M. O’Brien of Roxboro.

Human Services Technology:

Ruth A. Terry of Oxford;

Rachel H. Allen of Stem.

Human Services Technology/Substance Abuse:

Heidi M. Kulhawik Angelini of Franklinton;

Tara E. Brame of Henderson;

Tiffiney Whitt of Roxboro.

Information Technology:

Malcolm J. Jones of Butner;

Janie M. Evans, Joshua T. Norton, Marquita L. Perry and Elizabeth H. Wonsetler, all of Henderson;

Emily Durling and Roderick A. Lewis, both of Oxford.

Mechatronics Engineering Technology:

Herbert H. Davis of Henderson.

Medical Assisting:

Yemika E. Hernandez of Creedmoor.

Medical Office Administration:

Yamileth D. Portillo of Creedmoor;

Ashley A. Hedgepeth, Christie K. Matthews, Maryjo M. Parks and Denise M. Woodard, all of Henderson;

Paola Rebollar of Louisburg;

Chassity A. Evans of Middleburg;

Kasey V. Evans and Felicia B. Fuller, both of Oxford;

Brooke W. Nowell of Roxboro.

Office Administration:

Kimberly C. Cagney of Creedmoor.

Paralegal Technology:

Guadalupe Z. Mata of Henderson;

June J. Terry of Louisburg;

Carol L. Coleman of Morrisville.

Pharmacy Technology:

Candace Wallace of Butner.


Lauren A. Stephenson and Yvonne A. Stills, both of Creedmoor;

Michael A. Leslie of Durham;

Matthew S. Denton, Heidy M. Morosumi and Amber D. Peoples, all of Henderson;

Carly M. West of Littleton;

Tanena S. Sims of Mebane;

Jennifer M. Banning and Sabrina E. Bedard, both of Wake Forest;

Jesslyn E. Bader of Youngsville;

Maria J. Perry of Zebulon.

Welding Technology:

Noah W. Pearce of Franklinton;

Branson P. Hight and Justin H. Ranes, both of Henderson;

William M. Balash and Benjamin H. Branch, both of Oxford.

Maria Parham Health

Maria Parham Health Volunteer Services to Hold Tupperware Sale

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Lisa Radford, Maria Parham Health

Volunteer Services of Maria Parham Health would like to announce its first fundraiser for 2020. The beloved Tupperware Sale will take place on Wednesday, February 26 from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Thursday, February 27 from 7 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the John T. Church classroom of Maria Parham Health in Henderson.

Please come see the new items and specials available.