Tag Archive for: #vancecountynews

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

Local COVID-19 Update: Number of New Community Cases Reported by Week Declines


-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

Granville Vance Public Health’s COVID-19 Data Dashboard shows a decline in the number of new community cases reported weekly in both Granville and Vance County from August 23 to August 30, 2020. On August 23, Granville reported 74 new cases of COVID, with Vance reporting 54 new cases. On August 30, Granville reported 15 new cases from the previous week, with Vance reporting 11 new cases. This is the lowest number of new community cases reported weekly in both counties since April.

For additional information, please visit GVPH’s COVID-19 Data Dashboard (click here) for tables and graphs that are updated daily. A chart for those considered “off-isolation” has recently been added.

The following is an update for COVID-19 spread and response in Granville and Vance County as of August 31, 2020. Granville Vance Public Health numbers correlate with the NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NCEDSS) data.

The county case numbers reported on the NC county map from the NC Department of Health and Human Services may differ from the ones reported locally as they are updated at different times and may change once residence is verified.

Granville County

1,542 positive test results for COVID-19.

Of those 1,542, 897 are community-spread cases located across Granville County. Of those 897, 740 have been released from isolation.

Of those 1,542 cases, 516 are affiliated with the prison system in Granville County, and 440 of those 516 have been released from isolation.

Of those 1,542, 129 are associated with outbreaks at long term care facilities including 24 at Murdoch Development Center, two at Central Regional Hospital, one at Brantwood Nursing and Rehab Center, and 94 at Universal Health Care. The outbreak at Granville House is no longer active.

Of the 129 cases in long term care facilities in Granville County, 15 have been released from isolation.

Eight individuals in Granville County are hospitalized.

There have been a total of 45 deaths in Granville County: five in the community, one associated with Central Regional Hospital, one associated with Murdoch Development Center, 17 associated with Universal Health Care, and 21 associated with the Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Complex.

Unfortunately, two recent deaths have been reported associated with Universal Health Care: a 72-year-old female passed away on August 29 and an 83-year-old male passed away on August 30, 2020.

Vance County

881 positive test results for COVID-19.

Of those 881, 756 are community-spread cases located across Vance County. Of those 756, 577 have been released from isolation

Of those 881, 125 are associated with outbreaks at congregate living facilities including 49 cases associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home and 17 associated with Senior Citizens Home. The outbreaks at Alliance Rehabilitative Care and at Pelican Health nursing home are no longer active.

Of the 125 cases in congregate living facilities in Vance County, 96 have been released from isolation.

Seven individuals in Vance County are hospitalized.

There have been a total of 42 deaths in Vance County: 14 associated with the Pelican Health nursing home outbreak, 12 associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home, two associated with Senior Citizens Home and 14 in the community.

Additional Information

The number of those who have been ‘released from isolation’ is determined by the CDC Guidance for discontinuation of isolation for persons with COVID-19.

Please visit www.gvph.org/COVID-19/ for the latest information from Granville Vance Public Health and to sign up for daily email updates.

American Flag

Vance Co. BOE Announces Important General Election Dates, Reminders

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the Vance County Board of Elections

The Vance County Board of Elections (VCBOE) has announced important upcoming November 2020 General Election dates, deadlines and reminders.

November 2020 General Election Important Dates:

Friday, September 4, 2020 – Absentee Voting by Mail Begins

Friday, October 9, 2020 – Voter Registration Deadline

Thursday, October 15, 2020One-Stop Voting (Early Voting) Begins

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 – Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot by Mail

Saturday, October 31, 2020 – One-Stop Voting (Early Voting) Ends

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 – Last Day to Return an Absentee Ballot by Mail

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 – November Election Day

Friday, November 13, 2020 – County Canvass

Deadlines for Absentee Voting by Mail for the 2020 General Election

October 15, 2020 – October 27, 2020

Requests are accepted on the approved State Absentee by Mail Request Form only and ballots are mailed by the Board of Elections Office.

October 27, 2020 – November 3, 2020

Valid in-person requests are accepted for sick and disabled voters at the Board of Elections Office.

Ballots must be returned by November 3, 2020, at 5 p.m. or be post-marked by November 3, 2020, and received by mail no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, November 6, 2020.

Reminders on Absentee Voting by Mail

The absentee ballot envelope, where indicated, must have one witness and their signature and the voter’s signature or mark. Only the voter or the voter’s near relative or the voter’s verifiable legal guardian is allowed to request or return the voter’s absentee ballot materials.

To Request an Absentee Ballot by Mail

Voter or voter’s near relative or verifiable legal guardian must fill out and sign the State Absentee Ballot Request Form. Request forms are available at the Vance County Board of Elections Office, mailed by request from the VCBOE or online at www.ncsbe.gov.

Same-Day Registration

Those who miss the October 9, 2020, voter registration deadline may register to vote during the One-Stop Voting (Early Voting). Click here for a list of Vance County’s early voting dates and sites.

Out of Precinct Voting

Voters who appear on Election Day in the correct county but in the improper precinct may cast a provisional ballot which will be counted for all contests in which the voter was eligible to participate.

For more information, visit the Vance County Board of Elections website (click here) or call the VCBOE at (252) 492-3730. The VCBOE office is located at 300 S. Garnett Street in Henderson, NC. Director Faye Gill is also available by email at fgill@vancecounty.org.

Kerr Tar Regional Council of Governments

Kerr-Tar COG Awarded Funding to Assist Eligible Residents With Home Repairs

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments

The Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments (COG) has been awarded $200,000 by the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) under the 2020 cycle of the Urgent Repair Program to assist residents in the counties of Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance and Warren.

The Urgent Repair Program finances emergency home repairs for homeowners who are elderly or have special needs and whose incomes are below 50% of the median for the area. Only repairs that address imminent threats to the life and/or safety of occupants of the dwelling unit or accessibility modifications will be performed under the program. A total of 18 households are projected to be assisted.

In the Urgent Repair Program, one or two critical problems may be repaired, but the entire house is not addressed. Examples of work typically done under this program include roof or HVAC system repair, well or septic system repairs, adding accessibility features like ramps, bathroom grab bars and wider doors.

The COG will provide assistance, to those whose homes are selected for repairs, in the form of a loan. Homeowners will receive an unsecured deferred, interest-free loan, forgiven at a rate of $2,000 per year until the principal balance is reduced to zero.   The maximum amount of the loan available is $10,000.

Applications are available starting September 1, 2020, and must be returned to the COG office by 5 p.m. on November 1, 2020.  Clients to be assisted will be selected by January 1, 2021.

The application and program information are available on the Kerr-Tar Regional COG website at www.kerrtarcog.org or by calling (252) 436-2040.

The funds provided by the NCHFA for the Urgent Repair Program come from the North Carolina Housing Trust Fund.

Melanin Marquee Rescheduled

‘Melanin Marquee’ Rescheduled for Tues., Sept. 1

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center

Due to unforeseen technical difficulties experienced Sunday evening, McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center has rescheduled the “Melanin Marquee – A Black Broadway Cabaret” for Tuesday, September 1, 2020, at 7:30 p.m.

The performance will be shown live via the McGregor Hall Facebook page.

Enjoy this incredible lineup of the region’s finest performers free-of-charge from the comfort of your home. A donation link will be available to support McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center.

Make sure to visit the McGregor Hall Facebook page to read the artists’ profiles before tuning in to the live performance.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

I Voted Sticker

Vance Co. Board of Elections Announces Early Voting Dates, Sites


-Information courtesy Vance County Board of Elections

The last day to register to vote in the November General Election is Friday, October 9, 2020. Forms submitted to the Vance County Board of Elections Office (300 S. Garnett St., Henderson) must be received by 5 p.m.

Should you miss that deadline, you can register and vote at the early voting sites. Early voting will be held at the Henderson Operation Center (900 S Beckford Dr., Henderson) and Aycock Recreation Complex (307 Carey Chapel Rd., Henderson). There will be no early voting at the Board of Elections Office due to COVID restrictions.

You must have “proof of residence;” however, no photo ID is required for this election. Early voting begins October 15 and ends October 31, 2020.

One-Stop Early Voting Schedule for the November 3, 2020 General Election

Locations: Aycock Recreation Complex and Henderson Operation Center

  • Thursday, October 15, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Friday, October 16, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, October 17, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Sunday, October 18, 2020 – CLOSED
  • Monday, October 19, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, October 20, 2020 – 8 a.m, to 7:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, October 21, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, October 22, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Friday, October 23, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, October 24, 2020 – 1 to 6 p.m.
  • Sunday, October 25, 2020 – 1 to 6 p.m.
  • Monday, October 26, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, October 27, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, October 28, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, October 29, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Friday, October 30, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, October 31, 2020 – 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

In addition, the Voter Participation Center (VPC) and the Center for Voter Information will be sending out another mailing in North Carolina beginning the week of September 7, 2020.

If you are already registered, you do not have to reregister. If you have an address or party change, you can use the form to update your voter registration record.

Also, if you’re not sure if you are registered, please call the Vance County Board of Elections at (252) 492-3730 to verify your status.

Book Bag Drive Thru

Book Bag Drive-Thru for Vance Co. Youth This Saturday!

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Department

The Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Department, along with community partners, will be hosting a Book Bag Drive-Thru this Saturday, August 29, 2020, from 11 – 2 p.m.

The Book Bag Drive-Thru will take place in the circle between the Henderson Police Department and McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center on Breckenridge Street in Henderson. Book bags are for youth attending school in Vance County.

Parents will enter from South Garnett Street and exit onto South Chestnut Street. Voter registration and Census forms will also be offered to parents.

For more information, please contact Jaleel Johnson at (252) 431-6099 (jjohnson@ci.henderson.nc.us)


Melanin Marquee

Reminder: McGregor Hall to Offer Virtual Performance of ‘Melanin Marquee’ This Sunday

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center

McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center will feature “Melanin Marquee – A Black Broadway Cabaret” live via its Facebook page this Sunday, August 30, 2020, at 7:30 p.m.

Enjoy this incredible lineup of the region’s finest performers free-of-charge from the comfort of your home. A donation link will be available to support McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center.

Make sure to visit the McGregor Hall Facebook page to read the artists’ profiles before tuning in live for the performance.

RSVP by clicking on this event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/372006713784250

(This is not a paid advertisement)

4-H Chopped Challenge

Vance and Warren 4-H to Present Teen Cuisine Virtual Classes, ‘Chopped Challenge’

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Warren County Cooperative Extension

The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Centers of Vance and Warren County present a 4-H Edition “Chopped Challenge” for youth ages 11-18. The 4-H Chopped Challenge will be held Tuesday, October 13 and 20, 2020.

Youth participants must complete Teen Cuisine virtual classes before advancing to the 4-H Chopped Challenge competition.

Teen Cuisine virtual classes will be offered September 8 – October 6 from 3 to 5 p.m. Registration is free and available through Eventbrite (click here). The deadline to register is September 1.

Prior to the start of class, each participant will receive a Teen Cuisine kit.

Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by Wednesday, September 2 to Vance or Warren County Cooperative Extension.

For more information, contact Vance Co. Cooperative Extension at (252) 438-8188, vance.ces.ncsu.edu, or Warren Co. Cooperative Extension at (252) 257-3640, warren.ces.ncsu.edu.

Maria Parham Health

Maria Parham Advanced Wound Center Recognized with National Award


-Press Release, Maria Parham Health

Henderson physicians, leaders and clinicians gathered to celebrate the Center of Distinction Award, which was given to Maria Parham Advanced Wound Center by Healogics®, the nation’s largest provider of advanced wound care services.

The Center achieved outstanding clinical outcomes for twelve consecutive months, including patient satisfaction higher than 92 percent, and a minimum wound healing rate of at least 92 percent within 28 median days to heal. There were 601 Centers eligible for the Center of Distinction award and 367 achieved the honor.

“I am very grateful to be working with such outstanding staff here at the wound center,” said Dr. Cynthia Robinson, medical director for the center. “Our clinical outcomes are a reflection of their passion and dedication to healing patients.”

Maria Parham Advanced Wound Center is a member of the Healogics network of over 600 Wound Care Centers® and provides access to benchmarking data and proven experience treating approximately 2.5 million chronic wounds. Maria Parham Advanced Wound Center offers highly specialized wound care to patients suffering from diabetic ulcers, pressure ulcers, infections and other chronic wounds which have not healed in a reasonable amount of time.

Leading-edge treatments at the Center include negative pressure wound therapy, total contact casting, bio-engineered tissues, biosynthetic dressings and growth factor therapies. The Center also offers hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which works by surrounding the patient with 100 percent oxygen to help progress the healing of the wound.

“I am so proud to be a part of this amazing team. Each staff member goes above and beyond every day for our patients and their family. We are passionate about healing our patient’s wounds, so they can resume the lifestyle that they deserve” said Alex Hibshman, Program Director.

Maria Parham Advanced Wound Center is located in the Heart and Vascular (John. T. Church) Entrance of Maria Parham Health. Hours of operations are Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Self-referrals are accepted.

Epsom Community Classic

Reminder: Epsom Community Classic Run/Walk This Weekend!

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

The Epsom Community Classic Run/Walk will be held this Saturday, August 29, 2020, from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Originally scheduled for April, the coronavirus pandemic necessitated a rescheduling to this later date.

The race is run on a 3.5-mile loop starting and finishing at Epsom Fire and Rescue located at 8120 NC Highway 39 in Henderson.

This event is being held in partnership with New Bethel Baptist Church with the end goal of raising financial support for missions.

Entrants have a choice of entering as a competitive or recreational runner. Competitive entrants will receive an official time and will be eligible for awards. Recreational entrants will not receive official times, but can either time themselves or see their times on the digital clock at the finish line.

The entry fee is $25 through August 28 and $30 on race day.

To register, visit the Epsom Community Classic link on RaceReach.com (click here)

Awards will be presented to the first three male finishers overall, to the first three female finishers overall and to the top three finishers in each of the following age groups (both genders): 19-under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60-over.

Due to the road conditions, running with a baby stroller is not recommended. Also, please no pets.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be some changes to how the race is conducted. Water will be available both at the start/finish area and once on the course. Hand sanitizer will also be available. Vendors and food trucks will be taking their own precautions by serving pre-packaged food and drinks.

Depending on the dictates of the county, there may be post-race snacks available, but just to be safe, you may want to bring your own.