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TownTalk: Rodeo This Weekend at Franklin Brothers Nursery Sunday, March 16

Franklin Brothers Nursery is hosting a rodeo this weekend, featuring barrel racing and more. Thomas Franklin said it’s wholesome entertainment for the whole family to enjoy.

And Franklin has plans for more shows in the future – it’s all part of an overall vision to make the best use of the property.  This is just the beginning, he said on Tuesday’s TownTalk.

Barrel racers of all ages are invited to come out and take part in the show, which will begin at 9 a.m. on Sunday, Mar. 16 at 9 a.m. with a barrel racing exhibition. Cowboy Church starts at 11 a.m. and the different classes – including barrels, pole bending, speed barrel goat tying and dummy roping – begin at 12 noon.

This show is part of the Taylor Digh Series and barrel racers compete at various TD-sanctioned shows to earn points.

Digh is a trainer from Benson who trains a lot of horses and trains a lot of kids to be competitive in the classic rodeo event that involves horses and riders speeding around a set of three barrels in a cloverleaf pattern.

His own daughter, Bailey, participates in the TD series and Franklin said as a parent, he couldn’t be happier about seeing her go do her best at what she loves to do in a competitive environment and then step back and be able to socialize with others in a healthy, outdoor setting.

“We’re looking forward to a wonderful show,” he said, adding that he expects anywhere from 50 or 60 to as many as 100 competitors to attend. Some competitors are competing for points and prizes that will be awarded at the end of the season, but anyone with a horse is welcome to trailer it over and compete on Sunday.

There will be additional prizes – saddles and other tack, and more – that will be given as prizes in each division of the barrel race classes: PeeWee, Elementary, Middle School, High School and Open (which is for youth of any age as well as adults).

Admission is $3 and there’s a $5 entry fee for riders.

Franklin said it’s thrilling to watch the riders “ripping through an arena, spinning around barrels.”

For the uninitiated, barrel racing involves a horse and rider running around three barrels set up in the shape of a triangle. The horse/rider team runs around each barrel to create the cloverleaf pattern. The team that does it the fastest without knocking over a barrel is the winner.

There will be food trucks on site as well on Sunday, and Franklin said the plan is to have more shows in the future.

For more information about the TD Series, contact Dye at 704.689.3013.

For more information about Sunday’s event, contact Franklin at 919.702.3839.

Franklin Brothers Nursery is located at 3193 Vicksboro Rd.

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