Tag Archive for: #vancecountynews

Free Meals for Kids

Wellness on Wheels, Local Organizations Providing Free Meals Through Summer

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Chalis Henderson, Turning Point CDC

Wellness on Wheels, a program of the Green Rural Redevelopment Organization, is partnering with Vance County organizations to offer free healthy meals for local children every Tuesday – Friday through August 31, 2020.

Grab-and-Go meals will be available at the following locations:

Franklin Vance Warren Opportunity ~ 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. ~ Location: 180 S. Beckford Drive, Henderson

Oasis of Hope Ministries ~ 12 – 1 p.m. ~ Location: 2495 US Hwy 1/158, Henderson

Cotton Memorial Presbyterian Church ~ 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. ~ Location: 511 N. Chestnut St., Henderson

Knoll Terrace Mobile Home Park ~ 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. ~ 1261 Americal Rd., Henderson

H-V Chamber Logo

Reminder: H-V Chamber of Commerce Collecting Items for New Teacher Bags

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce

The Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce is preparing to welcome new teachers to the Vance County area. The schools include Vance County Public Schools, Henderson Collegiate, Crossroads Christian School, Kerr-Vance Academy, and Vance Charter School.

The H-V Chamber is looking for donations from local business owners to pack into bags for these teachers. Needed items include pens, pencils, pads, hand sanitizer, coupons/discount cards, key chains, etc. The Chamber is also in need of a business to donate the actual bags.

Approximately 140 new teachers will be welcomed to the area. If your business would be able to donate an item for each teacher, it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are requested by July 14.

If your business would be able to donate an item for each teacher, or with any questions, please contact the Chamber at (252) 438-8414.

Vance County Schools Logo

Vance County Schools Unveils Framework of Re-Opening Plans 


-Press Release, Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools, along with every other school district in the state, was instructed to develop three plans in preparation for the 2020-2021 school year. Plan A, with minimal social distancing, Plan B, with moderate social distancing and Plan C, as complete remote learning. Our district plans were developed with input from parents and staff through online surveys and on-going discussions with district leaders and principals at each of our schools. 

Having already established Plan A and Plan C, Vance County Schools has worked diligently on developing a framework for Plan B in preparation for the governor’s announcement regarding schools. The Vance County Board of Education reviewed each of the plans, along with the survey data from both staff and our families, approving the district moving forward with the framework planning. 

Plan A permits all students to return to the building, but large group settings would be avoided. Social distancing and face coverings are still required. 

Plan B is the blended instructional model, consisting of two groups. Group 1 includes students in grades K-3 and 9-12, meeting for face-to-face instruction every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with remote instruction on Thursday and Friday. Group 2 includes students in grades 4-8 who will have remote instruction on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, with face-to-face instruction on Thursday and Friday. Classrooms would have fewer students in each room and face coverings are required. 

Plan C has all students engaging in remote instruction, five days a week. 

Our district is committed to ensuring that all students receive instruction Monday through Friday, facilities are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, wellness checks take place daily, face coverings are worn and students receive meals. We are committed to meeting the needs of our students, regardless of the plan our district pursues. 

One school that will not need to await the state’s decision is Vance Virtual Village Academy (V3), our newest Innovative School in Vance County. V3 is a K-12 virtual school, allowing students to complete their education online with a personalized plan developed for each. Innovative instruction, enrichment and athletic opportunities will be available. V3 requires a one-year commitment from those accepted into the school. The design is set to outlast the COVID pandemic and provide another option for our community, meeting the needs of our families. 

Governor Cooper’s announcement will guide the schools as a whole, indicating the least restrictive plan that districts may use; however, individual districts, with board approval, can activate a more restrictive plan based on local health data. Once that information is released, our Board of Education will reconvene to make the final action on what plan Vance County Schools will begin for the 2020-2021 school year.

Understanding the Plans

Plan A – Minimal Social Distance

Plan B – Moderate Social Distance

Plan C – Remote Instruction


Plan A: Bus transportation provided for all students. Required face coverings on the bus.

Plan B: Bus transportation provided at 50% density. One student per seat. Required face coverings on the bus.

Plan C: Remote Instruction – student transportation not needed.


Plan A: Large group interactions reduced. Student movement reduced significantly.

Plan B: No large group interactions. Face-to-face instruction and remote instruction provided on a rotating basis with low-density classrooms.

Group 1: Grades K-3, 9-12
M-Tu-W: Face-to-Face Instruction
Th – F: Remote Instruction

Group 2: Grades 4-8
M-Tu-W: Remote Instruction
Th – F: Face-to-Face Instruction

Plan C: Remote Instruction 5 days a week for all students PK-12th grade.


Plan A: Meals will be provided to all students daily. Students will eat in their classrooms.

Plan B: Meals will be provided to all students daily. Students will eat in their classrooms. Meal packs will
go home with students for remote instruction days.

Plan C: Grab and Go meal service will be provided to eligible families.


All Plans: Outside visitors not allowed in buildings.


All Plans: Disinfecting will occur frequently each day in classrooms, on buses and high touch areas.

Face Coverings

Plan A: Staff and students will be REQUIRED to wear face coverings

Plan B: Staff and students will be REQUIRED to wear face coverings

Plan C: Staff will be REQUIRED to wear face coverings.

Athletics & Activities

All Plans: Activities and athletics will be allowed or prohibited, per guidance from DHHS.

Wellness Checks

All Plans: Wellness checks will be conducted at the entrances of each school daily (and throughout the building during the day as needed).

School Hours

Plan A: Grades K-5: 8:30-2:30 ~ Grades 6-12: 9:00-3:30

Plan B: Grades K-5: 8:30-2:30 ~ Grades 6-12: 9:00-3:30

Plan C: Remote Instruction

Staff Availability

All Plans: Staff will be in the school buildings, providing instruction to students Monday – Friday.

COVID-19 Scam Alert

Notice to Public: Beware of Scams Involving COVID-19 Contact Tracing

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the NCDHHS 

The public is asked to be aware that scams involving COVID-19 contact tracing are being used to gain financial and sensitive information.

According to the NCDHHS, legitimate contact tracers from the COVID-19 Community Team will contact those who have tested positive or those who have been near someone with COVID-19 by text from the number 45394 or email from NC-ARIAS-NoReply@dhhs.nc.gov. Avoid responding to unknown calls or emails.

If the Community Team reaches out with a phone call, either NC OUTREACH or the local health department’s number will appear on their phone.

If a member of the Team calls and doesn’t get an answer, they will leave a voicemail. To protect your privacy, the voicemail will not say that the call is about COVID-19.

The NCDHHS website explains that callers will know it is a member of the Community Team calling because they will do the following when leaving a voicemail:

  • Identify themselves with their first name and the local health department they are calling from.
  • Say “We are contacting you about an urgent public health matter. We would like to speak with you to provide further information and share guidance.”
  • Request that you call your local health department at your earliest convenience and will tell you the local health department’s phone number.
  • Tell you the local health department’s website in case you would like to go to the website to verify the phone number.

Additionally, if you are ever in doubt about how to contact your local health department, please use this website for local health department contact information (click here).

Four-County Health Departments:

Vance: 115 Charles Rollins Rd, Henderson, NC 27536; (252) 492-7915

Granville: 101 Hunt Dr, Oxford, NC 27565; (919) 693-2141

Franklin: 107 Industrial Dr, Louisburg, NC 27549; (919) 496-2533

Warren: 544 West Ridgeway St, Warrenton, NC 27589; (252) 257-1185

Vance County Schools Logo

Vance Co. Schools’ Free Summer Meal Program Continues Through July


-Information courtesy Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools’ free summer meal program continues through Thursday, July 30, 2020.

Each week, meals will be available for drive-thru pick up at Aycock Elementary School, EO Young Elementary School, Vance County Middle School and Vance County High School from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

Meal units that are distributed Monday – Wednesday will include two meals – lunch for that day and breakfast for the following morning. Thursday distribution will include two breakfasts and two lunches.

Weekly menus, including hot meal items, are available on the VCS website and VCS social media pages.

Time to Unwind Concert

McGregor Hall to Livestream ‘Time to Unwind’ Concert July 16

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center

McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center will present “Time to Unwind,” a musical concert featuring Greg Milton & Friends via Facebook on Thursday, July 16, 2020, at 7:30 p.m.

During this evening of music, the journey will consist of some spirituals, hymns, jazz standards, R&B classics, Gospel and much more. This concert will feature the amazing talent of Blakely Bates, Dr. Aliza McLean, Karen Leigh Allen, Stella Jones, and Alice Sallins, along with many more.

Tune in on the McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center Facebook page on July 16 for this concert that is open to the public!

If you are able to give, a donation link will be provided to continue supporting the arts in our community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Henderson Vance Recreation & Parks

Madden, Exercise, Crafts & More Part of H-V Rec & Parks Summer Programming

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Tara Goolsby, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Program Superintendent

The Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Department announces its summer programming opportunities for youth and adults alike. Sessions include:

HVRPD Madden 20 Tournament: Test your Madden skills in the first Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Madden 20 Tournament. Play one-on-one in an online double-elimination tournament to be crowned Madden King. Winner will receive a copy of NFL Madden 21 when it is released. Participants can register July 6 – July 19 online at https://hvrpd.recdesk.com/  The cost is $5 for adults and $2 for youth.

For more information, please contact Darius Pitt at (252) 438-3408 (dpitt@ci.henderson.nc.us).

HVRPD 2K20 3V3 Tournament: Think your squad is the best in NBA 2K20? Team up with our H-V Rec’s 3v3 squad and play against 15 other teams in an online tournament to be crowned the Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks NBA 2K20 3v3 Champions! Everyone on the winning team will receive a copy of NBA2K21 when it is released. Participants can register July 6 – July 19 online at https://hvrpd.recdesk.com/ The cost is $15 per team for adults and $6 per team for youth.

For more information, please contact Darius Pitt at (252) 438-3408 (dpitt@ci.henderson.nc.us).

Social Media Trivia Contest: The Henderson Vance Recreation & Parks Department will begin a Social Media Trivia Contest starting on Monday, July 6 and ending on Wednesday, August 5.  Two trivia questions will be posted Monday –Friday between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. on our social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat & Twitter). The first person with the correct answer will receive three points, the second person with the correct answer will receive two points and the third person with the correct answer will receive one point. Questions must be answered the same day they are posted to receive points. The participant with the most points at the end of the contest will win a prize.

For more information, please contact Tara Goolsby at (252) 438-3948 (tgoolsby@ci.henderson.nc.us).

Moving Mondays: Please join the Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks staff to dance your way to happiness with popular line dances. This virtual dance class will be held live on the Henderson Vance Facebook page on Mondays at 10 a.m. July 6 through August 24.

For more information, please contact Lauren Newlin at (252) 438-3160 (lnewlin@ci.henderson.nc.us) or Tyler Terry (252) 438-2670 (tterry@ci.henderson.nc.us).

Virtual Fall Prevention Exercises and Tips Program: The Henderson Vance Recreation & Parks Department will host a virtual fall prevention exercises and tips program. This program is designed to help prevent falls by improving your balance, increasing your strength and providing safety tips. This program will be held on Tuesdays & Thursdays July 7 –  August 27, from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. You can join on Facebook Live at Henderson Vance Special Programs

For more information, please contact Tyler Terry at (252) 438-2670 (tterry@ci.henderson.nc.us) or Crystal Allen at 252-431-6091 (callen@ci.henderson.nc.us).

Virtual Arthritis Exercise Class: The Henderson Vance Recreation & Parks Department will hold a virtual Arthritis Exercise Class. This is a FREE low-impact, joint safe program developed for people with arthritis. This class has been proven to decrease pain and stiffness while increasing flexibility and range of motion. This class is also suitable for every fitness level. You can join on Facebook Live at Henderson Vance Special Programs on Wednesdays and Fridays July 8 – August 28, from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

For more information, please contact Crystal Allen at (252) 431-6091 (callen@ci.henderson.nc.us ) or Tara Goolsby at (252) 438-3948 (tgoolsby@ci.henderson.nc.us).

DIY (Do it Yourself) Crafty Kids: The Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Department presents DIY (Do it Yourself) Crafty Kids. Participants will have the opportunity to purchase craft bags that will include crafts, coloring pages and stickers. Drive through pick up will be held on Friday, July 10, 17, 24 and 31, from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Aycock Recreation Center (307 Carey Chapel Rd in Henderson). The cost is $5 per craft bundle and can be purchased online at https://hvrpd.recdesk.com/ or in-person on the day of the event. You must bring exact cash.

For more information, please contact Lauren Newlin at (252) 438-3160 (lnewlin@ci.henderson.nc.us).

Paint with DP: Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks will be having another FREE “Paint with DP” Facebook live session. Tune in to participate or just watch. You can purchase affordable painting materials at Walmart, Ollie’s or Dollar General. Once we have completed the painting, participants can send pictures of their masterpieces. The best painting will receive a $25 gift card. The Live session will be held Saturday, July 11, 2020, at 2 p.m. on the Henderson-Vance Athletics page.

For more information, contact Darius Pitt at (252) 438-3408 (dpitt@ci.henderson.nc.us).

GVPH Director Lisa Macon Harrison Elected NACCHO Board Vice President

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, NACCHO

The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) has elected Lisa Macon Harrison, Local Health Director of Granville Vance Public Health, to its 2020-2021 Board of Directors as vice president. NACCHO is the voice of the nation’s nearly 3,000 local governmental health departments.

Ms. Harrison assumed the Vice President role on July 1, 2020. She will then serve as president-elect in 2021-2022 and president in 2022-2023.

The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) has elected Lisa Macon Harrison, Local Health Director of Granville Vance Public Health, to its 2020-2021 Board of Directors as vice president. (Photo courtesy NACCHO)

 “It is an honor to be selected for this opportunity to work together with colleagues across the nation to elevate the practice of public health during such a critical time,” said Ms. Harrison. “Across rural and urban areas of our country, the local public health workforce remains dedicated, hard-working, and effective whether we are focused on communicable disease during pandemic response, on health equity and systems change, or on so many other population health focus areas that have not slowed down as our work has intensified. I look forward to advocating for public health and the incredible people working for the health and well-being of every community.”

“Lisa has been a strong volunteer leader within NACCHO’s Board and Executive Committee and has contributed significant amounts of time, energy, and expertise to the organization. I congratulate Lisa on her election to Vice President of NACCHO and look forward to her continued leadership in this new role,” said NACCHO’s CEO Lori Tremmel Freeman, MBA.

About Ms. Harrison

Lisa Macon Harrison, MPH, has been the director of the Granville Vance District Health Department in North Carolina since 2012. Her previous roles in North Carolina public health thread through research, practice, advocacy, and policy development.

Lisa has been a member of the public health field for over 23 years and has served as director of the Office of Healthy Carolinians and Health Education at the North Carolina Division of Public Health; led the Public Health Incubator Collaboratives Program at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, and directed the Southeast Public Health Leadership Institute (SEPHLI) at UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health where she continues to stay connected as adjunct faculty in the Public Health Leadership Program. In 2015, Lisa served as the North Carolina Public Health Association president where she continues to stay involved in connecting public health research and practice.

As a local health director in a rural district, Lisa enjoys advocating for rural public health and provides mentorship for students interested in public health and rural health. Although a true Tar Heel by birth (in Chapel Hill, NC) and by training (UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health), Lisa is also happy to serve as a consulting associate at Duke University School of Nursing where she hosts national clinical scholars making rotations across NC health system opportunities at Granville Vance Public Health.

Vance County Logo

Vance Co. Board of Commissioners to Hold July’s Scheduled Meeting This Evening

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, July 6, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson.

Agenda items:

ABC Composite Board to Reappoint Member and Chair to ABC Board

Brian Short, Emergency Operations – COVID-19 Response Update

Alan Helias, Alan Fitzpatrick, Kent Winrich – Open Broadband Update

Angie Blount, County Planner Rezoning Request – Case RZ20200409-1 ~ 12996 NC Hwy 39 North; Parcel 0325C03002

Water District Board

a. Committee Report

b. Monthly Operations Report

Committee Reports and Recommendations

a. Public Safety Committee

– Used Ladder Truck

– Animal Services Ordinance Amendments

– Redistricting

– Fire Reorganization

b. Properties Committee

– Shared Parking Agreement at Eaton Johnson – Henderson Institute

– Green Rural Redevelopment (GRRO) Proposal – Eaton Johnson Kitchen/Cafeteria

Finance Director’s Report

a. Surplus Property

b. COVID-19 – Coronavirus Relief Fund

c. DSS Relocation Project Ordinance

d. Final Resolution – JP Morgan Chase Financing

County Attorney’s Report

a. REO Properties – New Offers

– Oak Ridge Church Road Lot (Parcel 0482 04006)

– Lot 4 Tanner Street (Parcel 0111 04009)

County Manager’s Report

a. Economic Development Director Search

b. CRF Funding Agreements

Consent Agenda Items

a. Budget Amendment

b. Tax Refunds and Releases

c. Monthly Reports

d. Minutes


a. Appointments

Click here to view current and prior Board agendas.

Henderson Vance Recreation & Parks

H-V Rec. & Parks’ Indoor Facilities Remain Closed; Most Outdoor Parks/Trails Open

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Tara Goolsby, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Program Superintendent

Governor Roy Cooper and North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen announced on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, that North Carolina will remain in Safer at Home Phase 2 for three more weeks. During this time, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Department will remain closed to the public.

We understand the disappointment. Recreation is our business and our responsibility, therefore we are keeping our facilities, parks and playground equipment “closed” but will continue to encourage you to utilize the walking trails and tracks we have to offer. We are asking our Henderson-Vance community to continue to practice social distancing recommendations in an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19. 

The current status of Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks facilities includes:


➢ Aycock Recreation Center 

  • Aycock Aquatic Center

➢ Old Aycock Gym – Indoor Facility

➢ Fox Pond Park

➢ All Satellite Sites 

  • First Presbyterian Church 
  • Vance County Senior Center

➢ All Playground Equipment and Structures 

Remaining Open: 

➢ All Outdoor Parks, Trails and Tracks excluding Fox Pond Park 

Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks will monitor the situation and make an assessment on when it is safe to reopen some or all of the affected facilities.

Updates about facilities, classes/programs and events will be available on our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter) and website at http://ci.henderson.nc.us/departments/recreation_and_parks/.