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Vance County Schools Logo

Vance Co. Schools Asks Local Businesses to Serve as WiFi Hotspot Locations

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Letter to local businesses from Dr. Anthony Jackson, Vance County Schools Superintendent:

Vance County Schools values every partnership and, as we are facing unprecedented times, our needs within our school district are everchanging. We strongly believe that working together is what allows our community opportunities for growth and to become stronger

Vance County Schools was able, through generous gifts and donations, to obtain a computer/device for every single student. This allows us to ensure our students have the technology they need as we begin instruction remotely. Our next focus is our commitment to having connectivity access for our students throughout Vance County. We have 85 internet hotspots that we are placing in area churches, businesses, and fire departments to ensure our students have the ability to access the internet near their homes. This is where we need you

If you want to know you are making a difference by opening up a world of learning for students throughout our community, you may be the perfect fit for one of our district WiFi hotspots. The hotspot devices require a standard electrical outlet and can be placed anywhere inside or outside of your facility. One of our district employees will set up a time with you to come out to the designated location and set up the device, which is about 10x 10in size. The entire installation process should only take a few moments and the device will be displayed on our district WiFi hotspot map, located at www.vcs.k12.nc.us.

Internet accessibility will be available to anyone within 200 yards, give-or-take based on the line of sight. You can also rest easy that internet filters are set on the devices for the safety of our students. Students accessing the internet will not require them to enter your facility, but your parking area would likely be utilized for those needing the connectivity. The unit will be in place until the districts need is no longer necessary

If you are able to partner with us, please reach out to Aarika Sandlin, Public Information Officer for Vance County Schools, at asandlin@vcs.k12.nc.us or by phone (252) 492-2127. We appreciate your support of Vance County Schools in making our community a better place


Dr. Anthony Jackson

Superintendent/Vance County Schools

VGCC Dr. Levy Brown

VGCC Vice President Levy Brown Appointed to Serve on National Commission

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Dr. Levy Brown, a vice president at Vance-Granville Community College, recently accepted an appointment to the Commission on Student Success of the American Association of Community Colleges. He will serve a three-year term (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023).

“I am excited and humbled to have been appointed to AACC’s Commission on Student Success. It is a fantastic opportunity that provides a space for exchanging ideas, connecting, and learning with some of the brightest leaders who champion the success of students,” Brown said. “Community colleges such as Vance-Granville are continuing to positively impact the lives of our students. My goal is to partner with highly motivated professionals from across the country to eliminate barriers that keep our students from being successful. This includes those from underrepresented and marginalized populations. Finally, I am appreciative to work at an outstanding college, and with a supportive president who supports this type of work.”

Dr. Levy Brown, a vice president at Vance-Granville Community College, recently accepted an appointment to the Commission on Student Success of the American Association of Community Colleges. He will serve a three-year term (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023). (Photo courtesy VGCC)

Dr. Brown serves as the Vice President of Learning, Student Engagement & Success (Chief Academic and Student Affairs Officer) for VGCC. He is responsible for leading and working collaboratively with credit faculty and staffers in the areas of academic programs, student success, equity and inclusion, enrollment management, K-12 partnerships and other areas.

Prior to joining VGCC, Brown served as Dean of Arts & Sciences at Lenoir Community College and has been engaged in higher education work for nearly two decades. Brown is an active member of the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce and other local boards. He is also a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

The Commission on Student Success focuses on student access and success and organizational transformation. The commission may examine subject areas including, but not limited to, degree completion and two-year to four-year transfer programs. In addition, the commission focuses on AACC’s 21st-Century Initiative and Implementation Guidelines, to showcase cutting-edge innovation with proven outcomes and improve student success; and to provide affordable, high-quality technical assistance in areas that support student success.

“At VGCC, Dr. Brown has been an active champion of changing institutional mindset, structures and supports to encourage all students to achieve their best success,” said Dr. Rachel Desmarais, president of VGCC. “I am proud that he will be representing our college successes on the AACC Commission and look forward to what he is able to glean from the collective wisdom of this national panel.”

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

GVPH COVID-19 Update: Cases, Hospitalizations & Deaths as of 8/17/20


100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

The following is an update for COVID-19 spread and response in Granville and Vance County as of August 17, 2020. Granville Vance Public Health numbers correlate with the NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NCEDSS) data.

The county case numbers reported on the NC county map from the NC Department of Health and Human Services may differ from the ones reported locally as they are updated at different times and may change once residence is verified.

Granville County

1,372 positive test results for COVID-19.

Of those 1,372, 756 are community-spread cases located across Granville County. Of those 756, 606 have been released from isolation and 12 are hospitalized.

Of those 1,372, 512 cases are affiliated with the prison system in Granville County. Of those 512, 366 have been released from isolation.

Of those 1,372, 104 are associated with outbreaks at long term care facilities, including 17 at Murdoch Development Center, two at Central Regional Hospital, one at Brantwood Nursing and Rehab Center, 76 at Universal Health Care, and eight at Granville House.

Of the 104 cases in long term care facilities in Granville County, eight have been released from isolation.

There have been a total of 29 deaths in Granville County: four in the community, one of whom was associated with Central Regional Hospital, three of whom were associated with Universal Health Care, and 21 of whom were associated with the Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Complex.

Unfortunately, another death associated with Universal Health Care has been reported. A 92-year-old individual passed away on July 28, 2020.

Vance County

789 positive test results for COVID-19.

Of those 789, 664 are community-spread cases located across Vance County. Of those 664, 562 have been released from isolation.

Of those 789, 125 are associated with outbreaks at congregate living facilities, including 49 cases associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home, 17 associated with Senior Citizens Home, and one with Alliance Rehabilitative Care (ARC). The outbreak at Pelican Health nursing home is no longer active.

Of the 125 cases in congregate living facilities in Vance County, 44 have been released from isolation.

Three individuals in Vance County are hospitalized.

There have been a total of 41 deaths in Vance County: 14 of whom were associated with the Pelican Health nursing home outbreak, 12 of whom were associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home, two of whom were associated with Senior Citizens Home, and 13 in the community.

WIZS Note: There are 102 total known active cases in the Vance County community and 150 in the Granville County community at large at this time (excluding congregate living numbers). Hospitalizations and total deaths remain steady in Vance County based on numbers reported last Monday, August 10. Hospitalizations slightly increased in Granville County (from 8 to 12) and total deaths rose by one (from 28 to 29) over the past week.

Additional Information

The number of those who have been ‘released from isolation’ is determined by the CDC Guidance for discontinuation of isolation for persons with COVID-19.

Please visit www.gvph.org/COVID-19/ for the latest information from Granville Vance Public Health and to sign up for daily email updates.

Mark Robinson

NC Lt. Governor Candidate Mark Robinson to Speak at Vance Co. GOP Headquarters

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Jimmy Barrier, Vance Co. GOP

Come meet and listen to 2020 NC Lt. Governor candidate Mark Robinson this Wednesday, August 19, 2020, at 5 p.m.

Robinson will be speaking at an outdoor forum to allow for social distancing at the Vance County GOP Headquarters, 1700 Parham St. (the area between Dabney Dr. Cruizers and the Corbitt building) in Henderson.

The Vance County GOP is excited that Robinson is personally coming to introduce himself and his political stance to Vance County citizens. Please plan to come out and hear Mark Robinson this Wednesday.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

2020 NC Lt. Governor candidate Mark Robinson will be speaking at an outdoor forum at the Vance County GOP Headquarters, 1700 Parham St. (the area between Dabney Dr. Cruizers and the Corbitt building) in Henderson on August 19, 2020, at 5 p.m.

Vance County Logo

Vance Commissioners to Hold Public Hearing on Proposed Economic Dev. Incentive

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the County of Vance

Vance County Board of Commissioners Chairman Gordon Wilder has called a special meeting for Wednesday, August 19, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room, Vance County Administration Building, 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC.

The purpose of the meeting is to:

1. Approve amendments to Animal Control Ordinance.

2. Hold a public hearing to receive public input on a proposed economic development incentive expenditure to be considered for the location of a new company and provide a Building Reuse Grant in the amount of $500,000 over the next three years.

3. Hold a public hearing to receive public input on a proposed economic development incentive expenditure to be considered for the location of a new company and provide an incentive agreement in the amount not to exceed $95,231.

4. Approve a local incentive agreement in the amount not to exceed $95,231.

5. Enter into Closed Session to discuss a personnel matter.

6. Other items as necessary.

Please click here to view the full agenda.

Cokesbury Fire Department

Cokesbury Fire Department Announces Cancellation of Sept. Fireworks

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

From the Cokesbury Volunteer Fire Department:

It is with great sadness that we must announce that the Cokesbury Volunteer Fire Department will be canceling our fireworks that were scheduled for September 5, 2020.

With our State being mired in Phase 2 of the reopening, we cannot in good conscience risk a single person getting sick because we held our fireworks. Once again, we apologize for not being able to show our community how much we appreciate them.

As far as we know, we will still be conducting a stew sale on October 24. We will be figuring out the logistics of that at our September Board meeting and providing additional information at that time.

Vance County Tourism

Vance County Tourism Announces the Cancellation of Fireworks, Annual Car Show

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance County Tourism Development Authority

The much anticipated annual Show, Shine, Shag & Dine, and East Coast Dragtimes Hall of Fame & Reunion scheduled for October 16 and 17, 2020, in Henderson will not take place this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Vance County Tourism Development Authority had remained extremely positive that the show would go on until the recent extension of Governor Roy Cooper’s Safer at Home Phase 2 mandate regarding large gatherings that is in effect until September 11, 2020.

After continued monitoring of NC COVID cases, apprehensions concerning COVID-19, observing other large scale crowd closures, day-use areas and public facilities at State Parks remaining closed, and the unknown state and/or local mandates that may still be in place at that time, the Vance County Tourism Development Authority Board of Directors made the extremely difficult decision to cancel the 19th Annual Show, ShineShag & Dine, and East Coast Dragtimes Hall of Fame & Reunion scheduled for October 16 and 17, 2020.

At this time, there will be no rescheduling of the event for 2020, but we are looking forward to seeing everyone on October 15 and 16, 2021 for what we hope will be the biggest Show, Shine, Shag & Dine, and East Coast Dragtimes Hall of Fame & Reunion ever.

The extended Safer at Home Phase 2 mandate has also made it necessary for Vance County Tourism to cancel the fireworks that had been moved from July 4, 2020, to Sunday, September 6 (Labor Day weekend).

Hopefully, COVID numbers will continue to go down and we can get events and activities scheduled again. We look forward to seeing everyone next year!

Pam Hester, Executive Director

Vance County Tourism Development Authority

Best Colleges 2020

VGCC Ranked Sixth-Best Community College in the Nation


-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College was recently recognized as one of the top ten community colleges and trade schools in the nation for 2020. VGCC came in at number six on the rankings published by “Best Colleges” (www.bestcolleges.com), a leading provider of independent college rankings and higher education research. The college was also the third-highest-ranked school from North Carolina.

“We are pleased to see this national recognition for Vance-Granville, which we attribute to the dedication and innovation demonstrated by our faculty and staff every day,” Dr. Rachel Desmarais, president of the college, said. “VGCC is committed to providing high-quality education and training that is affordable and accessible for the people of Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties.”

Best Colleges noted that the college has extended its reach by providing career-oriented programs that can be completed entirely online. These programs include Supply Chain Management, Medical Office Administration, IT/Business Support, Early Childhood Education, Criminal Justice, Accounting, and Business Administration. Students can also complete the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science programs online, which prepares them for transferring to a university to complete a bachelor’s degree. The college has transfer agreements with numerous four-year universities.

“VGCC boasts strong graduation rates and small class sizes,” the website also noted. “The school’s 13-to-1 student-to-teacher ratio allows students to receive plenty of individualized attention.”

Established in 1969, VGCC offers more than 40 credit programs, in which students work toward certificates, diplomas and degrees. Area residents and businesses can also take advantage of a variety of continuing education/job training opportunities, as well as the High School Equivalency and Adult High School Diploma programs.

Enrollment is currently ongoing for eight-week curriculum credit classes that begin on October 14, and for the spring semester that starts in January 2021. For more information about VGCC, visit www.vgcc.edu.

Coach's Corner Logo

Coach’s Corner 08/14/20: Chad Wilson Named Head VCHS Boys Basketball Coach


-Press Release, Vance County High School

The Vance County Board of Education has approved Chad Wilson as the next head boys basketball coach at Vance County High School. He teaches physical education at the school. 

Coach Wilson is a Vance County native who graduated from Northern Vance High School before continuing his basketball career at Louisburg College and Livingstone College. Following his collegiate playing career, Wilson became an assistant coach for Vance-Granville Community College for three seasons before returning to his high school alma mater to serve as varsity assistant and head JV coach under long-time coach Wilton Baskett, whom he played for. 

Wilson has compiled a record of 79-17 in five seasons as head JV basketball coach at Northern Vance and Vance County, including a 37-1 stretch from 2017-2019. Notably, he also has a record of 13-0 as interim head varsity basketball coach at Vance County, filling in for Wilton Baskett for a portion of the 2018-2019 season that saw the Vipers win the Northern Carolina Conference championship and make a run to the 4th round of the NCHSAA tournament. Wilson was also an assistant when Northern Vance won the 2017-2018 Northern Carolina Conference championship. 

“Coach Wilson has proven that he is an effective coach who can bring out the best in his players,” Athletic Director Joe Sharrow said of Wilson. “He has a passion for teaching and coaching, has demonstrated the ability to establish positive relationships, and is a tremendous role model for our students. Coach Wilson is a valued member of the Viper family and has earned this opportunity to lead our boys basketball program.”

Wilson will replace his former high school coach and coaching mentor, Wilton Baskett, who retired in March after a 37-year coaching career that saw him surpass the 400-win mark this past season. 

“It is a great honor to become the next head basketball coach at Vance County High School,” Wilson said in a statement. “I am from Vance County and grew up dreaming about the opportunity to work with and coach the kids from my hometown. I have been a part of the culture that we have established here and look forward to continuing the growth of our program and giving back to the kids who now play on the same courts and in the same gyms where I fell in love with the game of basketball.” 

The Vipers are hopeful to begin the 2020-2021 season on December 4, as outlined by the amended calendar released by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association.

VGCC Agritech

VGCC to Offer Sustainable Agri-Tech Program This Fall

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College continues to “cultivate” new programs for the fall semester. The Sustainable Agri-Tech program will grow one’s knowledge in the agricultural field and prepare students for occupations in a wide variety of jobs in agriculture (both production and value-added) with a range of skills and knowledge.

The program addresses agricultural concepts, skills, and techniques that are required by the agriculture industry. Upon completion, students will have explored sustainable and organic methods, plant, soil and animal science, field management, equipment maintenance and basic computer skills and marketing techniques.

The class begins on September 14, 2020, at 6 p.m. Kelly Dixon will be leading this hybrid class at VGCC’s Franklin Campus. The 96-hour program is made up of only 30 hours in the classroom and 66 hours online. The cost is $188.25.

Tuition assistance is available to those who meet eligibility guidelines. Space is limited.

For more information please visit: https://www.vgcc.edu/agritech/