Tag Archive for: #vancecountynews

Perry Memorial Library Announces Account Updates, Skills Building Resources

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

There have been some recent account updates at Perry Memorial Library that should make your life easier!

NC Cardinal

The library has been working with the administrator of NC Cardinal to temporarily implement the following:

  • Accounts that expired between January 1 until the library reopens will be extended to September, so you can use online resources. After the library reopens, you will need to come in and update your account before September.
  • The fine cap has been removed, so account fees over $5 will not block you from using Overdrive.
  • Overdue fines accumulated after March 1 have been waived, and no new fines should accumulate.

As always, if you are still having trouble accessing your account or any of the online resources, email us at questions@perrylibrary.org.

Skills Building

If you are looking to improve skills, study for standardized tests, prepare for post-high school education or career training, the Testing and Education Reference Center is a great place to start.

From the NC Live home page, select Test Prep, then scroll to the bottom of the list and click Testing and Education Reference Center.

Although you use your library card/PIN to access the database, you will want to make a separate account when prompted (when you choose an option) in order to save your results and keep track of any college searches, etc., you might complete.

There are options for:

Basic Skills: English/Writing and Math

High School: subject review as well as practice AP tests, SAT subject tests, and high school equivalency exams

College Prep: ACT, CLEP, PSAT, SAT, and resume writing

Career: practice tests for a variety of careers, including cosmetology, firefighter, ASVAB, etc.

Grad School: practice tests for GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, MAT

International: TOEFL, citizenship

There is also a college planning section with checklists of activities to complete from 9th through 12th grade.

Under the college prep section, there is even a college and scholarship search section!

For more information and additional resources, please visit the library’s website at library.perrylibrary.org

Are You Ready? May 3-9 Hurricane Preparedness Week 2020

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville County Government

This week is Hurricane Preparedness Week! Hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30, but most storms hit from mid-August to mid-October.

All residents are encouraged to take this time to update emergency supply kits with enough non-perishable food and water to last each person in your family a minimum of one week. Kits should also include:

• First-aid kit
• Weather radio and batteries
• Prescription medicines
• Sleeping bag or blankets
• Changes of clothes
• Hygiene items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and deodorant
• Cash
• Pet supplies including food, water, bedding, leashes, muzzle and vaccination records.

If you live in a storm surge hurricane evacuation zone or if you’re in a home that would be unsafe during a hurricane, figure out where you’d go and how you’d get there if told to evacuate.

“Know Your Zone” is a cooperative effort of North Carolina Emergency Management and county emergency management partners and is a tiered evacuation system that highlights areas most vulnerable to impacts from hurricanes, tropical storms and other hazards.

After being piloted during the 2019 hurricane season, state and county emergency management will partner to officially launch the Know Your Zone initiative prior to the peak of the 2020 season. In preparation for the launch and the coming hurricane season, visit http://knowyourzone.nc.gov for an interactive lookup tool, FAQ, and other educational resources.

More information on severe weather and hurricane preparedness is located at www.ReadyNC.org.

Vance County Schools Logo

Vance County Schools Announces Plans for Graduation Celebrations

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Letter to the Class of 2020 from Vance County Schools:

To the Class of 2020

We hope that you are all were able to view Be the Light: A Tribute to the Class of 2020,a message of hope for our beloved seniors. As we approach one of the biggest milestones in your life, we want to make sure we celebrate you while also keeping the health and safety of everyone as a top priority

Each of our high schools will host a drivethru graduation event. Seniors will be assigned designated times, giving each senior their moment of celebration. Families will be given directives from the school on the process; however, each senior will be allowed one vehicle of guests to join them as the senior exits the vehicle, walks across the stage and a photograph is captured of this special moment.

Drive-Thru Graduation Schedule:

Vance County Early College – Graduation Date: May 21 from 6 – 7:30 p.m.; Rain Date: May 22

Vance County High School – Graduation Date: May 23 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.; Rain Date: May 27

Advance Academy – Graduation Date: June 11 from 3 – 5:30 p.m.; Rain Date: June 12

We understand this is not the graduation you dreamed of; however, you are resilient and we will do all we can to honor and celebrate your accomplishments. If government guidelines and health regulations allow a larger graduation event to occur this summer, the district is committed to seeing that through. But in the meantime, we want to celebrate you and all you have accomplished now

Stay tuned for additional information from your individual school, as well as the district website

Go forth and do great things!

NC Governor Logo

NC to Move Into Phase I of Easing COVID-19 Restrictions Friday

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Office of Governor Roy Cooper

Governor Roy Cooper signed Executive Order No. 138 to modify North Carolina’s Stay At Home order and transition to Phase 1 of slowly easing certain COVID-19 restrictions effective Friday, May 8 at 5 p.m. Certain businesses remain closed as the state continues battling COVID-19.

“COVID-19 is still a serious threat to our state, and Phase 1 is designed to be a limited easing of restrictions that can boost parts of our economy while keeping important safety rules in place,” said Governor Cooper. “This is a careful and deliberate first step, guided by the data, and North Carolinians still must use caution while this virus is circulating.”

“We must continue to protect our families and neighbors as we take this cautious step forward. When you leave your home, follow the three W’s: wear a face covering, wash your hands, and wait six feet apart,” said Dr. Mandy Cohen, Secretary of the NC Department of Health and Human Services.

Today’s Order removes the distinction between essential and non-essential businesses. Retail businesses are allowed to open at 50% capacity and will be required to direct customers to stand 6 feet apart, perform frequent cleanings, provide hand sanitizer when available, screen workers for symptoms and more. The Order allows people to leave their homes for commercial activity at any business that is open.

Certain businesses remain closed, including bars, personal care businesses, entertainment venues and gyms. Restaurants may only continue to serve customers for drive-through, take out and delivery.

All workers at retail and other businesses are recommended to wear cloth face coverings. Teleworking is still encouraged for businesses that can practice it.

Though small outdoor gatherings will be allowed in Phase 1, gatherings of more than 10 people generally are still prohibited. The Order encourages cloth face coverings to be worn when outside the home and in contact with others. Everyone who uses a face covering should adhere to this guidance without fear of profiling or bias.

During Phase 1, childcare facilities will be open to serve families of parents who are working or looking for work. These centers will be required to follow strict cleaning protocols. Summer day camps can operate in compliance with NC DHHS guidelines.

In explaining today’s Order, Governor Cooper and Secretary Cohen reported North Carolina remains stable on the following key metrics:

Trajectory in COVID-Like Illness (CLI) Surveillance Over 14 Days

  • North Carolina’s syndromic surveillance trend for COVID-like illness is decreasing.

Trajectory of Lab-Confirmed Cases Over 14 Days

  • North Carolina’s trajectory of lab-confirmed cases over the last 14 days cases is slightly increasing.

Trajectory in Percent of Tests Returning Positive Over 14 Days

  • North Carolina’s trajectory in percent of tests returning positive over the last 14 days is decreasing.

Trajectory in Hospitalizations Over 14 Days

  • North Carolina’s trajectory of hospitalizations over the last 14 days is level.

In addition to these metrics, the state continues building capacity to be able to adequately respond to an increase in virus spread. These areas include:

Laboratory Testing

  • North Carolina has doubled the daily testing rate.

Tracing Capability

  • The Carolina Community Tracing Collaborative has received over 4,000 applications and is in the process of hiring 250 new contact tracers.

Personal Protective Equipment 

  • Supply chains continue to improve with the exception of gowns.

The order is in effect until 5 p.m. on Friday, May 22. However, the end of this Order does not necessarily mean the state will move to Phase 2. Phase 2 will only start if data and indicators are in the right place.

Read Frequently Asked Questions about Order 138.

View a copy of recent graphs and slides.

Town Talk 05/05/20: Community Leaders, Clergy to Lead Local Day of Prayer – May 7

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Rev. Frank Sossamon with South Henderson Pentecostal Holiness Church appeared on WIZS Town Talk Tuesday at 11 a.m.

Sossamon announced that while necessary changes will be made for the sake of safety during the COVID-19 situation, the 69th Annual National Day of Prayer is still scheduled for Thursday, May 7, 2020, and will be honored locally.

Instead of larger crowds physically meeting in spots around Vance County, as has been the norm in previous years, community leaders will meet at designated locations.

Their prayers and conversation will be broadcast to the public in two separate services on WIZS 1450 AM, 100.1 FM, or by clicking “Listen Live” at www.wizs.com.

The afternoon service will begin at 12 p.m. and the evening service will start at 7 p.m.

This year’s theme is “Pray God’s Glory Across the Earth,” and Sossamon encouraged all churches to help spread the word of the prayer rally to the congregations.

“It’s one of the few times the entire community is called upon to pray together, and even to pray publicly,” Sossamon stated. “I think the public aspect of prayer is very important and powerful. We didn’t want to let this go just because we couldn’t physically gather this year.”

The schedule for the 12 p.m. service on May 7 is as follows:

  • Maria Parham Health – Rev. Frank Sossamon and MPH CEO Bert Beard
  • City Hall – Rev. Rhonda Pulley and Mayor Eddie Ellington
  • ACTS – Rev. Dr. Ron Cava and Lee Anne Peoples
  • Vance County Courthouse – Rev. Joseph Ratliff and guest

The 7 p.m. service includes music and a study of the “seven mountains of prayer,” including church, family, education, government, business, military and media.

The schedule for the 7 p.m. service on May 7 is as follows:

Welcome, Statement of Purpose and Opening Prayer


Seven Mountains of Prayer #1 – Church

Comments – Rev. Dora Dorsey, Retired Pastor

Prayer – Rev. Bobby Fletcher, Pastor of First Methodist Church

Seven Mountains of Prayer #2 – Family

Comments – Denita DeVega, Director of Vance County Social Services

Prayer – Goldie Davis, Income Maintenance Administrator, Vance County Social Services

Seven Mountains of Prayer #3 – Education

Comments – Dr. Anthony Jackson, Superintendent, Vance County Schools

Prayer – Dr. Trixie Brooks, Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction – VCS

Seven Mountains of Prayer #4 – Government

Comments – Jordan McMillen, Vance County Manager

Prayer – Gordon Wilder, Chairman of Vance County Board of Commissioners

Seven Mountains of Prayer #5 – Business

Comments – Michele Burgess, Director of Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce

Prayer – Michele Burgess or guest

Seven Mountains of Prayer #6 – Military

Comments – Archie B. Taylor, Retired Military

Prayer – Archie B. Taylor or guest


Seven Mountains of Prayer # 7 – Media

Comments – Nancy Wykle, Publisher/Editor of The Daily Dispatch

Prayer – John Charles Rose, Owner/Operator of WIZS AM Radio

While the day of prayer has been led by the clergy in the past, Sossamon said he and other members of the Vance County Ministers Community Partnership, the group responsible for planning the annual prayer day, thought it would be more poignant this year to include community leaders.

“We discussed it and thought ‘why don’t we actually take people from those areas of the community and let them speak to us about their area and have a prayer?’ People will want to tune in to WIZS and listen. I think it will educate and inspire you, and you’ll certainly benefit from the evening,” Sossamon commented.

In addition to tuning in, Sossamon said he encourages families to honor the spirit of the day by “getting in their car and driving to these seven mountains to pray. Drive to a business or a building, park in the parking lot and pray for the institution and those who work there.”

To hear the interview with Sossamon in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

H-V Rec. & Parks to Hold Mother’s Day Poetry Contest

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Tara Goolsby, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Program Superintendent

Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Department is sponsoring a Mother’s Day Poetry Contest. Participants should submit one original poem about mothers and/or Mother’s Day by email to tgoolsby@ci.henderson.nc.us by 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 7, 2020.

The winner of the poetry contest will receive a Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks goodie bag and will be announced on Facebook Live on Sunday, May 10 at 2 p.m.

For more information, please contact Tara Goolsby at (252) 438.3948 or tgoolsby@ci.henderson.nc.us.

State Will Not Provide COVID-19 Testing Directly to Prison, Parole Employees

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, NC Department of State Treasurer

State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, and the State Health Plan (Plan) announced that they are no longer seeking a direct testing solution with the North Carolina Department of Public Safety (DPS) regarding testing of corrections officers and other employees at the state’s correctional institutions over the next few weeks.

Announced on April 22, the Plan had sought to provide direct testing at DPS facilities after Treasurer Folwell had secured more than 20,000 COVID-19 tests. However, logistical and personnel concerns from DPS will prevent direct testing. Therefore, Treasurer Folwell has told Mako Medical, and any other test providers that were going to provide tests, they can release the tests designated to support the program.

“We’re disappointed that we could not work out the details on how to go directly to the facilities outside of the fence to test,” said Treasurer Folwell. “However, we fully understand the dilemma of the Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice.”

The vast majority of DPS employees are members of the Plan. Last month, the Plan announced that it is waiving the cost of treatment for members diagnosed with COVID-19, including associated deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. The Plan previously announced that it was also covering the cost associated with the testing of COVID-19.

The member cost-share waiver for COVID-19 related treatments is effective immediately through June 1, 2020, at which time the Plan will continue to re-evaluate this and other measures. The Plan is taking this action to help ensure that members receive the COVID-19 testing and treatment they need when they need it.

“Unlike other state agencies, DPS has unique safety and operational hurdles that could not be overcome by the State Health Plan’s desire to directly test these state employees,” added Treasurer Folwell. “We know that the leadership at ACJJ wants to act as quickly as possible and their concern for the welfare of their employees is tantamount. In fact, ACJJ has recently procured, paid for and administered tests at one of its 54 facilities.”

State Health Plan Executive Director Dee Jones added that the Plan is ready to assist when a viable testing method that meets DPS’s requirements is available. However, she highly encouraged any State Health Plan member who is exhibiting symptoms to see their Primary Care Physician.

The State Health Plan, a division of the Department of State Treasurer, provides health care coverage to more than 727,000 teachers, state employees, retirees, current and former lawmakers, state university and community college personnel, and their dependents.

Economic Impact Payments May Require Additional Steps; Deadline TODAY!

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

If you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Veterans Affairs benefits, have qualifying children under the age of 17, and didn’t file a tax return in 2018 or 2019, you may need to take extra steps to register to have $500 per child added to the $1,200 Economic Impact Payment you’ll receive this year.

The deadline to register with the IRS is TODAY, May 5, 2020.

Visit the IRS website for more information: https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/non-filers-enter-payment-info-here

For a short video with tips for using the IRS website (e.g., the information you’ll need to complete the online application): https://app.vyond.com/videos/cf708ddd-11da-4fbd-8653-2fc13b8a0424

The application requires an email address, so if you need help creating an account, see these simple instructions to create an e-mail account via Google: https://app.vyond.com/videos/1f24fb37-ef7f-4ad3-b123-d75f11373b25

Vance County Animal Shelter Cleared; All Inhabitants Find Homes

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Vance County Animal Services Chief Frankie Nobles appeared on WIZS Town Talk Monday at 11 a.m.

Nobles was pleased to announce a first in his over 10 years of service with the Vance County Animal Shelter – a complete clearing by either rescue, fostering or adoption of all animals this past weekend.

“It’s never been completely empty since I’ve been here,” said Nobles. “We are excited. We got every animal to a home, and it was an amazing weekend.”

Nobles said it was a combination of the hard work of shelter staff and volunteer organizations, and fewer animals being taken in during COVID-19 restrictions, that made this possible.

You can listen to the interview here from WIZS Radio.

The shelter is currently responding to emergency calls only, such as injured or aggressive animals, and has used some of the downtime for needed shelter maintenance.

“We’ve worked so hard to get to the point of clearing the shelter. When COVID-19 happened, that was our time to catch up and get ahead of the ballgame. It’s getting to be summertime, and that’s when we see most of our animals coming in,” Nobles said.

Nobles explained such a feat would not be possible without volunteer organizations such as the Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society of Henderson, NC. “We joke around here and call ourselves the dream team just because we are a big team of people that work well together, and it works like a dream.”

To hear the interview with Nobles in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

14 COVID-19 Deaths, 254 Confirmed Cases in Granville, Vance Health District

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

As of May 4, 2020, there are 144 known COVID-19 cases in Granville County, 110 cases in Vance County, and 11,848 confirmed cases in North Carolina.

There are two outbreaks at congregate living facilities in the district – one at Federal Correctional Complex in Butner, NC and one at Pelican Health Nursing Home in Henderson, NC.

Of the total positive cases in each county, 87 in Granville County are associated with the prison and 47 in Vance County are associated with the nursing home.

Of the 57 community-based cases in Granville County, 34 have been released from isolation and 46 of the 87 cases at the prisons have been released from isolation.

Of the 110 cases in Vance, 19 have been released from isolation and 6 are hospitalized.

There have been a total of 14 deaths in the health district – 8 in Vance County and 6 with the Bureau of Prisons in Granville County.

GVPH updates its website daily with Vance and Granville COVID-19 statistics. Please visit www.gvph.org/COVID-19/ for the latest information.