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Vance County Schools Logo

Vance Co. Schools Board of Education to Decide Between ‘Plan B’ or ‘Plan C’ Re-Entry

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance County Schools

On July 14, Governor Roy Cooper announced that all public schools in North Carolina have the option to open under Plan B this fall, which is a combination of in-person and online-learning for every student. Plan B also includes many safeguards to ensure our buildings are safe places to learn.

Flexibility for each district in choosing more restrictive measures, as necessary, is also permissible at the direction of the Board of Education. 

We have been planning for all options for many weeks now and have eagerly awaited the Governor’s announcement. We will now begin the process of finalizing our plans to re-open Vance County Schools safely for our students and staff. Our efforts have included gaining insight from surveys completed by our families, both staff and students, as well as focus groups, allowing us to hear their voices on the upcoming school year. 

The Board of Education will meet to discuss re-entry plans and determine whether the district begins with Plan B, or takes a more restrictive approach with Plan C. 

Remote-Learning Option for Plan B: VCS families have the opportunity to choose remote learning as an option for their child(ren), even during Plan B. This will occur through a student’s assigned school. This option would be available for the duration of time that our district is operating under Plan B. Additional information on the process will be shared on each school’s website within five business days of an official announcement by the Vance County Board of Education. 

Vance Virtual Village Academy: Another option for families is our newest Innovative School, Vance Virtual Village Academy. This K-12, online school is designed for those seeking to remain part of a virtual program for a minimum of one school year. Each student has a personalized learning plan, providing pathways towards demonstrating mastery in unique and exciting ways. The application period is open through July 31 and available on the Vance County Schools website

As always, our top priority will be the safety of everyone in our school system. The re-entry plan was shared with our Board of Education at the July 6, 2020, meeting. They will now reconvene July 17 to make a final decision on how to begin the 2020-2021 school year. The meeting will be live-streamed on our website at www.vcs.k12.nc.us

Thank you for your support of Vance County Schools.

NC Governor Logo

Governor Announces Public Schools to Open Under Plan B; Phase 2 Extended

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Office of Governor Roy Cooper

Governor Roy Cooper and North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen were joined today by education and health leaders to announce health and safety plans for K-12 public schools for the new school year. Schools will open for in-person instruction under an updated Plan B that requires face coverings for all K-12 students, fewer children in the classroom, measures to ensure social distancing for everyone in the building, and other safety protocols.

“The most important opening is that of our classroom doors. Our schools provide more than academics; they are vital to our children’s’ health, safety and emotional development,” said Governor Cooper. “This is a difficult time for families with hard choices on every side. I am committed to working together to ensure our students and educators are as safe as possible and that children have opportunities to learn in the way that is best for them and their families.”

The Strong Schools NC Public Health Toolkit outlines the updated requirements for Plan B. Districts may choose to operate under Plan C, which calls for remote learning only, and health leaders recommend schools allow families to opt in to all-remote learning. Modifications have been made to Plan B since it was released in June to make it more protective of public health.

“After looking at the current scientific evidence and weighing the risks and benefits, we have decided to move forward with today’s balanced, flexible approach which allows for in-person instruction as long as key safety requirements are in place in addition to remote learning options,” said NCDHHS Secretary Mandy Cohen, MD. “We will continue to follow the science and data and update recommendations as needed. We ask every North Carolinian to do their part to slow the spread of COVID-19 and follow the three W’s: Wear a face covering when in public, Wait 6 feet apart, Wash your hands.”

Governor Cooper also announced that the state will provide at least five reusable face coverings for every student, teacher and school staff member in public schools. In June, the state provided packs of personal protective equipment to schools that included a two-month supply of thermometers, surgical masks, face shields and gowns for school nurses and delegated staff who provide health care to students.

“Educators and stakeholders across our state have worked tirelessly to reopen our school buildings safely for our students, teachers and staff. Today, we take another critical step towards that goal. We also know families need to choose the option that is best for their children, so all school districts will provide remote learning options,” said Eric Davis, Chairman of the State Board of Education.

“In-person education is important for children, and it happens in the context of a community. This plan strikes the right balance between health and safety and the benefits of having children learn in the classroom. We must all continue with proven measures to reduce COVID-19 transmission like wearing a face covering, keeping distance between people, and frequent hand and surface cleanings so we can move closer to safely re-opening public schools,” said Dr. Theresa Flynn, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP, a practicing pediatrician who serves on the Board of Directors for the North Carolina Pediatric Society and joined today’s announcement.

Under Plan B, schools are required to follow key safety measures that include:

  • Require face coverings for all teachers and students K-12
  • Limit the total number of students, staff and visitors within a school building to the extent necessary to ensure 6 feet distance can be maintained when students/staff will be stationary
  • Conduct symptom screening, including temperature checks
  • Establish a process and dedicated space for people who are ill to isolate and have transportation plans for ill students
  • Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces in the school and transportation vehicles regularly
  • Require frequent hand washing throughout the school day and provide hand sanitizer at entrances and in every classroom
  • Discontinue activities that bring together large groups
  • Limit nonessential visitors and activities involving external groups
  • Discontinue use of self-service food or beverage distribution

In addition, schools are strongly recommended to follow additional safety measures that include:

  • Designate hallways and entrance/exit doors as one-way
  • Keep students and teachers in small groups that stay together as much as possible
  • Have meals delivered to the classroom or have students bring food back to the classroom if social distancing is not possible in the cafeteria
  • Discontinue activities that bring together large groups
  • Place physical barriers such as plexiglass at reception desks and similar areas

More details can be found in the Strong Schools NC Public Health Toolkit. Read the Screening Reference Guide for schools and the Infection Control and PPE Guidance.

In addition to the announcement about school plans, Governor Cooper shared that North Carolina will remain paused in Safer At Home Phase 2 after the current Executive Order expires on Friday, July 17.

“As we continue to see rising case numbers and hospitalizations, we will stay in Safer At Home Phase 2 for three more weeks,” said Governor Cooper. “Our re-opening priority is the school building doors, and in order for that to happen we have to work to stabilize our virus trends.”

School Groups on Today’s Public School Announcement:

“While all school re-entry plans have their challenges during this pandemic, our superintendents, principals, and other school leaders will continue to prioritize student and staff safety in reopening schools under the cautious parameters outlined today by the Governor,” said North Carolina Association of School Administrators Executive Director Katherine Joyce. “We look forward to continuing work with the Governor, the General Assembly, and other state leaders to ensure our schools have the support needed to get student learning back on track in the safest manner possible in each local district.”

“I recognize Governor Cooper faced a very difficult decision. The good news is that local school boards can now begin to officially put their school reopening plans in motion,” said Brenda Stephens, President of the North Carolina School Board Association. “While the current situation may not be ideal for all, I’m confident North Carolina’s educators will continue to provide students with the best education possible.

East Wake Football League

East Wake Football League Postpones Fall Season, Looks to Spring

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, East Wake Football League

The East Wake Football League (EWFL) is committed to ensuring a positive youth football experience and sharing a long history of competitive youth football in the seven (7) county area. Due to the growing concerns about COVID-19, the Board of Directors of the EWFL has decided to postpone the 2020 Tackle Football and Cheer season.

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented health and safety concerns that, in our opinion, make it difficult to have a season and keep players, coaches and families safe.

As an alternative, the Board will begin to design a Spring football season for our teams that would begin in early 2021. We will share more information as plans develop.

“The safety of our athletes is our first priority, and we will follow the guidance of the CDC and the State of North Carolina as we think about the next steps of our League,’ said Jeff Clark, League Commissioner.

About the East Wake Football League: The EWFL is a North Carolina 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to youth football in North Carolina. The EWFL is an independent league that currently consists of 18 affiliated organizations with three (3) teams each from 6 to 14 years in age. The EWFL has served the youth football community for over 50 years. More information may be found at www.ewfl-football.com.

Vance County Logo

Vance Commissioners to Discuss County Debt, Shared Parking Agreement

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the County of Vance

Vance County Board of Commissioners Chairman Gordon Wilder has called a special meeting for Tuesday, July 21, 2020, at 4 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room, Vance County Administration Building, 122 Young Street in Henderson.

The purpose of the meeting is to:

1. Hold a public hearing for the refinancing of County debt.

2. Approval of Shared Parking Agreement – Henderson Institute.

3. Other items as necessary.

Please click here to view the full agenda.

Vance County Schools Logo

Vance Co. Schools Announces K-8 Online Summer Learning, Bus Hot Spots

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Vance County Schools’ Facebook page

Vance County Schools is excited to provide the opportunity for continued learning experiences throughout the summer months for all students in grades K-8.

Visit the VCS’ website, www.vcs.k12.nc.us, and click on the K-8 Summer Learning tab at the top. From there, follow the instructions to sign-in. You will then have access to a variety of reading, writing, word work, and math learning experiences, along with links to projects related to various careers to explore.

VCS is also committed to ensuring connectivity is available for students. Click here to see information on the VCS School Bus Hot Spots. The map is updated as the buses change locations.

Stay up-to-date with the latest locations and directions on connecting at www.vcs.k12.nc.us.

Smart Start

FGV Smart Start Awarded Grant to Aid Vance Co. Adolescent Parenting Program

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the June 2020 FGV Smart Start Newsletter

Franklin-Granville-Vance Smart Start has been awarded $1,000 to aid the Adolescent Parenting Program (APP) from the Vance County Unrestricted Endowment, a component fund of the North Carolina Community Foundation. APP provides intensive, family-centered services to pregnant and parenting adolescents in Vance County.

The Vance County Community Foundation is a growing family of philanthropic funds, a source of grants for local causes and a partner for donors. VCCF was founded in 1997 and is led by a local volunteer advisory board that helps build community assets through the creation of permanent endowments, makes grants and leverages leadership – all for the benefit of Vance County.

The VCCF board advises the Vance County Community Fund, the unrestricted community grantmaking fund, to support local needs. This competitive grant program is held annually.

Funds from the Foundation will be used for the 25 teen parents who are participating in the program to purchase school supplies for the upcoming school year.

The goals of the APP are for participants to not have a repeat pregnancy, to stay active in school until graduation, and for graduates to enroll in post-secondary education.

Recreation Rocks

HVRPD’s ‘Recreation Rocks’ Scavenger Hunt to Offer Thrill for Young Treasure Seekers

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Tara Goolsby, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Program Superintendent

Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Department presents a “Recreation Rocks” Scavenger Hunt for youth ages 17 and under. Participants will design and submit rocks for the scavenger hunt.

Registration and rocks may be submitted at Aycock Recreation Center (307 Carey Chapel Rd. in Henderson) Monday –Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. All rocks must be submitted by Friday, July 17, 2020, at 5 p.m.

Participants will receive an e-mail at 8 a.m. on Saturday, July 25, 2020, with clues to find the location of the decorated rocks. Participants take pictures with each rock and submit to Lauren Newlin by email (lnewlin@ci.henderson.nc.us) or any HVRPD social media site (Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram). The FIRST participant to submit ALL pictures with rocks will win a gift basket filled with goodies from HVRPD.

For more information, please contact Lauren Newlin at 252.438.3160 ( lnewlin@henderson.nc.us).

Skills and Drills

‘Skills & Drills’ Videos Designed to Keep Youth Athletes Physically Active

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Tara Goolsby, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Program Superintendent

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are so many restrictions currently placed on youth athletics. Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Department’s number one priority is the safety of our citizens. While we don’t recommend partaking in group competition at this time, we also understand the importance that staying physically active has on your overall health.

Because of this, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks will be working with coaches to put together skills and drills videos that your child can use to help develop their skills right at home. We will post links to our videos regularly on the Henderson-Vance Athletics Facebook page (click here) starting Friday, July 10, 2020.

For more information, please contact Darius Pitt at (252) 438-3408 (dpitt@ci.henderson.nc.us).

Veterans Dog Walk 2020

‘Paws, Tails and Boots’ Veterans Dog Walk Scheduled for Fall

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information and flyer courtesy Mark Ferri

The “Paws, Tails and Boots” Veterans Dog Walk will be held at the Vance County Animal Shelter, 1243 Brodie Rd., Henderson, on Saturday, September 26, 2020, from 9 to 11 a.m.

The public is welcome, with veterans, first responders and their families strongly encouraged to attend. Participants will be walking and interacting with selected shelter dogs in an effort to provide companionship and trust-building activities.

Service animals are welcome; however, participants are asked to leave other pets at home.

The event was founded by veteran and shelter volunteer Mark Ferri. Ferri began the program in 2016 as a way to raise awareness of the mental health issues faced by veterans.

For more information on the Vance County Animal Shelter and their services, please visit their website at www.vancecountyanimalshelter.com.

U.S. Department of Justice

Dept. of Justice Issues Warning on Fraudulent Mask Exemption Documents

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, U.S. Department of Justice

United States Attorney Robert J. Higdon, Jr. advised the public today that cards and other documents bearing the U.S. Department of Justice seal and claiming that individuals are exempt from mask requirements are fraudulent.

There have been reports of individuals in North Carolina and other parts of the country creating cards or other documents claiming that the bearer of the card is exempt from mask requirements. Some versions of these cards threaten businesses or organizations with fines if they take steps to require patrons to wear masks.

In an effort to make the cards or documents appear legitimate, fraudsters may include the U.S. Department of Justice’s seal or include other threatening language. The Department of Justice is also aware of efforts by some to sell these fake cards to members of the public.

The public should take note that the Department did not issue these documents, and the Department does not endorse them. Furthermore, the Department has not granted permission for the use of its seal for this purpose, and misusing the Department seal is a federal crime.

“During this pandemic, false information—and fake cards like these—do a grave disservice to us all as we try to understand and follow the public-health measures our governments have ordered,” said U.S. Attorney Higdon. “The public should be aware that these cards are fake and rest assured that we will investigate those who are knowingly creating or peddling these fraudulent cards to the unsuspecting public.”