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Tar River Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Meeting Jan 28th

There will be a public meeting on Thursday, Jan. 28 to discuss updates to the Tar River Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan, which covers Franklin, Granville, Vance and Warren counties. The virtual meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. and will discuss next steps to update the hazard mitigation plan. The plan outlines steps to prepare, respond and reduce losses in the event of floods, severe storms, wildfires, extreme winter weather and other natural hazards.

Local governments are required to develop a hazard mitigation plan as a condition for receiving certain types of non-emergency disaster assistance, including funding for hazard mitigation projects, which stems from passage of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000.

The upcoming meeting is the part of the first of six steps that will be addressed in the update, according to information from area emergency management officials. In addition to public outreach is risk assessment, capability assessment, mitigation strategy development, plan maintenance and plan adoption. The updated plan is expected to be ready for review by the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency by June 2021.

In addition to two open public meetings, residents of the four counties are invited to complete a survey. Find the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MPWRNC2 and to visit the Tar River Hazard Mitigation Planning website click on https://gis.aecomonline.net/irisk2/NCHMP.aspx?region=30.

If you would like to attend the meeting, use the following links and information:

Join on your computer or mobile app by CLICKING HERE TO JOIN THE MEETING or use this link BY CLICKING HERE.  Or call in (audio only) (877) 286-5733,,456918094#  (Toll-free) Phone Conference ID: 456 918 094#

Updates and draft documents will be available on the website during the planning process, which began in September 2020.

Granville County Emergency Management is leading this regional effort. The planning committee is made up of local officials, representatives, and key stakeholders.

To learn more about the project, contact any of the emergency management coordinators below:

Robin Edwards, Granville County

919.603.1310 / robin.edwards@granvillecounty.org

Brian Short, Vance County

252.438.8264 / bshort@vancecounty.org

Dennis Paschall, Warren County

252.257.1191 / dennispaschall@warrentcountync.gov

Christy Shearin, Franklin County

919.291.9420 / chearin@franklincountync.us