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Suspect in Kittrell Food Mart Incident Charged With Seven Armed Robberies

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance County Sheriff’s Office

On Saturday, March 7, 2020, at 9:48 p.m., the Vance County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division responded to Kittrell Food Mart, located at 1243 U.S. Highway 1 South in reference to an armed robbery.

Vance County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division arrived at the scene and began the investigation. A person of interest was developed.

Wesley Deandre Anderson (Photo courtesy VCSO)

After conducting interviews, Wesley Deandre Anderson, age 20, became a suspect.

Criminal Investigation Division made contact with other jurisdictions that had similar incidents in Franklin County and Wake County (Knightdale and Raleigh, North Carolina). Anderson was subsequently charged with a total of seven (7) armed robberies.

Anderson was charged with one count of Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon for an incident the occurred on March 7, 2020, in Vance County.

Anderson has no bond and is currently in the Wake County Detention Center. His court date was set for May 11, 2020. This investigation is continuing.

NC State Board of Elections

State Board Investigating Possible Text Messaging Scam

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, NC State Board of Elections

The State Board of Elections is investigating a possible scam targeting North Carolinians with unsolicited text messages regarding their voter registration status or asking them to register to vote.

Recipients of the text messages should not click on the link embedded in the text and delete any such text messages from their phone.

The link sends recipients to what purports to be Vote.org’s website, but Vote.org officials confirmed Thursday that they are not sending the text messages.

The State Board is investigating and will alert state and federal authorities about the issue.

The State and County Boards of Elections have received numerous calls and emails from concerned recipients of the text messages.

“We know these texts can be confusing to voters, and we take this situation very seriously,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections. “We urge all North Carolinians to get information about voting and voter registration from trusted, reliable sources, including your state and county boards of elections.”

Voters can check their registration status at any time using the State Board voter lookup tool here: https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/.

If you would like to register to vote, the voter registration application can be found here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/dl.ncsbe.gov/Voter_Registration/NCVoterRegForm_06W.pdf.

For more information on voter registration in North Carolina, visit the State Board website at https://www.ncsbe.gov/Voters/Registering-to-Vote.

Vote.org also released a statement on Thursday:

“We at Vote.org take voter integrity and protection very seriously and ask that voters reach out directly to officials if they believe they have been contacted without solicitation. Text messages received in the last week were not that of Vote.org. We will continue to protect your vote, stay in communication with the North Carolina State Board of Elections and encourage voters to reference state registration websites and our official platforms at Vote.org. All communications received from Vote.org are marked as being such and can be found on official platforms.”

Alexis Simmons Awarded Barker-Ferguson Endowed Scholarship to Barton College

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Oxford Preparatory School

Alexis Simmons, a senior at Oxford Preparatory School, has been awarded the Barker-Ferguson Endowed Scholarship. The scholarship provides full-tuition, room and board.

Alexis Simmons, a senior at Oxford Preparatory School, has been awarded the Barker-Ferguson Endowed Scholarship and has also been named a Nursing Scholar at Barton College. The scholarship provides full-tuition, room and board. (Photo courtesy OPS)

Alexis has also been named a Nursing Scholar at Barton. Alexis is the daughter of Steve and Lisa Simmons of Henderson, NC. During her time at Oxford Prep, Alexis has earned a number of academic distinctions including being named marshal, earning membership in Beta Club and a Director’s List recipient every semester.

Alexis not only excels in academics, she is also a talented dancer and thespian, having performed in numerous roles with the Henderson Rec Players.

The Barker-Ferguson Endowed Scholarship was established through a gift by Eddie and Debra Ferguson in honor of her father, William L. Barker, and in memory of her mother, Birdie Parham Barker, and of his parents Jack E. and Dorothy Hunt Ferguson. One full scholarship is renewable as long as the recipient maintains a 3.25 cumulative grade point average.

The Barker-Ferguson Endowed Scholarship is awarded to a resident of Granville or Vance counties, North Carolina, who attends high school in those counties. Nominations are to be made by the guidance counselor(s) and/or principals of each school to the Barton College Scholarship Committee.

The recipient must meet the following minimum requirements: SAT score of at least 1,000, unweighted high school grade point average of a 3.40 on a scales of 4.00, and rank in the upper ten percent of the high school class (where available). Demonstrated leadership potential and exemplary extracurricular performance are also weighed heavily in the selection process.

Alexis competed in a Barton’s selective, early acceptance program that allows high school students who meet GPA and test score requirements to be accepted directly into the nursing program without competing for upper-level courses at the conclusion of the sophomore year.

As a Nursing Scholar, Alexis met rigorous academic requirements including maintaining a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher and having an ACT composite score of 24 or higher; or SAT 1170 or higher (Evidence-based Reading, Writing, and Math).

Vance County Sheriff's Office

Vance Co. Sheriff’s Office Announces Procedure Adjustments

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

The purpose of this memo is to outline considerations with respect to law enforcement operations during this ongoing state of emergency. Although there are no known positive cases of coronavirus in Vance County, we must be proactive and take precautions now to mitigate the spread of the virus in our community.

Law enforcement, like healthcare, is going to be an essential function during the current state of emergency. In order to maintain a high level of public safety, the Vance County Sheriff’s Office will be implementing minor adjustments in our operating procedures to ensure that we can continue to provide the safety and core services to our community. 

Effective immediately, many nonviolent criminal reports will only be taken by telephone. These reports include, but are not limited to: misdemeanor theft, harassing communications, lost property, identity theft, computer/phone/mail scams.

Reports can be made with a Sheriff’s Office employee during normal operating hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday) at 2527382200.

Our deputies were instructed to exercise discretion and avoid arrests for minor offenses that do not endanger others including property crimes. A concern for law enforcement is the spreading of Covid19. 

Our Emergency Management Center (911) will be asking more questions in order to obtain a wide range of information from callers who will be responding to calls. This is so that our deputies can take more proactive steps, and will not affect our response to your calls for service

As we continue to receive information we may be asking victims to step out of their homes or businesses to conduct interviews in order to comply with social distancing to complete the call. Deputies may be seen wearing personnel protective equipment (PPE). This will not hinder the calls for service. 

As we continue to receive information from the CDC and the North Carolina Sheriff’s Association, our goal is to continue to provide the same quality of service to the citizens of Vance County. 

The front lobby of the Sheriff’s Office will only allow one person inside beginning March 23, 2020, until further notice

The Vance County Sheriff’s Office will continue to monitor the Vance County Jail to limit the exposure of the inmates and staff. We will be restricting visitation until further notice to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff and inmates are met at the Detention Center. 

The Vance County Sheriff’s Department will continue to do its part to serve you during these difficult times and want to assure you that that the safety of our community is our top priority.

H-V Emergency Operations

Emergency Operations: Vance County Coronavirus Situation Report

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Brian K. Short, Director of Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations

As the confirmed cases of COVID-19 increase throughout the state, nation and in fact the world, we continue to coordinate with Public Health agencies, Maria Parham Health, Department of Social Services, State Emergency Management and our local emergency services response partners.

Thus far, there are no confirmed cases of the Coronavirus in Vance County, though that could change at any time. Testing is ongoing through both Maria Parham Health and our local Health Department.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is becoming very scarce as global competition for the same supplies is occurring. Responders and health care providers are being encouraged to reuse PPE, in particular, masks as often as possible to ensure that we hold on to our supplies for as long as possible. Once they run out, they could be out for an extended period of time.

We continue to submit requests for PPE and related resources to State EM as they are received, and so far all of our requests have been filled or are in the process of being filled as supplies become available.

Vance County and the City of Henderson have been under a local State of Emergency since 5 p.m. on Monday, March 16, 2020, and will remain so until it is no longer needed.

The Emergency Operations Center is partially activated and we are monitoring the situation across the country and at home on a continuous basis.

Calls into the Vance County 911 Communications Center have not shown a significant increase as of now, however, we are poised to up staff should it become necessary. The 911 Telecommunicators are asking additional Coronavirus screening questions on all medical-related calls and will continue to do so until it is no longer needed.

We ask that citizens please DO NOT call 911 to ask general questions about the Coronavirus. 211 has established a hotline for this purpose and we ask that our citizens contact their local physician or take advantage of the hotline if they have medical-related questions.

Both the Henderson Police Department and Vance County Sheriffs Office are now responding to nonemergency calls via telephone but are still responding as they always have to emergency calls.

We are strongly encouraging our citizens to observe the social distancing parameters being ordered by the Governor and suggested by our local and state public health agencies.

Many of our local restaurants have been very creative about continuing to provide their services to our citizens whether it be keeping their drive-through services open, offering online ordering or curbside services, and this is greatly appreciated.

We encourage our citizens as they shop for groceries and other related items to please shop smart. Our local convenience stores and grocery stores are working hard to restock their shelves and, for the most part, items are available for them to do so. Please use good shopping practices and buying only what you need for yourself and your family.

Our office will continue to monitor this event very closely and will continue to issue informational releases as the situation develops.


Vance County, NC Situation Report (as of 1 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 2020)

EOC activated: No – EM Staff is monitoring.

State of Emergency: YES

Closures: County private and public schools are closed.

Total Cases: None confirmed so far; several tests have been administered daily.

Law Enforcement: Enhanced operations but observing distancing when possible. All non-emergency calls handled by phone.

EMS/Hospital: Normal Operations.

Fire Responders: Responding in accordance with new Coronavirus screening protocols.

Fire: Normal Operations.

Communications: Normal Operations – additional Coronavirus screening questions in place.

Total Casualties: None.

Restaurants: All restaurants have complied with the Governors Order Many have remained open with take and drive-thru service available.

Hospital Bed Availability: Capacity is 78 with 67 currently admitted, 8 ICU beds with 5 beds currently occupied.

Medical Surge Planning (Hospital): Standalone air filters have been implemented to convert some patient rooms into isolation rooms. No visitors are allowed, with a few exceptions. Staff, patients and visitors will have their temperatures checked prior to entry.

Needed Supplies and Stock Items: PPE being closely monitored but OK for now.

NC Dept of Agriculture

Troxler Applauds Homeland Security Guidance Deeming Agriculture Critical Infrastructure

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, NCDA&CS

As the state deals with the COVID-19 pandemic, Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler applauds the guidance Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued in reiterating Food and Agriculture as being critical infrastructure industries to national security.

“Food is one of the most essential elements to survival and Homeland Security understands that. Keeping our nation’s food production and distribution systems operational even as we deal with this pandemic is critical to ensuring our food supply and our national security,” Troxler said. “I will continue to work with Gov. Cooper, state and national leaders to ensure agriculture and agribusiness continues to do its part to keep food safe, animals protected and businesses open.”

During the COVID-19 response, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security defines critical infrastructure industries to include healthcare services, pharmaceutical, and food supply. Workers in these industries are vital to maintaining this segment of the food and health industry – while following CDC and public health guidance to stay away if they are sick.

The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services continues to work diligently to ensure a safe and stable food supply. We are providing all of the services we can to ensure the continuation of food production, the food supply, veterinary services and commerce at this time.

Our Food Distribution Division is delivering USDA foods to schools and food banks across the state and has ordered additional resources to meet the growing need for assistance. Additionally, our four state-run farmers markets are open and still serving as valuable resources for fresh produce and meats.

“We are fortunate in North Carolina to have a strong agricultural industry, which means consumers have access to fresh local foods,” Troxler said. “We encourage local governments and decision-makers to consider the central role all these industries and businesses play in our state and local economies in their decision making.”

Link to the Homeland Security information: https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/CISA-Guidance-on-Essential-Critical-Infrastructure-Workers-1-20-508c.pdf.

Vance Co. Animal Services Recipient of $12K Petco Spay/Neuter Grant


-Press Release, Vance County Animal Services

Vance County Animal Services is pleased to announce that they are a recipient of a $12,500 Spay/Neuter Grant from the Petco Foundation

This grant was applied for and will be used for

  • Any citizen in the community that turns in a litter of puppies/kittens can have their intact cat/dog spayed or neutered for free.
  • Free spay/neuter for lost animals that are reclaimed from the shelter in lieu of fees associated with redemption.
  • Free spay/neuter for TrapNeuterRelease of feral and unowned cats

These funds will help citizens in our community get their personal pets spayed/neutered to reduce the number of unwanted animals being born in the community. This will also reduce the number of animal intakes at the Vance County Animal Shelter.

Vance County Logo

Vance Co. Announces Several Committee Meetings March 24-26

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Executive Assistant/Clerk to Board, Vance County Board of Commissioners

Please be informed of the following Vance County committee meetings. All meetings will be held in the Administrative Conference Room of the Vance County Administration Building located at 122 Young Street in Henderson.

Water Committee (Brummitt, Taylor, Wilder)

Tuesday, March 24 at 3 p.m.

Topics to be discussed are:

  • Connection fee increase

Properties Committee (Brummitt, Taylor, Wilder)

Tuesday, March 24 at 3:30 p.m.

Topics to be discussed are:

  • Review of final plans for Eaton Johnson
  • Lease extension for Alliance Rehabilitation Center

Public Safety Committee (Wilder, Brummitt, Taylor)

Wednesday, March 25 at 3 p.m.

Topics to be discussed are:

  • Community paramedic program
  • First responder program
  • Reorganization of the fire department to a combination department

Human Resources Committee (Faines, Taylor, Wilder)

Thursday, March 26 at 3:30 p.m.

Topics to be discussed are:

  • Health insurance
  • Manager’s evaluation form

Gifted Faithful Ministry Providing Items to Those in Need

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Mike Holland, Gifted Faithful

During this time of virus response, Gifted Faithful Ministry is glad to provide, based upon availability, items to those in need free of charge.

Available items include pasta, rice, cleaning supplies, soap, coffee, wipes, wash clothes, blanket, hygiene items and emergency/essential local transportation on a case-by-case basis.

If you have a need, please feel free to fill out a form <click here> and we will contact you about meeting these needs.

For more information about Gifted Faithful, visit their website at www.giftedfaithful.org.

NC Governor Logo

SBA Grants Governor’s Disaster Declaration Request for NC Small Businesses

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Office of Governor Roy Cooper

The U.S. Small Business Administration granted Governor Roy Cooper’s request for a disaster declaration for small businesses that are suffering economic losses due to the new Coronavirus, COVID-19.

“Many small businesses are desperate right now and this SBA approval will help,” said Governor Cooper. “Even more is needed and we will continue to push for additional assistance while we work to protect the health of North Carolinians.”

At the Governor’s request, the SBA granted a disaster declaration to small businesses across the state, allowing affected businesses to apply for low-interest SBA disaster loans.

Applicants may apply online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via SBA’s secure website at DisasterLoan.sba.gov.

Businesses and individuals may also obtain information and loan applications by calling the SBA’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-659-2955 or 1-800-877-8339 for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, or by emailing disastercustomerservice@sba.gov.

Loan application forms can also be downloaded at disasterloan.sba.gov.