Tag Archive for: #vancecountyartscouncil

Vance County Arts Council Presents ‘Tidings of Comfort and Joy’ Christmas Music

-Information courtesy the Vance County Arts Council Facebook page

The Vance County Arts Council presents “Tidings of Comfort and Joy” with Christmas music to soothe the soul on Saturday, November 24, 2018, at McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center. Music begins at 4 p.m. and admission is free.

Performers include “Brotherhood,” gospel recording artist Lynn Cooper, recording artist Ezekiel Taylor, Stella Jones, the Shiloh Baptist Liturgical Dancers, Marjorie Lewis, Tiffany Barnes, Alice Sallins, “Royalty” and “Small Wonder.”

Platinum sponsors are the North Carolina Art Council and Dr. Alice Clark Sallins. Bronze sponsors are Curtis Ellis and Michael Ellis.

Reminder: Trick or Treat in Downtown Henderson This Wed., Oct. 31

-Information courtesy Henderson’s Downtown Development website

Businesses in downtown Henderson will be offering Trick or Treat on Wednesday, October 31, 2018, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Garnett Street will be closed for traffic from 4 to 6 p.m.

Downtown businesses give out free candy to costumed children 12 and under during the event. Participating business will have an orange poster on their window.

It’s one of the largest events in our downtown, so come out to enjoy a safe and fun Halloween for the kids!

The Downtown Trick or Treat is organized by the Vance County Arts Council.