SportsTalk: Stallings Prepares Vance Charter For Fall Sports
After taking off the month of June to unwind and enjoy a bit of family time, Vance Charter Athletic Director Lance Stallings is back at work getting the Knights’ athletic programs ready for fall activities. Stallings was a guest on Thursday’s SportsTalk with Bill Harris and George Hoyle.
Stallings says that tryouts for volleyball and men’s soccer will get underway on Monday. “We have about 20 to 22 kids expected for soccer and enough girls for volleyball that we will have a JV program,” Stallings said. Volleyball and soccer are just the beginning for Stallings and the Knights. Vance Charter’s cross country program starts on August 2nd, women’s golf and tennis gets going on August 9th and middle school tryouts will be August 14th. This will be the first year Vance Charter will field boy’s and girl’s tennis at the middle school level.
It won’t be long before the first games are here with volleyball opening the season on August 15th, and men’s soccer will start the day before with a game against Falls Lake.
The secret for Stallings when juggling this busy time of year? “Get ahead in July and stay there,” Stallings said.