Tag Archive for: #vancecountynews

NC Governor Logo

Cooper Extends Utility Cut Off Moratorium, Implements Evictions Moratorium

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Office of Governor Roy Cooper

Governor Roy Cooper signed Executive Order No. 142 to extend the prohibition of utility shut-offs and implement a moratorium on evictions. The Order went into effect Saturday with the Governor’s signature.

“North Carolinians need relief to help make ends meet during the pandemic,” said Governor Cooper. “Extending housing and utility protections will mean more people can stay in their homes and stay safe as we all work to slow the spread of this virus.”

“North Carolinians want to pay their rent, but for far too many people – through no fault of their own – that’s just not possible right now,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “We are in unprecedented times that call for unprecedented action. I support Gov. Roy Cooper’s extension of the moratorium on evictions to ensure that people do not face homelessness in the midst of this health and economic crisis.”

The Council of State concurred on this Executive Order with no objections.

The Order will aid in efforts to stop the spread of the virus by preventing homelessness due to eviction and ensuring access to essential utilities such as water and power. Though the Order allows for extended windows to pay rent and utility bills, all tenants and customers are still ultimately responsible for making their rent and utility payments.

The Order’s evictions moratorium:

  • Is effective immediately and lasts for 3 weeks;
  • Would prevent landlords from initiating summary ejections or other eviction proceedings against a tenant for nonpayment or late payment of rent;
  • Prevents landlords from assessing late fees or other penalties for late or nonpayment;
  • Prevents the accumulation of additional interest, fees, or other penalties for existing late fees while this Order is in effect;
  • Requires landlords to give tenants a minimum of six months to pay outstanding rent;
  • Requires leases to be modified to disallow evicting tenants for reasons of late or nonpayments; and
  • Makes clear that evictions for reasons related to health and safety can take place.

The Order’s utility shutoff moratorium:

  • Continues effective immediately and lasts 60 days;
  • Prohibits utility disconnections for all customers;
  • Prohibits billing or collection of late fees, penalties, and other charges for failure to pay; and
  • Extends repayment plans at least six months, and sets the default term for repayment to six months for cases when the utility and customer cannot agree on the terms of an extended repayment plan.

More information can be found in the FAQ document or read Executive Order 142.

Vance County Logo

Vance Co. to Discuss Allocation of Approx. $1 Million in Coronavirus Relief Funding

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Jordan McMillen, Vance County Manager

As recently posted on WIZS.com, Vance County has received Coronavirus Relief Funds from the State totaling $974,599. According to Vance County Manager Jordan McMillen, discussion on ways to allocate those funds will be held at the Board of Commissioners meeting on Monday, June 1.

“The state originally required a plan by June 1, but have pushed back the deadline to June 15, as of yesterday,” said McMillen. “According to the latest guidance, the funds must be spent by the end of December or they must be returned. The use of the funds is very restricted; funds can only be used for expenses directly related to COVID-19.”

McMillen continued, “We do anticipate using the funds to purchase necessary PPE for our public safety departments, as well as to outfit our buildings to ensure our staff and the public will be adequately protected, for example with the installation of plexiglass in certain departments, updating certain technology to ensure we are better prepared for telework and telemeetings in the future.”

As the court system opens back on June 1, McMillen said the County is making arrangements to encourage social distancing both outside the courthouse and as people enter the courthouse. Additionally, the courthouse will have regular cleanings throughout the day.

Community Partners of Hope

Community Partners of Hope Updates: 220 Fundraiser Canceled, Gown Project Moved

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Jane King, Community Partners of Hope, Inc.

Updates from Community Partners of Hope:

Hope House

Six men are living in Hope House now, and all are doing well. Some have lost jobs during the COVID-19 shutdown, some are just going back to work.

Because of their situation, “shared expense” payments are temporarily suspended, so the cost of utilities, internet, etc. is coming out of Community Partners of Hope’s budget.

Hope House’s new roof has been delayed, with work expected to begin soon.

220 Fundraiser

The 220 Fundraiser originally scheduled for April 27, and rescheduled for Monday, June 29, has now been canceled.

If you purchased tickets and would like a refund, please call (252) 432-9494. Otherwise, your purchase will be considered a donation to Community Partners of Hope.

Protective Gown Project

If you want to help the community, please consider joining a group that has been making disposable protective gowns for the hospital and nursing home workers. This project was started by First Baptist Church in Henderson, and the work was done at McGregor Hall for a number of weeks.

The project is now moving to First Presbyterian Church (upstairs from the shelter), and we can use volunteers to create gowns from plastic sheeting to protect healthcare workers from COVID-19.

Work is done from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday – Friday and also 2 to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The work is not difficult and someone can train you quickly.

All volunteers 17 and under must be accompanied by an adult. All volunteers will be screened upon arrival and must have a temperature below 100, no symptoms, and no known exposure to COVID-19 (including no known exposure by anyone in their household). Please bring a mask and scissors with you.

If you would like to help, please sign up online at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A44ADAC2BA1FD0-protective


At this time, Community Partners of Hope is only in need of financial contributions. Expenses continue at Hope House even when the Henderson Men’s Shelter is closed for the season. Funds are still needed in the ongoing search for a new shelter location. All contributions are tax-deductible.

You may send a check to Community Partners of Hope, Inc, P.O. Box 1791, Henderson, NC 27536

VGCC Reopening Business Seminars

VGCC Small Business Center Presents ‘Reopening Your Business’ Webinar Series

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the VGCC Small Business Center 

As local businesses begin to reopen, the Small Business Center of Vance-Granville Community College (VGCC) has scheduled a six-part series of online seminars intended to assist businesses in navigating these uncharted waters.

Sessions include:

June 4 – Understanding Phases 1, 2 and 3 of Reopening

June 9 – Reopening Your Business Without Opening Liability

June 11 – Best Social Media Practices as You Reopen

June 16 – The Latest CDC Health & Safety Guidelines Broken Down for Your Business

June 17 – Connecting With Customers as you Reopen

June 19 – Managing Finances During Reopening & Beyond

All sessions are from 10 – 11 a.m. Please register no later than twenty-four hours prior to each session at www.ncsbc.net.

In these one-hour sessions, subject matter experts will look at the various phases of reopening along with potential liability, communicating with customers and employees, CDC guidelines and managing finances. There will also be time allowed for questions and answers.

Participants will need a valid email address in order to receive the webinar login information. After registering, the link will be sent the evening before the event, and a reminder email will also be sent approximately one hour before the start time.

With additional questions, please contact the VGCC Small Business Center via email at smallbusiness@vgcc.edu.

Boys & Girls Club Summer Camp

Register Now! Boys & Girls Clubs to Hold Free Virtual Summer Camp

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information and flyer courtesy BGCNCNC

The Boys & Girls Clubs of North Central North Carolina (BGCNCNC) will hold a free virtual summer camp for local children June 15 through July 31, 2020.

Camp includes:

  • A “Be Great” box full of fun activities and supplies that will be delivered to your home each session
  • Access to a Private Facebook Group for updates, activities and daily Facebook Live sessions
  • Daily Zoom meetings with guest speakers, presentations, classes and more!

In order to receive access and a “Be Great” box, please register by Friday, May 29, 2020. Complete the registration form at www.bgcncnc.com or visit the BGCNCNC’s Oxford, Roanoke Rapids or Vance locations weekdays from 4:30 – 6 p.m.

For more information, call (919) 690-0036 or visit www.bgcncnc.com.

NC Governor Logo

Four-County Area to Receive Over $4 Million in COVID-19 Relief Funding

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Office of Governor Roy Cooper

Governor Roy Cooper announced that $85.4 million in federal funds provided for COVID-19 relief to counties will be disbursed this week.

Three large counties, Guilford, Mecklenburg and Wake, have already received funds directly from the federal government, and 59 other counties that have completed certification will receive funds this week from the state-administered Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) that was passed by Congress. Counties are encouraged to support municipalities with the funding as needed.

“Everyone is working hard to make ends meet, including county governments as they finalize their budgets,” Governor Cooper said. “These funds will help communities respond to the COVID-19 crisis with testing, personal protective equipment and more.”

Though the federal government did not require that the state share any of the $3.56 billion in the CRF to North Carolina local governments, Governor Cooper’s COVID-19 budget proposal recommended $300 million be allocated to counties and municipalities.

Ultimately, the unanimously approved and bipartisan budget that Governor Cooper signed included $150 million for counties that have the flexibility to share monies with their municipalities as county commissioners deem appropriate.

Local allocations include:

Vance County – $974, 599

Granville County – $1,233,427

Warren County – $571,030

Franklin County – $1,383, 798

The full distribution of funds is listed here by county, along with instructions to counties about how the funds may be used.

The CRF funds may be used for medical needs including the COVID-19 related expenses of public hospitals and clinics, including testing; public health expenses, such as personal protective equipment and other medical supplies, as well as the cost of cleaning public areas and facilities such as nursing homes; payroll expenses for public safety or healthcare employees dedicated to responding to the COVID-19 emergency; and expenses to comply with public health measures, including teleworking, distance learning, food delivery, paid leave for public employees, expenses for maintaining prisons, and protecting the homeless population.

By state law, the 97 remaining counties will receive a base amount of $250,000, with more distributed by population. This quick disbursement of funds was coordinated by the state Office of State Budget and Management and the new North Carolina Pandemic Recovery Office (NC PRO).

For questions about how CRF funds may be used, go to the NCPRO website for more information.


Town Talk 05/27/20: VGCC Offers Customized Business Training Programs

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Keith Shearon, director of Customized Training at Vance-Granville Community College (VGCC), appeared on WIZS Town Talk Wednesday at 11 a.m.

VGCC provides customized training programs tailored to meet the needs of a company and its employees. Classes are flexible in design to accomplish specific objectives and are jointly planned by company managers and training specialists from the College.

Funded by the State of North Carolina, Shearon said these programs offer companies training that assists with plant expansions, technological advancements and productivity enhancements.

Pioneered in 1958 to enhance economic development in NC by way of a well-trained and educated workforce, customized training was, and continues to be, a key part in attracting new companies and retaining existing companies, explained Shearon.

Examples of VGCC’s customized training courses include:

  • Computer Training
  • Communication Skills
  • Customer Service
  • Environmental
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Quality Control
  • Safety & Health
  • Team Training
  • Technical & Engineering
  • Vocational Trade

Eligible industry sectors include manufacturing, technology-intensive, life sciences, regional or national warehousing and distribution centers, business and technical support centers, air courier services and national headquarters with operations outside of NC.

As an example, Shearon said customized training would be appropriate when a manufacturer purchases equipment and needs to train employees on how to operate the new technology. The company’s management would contact VGCC to schedule an assessment and map out a training plan for employees before and/or after hire.

With five projects currently underway, Shearon said companies are reaching out to VGCC’s Customized Training Program for assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We have this struggle going on in our economic situation right now,” stated Shearon. “We have some companies that are growing despite the situation, and we have other companies that are struggling because of the situation. A lot of companies are trying to figure out how to use the resources they have available to them to carry on the best that they can.”

While VGCC is typically regarded in the community as a place to register for courses that will lead to the completion of a degree or a diploma, Shearon said the College has much to offer in terms of shorter-term training and business guidance as well.

For more information on VGCC’s Customized Training Program, please contact Shearon at (252) 738-3433, shearonj@vgcc.edu or visit the website at https://www.vgcc.edu/coned/industry-services/.

To hear the interview with Shearon in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

Local COVID-19 Report: 31 Deaths Reported in Granville, Vance Health District

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

As of May 26, 2020, there are 258 known COVID-19 cases in Granville County, 243 cases in Vance County, and 24,140 confirmed cases in North Carolina.

There are three outbreaks at congregate living facilities in the district – one at Federal Correctional Complex in Butner, NC, one at Pelican Health in Henderson, NC, and one at Kerr Lake Nursing Home in Henderson, NC.

Of the total positive cases in each county, 119 in Granville County are associated with the prisons, 45 in Vance County are associated with Pelican Health nursing home, and 22 are associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home.

Of the 139 community-based cases in Granville County, 57 have been released from isolation and 4 are hospitalized.

Of the 119 cases in the prison system, 63 have been released from isolation.

Of the 243 cases in Vance, 98 have been released from isolation and 12 are currently hospitalized.

There have been a total of 31 deaths in the health district – 20 in Vance County and 11 with the Bureau of Prisons in Granville County.

GVPH updates its website daily with Vance and Granville COVID-19 statistics. Please visit www.gvph.org/COVID-19/ for the latest information.

VCHS Grad 2020

Vance County High School Graduates 220 in Drive-Thru Ceremony


-Press Release and photos, Vance County Schools

Vance County High School celebrated commencement with 220 graduates on Saturday, May 23, 2020, at 9 a.m. The drive-thru ceremony was held at Vance County High School. 

Though unable to have a traditional graduation, Vance County Schools was elated to be able to recognize the Class of 2020. Students were afforded the opportunity to graduate on their scheduled commencement day. Each graduate was limited to one vehicle; however, the ceremony was live-streamed on the school district website, as well as live updates provided on WIZS 1450 AM/100.1 FM for other family, friends and community members. The event was also covered by Spectrum News. 

Once graduates arrived, the family received their graduation programs and began the line-up in their vehicles. Family members were congratulated during the processional drive-thru as their child exited the vehicle and walked towards the stage through a tunnel of celebrations.

The finale included family who were able to view their graduate walking across the stage, an integral part of the plan. Dr. Anthony Jackson, superintendent of Vance County Schools, and Mr. Rey Horner, principal of Vance County High School, presented each of the graduates with their diploma. 

Graduates included:

Ruby Aguirre, Dw’aylon Alexander, America Alfaro, Haytham Ali, Omar Ali, Avery Allen, Jylesha Allen, Nijah Allen, Elijah Alston, Kaleeha Alston, Tamia Alston, Tyasha Alston, Tre’Quan Archie, Dinah Baldwin, Breanna Ball, Jamila Barnes, Annie Baskerville, Isaac Bell McLean, Tyler Bondurant, Jatavious Boyd, Roy Boyd, Tajmia Boyd, Traquan Boyd, Nashiya Branch, Sha’Nia Branch, Lamaurice Bridges, Ricky Brodie, Kapri Brown, Jasmine Brummitt, Tyree Bryant, Jy’Hem Bullock, Sha’Mya Bullock, Treshaun Burton, Armarnee Burwell, Ashanti Burwell, Kristophe’ Burwell, Phillip Burwell, Samein Burwell, Jonathan Castilleja, Jermey Clark, Keyuna Cofield, Kasaveon Cole, Keziah Coleman, Sherique Coleman, Malik Cooper, Tra’Veon Cooper, Aaliyah Copeland, La-Dashia Coppedge, Jamie Crute, Jordan Dalipe, Tammy Dang, James Davis, Shamarra Davis, Kaya Devaughn, Terrance Downing, Harry Drumgold, Ashanti Edwards, Kayla Ellington, Kiana Epps, Mariela Escribano Chontal, Davonte’ Evans, E’nya Evans, Ky’Ree Evans, Sarah Evans, Ke’Mari Falcon, Tydasia Faulkner, Keith Fisher, Samayia Floyd, Hope Fogg, Ijaray Gary, Nshama-Rishona Gibbs, Victoria Glasscock, Quincy Glover, Jada Gray, Christian Green, Jamari Green, Logan Grimes, Ernesha Hallom, Clitayvious Hammond, Breaoni Hargrove, Ja’niya Hargrove, Jebias Hargrove, Jonah Hargrove, Mark Hargrove, Howard Harley, Amauri Harris, La’Zariah Harris, Michael Harris, Trekwon Harrison, Carneshia Hawkins, Devone Hayes, Ijanae’ Henderson, Kennede Henderson, Tory Henderson, Andrea Hendricks, Tyree Hendricks, Susanna Hernandez, Diana Hernandez-Campos, Ja’Khiah Hicks, Joye Hicks, Diamond Hope, Keiron Hunt, Shamia Hymon, Eric Jett, Brian Johnson, De’Andre Johnson, Nikita Johnson, Anasia Jones, Davion Jones, Diamonte’ Jones, Edward Jones, Jabari Jones, Kayla Jones, Phadol Jordan, Carlos Juarez-Hernandez, Jy’Kavious Judkins, Ashanti Kearney, Ta’niah Kearney, Dewayne Kennedy, Quinysha King, Jolvin Kingsberry, Kahlil Kingsberry, Austin Lawless, Carolina Leon, Aquavion Lewis, Jhanell Lewis, Taliya Lewis, Tiyani Lewis, Monserrat Lopez, Asia Loyd, Ta’Quan Lyons, Jose Maldonado, Ausencio Maldonado-Alvarez, Victoria Martiny, Tahkeira McKnight, Stephanie Melgar, Jessica Mellor, Leahana Melton, Marilyn Mendoza Mata, Vanessa Mendoza, Kyra Mitchell, Ny’Asia Mitchell, Ja’Quan Moore, Madison Moore,Yesenia Morales, Thomas Murphy, Gianna Ortiz, Rodney Palmer, Brian Paramo-Saldana, Ma’kiyah Parham, Maximus Parham, Rontaja Peace, Cody Pegram, Kayla Penny, Natasha Perry, Shakilvin Pettaway, Payton Rainey, Elsa Ramos, Michael Reavis, Ashanti Richardson, Dai’Quan Roberts, Gustavo Robles-Delao, Julie Rodriguez, Yareli Rodriguez Ramirez, Breanna Rodwell, Jackson Royster, Tamara Sanchez, Jennifer Sanchez-Alejo, Brian Santaclara, Laura Santos Hernandez, Sylvester Shaw, Jay’la Shearin, Jaylen Shearin, Nigee Shearin, Sha’Joya Smith, Larry Springs, Christopher Stevenson, Ta’Ree Sulyans, Isis Taylor, Kaziah Taylor, Duquasha Terrell, Kristina Terry, Lantavious Terry, Noah Terry, Rockele Terry, Tiana Terry, Destinee Thompson, Miriam Trejo, Delmy Trochez Sanchez, Edgar Torres, Jalen Townes, Malik Townes, Thomas Townes, Maria Umanzor Guzman, Keyon Umstead, Marcos Vasconcelos, Anna Ventura, Jecario Watson, Destiny Weaver, Jordan Webb, Si’mone Webb, Derrick Wiggins, Tyere’ Wiggins, Jhaiiheeim Wilkins, Zachary Willard, Antonio Williams, Csaveon Williams, Dynasty Williams, Melaine Williams, Rosolind Williams, Sydiahiah Williams, Thomasina-Hydeia Williams-Niles, Jacob Williamson, Bryanna Wilson, Da’Unta Wimbush, Atiya Woods, Rielly Wortham, Bryton Yarborough, Phajja Yarborough and Ashley Zuniga.

Vance County Schools recognizes seniors using Latin honors as determined by the student’s grade point average. A total of 43 graduating Vance County High School seniors received Latin honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, cum laude). 

Senior Victoria Glasscock delivered a pre-recorded speech to her class. 

In addition to 220 high school diplomas being awarded, combined, Vance County High School students have been awarded over 1.5 million dollars in scholarships and grants. This number continues to grow as students are still receiving award letters that were delayed by COVID-19. 

Although the Class of 2020 did not experience a traditional senior year, VCS is proud to have provided a graduation that allowed every senior their moment to shine and be celebrated. We are extremely proud of our seniors and wish them the best as they journey ahead.

For additional photos from the ceremony, please visit the Vance County Schools’ Facebook page (click here).



Coach's Corner Logo

Coach’s Corner 05/26/20: Former SVHS, VGCC Basketball Coach Heading to Wake Forest

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Greg Ackles, the new head men’s basketball coach for Wake Forest High School and former coach at Southern Vance High School (SVHS) and Vance-Granville Community College (VGCC), appeared on the WIZS Coach’s Corner Tuesday.

Serving as the head men’s basketball coach at VGCC for the past two years, and at SVHS for the five years prior, Ackles now takes on a Wake Forest team with a recent 1-9 conference and 5-20 overall record.

While Ackles has his work cut out for him, he said his experience with team building and motivating players to be competitive – as witnessed in doubling the number of VGCC wins during his two-year coaching tenure – will serve him well.

“I don’t want to toot my own horn, but I know what I’m capable of and I know my ability in terms of building a program,” said Ackles. “The expectation is the same regardless of any job I take on: to get the players to be competitive.”

Ackles said he has already been in talks with the Cougar’s Junior Varsity basketball coach and has an online meeting scheduled with players this evening for a general meet-and-greet. It is expected that the majority of the players, with the exception of the four seniors who graduated, will be returning for the next season.

With the recent retiring of VCHS basketball coach Wilton Baskett leaving an open position at the combined high school, Ackles said he “heavily debated” his options, but ultimately decided to apply for the Wake Forest position and to accept the resulting job offer.

“I want to say thank you to Vance County because they treated me well the past seven years at both the high school and at VGCC. Hopefully, we can make this thing work at Wake Forest.”