Perry Memorial Library Announces Account Updates, Skills Building Resources
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There have been some recent account updates at Perry Memorial Library that should make your life easier!
NC Cardinal
The library has been working with the administrator of NC Cardinal to temporarily implement the following:
- Accounts that expired between January 1 until the library reopens will be extended to September, so you can use online resources. After the library reopens, you will need to come in and update your account before September.
- The fine cap has been removed, so account fees over $5 will not block you from using Overdrive.
- Overdue fines accumulated after March 1 have been waived, and no new fines should accumulate.
As always, if you are still having trouble accessing your account or any of the online resources, email us at
Skills Building
If you are looking to improve skills, study for standardized tests, prepare for post-high school education or career training, the Testing and Education Reference Center is a great place to start.
From the NC Live home page, select Test Prep, then scroll to the bottom of the list and click Testing and Education Reference Center.
Although you use your library card/PIN to access the database, you will want to make a separate account when prompted (when you choose an option) in order to save your results and keep track of any college searches, etc., you might complete.
There are options for:
Basic Skills: English/Writing and Math
High School: subject review as well as practice AP tests, SAT subject tests, and high school equivalency exams
College Prep: ACT, CLEP, PSAT, SAT, and resume writing
Career: practice tests for a variety of careers, including cosmetology, firefighter, ASVAB, etc.
Grad School: practice tests for GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, MAT
International: TOEFL, citizenship
There is also a college planning section with checklists of activities to complete from 9th through 12th grade.
Under the college prep section, there is even a college and scholarship search section!
For more information and additional resources, please visit the library’s website at