Tag Archive for: #vancecountyboardofcommisioners

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

Commissioners Approve Lower Application Fee For Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

The Vance County Board of Commissioners on Monday voted to drop the application fee for vendors at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market from $30 to $20 in an effort to attract more potential producers to sell their vegetables, fruit and other products at the seasonal market.

Vance County Cooperative Extension Director Dr. Wykia Macon explained to commissioners that she, in consultation with the market advisory board and extension staff, is willing to not only lower the fee, but also to drop the daily $10 setup fee.

The market opens on Saturday, May 3.

“We’re ready to get started,” Macon said, and will move forward to approve this year’s guidelines now that commissioners have approved lowering the application fee.

Macon said the advisory board also is planning to open up the market property to other uses, including installation of a community garden and a health and wellness fair on Friday, May 2.

Commissioner Tommy Hester said he’d be in favor of doing away with fees altogether, adding that the facility, now 10 years old, is a way to help look out for local farmers who want to sell their produce.

Macon welcomed commissioners to attend the next market advisory board meeting on Tuesday, Mar. 18 at 2 p.m.

County Manager C. Renee Perry said there is a small increase in the 2025-26 budget for the farmers market, which is probably the first increase since the market opened in 2014.

“Our marketing budget is very small,” Macon said, adding that it will take “a concerted effort” to increase foot traffic and vendor participation at the market. “Advertising is just one part of it.”

The community garden project is taking shape.

More volunteers are needed at upcoming workdays:

  • Mar. 21 – working on establishing garden borders – 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Mar. 29 – marking walkways and preparing for stone installation – 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Apr. 11 – installing garden beds – 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

“We want to have the community realize that this is their market, and the garden is theirs,” said Extension Agent Michael Ellington. The community garden would be a perfect spot for those who want a garden but lack the space or the confidence to plant, tend and harvest on their own.

There also is a series of market vendor workshops that is being held on Saturdays in March at Salem United Methodist Church, 4151 Salem Rd., Oxford. The workshops are free to attend and no registration is required. Upcoming sessions are as follows:

  • 15 – marketing – product placement for optimum visibility on tables in the market
  • Mar. 22 – knowing your customers and follow-up to sales
  • Mar. 29 – basic food safety

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr.

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County Tax Reval Info Session Draws A Crowd

The room wasn’t packed, but there were plenty of residents at the Monday information session to learn more about the Vance County tax revaluation and appraisal.

The information was a review – nothing new – but Vance County Manager C. Renee Perry said revaluation can be a complex topic, so another presentation of the overall process, including legal requirements and more, may be something that county residents can learn from.

Property owners can contact the tax office for additional support, and staff is prepared to answer questions as they come in.

The main takeaway is that appeals may be filed until June 3, but the Board of Equalization & Review can continue to hear appeals through December.

Vance Tax Administrator Portia Brooks is creating flyersabout the exemption programs that are offered as well, like for the elderly and disabled, and also for veterans.

So if you’re new to the reappraisal process and you’re new to the appeals process and you’re feeling like that your property had an increase in value that you do not agree with, then keep in mind a couple of things based on the presentation today, downtown by the county and the tax office.

The notices that property owners received recently aren’t tax bills – they simply include new appraisal values. Until the board of commissioners sets the tax rate, property owners won’t know how much tax they’ll owe on their property.

The last revaluation was done in 2018, and many property owners saw their tax bills go down. This probably won’t be the case in 2024, but it all depends on whether commissioners choose a tax rate that is revenue-neutral. The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet on Tuesday, May 28 to receive the proposed budget.

Not sure whether you should appeal your new appraisal value?

There’s basically a three-step process:

  1. review the information on file about your property at the Tax Office. You can view online to make sure the details are correct – number of bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. Or call the tax office to request a review of your property card.
  2. Compare your property to other properties that have recently sold. The revaluations are based on market value, so comps are important.
  3. If you still disagree with the reappraisal, you have to file the appeal online or in paper form and it needs to be received by June 3.

There also are programs that provide some relief for elderly, disabled and veterans. Visit https://www.vancecounty.org/departments/tax-overview/property-tax-relief-programs/ to find the necessary forms.

If you decide to appeal your revaluation, it’s important to bring supporting evidence with you. Think comparable prices if you’re appealing your home value. If it’s a business property, you’ll want to look at income and earnings.

But don’t go out and get another appraisal, because you won’t be comparing apples to apples. You’ll need a retrospective appraisal – one that looks at the property’s value as of Jan. 1, 2024.

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Commissioners to Hold Public Hearings on 2020-21 Budget, Middleburg Zoning


-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will conduct a FY 2020-21 Pre-Budget Public Hearing at 6 p.m., or shortly thereafter, on Monday, January 6, 2020, in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room at 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC.

The board will soon begin work on developing next year’s county budget and is interested in receiving suggestions and priorities from residents to help them in the development of the budget. This is one of two public hearings that will be held on the budget.

The county manager will submit a recommended budget in May and a second public hearing will be held on the proposed budget on June 1, 2020. The board will adopt the FY 2019-20 Budget no later than July 1, 2020.

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will also hold a public meeting on Monday, January 6, 2020, at 6 p.m., or shortly thereafter, to hear a recommendation from the Vance County Planning Board to approve an amendment adding the town limits of Middleburg to the Vance County Zoning Jurisdiction.

All interested parties are encouraged to attend and present their views on the matter.