Tag Archive for: #vancecountynews

Dequarius Johnson

New Hope Mini Mart Armed Robbery Suspect Apprehended

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release and photo, Vance County Sheriff’s Office

On September 7, 2020, the Vance County 911 Center received a call for service regarding an armed robbery that had just occurred at the New Hope Mini Mart located on NC Hwy 39 North at the intersection of Morgan Road. The incident occurred at approximately 7:35 a.m.

An unknown black male entered the store and approached the counter, at which time the suspect produced a handgun and demanded money. The clerk provided the suspect with an undisclosed amount of US currency, at which time the suspect fled the area on foot and was last seen running towards Morgan Road

Through investigative techniques, the suspect was later identified as Dequarius Johnson of Louisburg, NC. Warrants were obtained for the arrest of Johnson for Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon.

Members of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office located Johnson in the early morning hours of September 9, 2020, at which time he was arrested without incident.

Johnson has been placed in the Vance County Jail pending his ability to secure a bond in the amount of $70,000 secured.

Dequarius Johnson of Louisburg, NC

Terry Garrison

NC House Rep. Terry Garrison Provides Updates on COVID-19 Relief Bill

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy NC House Rep. Terry Garrison’s Sept. 2020 Newsletter

Terry Garrison, North Carolina House Representative for District 32, has released his latest update from the NC General Assembly.

In his September 2020 newsletter, Garrison said the North Carolina General Assembly recently approved its final round of COVID-19 relief for the year (HB 1105) unless additional funding is appropriated by the federal government.

Included in the bill:
  • $50 increase in weekly unemployment insurance compensation
  • $335 tax credit for families with children
  • $52 million in funding for public schools
  • $30 million in additional grants to expand high-speed Internet access
  • $20 million in funding to stabilize operations at North Carolina museums, zoos, and other cultural attractions
  • $6 million in direct assistance to food banks and nutritional programs
  • $14 million for personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • $13 million in assistance to farmers
  • $13 million in funding for the UNC System
  • $5 million in funding for community colleges
  • $41 million for early childhood services
  • $38 million for mental health services
  • $59 million to expand COVID-19 testing and contact tracing
  • $23 million for aging adult services
  • $3.5 million for small business grants

According to Garrison, items missing from the bill include Medicaid expansion, pay increases/bonuses for teachers and public school employees, “significant” investment in public schools, small business assistant, long-term unemployment solutions and “significant” assistance to local governments.

Garrison said he ultimately voted Yes on HB 1105, explaining, “We have a strict deadline to finish spending the federal money we received for COVID-19, and there is much in the bill that is good and badly-needed right now. However, the items we failed to do are critically important and remain on the top of my ‘Must Do’ list for when we return to Raleigh in 2021.”
VCS Arts & Rec Kits

Vance Co. Schools Seeks Donations for Elementary Arts & Rec Kits

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Vance County Schools

The Vance County Public School Foundation and Vance County Schools are creating Arts & Rec Kits for elementary school students.

With 2,500 elementary school students in the district, VCS is seeking donations from businesses, churches and organizations to make these kits possible. Even if you only have 25 of an item, every little bit will help. Kits will not be identical, but they will make a difference.

Donations can include items such as stress balls, hacky sacks, small squishy balls, colored pencils, crayons, markers, jump ropes, frisbees, construction paper, glue sticks, drawstring bags and water bottles.

If you can assist, please contact Aarika Sandlin at (252) 492-2127 or email asandlin@vcs.k12.nc.us.

Donations may be dropped off at 1724 Graham Avenue in Henderson by September 25.

To make a monetary donation to this project, please make checks payable to Vance County Public School Foundation, PO Box 2956 Henderson, NC 27536. In the Memo Line, please write Arts & Rec Project.


VGCC Reports Increase in Credit Hour Enrollment

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

The fall semester recently began at Vance-Granville Community College, and officials see positive signs regarding enrollment.

Early data shows an approximate 4 percent increase in the total number of credit hours that students are taking — typically known as Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) enrollment — compared to the same point in 2019. The FTE measurement is important in calculating state funding for each North Carolina community college.

“Thanks to the work of our dedicated, innovative faculty and staff, VGCC continues to move forward, even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dr. Rachel Desmarais, college president. “Students are responding positively to how we provide education and training in a way that is affordable, accessible and safe.”

When looking at student headcount, the college has taken a slight dip in comparison to this time last year. However, college leaders are encouraged that students are taking more courses. “We are excited that our students are taking more classes than they did last year this time at Vance-Granville. This should translate into students completing their credentials and degrees at an accelerated pace,” said Dr. Levy Brown, VGCC’s vice president of learning, student engagement and success. “We are pleased to be able to provide quality instruction, academic support, student engagement opportunities, and support services to our students, as most of them are taking online courses with us at VGCC.”

The college invites students from Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties and the surrounding region to take advantage of the second 8-week courses that begin on October 14 and end on December 15, 2020. These include general education classes that students can take as part of the College Transfer program, as well as classes required for degrees in fields such as Bioprocess Technology, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, and Medical Office Administration.

Most courses are being offered in an online format, while some are in a hybrid format that combines online learning with an on-campus component.

VGCC has campuses in Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties. For more information on enrollment, visit www.vgcc.edu.

VCS Meal Box Pick-Up

Vance Co. Schools Continues Free Meal Boxes Through October

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools will offer free meal boxes for drive-thru style pick-up every Monday in September and October from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Boxes will be distributed at Vance County Middle School located at 293 Warrenton Road in Henderson.

The weekly meal boxes will contain five breakfasts, five lunches and milk containers.

GVPH COVID-19 Testing

Free Community COVID-19 Testing Event – Sept. 13


-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

Granville Vance Public Health is partnering with Duke University to host a community testing event for community members who may not have a primary care provider and/or those who lack access to transportation and insurance.

The testing event will be held Sunday, September 13, 2020, from 1:30 until 5 p.m. at St James Catholic Church, 3275 US-158 Bypass in Henderson, NC.

Nasal swab test kits will be used and individuals will be contacted with their results 3-5 days after the event.

Testing is free to all who attend, but testing supplies are limited. Pre-registration is required. To pre-register, contact the Health Department at (252) 492-7915.

There are many other opportunities to be tested for COVID-19. If you have symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, you can call your provider or GVPH to see if you should be tested. GVPH is conducting medical evaluations and testing regularly at both the Vance and Granville County locations.

I Voted Sticker

Middleburg’s St Paul United Church of Christ to Hold Voter Registration Events

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Joyce Davis, St Paul United Church of Christ

St Paul United Church of Christ will hold new voter registration events at the church’s location at the corner of 292 North Lee Avenue in Middleburg, NC.

Registration dates are:

  • Saturday, September 12, 2020, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 16, 2020, from 9 – 11 a.m. and 4 – 6 p.m.
  •  Saturday, September 19, 2020, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
VCS Walmart Grant

Walmart Provides $5,000 Grants to Vance County Schools, Public School Foundation


-Information and photo courtesy Vance County Schools

Walmart recently awarded a $5,000 grant to Vance County Schools (VCS) and a $5,000 grant to the Vance County Public School Foundation (VCPSF). The grants were provided upon the recommendation of the local Walmart Distribution Center/Transportation Office after its review of the needs in Vance County.

The Vance County Schools grant will provide opportunities to all students within the school district as art teachers are outfitted with document cameras for their classrooms. Mr. Markoch, Vance County Schools Director of Fine Arts, shares that “these devices will provide our students with increased technology as an additional resource for bringing instruction to students and modeling projects at all grade levels, both while we are teaching virtually and later when we are back together in our buildings. This will expand classroom accessibility for all of our students.”

Grant presented to Dr. Trixie Brooks, VCS Assistant Superintendent; Aarika Sandlin, VCS Public Information Officer; and Andrew Markoch, VCS Director of Fine Arts, during a Check Presentation Ceremony at Walmart Distribution Center in Henderson, NC.

The Vance County Public School Foundation grant will help create Arts and Rec toolkits for elementary-aged students. Each kit will contain various items for students to utilize at home, allowing them greater access to areas of the arts and physical

VCPSF is partnering with local businesses, churches and organizations to maximize the efforts of this program. Aarika Sandlin, Public Information Officer for Vance County Schools, shares “whether students are receiving instruction at home or in the classroom, access to resources is one of the keys to success for students. This grant, along with partnerships throughout our community, makes it possible for us to provide our families with Arts and Rec toolkits, and, for that, we are extremely grateful.”

Jerry Edmonds

VGCC Vice President Appointed to Black Entrepreneurship Council


-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Dr. Jerry Edmonds, III, a vice president at Vance-Granville Community College, is among 25 individuals recently appointed to serve on the inaugural North Carolina Black Entrepreneurship Council (NC BEC).

NC IDEA, a Durham-based private foundation committed to supporting entrepreneurial ambition and economic empowerment in North Carolina, formed the council to serve the entrepreneurial aspirations and economic potential of North Carolina’s Black community.

“I am excited to have the opportunity to work with such an accomplished team of North Carolina entrepreneurs, educators and community leaders,” Edmonds said. “Collectively, we have the opportunity to provide valuable mentorship and access to capital through the NC Black Entrepreneurship Council. This important work aligns with that of VGCC in educating students for the workforce of tomorrow while promoting entrepreneurship as an important career option in an ever-changing workplace.”

“We are encouraged and humbled that our announcement of the Council drew an overwhelming response from accomplished individuals, affirming community support for this vital work,” said Thom Ruhe, CEO and President of NC IDEA. “The Council will focus on economically empowering Black people with entrepreneurship, thereby combating economic inequality that perpetuates racial disparities,” Ruhe added.

The NC BEC will help guide the NC IDEA Foundation in its programmatic and grant making ambitions in furtherance of North Carolina’s Black community. Council members will work closely with the Foundation to identify, recommend and support partners and programs with the expressed purpose of elevating Black Entrepreneurship in North Carolina. Service on the Council will also include input on the Foundation’s funding decisions, specifically grants awarded to partner organizations through the NC IDEA ECOSYSTEM program.

A resident of Henderson, Edmonds has served as Vice President of Workforce Development and Community Engagement at VGCC since 2019. He oversees training programs that respond to community needs and prepare students for workforce success, including apprenticeship programs, and economic development support for the region. In addition, Edmonds leads the development of partnerships with businesses and government agencies and coordinates outreach and marketing for the entire college.

Edmonds previously served as Dean of Workforce and Economic Development at Halifax Community College. Prior to his role as Dean, he served as the Small Business Center Director at Halifax Community College, from 2014 until 2017. Edmonds worked for International Business Machines (IBM) and Johnson and Johnson in the private sector before entering the higher education field, earned his Bachelor of Business Administration degree, with an emphasis on Marketing, from Marshall University and his Master of Science degree in Human Services Management from Springfield College. He recently received his Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree in Educational Leadership from Wisconsin-based Edgewood College.

“We are proud of Dr. Edmonds’ appointment to the NC BEC, as it provides yet another avenue for VGCC to be a catalyst in supporting strong communities where everyone can experience a fulfilling quality of life,” said Dr. Rachel Desmarais, president of the community college. “Indeed, Dr. Edmonds is uniquely qualified to make an important contribution to this council, as he is one of the few members who represents an area that includes the rural ‘Tier 1’ counties that often have the most acute needs.”

Vance County Logo

Vance Co. Board of Commissioners to Hold Monthly Meeting Tues., Sept. 8

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, September 8, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson.

Agenda items:

1. ABC Composite Board to Appoint Member to Fill Vacant Position

2. Public Comments (for those registered to speak by 5:45 p.m. – each speaker is limited to five minutes)

3. Appointment – 6 p.m. – Javier Plummer, EMS Director Special Recognition from American Heart Association

4. Appointment – 6:15 p.m. – Turner Pride, Cooperative Extension Director Introduction of New 4H Agent, Dr. Wykia Macon

5. Water District Board

a. Monthly Operations Report

6. Committee Reports and Recommendations

a. General Government Committee – Resolution – Policy and Procedures for County Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees

b. Intergovernmental Committee – McGregor Hall Funding Request

7. Finance Director’s Report

a. COVID-19 – Coronavirus Relief Fund

8. County Manager’s Report

a. Legislative Goals

b. Request to Replace 15 HVAC units at Jail

c. Economic Development Repayment Agreement – TNCP ONE, LLC

d. Volunteer Fire Department Contracts Addendum – Flexible Use of Part-time Hours

e. Rescue Squad Contract Addendum and Budget Amendment

f. Resolution Expanding Use of Fire Tax Proceeds to include Rescue Services

9. County Attorney’s Report

a. REO Properties – Bid Acceptance

– Oak Ridge Church Road Lot – Parcel 0482 04006

– Community House Road Lot – Parcel 0460 01026

10. Consent Agenda Items

a. Budget Amendments

b. Tax Refunds and Releases

c. Monthly Reports

d. Minutes

Click here to view current and prior Board agendas.