Tag Archive for: #schoolreentryplans

Vance County Schools Logo

Vance County Schools Re-entry Plans Ready; Just Need Date

The Vance County School system has been hard at work on a re-entry plan for students, and this week at the Vance County Board of Education meeting that re-entry plan was approved.

No date was set.

VCS Public Information Officer Aarika Sandlin provided the information in her latest board briefs.  She wrote, “The Board of Education approved the re-entry plan for students; however, the re-entry date was not determined. The Board of Education will continue to review metrics, along with discussions with The ABC Science Collaborative, NCDHHS and Granville Vance Public Health.

“The re-entry plan approved allowed for two days of face-to-face instruction and a staggered entry, beginning with PreK, K and 6 grades, followed by grades 1 and 2 and then grades 3-5. Additionally, self-contained EC students in grades PreK-12 begin re-entry.”

The plan will allow any student wishing to remain fully remote to do so, with live instruction on specific days and times.

Sandlin can be heard each morning on WIZS at 7:45 and each afternoon during the WIZS Local News with school information.

Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson will join WIZS on TownTalk Tuesday, December 22 at 11am.

Granville County Public Schools

GCPS Addresses Possible Re-Entry Plans for Fall, Announces Special Called Board Meetings


-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

Public School Districts throughout the state have been receiving guidance from both the DHHS and NCDPI about what school might look like on August 17, 2020. Two specific documents may be found at this link HERE. As outlined specifically in the “Lighting Our Way” document from the state, all public schools have been preparing three separate ‘re-entry’ plans for this fall.

Under Plan A, Granville County Public Schools (GCPS) would begin school with minimal social distancing. This means all students and staff would report to school, much like in a regular year, but with special safety and cleaning practices in place.

Under Plan B, GCPS would begin school with moderate social distancing. This means that only some students would physically report to school at any given time. Under this plan, school districts would have some type of alternating schedule for different groups of students. These schedules could look different at the elementary, middle and high school levels.

Under Plan C, no students would physically report to school in the fall. Instead, all learning would occur remotely, either through connected technology devices and/or hard copies of instructional materials and assignments.

Governor Roy Cooper will make an announcement by July 1, 2020, about which of these three plans will be in place for the start of the school year. School districts may choose a more restrictive plan than what he announces, but may NOT decide locally to have a less restrictive plan.

GCPS has been busy planning details for what each of these three plans will require. Plan A, which is the least restrictive, looks a lot like “regular school,” just with more cleaning and attention to the health and safety of all students and staff.

Plan C, which is the most restrictive, looks a lot like what happened in our schools this past spring. We have been working hard to plan for improvements in both the quality and range of service and support for students and families should this plan be implemented.

Plan B, of course, is in the middle. Under this plan, districts have flexibility in choosing how to create alternating schedules and services for students and their families. To date, we have more than 4,500 parent responses to the two surveys we have administered. Part of the questions on this survey will help inform our Board of Education in determining what Plan B looks like.

On Monday, June 29, our Board will be holding a special called meeting. Part of this meeting will be reserved for discussion and sharing of information about these three plans, with a specific focus on what Plan B might look like for our district.

The Board also plans to hold a special meeting on July 2, 2020, after the Governor makes his announcement, to officially vote on and approve a plan for the school district.

It is also important for GCPS families to know that if Plan A or Plan B are implemented, we realize that there are many who may not feel comfortable sending their children back to school. Some children and their family members may be at a higher risk for the virus or simply are not ready to physically return to school. If either Plan A or Plan B are put in place, we will have blended and remote learning options available for these families. We want to make sure that there are options for everyone.

Finally, we want everyone to know that regardless of which of the three plans are chosen by the Governor, we are making specific plans to provide strong support for any students with special needs. We will also be making sure to continue our meal service programs so that no children go hungry during these difficult times.

We thank you for your support and patience and will continue to provide updates with any new information or decisions as they are made. We are all, indeed, in this together!