Tag Archive for: #vancecountyanimalshelter

‘Paws, Tails & Boots’ Veterans Dog Walk to Return to Vance Co. Animal Shelter

-Information and flyer courtesy Mark Ferri

The fall Veterans Dog Walk “Paws, Tails and Boots” will be held at the Vance County Animal Shelter, 1243 Brodie Rd., Henderson, on Saturday, October 13, 2018, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

The public is welcome, with veterans and first responders strongly encouraged to attend. Participants will be walking and interacting with selected shelter dogs in an effort to provide companionship and trust-building activities.

The event was founded by veteran and Vance County Animal Shelter volunteer Mark Ferri. Ferri began the program in 2016 as a way to raise awareness of the mental health issues faced by veterans.

For more information on the Vance County Animal Shelter and their services, please visit their website at https://www.vancecounty.org/departments/animal%20control/.

(This is not a paid advertisement)


Vance Co. Animal Shelter to Participate in ‘Clear the Shelters’ Free Adoption Event

-Information courtesy a press release from Capitol Broadcasting Company/WRAL-TV

WRAL-TV and MIX 101.5 WRAL-FM, in partnership with the Humane Society of the U.S., have teamed up with twelve local animal shelters to host Clear the Shelters, the fourth annual nationwide pet adoption drive.

This year, for the first time, the Vance County Animal Shelter will participate in this free adoption event on Saturday, August 18, 2018, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dogs, cats and even one rabbit will be available for adoption.

Each participating shelter will waive adoption fees as part of the nationwide NBCUniversal Clear the Shelters initiative for the day. A short application process will be required.

According to Vance County Animal Shelter Chief Frankie Nobles, all cats and dogs available for adoption will already be spayed or neutered, microchipped, dewormed and vaccinated.

Staff will be on-hand all day to help potential adopters select the right pet for their family and answer any questions.

“We are very excited to be able to participate this year,” said Nobles. “There are going to be a lot of animals adopted this weekend.”

In 2017, over 80,000 pets were adopted from 900 shelters across the country during the Clear the Shelters campaign. Locally, WRAL helped find homes for 1,195 pets.

In addition to the Vance County Animal Shelter, eleven other local animal shelters will participate in the Clear the Shelters event including: Animal Protection Society of Durham, Franklin County Animal Shelter, Harnett County Animal Shelter, Johnston County Animal Services, Orange County Animal Services, Paws4ever, Wake County Animal Center, SPCA of Wake County, Safe Haven for Cats, Wayne County Education and Animal Adoption Center and Cumberland County Animal Control.

Visit www.wral.com/lifestyles/pets/ to access more information about Clear the Shelters. A real-time pet “Adoption Tracker” will record the total number of pets that are adopted across all participating markets.

Also, tune in to WRAL-TV on Friday, August 24, 2018, at 7 p.m. for a 30-minute Clear the Shelters special featuring highlights from the national event, plus local pet adoption stories.

Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program Now Offered in Warren, Granville & Vance

Mary Cervini, founder of Community Partnership for Pets based out of Western NC, was recently on WIZS’ Town Talk to discuss her organization’s spay/neuter program now offered in partnership with the Warren County Animal Shelter and Warrenton Animal Clinic.

With $13,000 ear-marked for Warren County specifically, funding is available to assist qualifying, low-income Warren County families with the cost of surgery for their dog or cat.

Families must provide proof of income and may purchase their voucher at the Warren County Animal Shelter, 142 Rafters Lane, Warrenton. Dr. Amy O’Malley, veterinarian with the Warrenton Animal Clinic will perform the surgery locally.

Vouchers are $10 for cats and $20 for dogs of any size and cover the pet’s surgery, rabies and distemper vaccinations and pain medication.

For more information about this new program, please contact the Warren County Animal Shelter at (252) 257-6137.

Starting in Henderson County in 2005, Community Partnership for Pets currently provides funding for spay/neuter programs in Vance, Granville, Warren, Pitt, Polk and Rutherford counties.

According to Cervini, the program focuses on two main criteria when selecting a county to partner with: an increasing number of animals in county shelters and the percentage of the population living below the poverty line.

“People love their animals, regardless of income,” Cervini said. “Families that are struggling to put food on the table love their pets, but sometimes the cost of surgery is expensive.”

Cervini hopes that the affordable pricing of the surgery/vaccination package will help relieve the financial burden and bring attention to the importance of spaying or neutering pets. “We will never get to the end of homeless animals until we provide spay and neuter programs as well as adoption and rescue programs.”

Similar spay/neuter services are already available in Vance and Granville counties. To find out more about their programs, please call the Vance County Animal Shelter at (252) 492-3136 or the Granville County Animal Shelter at (919) 693-6749.

If you would like more information about Community Partnership for Pets and their statewide spay/neuter initiatives and/or to donate to the cause, please call (828) 693-5172 or visit www.communitypartnershipforpets.org. Donors may specify a specific county.

Veterans Dog Walk at Vance Co. Animal Shelter

The Vance County Animal Shelter, located at 1243 Brodie Rd in Henderson, will host a Veterans Dog Walk on Saturday, May 12, 2018, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

The public is welcome, with veterans and first responders strongly encouraged to attend. Participants will be walking and interacting with selected shelter dogs in an effort to provide companionship and trust-building activities.

The event, titled Paws, Tails and Boots, was founded by veteran and Vance County Animal Shelter volunteer Mark Ferri. Ferri began the program in 2016 as a way to raise awareness of the mental health issues faced by veterans.

According to Ferri, the event has grown with the support of both the Vance County Animal Shelter and Chief Frankie Nobles. “Frankie and his staff are like family to me,” Ferri said. “I couldn’t do it without them.”

Ferri believes that the veterans and dogs interact so well because “both of us have had traumatic experiences, both of us need help and both of us need each other.”

By working together, Ferri believes that the interaction is beneficial and healing to both human and dog. “When you take a dog for a walk, the veteran engages with the public, gets out of their shell and builds trust,” said Ferri. “The animal also enjoys the walk and builds trust in humans as well.”

While there, Ferri and other participants will be encouraging others who are eligible to commit to adopting a shelter animal, be it dog or cat.

According to Ferri, the only thing you need to do to participate in the event is to “bring some good walking shoes and a good attitude.”

For more information on the Vance County Animal Shelter and their services, please visit their website at https://www.vancecounty.org/departments/animal%20control/.

Community Partnership for Pets $10k Grant to Vance County

Community Partnership for Pets $10k Grant to Vance County

Frankie Nobles, Chief of Vance County Animal Services, told WIZS News in a press release that Vance County is the recipient of a $10,000.00 spay/neuter grant.

The grant was applied for on January 26, and Nobles indicated it would be used as follows:

  • Spay/Neuter for citizens in the community who are considered low income, but do not qualify for our free program.
  • Free spay/neuter and rabies vaccines for families turning in litters of puppies/kittens (Prevent a Litter)
  • Start a TNR program for cats in the community.

TNR stands for Trap-Neuter-Return.

Nobles said, “These funds will be a great help getting animals in the community spayed/neutered. We anticipate that with this assistance for more citizens, we will see fewer litters of puppies and kittens being brought into the shelter. We are also hoping to see our yearly intakes at the shelter decrease each year as we start a TNR program for feral cats in the community.”

Animals Need Your Care

When it’s this cold outside, animals need your care no matter where you live.  Bedding, water and shelter from the wind are critical.

Vance County Chief Animal Control Officer, Frankie Nobles, told WIZS, “The key thing is keeping shavings in the dog houses or blankets.  One thing about blankets is blankets get wet, then they do get cold, so make sure you change them our regularly if you’re going to have a blanket.  Make sure you keep fresh water to the animals.  This time of year, of course, it’s going to freeze.  Get that ice out and get them some fresh water.”

Nobles said stray animals that are out all the time tend to be “street smart” in that they know where to find shelter.  Domestic animals are dependent on their owners.  He said, “The wind is the biggest thing that hurts them.  If that wind is blowing, if they can get somewhere where they can keep it blocked off, they can pretty well survive, but that wind really gets them.”

Animals at the Vance County Animal Shelter need supplies and care too, and despite the shelter being a new and warm facility, it is full of dogs at this time.  Nobles said, “Well, right now we are at capacity with the dog situation pretty much — big dogs, adult dogs you know.   What people don’t realize or understand is we have somebody on call 24 hours a day 365 days a year so animals are constantly coming into that shelter no matter if the doors are closed to the public, they’re still coming in.  But, this time of year, the community always supports us and we always get donations, so the community is real good about standing behind us this time of year.”

Nobles appeared on WIZS TownTalk on Thursday, Dec 28, 2017 from 11 a.m. until 11:25 a.m., and the full show can be heard by clicking here.  He praised the community, individuals and larger organizations here in this area for fantastic support.

Vance Shelter Needs Supplies

The Vance County Animal Shelter is in need of supplies.  If you are attending “Dog Walk For Veterans” on Saturday, or not, you can still stop by, check out the shelter, see about volunteering and drop of supplies.

For more about “Dog Walk For Veterans” — click here.

Frankie Nobles, the chief animal control officer for Vance County, told WIZS News the shelter’s wish list of needed items includes: fleece blankets; dog/puppy beds; rubber/plastic chew toys; non-clumping cat litter; kitten food (small bites); milk replacer for kittens/puppies; laundry detergent; blue dawn dish soap; kitchen trash bags; flea/tick meds, sprays; gallon ziploc bags; XL dog crates; and bleach.


Dog Walk For Veterans

Mark Ferri is a local volunteer at The Vance County Animal Shelter.  He joined WIZS for TownTalk Today at about the 11:40 a.m. Mark in the show.  He is also a veteran.

It turns out that walking a dog is both good for the animal and good for the person, especially as it can help ease the mind of a veteran who may be suffering from any number of stresses.

For whatever reason or for no reason other than wanting to volunteer, you can walk a dog at the shelter too.

Dog Walk For Veterans (and others) is this Saturday, November 4, 2017 from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m.  The shelter is located at 1243 Brodie Road in Henderson.  252-492-3136.

It is anticipated that this walking program will both increase volunteerism at the shelter as well as adoptions.

Online – https://www.vancecounty.org/departments/animal-control/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOfVanceCountyAnimalShelter

Vance County Animal Control to Offer Free Rabies Clinic

On Saturday, April 22nd, Vance County Animal Control will have a free rabies clinic at Great Zion Holiness Church in Henderson.

Vance County Animal Control requests that you have your dogs on a leash and your cats in carriers.

This is an opportunity to get your pet’s rabies vaccine updated.

You do not have to be a Vance County resident to attend the clinic.

The event will take place from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Greater Zion Holiness Church is located at 804 Flint Street in the City of Henderson.

Old Vance County Animal Shelter Building Under Discussion

To the Press:

Please be informed that the county’s properties committee (Brummit, Kelly, Wilder) is scheduled to meet Thursday, January 26 at 4:00 p.m. to discuss the old animal shelter building. The meeting will be held in the administrative conference room.

All commissioners are invited to attend.


Thank you,

Kelly H. Grissom

Clerk to Board/Executive Asst.

County of Vance

122 Young Street, Suite B

Henderson, NC 27536

Phone: 252-738-2003

Fax: 252-738-2039


(Info received via email to the local press)